Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Blocked matrix multiplication.
 * TODO slower than transpose, sometimes similar timing to naive.
 * Why do they say that this is better?
 * */
void mat_mul_cpu_block(const F *A, const F *B, F *C, size_t n, Cache *cache) {
    size_t ib, jb, kb, i, j, k, i_max, j_max, k_max, nb ;
    F tmp;

    nb = lround(sqrt(n));
    for (ib = 0; ib < n; ib += nb) {
        i_max = zmin(ib + nb, n);
        for (jb = 0; jb < n; jb += nb) {
            k_max = zmin(jb + nb, n);
            for (kb = 0; kb < n; kb += nb) {
                j_max = zmin(kb + nb, n);

                /* TODO would be cool to recurse here, but would require more offset parameters,
                 * likely similar to tose of CBLAS. */
                for (i = ib; i < i_max; ++i) {
                    for (j = kb; j < j_max; ++j) {
                        tmp = 0.0;
                        for (k = jb; k < k_max; ++k) {
                            tmp += A[i*n+k] * B[k*n+j];
                        C[i*n+j] += tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // We create packets and directly fill each zBuffer tile. Note that we
  // really store t values
  void TaskRayTraceHiZ::run(size_t taskID)
    const uint32 taskX = taskID % this->taskXNum;
    const uint32 taskY = taskID / this->taskXNum;
    const uint32 startX = taskX * this->width;
    const uint32 startY = taskY * this->height;
    const uint32 endX = startX + this->width;
    const uint32 endY = startY + this->height;
    uint32 tileY = startY / HiZ::Tile::height;

    for (uint32 y = startY; y < endY; y += RayPacket::height, ++tileY) {
      uint32 tileX = startX / HiZ::Tile::width;
      for (uint32 x = startX; x < endX; x += RayPacket::width, ++tileX) {
        RayPacket pckt;
        PacketHit hit;
        gen.generate(pckt, x, y);
        intersector->traverse(pckt, hit);
        ssef zmin(inf), zmax(neg_inf);
        const uint32 tileID = tileX + tileY * zBuffer->tileXNum;
        PF_ASSERT(tileID < zBuffer->tileNum);
        HiZ::Tile &tile = zBuffer->tiles[tileID];
        for (uint32 chunkID = 0; chunkID < HiZ::Tile::chunkNum; ++chunkID) {
          //const ssef t = hit.t[chunkID];
          const ssef t = hit.t[chunkID] *dot(sse3f(view.x,view.y,view.z), pckt.dir[chunkID]);
          tile.z[chunkID] = t;
          zmin = min(zmin, t);
          zmax = max(zmax, t);
        tile.zmin = reduce_min(zmin)[0];
        tile.zmax = reduce_max(zmax)[0];
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Like row private, but to reduce global memory accesses,
 * we copy only once per work group to local memory.
 * Each work group contains a few rows of A.
 * We load the first column, multiply all rows by that column, synrhconize,
 * load another column, and so on.
 * This leads to a thread blockage / memory access tradeoff.
 * We make work groups as large as possible to reload memory less times. */
void mat_mul_cl_row_priv_col_local(const F *A, const F *B, F *C, size_t n, Cache *cache) {
    char options[256];
    cl_uint ncl;
    size_t global_work_size, local_work_size, mat_sizeof;

    /* Setup variables. */
    global_work_size = n;
    mat_sizeof = n * n * sizeof(F);
    ncl = n;

    /* Run kernel. */
    snprintf(options, sizeof(options), "-DPRIV_ROW_SIZE=%ju", n);
    common_create_kernel_file(&cache->common, "matmul_row_priv_col_local.cl", options);
    local_work_size = 0;
    clGetDeviceInfo(cache->common.device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(local_work_size), &local_work_size, NULL);
    local_work_size = zmin(local_work_size, n);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_a, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)A, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_b, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)B, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 0, sizeof(cache->buf_a), &cache->buf_a);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 1, sizeof(cache->buf_b), &cache->buf_b);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 2, sizeof(cache->buf_c), &cache->buf_c);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 3, n * sizeof(F), NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 4, sizeof(ncl), &ncl);
    clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cache->common.command_queue, cache->common.kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueReadBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_c, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, C, 0, NULL, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Instance::transformBoundingBox()
    auto b = i->getBoundingBox();
    BoundingBox bb;
    for(int i = 0; i <= RayTracer::getInstance()->maxTime; ++i)
        std::set<double> x,y,z;
        auto m = makeMatrices(i);
        auto p = Vector(b.xmin(i),0,0);
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        p = Vector(b.xmax(i),0,0);
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        p = Vector(0,b.ymin(i),0);
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        p = Vector(0,b.ymax(i),0);
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        p = Vector(0,0,b.zmin(i));
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        p = Vector(0,0,b.zmax(i));
        p = transformLoc(m.first, p);
        bb.xmin.addFrame(i, *x.begin());
        bb.xmax.addFrame(i, *x.rbegin());
        bb.ymin.addFrame(i, *y.begin());
        bb.ymax.addFrame(i, *y.rbegin());
        bb.zmin.addFrame(i, *z.begin());
        bb.zmax.addFrame(i, *z.rbegin());
    bbox = bb;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Copy as many cols from B as possibl to the local memory, only then start multiplying.
 * This leads to less memory barrier hits.
 * How many rows we copy is limited by the local memory size, ideally the entire matrix will fit. */
void mat_mul_cl_row_priv_cols_local(const F *A, const F *B, F *C, size_t n, Cache *cache) {
    char options[256];
    cl_uint ncl, n_local_cols;
    cl_ulong local_mem_size;
    size_t col_size, global_work_size, local_work_size, mat_sizeof;

    /* Setup variables. */
    col_size = n * sizeof(F);
    global_work_size = n;
    mat_sizeof = n * n * sizeof(F);
    ncl = n;

    /* Run kernel. */
    snprintf(options, sizeof(options), "-DPRIV_ROW_SIZE=%ju", n);
    common_create_kernel_file(&cache->common, "matmul_row_priv_cols_local.cl", options);
    local_work_size = 0;
    clGetDeviceInfo(cache->common.device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(local_work_size), &local_work_size, NULL);
    local_work_size = zmin(local_work_size, n);
    local_mem_size = 0;
    clGetDeviceInfo(cache->common.device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(local_mem_size), &local_mem_size, NULL);
    /* TODO: can blow up without that - 1. Why?
     * It only reaches the max without it, not crosses, right?
     * So bug in the kernel? */
    n_local_cols = zmin(local_mem_size / col_size, n) - 1;
    /*printf("max memory %llu\n", (unsigned long long)local_mem_size);*/
    /*printf("n_local_cols %llu\n", (unsigned long long)n_local_cols);*/
    /*printf("memory %llu\n", (unsigned long long)n_local_cols * n * sizeof(F));*/
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_a, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)A, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_b, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)B, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 0, sizeof(cache->buf_a), &cache->buf_a);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 1, sizeof(cache->buf_b), &cache->buf_b);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 2, sizeof(cache->buf_c), &cache->buf_c);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 3, n_local_cols * col_size, NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 4, sizeof(ncl), &ncl);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 5, sizeof(n_local_cols), &n_local_cols);
    clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cache->common.command_queue, cache->common.kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueReadBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_c, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, C, 0, NULL, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void mat_mul_cl_block(const F *A, const F *B, F *C, size_t n, Cache *cache) {
    cl_uint ncl, nblkcl;
    size_t global_work_size[2], local_work_size[2], mat_sizeof, nblk;

    /* Setup variables. */
    global_work_size[0] = n;
    global_work_size[1] = n;
    mat_sizeof = n * n * sizeof(F);
    ncl = n;

    /* Run kernel. */
    common_create_kernel_file(&cache->common, "matmul_block.cl", NULL);
    clGetDeviceInfo(cache->common.device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(nblk), &nblk, NULL);
    nblk = sqrt(zmin(nblk, n));
    nblk = zmin(nblk, 3);
    nblkcl = nblk;
    local_work_size[0] = nblk;
    local_work_size[1] = nblk;
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_a, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)A, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_b, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, (F*)B, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 0, sizeof(cache->buf_a), &cache->buf_a);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 1, sizeof(cache->buf_b), &cache->buf_b);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 2, sizeof(cache->buf_c), &cache->buf_c);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 3, nblk * nblk * sizeof(F), NULL);
    printf("nblk = %llu\n", (unsigned long long)nblk);
    printf("local memory = %llu\n", (unsigned long long)2 * nblk * nblk * sizeof(F));
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 4, nblk * nblk * sizeof(F), NULL);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 5, sizeof(ncl), &ncl);
    clSetKernelArg(cache->common.kernel, 6, sizeof(nblkcl), &nblkcl);
        cache->common.command_queue, cache->common.kernel, 2, NULL,
        global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL
    clEnqueueReadBuffer(cache->common.command_queue, cache->buf_c, CL_TRUE, 0, mat_sizeof, C, 0, NULL, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/// Retrieves the map name from 'string' (removing .gat extension if present).
/// Result gets placed either into 'buf' or in a static local buffer.
const char* mapindex_getmapname(const char* string, char* output) {
	static char buf[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
	char* dest = (output != NULL) ? output : buf;

	size_t len = strnlen(string, MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT);
	if (len == MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT) {
		ShowWarning("(mapindex_normalize_name) Map name '%*s' is too long!\n", 2*MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT, string);
	if (len >= 4 && stricmp(&string[len-4], ".gat") == 0)
		len -= 4; // strip .gat extension

	len = zmin(len, MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1);
	safestrncpy(dest, string, len+1);
	memset(&dest[len], '\0', MAP_NAME_LENGTH-len);

	return dest;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int inter_pet_fromsql(int pet_id, struct s_pet* p)
	char* data;
	size_t len;

#ifdef NOISY
	ShowInfo("Loading pet (%d)...\n",pet_id);
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct s_pet));

	//`pet` (`pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incubate`)

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incubate` FROM `%s` WHERE `pet_id`='%d'", schema_config.pet_db, pet_id) )
		return 0;

	if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		p->pet_id = pet_id;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  1, &data, NULL); p->class_ = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  2, &data, &len); memcpy(p->name, data, zmin(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  3, &data, NULL); p->account_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  4, &data, NULL); p->char_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  5, &data, NULL); p->level = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  6, &data, NULL); p->egg_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  7, &data, NULL); p->equip = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  8, &data, NULL); p->intimate = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  9, &data, NULL); p->hungry = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 10, &data, NULL); p->rename_flag = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 11, &data, NULL); p->incubate = atoi(data);


		p->hungry = cap_value(p->hungry, 0, 100);
		p->intimate = cap_value(p->intimate, 0, 1000);

		if( charserv_config.save_log )
			ShowInfo("Pet loaded (%d - %s).\n", pet_id, p->name);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// called when we want to draw the 3D data in our app.
void draw3D()
	const float DEG_TO_RAD = PI / 180.0f;
	const Vec3 xAxis(1.0f, 0, 0);
	const Vec3 yAxis(0, 1.0f, 0);

	translate(0, 0, -g_zoom);
	translate(g_tx, g_ty, 0);
	rotate(g_rotx * DEG_TO_RAD, xAxis);
	rotate(g_roty * DEG_TO_RAD, yAxis);

	// draw the grid on the floor
	setColour(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
	for(float i = -10.0f; i <= 10.1f; i += 1.0f)
		Vec3 zmin(i, 0, -10);
		Vec3 zmax(i, 0,  10);
		Vec3 xmin(-10, 0, i);
		Vec3 xmax(10, 0, i);
		drawLine(xmin, xmax);
		drawLine(zmin, zmax);
int tester()
  std::vector<std::string> neutrals;
  std::vector<std::string> ions;
//ionic system contains neutral system
  ions = neutrals;
  Scalar MN(14.008L), MC(12.011), MH(1.008L);
  Scalar MN2 = 2.L*MN , MCH4 = MC + 4.L*MH, MC2H = 2.L * MC + MH;
  std::vector<Scalar> Mm;

  std::vector<Scalar> molar_frac;
  Scalar dens_tot(1e12L);

//hard sphere radius
  std::vector<Scalar> hard_sphere_radius;
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(2.0675e-8L * 1e-2L); //N2  in cm -> m
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(2.3482e-8L * 1e-2L); //CH4 in cm -> m
  hard_sphere_radius.push_back(0.L); //C2H

//zenith angle
//not necessary

//photon flux
//not necessary

//not necessary

  Scalar zmin(600.),zmax(1400.),zstep(10.);

//binary diffusion
  Scalar bCN1(1.04e-5 * 1e-4),bCN2(1.76); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType CN_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Wakeham);
  Scalar bCC1(5.73e16 * 1e-4),bCC2(0.5); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType CC_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Wilson);
  Scalar bNN1(0.1783 * 1e-4),bNN2(1.81); //cm2 -> m2
  Planet::DiffusionType NN_model(Planet::DiffusionType::Massman);

 * first level

  Planet::Altitude<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar> > altitude(zmin,zmax,zstep);

  Antioch::ChemicalMixture<Scalar> neutral_species(neutrals); 

  Antioch::ChemicalMixture<Scalar> ionic_species(ions); 

//not needed

//binary diffusion
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2N2(   Antioch::Species::N2,  Antioch::Species::N2 , bNN1, bNN2, NN_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2CH4(  Antioch::Species::N2,  Antioch::Species::CH4, bCN1, bCN2, CN_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> CH4CH4( Antioch::Species::CH4, Antioch::Species::CH4, bCC1, bCC2, CC_model);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> N2C2H( Antioch::Species::N2, Antioch::Species::C2H);
  Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> CH4C2H( Antioch::Species::CH4, Antioch::Species::C2H);
  std::vector<std::vector<Planet::BinaryDiffusion<Scalar> > > bin_diff_coeff;

 * second level

  std::vector<Scalar> T0,Tz;
  std::vector<Scalar> neutral_temperature;
  Planet::AtmosphericTemperature<Scalar, std::vector<Scalar> > temperature(neutral_temperature, neutral_temperature, altitude);

//photon opacity
//not needed

//reaction sets
//not needed

 * third level

//atmospheric mixture
  Planet::AtmosphericMixture<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > composition(neutral_species, ionic_species, altitude, temperature);

//kinetics evaluators
//not needed

 * fourth level

//photon evaluator
//not needed

//molecular diffusion
  Planet::MolecularDiffusionEvaluator<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar>, std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > > molecular_diffusion(bin_diff_coeff,

//eddy diffusion
//not needed

 * checks

  molar_frac.pop_back();//get the ion outta here
  Scalar Matm(0.L);
  for(unsigned int s = 0; s < molar_frac.size(); s++)
     Matm += molar_frac[s] * composition.neutral_composition().M(s);
  Matm *= 1e-3L; //to kg

  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > densities;
  calculate_densities(densities, dens_tot, molar_frac, zmin,zmax,zstep, temperature.neutral_temperature(), Mm);
//N2, CH4, C2H
  std::vector<std::vector<Scalar> > Dij;

  int return_flag(0);
  for(unsigned int iz = 0; iz < altitude.altitudes().size(); iz++)
      Scalar P = pressure(composition.total_density()[iz],temperature.neutral_temperature()[iz]);
      Scalar T = temperature.neutral_temperature()[iz];
      Dij[0][0] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bNN1,bNN2); //N2 N2
      Dij[1][1] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bCC1 * Antioch::ant_pow(Planet::Constants::Convention::T_standard<Scalar>(),bCC2 + Scalar(1.L)) 
                                              * Planet::Constants::Universal::kb<Scalar>()
                                              / Planet::Constants::Convention::P_normal<Scalar>(),bCC2 + Scalar(1.L)); //CH4 CH4
      Dij[0][1] = binary_coefficient(T,P,bCN1 * Antioch::ant_pow(Planet::Constants::Convention::T_standard<Scalar>(),bCN2),bCN2); //N2 CH4
      Dij[0][2] = binary_coefficient(Dij[0][0],Mm[0],Mm[2]); //N2 C2H
      Dij[1][2] = binary_coefficient(Dij[1][1],Mm[1],Mm[2]); //CH4 C2H
      Dij[1][0] = Dij[0][1]; //CH4 N2
      for(unsigned int s = 0; s < molar_frac.size(); s++)
        Scalar tmp(0.L);
        Scalar M_diff(0.L);
        for(unsigned int medium = 0; medium < 2; medium++)
           if(s == medium)continue;
           tmp += densities[medium][iz]/Dij[medium][s];
        Scalar Ds = (barometry(zmin,altitude.altitudes()[iz],neutral_temperature[iz],Matm,dens_tot) - densities[s][iz]) / tmp;
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < molar_frac.size(); j++)
           if(s == j)continue;
           M_diff += composition.total_density()[iz] * composition.neutral_molar_fraction()[j][iz] * composition.neutral_composition().M(j);
        M_diff /= Scalar(molar_frac.size() - 1);
        Scalar Dtilde = Ds / (Scalar(1.L) - composition.neutral_molar_fraction()[s][iz] * (Scalar(1.L) - composition.neutral_composition().M(s)/M_diff));

        return_flag = return_flag ||
                      check_test(Dtilde,molecular_diffusion.Dtilde()[s][iz],"D tilde of species at altitude");

      return_flag = return_flag ||
                    check_test(Dij[0][0],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,0,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 N2 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[0][1],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,1,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 CH4 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[0][2],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(0,2,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient N2 C2H at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[1][1],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(1,1,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient CH4 CH4 at altitude") || 
                    check_test(Dij[1][2],molecular_diffusion.binary_coefficient(1,2,T,P),"binary molecular coefficient CH4 C2H at altitude");

  return return_flag;
Ejemplo n.º 11
* Initializing autotraders from table
void do_init_buyingstore_autotrade( void ) {
	if(battle_config.feature_autotrade) {
		if (Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
			"SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `sex`, `title`, `limit`, `body_direction`, `head_direction`, `sit` "
			"FROM `%s` "
			"WHERE `autotrade` = 1 AND `limit` > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(`buyingstore_id`) FROM `%s` WHERE `buyingstore_id` = `id`) > 0 "
			"ORDER BY `id`;",
			buyingstores_table, buyingstore_items_table ) != SQL_SUCCESS )

		if( Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) > 0 ) {
			uint16 items = 0;
			DBIterator *iter = NULL;
			struct s_autotrader *at = NULL;

			// Init each autotrader data
			while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle)) {
				size_t len;
				char* data;

				at = NULL;
				CREATE(at, struct s_autotrader, 1);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->account_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->char_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); at->sex = (data[0] == 'F') ? 0 : 1;
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, &len); safestrncpy(at->title, data, zmin(len + 1, MESSAGE_SIZE));
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); at->limit = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); at->dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); at->head_dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); at->sit = atoi(data);
				at->count = 0;

				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction >= 0)
					at->dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction >= 0)
					at->head_dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit >= 0)
					at->sit = battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit;

				// initialize player
				CREATE(at->sd, struct map_session_data, 1);
				pc_setnewpc(at->sd, at->account_id, at->char_id, 0, gettick(), at->sex, 0);
				at->sd->state.autotrade = 1|4;
				at->sd->state.monster_ignore = (battle_config.autotrade_monsterignore);
				chrif_authreq(at->sd, true);
				uidb_put(buyingstore_autotrader_db, at->char_id, at);
			// Init items for each autotraders
			iter = db_iterator(buyingstore_autotrader_db);
			for (at = (struct s_autotrader *)dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); at = (struct s_autotrader *)dbi_next(iter)) {
				uint16 j = 0;

				if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
					"SELECT `item_id`, `amount`, `price` "
					"FROM `%s` "
					"WHERE `buyingstore_id` = %d "
					"ORDER BY `index` ASC;",
					buyingstore_items_table, at->id ) )

				if (!(at->count = (uint16)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle))) {
					buyingstore_autotrader_remove(at, true);
				//Init the list
				CREATE(at->entries, struct s_autotrade_entry *,at->count);

				//Add the item into list
				j = 0;
				while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && j < at->count) {
					char *data;
					CREATE(at->entries[j], struct s_autotrade_entry, 1);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->item_id = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->amount = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->price = atoi(data);
				items += j;

			ShowStatus("Done loading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' buyingstore autotraders with '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' items.\n", db_size(buyingstore_autotrader_db), items);
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Wisp/page request to send
int mapif_parse_WisRequest(int fd)
	struct WisData* wd;
	char name[NAME_LENGTH];
	char esc_name[NAME_LENGTH*2+1];// escaped name
	char* data;
	size_t len;

	if ( fd <= 0 ) {return 0;} // check if we have a valid fd

	if (RFIFOW(fd,2)-52 >= sizeof(wd->msg)) {
		ShowWarning("inter: Wis message size too long.\n");
		return 0;
	} else if (RFIFOW(fd,2)-52 <= 0) { // normaly, impossible, but who knows...
		ShowError("inter: Wis message doesn't exist.\n");
		return 0;

	safestrncpy(name, RFIFOCP(fd,28), NAME_LENGTH); //Received name may be too large and not contain \0! [Skotlex]

	Sql_EscapeStringLen(sql_handle, esc_name, name, strnlen(name, NAME_LENGTH));
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `name` FROM `%s` WHERE `name`='%s'", schema_config.char_db, esc_name) )

	// search if character exists before to ask all map-servers
	if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		unsigned char buf[27];
		WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0x3802;
		memcpy(WBUFP(buf, 2), RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
		WBUFB(buf,26) = 1; // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
		chmapif_send(fd, buf, 27);
	{// Character exists. So, ask all map-servers
		// to be sure of the correct name, rewrite it
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, &len);
		memset(name, 0, NAME_LENGTH);
		memcpy(name, data, zmin(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		// if source is destination, don't ask other servers.
		if( strncmp(RFIFOCP(fd,4), name, NAME_LENGTH) == 0 )
			uint8 buf[27];
			WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0x3802;
			memcpy(WBUFP(buf, 2), RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
			WBUFB(buf,26) = 1; // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
			chmapif_send(fd, buf, 27);
			static int wisid = 0;

			CREATE(wd, struct WisData, 1);

			// Whether the failure of previous wisp/page transmission (timeout)

			wd->id = ++wisid;
			wd->fd = fd;
			wd->len= RFIFOW(fd,2)-52;
			memcpy(wd->src, RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
			memcpy(wd->dst, RFIFOP(fd,28), NAME_LENGTH);
			memcpy(wd->msg, RFIFOP(fd,52), wd->len);
			wd->tick = gettick();
			idb_put(wis_db, wd->id, wd);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void _Resist_cpu (int idx, int idy, int idz, int idx1, int idy1, int idz1, int idx2, int idy2, int idz2, Field *B1, Field *B2, Field *Emf, Field2D *Eta) {


  real* b1 = B1->field_cpu;
  real* b2 = B2->field_cpu;
  real* emf = Emf->field_cpu;
  real* eta = Eta->field_cpu;
  real dx = Dx;
  int pitch  = Pitch_cpu;
  int pitch2d = Pitch2D;
  int stride = Stride_cpu;
  int size_x = XIP; 
  int size_y = Ny+2*NGHY-1;
  int size_z = Nz+2*NGHZ-1;

  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  int l1m;
  int l2m;
  int ll;
  real diff1;
  real diff2;

// real ymin(Ny+2*NGHY+1);
// real zmin(Nz+2*NGHZ+1);

  for (k=1; k<size_z; k++) {
    for (j=1; j<size_y; j++) {
      for (i=XIM; i<size_x; i++) {
	ll = l;
	l1m = lxm*idx1+lym*idy1+lzm*idz1;
	l2m = lxm*idx2+lym*idy2+lzm*idz2;
	/* Ideally it should not be the zone size but the distance
	   between zone centers. The different is very minute here and
	   does not matter */
	diff1 = zone_size_x(j,k)*idx1+zone_size_y(j,k)*idy1+zone_size_z(j,k)*idz1;
	diff2 = zone_size_x(j,k)*idx2+zone_size_y(j,k)*idy2+zone_size_z(j,k)*idz2;
	emf[ll] += eta[l2D]*((b2[ll]-b2[l1m])/diff1-(b1[ll]-b1[l2m])/diff2);
	if (idz1+idz2 == 0) // Considering vertical component of Emf
	  emf[ll] -= eta[l2D]*(b1[ll]+b1[l2m])*.5/ymin(j); 
//Note that (phi,r,z) has a left-handed orientation.
	if (idy1+idy2 == 0) // Considering radial component of Emf
	  emf[ll] += eta[l2D]*(b2[ll]+b2[l1m])*.5/ymed(j)*cos(zmin(k))/sin(zmin(k));
	if (idz1+idz2 == 0) // Considering colatitude component of Emf
	  emf[ll] -= eta[l2D]*(b1[ll]+b1[l2m])*.5/ymin(j);
	if (idx1+idx2 == 0) // Considering azimuthal component of Emf
	  emf[ll] += eta[l2D]*(b2[ll]+b2[l1m])*.5/ymin(j);
Ejemplo n.º 14
// called when we want to draw the 3D data in our app.
void draw3D()
	// draw the grid on the floor
	setColour(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
	for(float i = -10.0f; i <= 10.1f; i += 1.0f)
		Vec3 zmin(i, 0, -10);
		Vec3 zmax(i, 0,  10);
		Vec3 xmin(-10, 0, i);
		Vec3 xmax(10, 0, i);
		drawLine(xmin, xmax);
		drawLine(zmin, zmax);

	// If using the GPU to compute the lighting (which is what you want to do!)
		// turn on lighting

		// set the diffuse material colour (this will be modulated by the effect of the lighting)
		setColour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

		// draw the cube geometry
		drawPrimitives(g_pointsVN, 24, kQuads);

		// turn off lighting
		// otherwise, compute the lighting manually. Don't ever do this in practice! It's insane! (But it may be useful for educational purposes)

		// The direction from the vertex to the light (effectively sunlight in this case!).
		Vec3 L(-0.6f, 1.0f, -0.2f);

		// make sure L has been normalised!
		L = normalize(L);

		// start drawing some quads

		// loop through each vertex normal
		for(int i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
			// compute N.L
			// Make sure we clamp this to zero (so that we ignore any negative values).
			float N_dot_L = std::max(dot(L, g_pointsVN[i].n), 0.0f);

			// the ambient material colour (always gets added to the final colour)
			Vec3 Ka(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);

			// the diffuse material colour
			Vec3 Kd(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

			// Compute the final colour
			Vec3 colour = Ka + (Kd * N_dot_L);

			// set the vertex colour 

			// specify the vertex

		// finish drawing our quads

	// if we are displaying normals
		// make colour pink
		setColour(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		// loop through each vertex
		for(int i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
			// compute an offset (along the normal direction) from the vertex
			Vec3 pn = g_pointsVN[i].v + (g_pointsVN[i].n * 0.2f);

			// draw a line to show the normal
			drawLine(g_pointsVN[i].v, pn);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void StockholmBoundary_cpu(real dt) {

#ifdef X
#ifdef Y
#ifdef Z

  real* rho  = Density->field_cpu;
  real* rho0 = Density0->field_cpu;
  real* rho0_avg = Density0_avg->field_cpu;
#ifdef X
  real* vx  = Vx->field_cpu;
  real* vx0 = Vx0->field_cpu;
  real* vx0_avg = Vx0_avg->field_cpu;
#ifdef Y
  real* vy  = Vy->field_cpu;
  real* vy0 = Vy0->field_cpu;
  real* vy0_avg = Vy0_avg->field_cpu;
#ifdef Z
  real* vz  = Vz->field_cpu;
  real* vz0 = Vz0->field_cpu;
  real* e    = Energy->field_cpu;
  real* e0   = Energy0->field_cpu;
  int pitch   = Pitch_cpu;
  int stride  = Stride_cpu;
  int size_x  = Nx+2*NGHX;
  int size_y  = Ny+2*NGHY;
  int size_z  = Nz+2*NGHZ;
  int pitch2d = Pitch2D;
  int nghy = NGHY;
  real y_min = YMIN;
  real y_max = YMAX;
  real z_min = ZMIN;
  real z_max = ZMAX;
  real of    = OMEGAFRAME;
  real of0   = OMEGAFRAME0;
  real r0 = R0;
#ifdef USERWKZ
  real wkzin = WKZIN;
  real wkzout = WKZOUT;
  real wkzin = .0476;
  real wkzout = .19;
  int periodic_z = PERIODICZ;

  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  // Below: we match the standard Stockholm's prescription
  // see De Val Borro et al. (2006), section 3.2
  //  real Y_inf = y_min + (y_max-y_min)*0.0476;
  //  real Y_sup = y_max - (y_max-y_min)*0.19;
//  real Y_inf = exp( log(y_min) + log(y_max/y_min)*0.05);
//  real Y_sup = exp( log(y_max) - log(y_max/y_min)*0.10);
  real Y_inf = y_min + (y_max-y_min)*wkzin;
  real Y_sup = y_max - (y_max-y_min)*wkzout;
  real Z_inf = z_min - (z_max-z_min); // Here we push Z_inf & Z_sup
  real Z_sup = z_max + (z_max-z_min); // out of the mesh
  Z_inf = z_min + (z_max-z_min)*0.1; 
  Z_sup = z_max - (z_max-z_min)*0.1;
  if (periodic_z) { // Push Z_inf & Z_sup out of mesh if periodic in Z
    Z_inf = z_min-r0;
    Z_sup = z_max+r0;
  Z_inf = M_PI/2.0-(M_PI/2.0-z_min)*1.2;
  Z_sup = M_PI/2.0+(M_PI/2.0-z_min)*0.8; // Avoid damping in ghost zones
  // if only half upper disk is covered by the mesh
  real radius;
  real vx0_target;
  real rampy;
  real rampz;
  real rampzz;
  real rampi;
  real ramp;
  real rho_target;
  real vr_target;
  real vp_target;
  real tau;
  real taud;
  real ds = 0.03333;

// real xmin(Nx+1);
// real ymin(Ny+2*NGHY+1);
// real zmin(Nz+2*NGHZ+1);


  i = j = k = 0;

#ifdef Z
  for (k=0; k<size_z; k++) {
#ifdef Y
    for (j=0; j<size_y; j++) {
#ifdef X
      for (i=0; i<size_x; i++) {
	rampy = 0.0;
	rampz = 0.0;
	rampzz = 0.0;
#ifdef Y
	if(ymed(j) > Y_sup) {
	  rampy   = (ymed(j)-Y_sup)/(y_max-Y_sup);
	  rampy   = 0 ;
      vr_target = vy0_avg[l2D];
      vp_target = vx0_avg[l2D];
      rho_target = rho0_avg[l2D];
      vr_target = vy0[l2D];
      vp_target = vx0[l2D];
      rho_target = rho0[l2D];
	if(ymed(j) < Y_inf) {
	  rampy   = (Y_inf-ymed(j))/(Y_inf-y_min);
      vr_target = vy0[l2D];
      vp_target = vx0[l2D];
      rho_target = rho0[l2D];
      rho_target = rho0_avg[l2D];
      rho_target = rho0[l2D];
	rampy *= rampy;		/* Parabolic ramp as in De Val Borro et al (2006) */

#ifdef Z
	if(zmed(k) > Z_sup) {
	  rampz   = (zmed(k)-Z_sup)/(z_max-Z_sup);
	if(zmed(k) < Z_inf) {
	  rampz   = (Z_inf-zmed(k))/(Z_inf-z_min);
	rampz = rampz * rampz;		/* vertical ramp in X^2 */
	if(zmin(k) > Z_sup) {
	  rampzz  = (zmin(k)-Z_sup)/(z_max-Z_sup);
	if(zmin(k) < Z_inf) {
	  rampzz  = (Z_inf-zmin(k))/(Z_inf-z_min);
	rampzz= rampzz * rampzz;		/* vertical ramp in X^2 */
	if (periodic_z) {
	  rampz = 0.0;
	  rampzz = 0.0;
	ramp = rampy+rampz;
	rampi= rampy+rampzz;
	tau = ds*sqrt(ymed(j)*ymed(j)*ymed(j)/G/MSTAR);
	if(ramp>0.0) {
	  taud = tau/ramp;
      rho[l] = (rho[l]*taud+rho_target*dt)/(dt+taud);
#ifdef X
	  vx0_target = vx0[l2D];
	  radius = ymed(j);
	  radius *= sin(zmed(k));
	  vx0_target -= (of-of0)*radius;
	  vx[l] = (vx[l]*taud+vx0_target*dt)/(dt+taud);
#ifdef Y
	  vy[l] = (vy[l]*taud+vr_target*dt)/(dt+taud);
#ifdef Z
	if(rampi>0.0) {
	  taud = tau/rampi;
	  vz[l] = (vz[l]*taud+vz0[l2D]*dt)/(dt+taud);
#ifdef X
#ifdef Y
#ifdef Z
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Read party from mysql
struct party_data *inter_party_fromsql(int party_id)
	int leader_id = 0;
	int leader_char = 0;
	struct party_data* p;
	struct party_member* m;
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	int i;

#ifdef NOISY
	ShowInfo("Load party request ("CL_BOLD"%d"CL_RESET")\n", party_id);
	if( party_id <= 0 )
		return NULL;

	//Load from memory
	p = (struct party_data*)idb_get(party_db_, party_id);
	if( p != NULL )
		return p;

	p = party_pt;
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct party_data));

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `party_id`, `name`,`exp`,`item`, `leader_id`, `leader_char` FROM `%s` WHERE `party_id`='%d'", schema_config.party_db, party_id) )
		return NULL;

	if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		return NULL;

	p->party.party_id = party_id;
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, &len); memcpy(p->party.name, data, zmin(len, NAME_LENGTH));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); p->party.exp = (atoi(data) ? 1 : 0);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); p->party.item = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); leader_id = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); leader_char = atoi(data);

	// Load members
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`base_level`,`last_map`,`online`,`class` FROM `%s` WHERE `party_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_db, party_id) )
		return NULL;
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); ++i )
		m = &p->party.member[i];
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); m->account_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); m->char_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, &len); memcpy(m->name, data, zmin(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); m->lv = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); m->map = mapindex_name2id(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); m->online = (atoi(data) ? 1 : 0);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); m->class_ = atoi(data);
		m->leader = (m->account_id == leader_id && m->char_id == leader_char ? 1 : 0);

	if( charserv_config.save_log )
		ShowInfo("Party loaded (%d - %s).\n", party_id, p->party.name);
	//Add party to memory.
	CREATE(p, struct party_data, 1);
	memcpy(p, party_pt, sizeof(struct party_data));
	//init state
	idb_put(party_db_, party_id, p);
	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void visctensor_cart_cpu(){

#ifdef X
#ifdef Y
#ifdef Z

  real* rho = Density->field_cpu;
#ifdef X
  real* vx = Vx->field_cpu;
#ifdef Y
  real* vy = Vy->field_cpu;
#ifdef Z
  real* vz = Vz->field_cpu;
#ifdef X
  real* tauxx = Mmx->field_cpu;
#ifdef Y
  real* tauyy = Mmy->field_cpu;
#ifdef Z
  real* tauzz = Mmz->field_cpu;
#if defined(X) && defined(Z)
  real* tauxz = Mpx->field_cpu;
#if defined(Y) && defined(X)
  real* tauyx = Mpy->field_cpu;
#if defined(Z) && defined(Y)
  real* tauzy = Mpz->field_cpu;
  int pitch  = Pitch_cpu;
  int stride = Stride_cpu;
  int size_x = XIP; 
  int size_y = Ny+2*NGHY-1;
  int size_z = Nz+2*NGHZ-1;
  real dx = Dx;

  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  real div_v;

// real NU(1);
// real Sxj(Ny+2*NGHY);
// real Syj(Ny+2*NGHY);
// real Szj(Ny+2*NGHY);
// real Sxk(Nz+2*NGHZ);
// real Syk(Nz+2*NGHZ);
// real Szk(Nz+2*NGHZ);
// real ymin(Ny+2*NGHY+1);
// real zmin(Nz+2*NGHZ+1);
// real InvVj(Ny+2*NGHY);


  i = j = k = 0;

#ifdef Z
  for(k=1; k<size_z; k++) {
#ifdef Y
    for(j=1; j<size_y; j++) {
#ifdef X
      for(i=XIM; i<size_x; i++) {
//Evaluate centered divergence.
	div_v = 0.0;
#ifdef X
	div_v += (vx[lxp]-vx[l])*SurfX(j,k);
#ifdef Y
	div_v += (vy[lyp]*SurfY(j+1,k)-vy[l]*SurfY(j,k));
#ifdef Z
	div_v += (vz[lzp]*SurfZ(j,k+1)-vz[l]*SurfZ(j,k));
	div_v *= 2.0/3.0*InvVol(j,k);

#ifdef X
	tauxx[l] = NU*rho[l]*(2.0*(vx[lxp]-vx[l])/dx - div_v);
#ifdef Y
	tauyy[l] = NU*rho[l]*(2.0*(vy[lyp]-vy[l])/(ymin(j+1)-ymin(j)) - div_v);
#ifdef Z
	tauzz[l] = NU*rho[l]*(2.0*(vz[lzp]-vz[l])/(zmin(k+1)-zmin(k)) - div_v);

#if defined(X) && defined(Z)
	tauxz[l] = NU*.25*(rho[l]+rho[lzm]+rho[lxm]+rho[lxm-stride])*((vx[l]-vx[lzm])/(zmed(k)-zmed(k-1)) + (vz[l]-vz[lxm])/dx); //centered on lower, left "radial" edge in y

#if defined(Y) && defined(X)
	tauyx[l] = NU*.25*(rho[l]+rho[lxm]+rho[lym]+rho[lxm-pitch])*((vy[l]-vy[lxm])/dx + (vx[l]-vx[lym])/(ymed(j)-ymed(j-1))); //centered on left, inner vertical edge in z

#if defined(Z) && defined(Y)
	tauzy[l] = NU*.25*(rho[l]+rho[lym]+rho[lzm]+rho[lym-stride])*((vz[l]-vz[lym])/(ymed(j)-ymed(j-1)) + (vy[l]-vy[lzm])/(zmed(k)-zmed(k-1))); //centered on lower, inner edge in x ("azimuthal")
#ifdef X
#ifdef Y
#ifdef Z