Ejemplo n.º 1
//  Configure the number of I/O threads that ZeroMQ will use. A good  
//  rule of thumb is one thread per gigabit of traffic in or out. The 
//  default is 1, sufficient for most applications. If the environment
//  variable ZSYS_IO_THREADS is defined, that provides the default.   
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created. 
void QmlZprocAttached::setIoThreads (size_t ioThreads) {
    zproc_set_io_threads (ioThreads);
Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zproc__1_1setIoThreads (JNIEnv *env, jclass c, jlong io_threads)
    zproc_set_io_threads ((size_t) io_threads);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//  Configure the number of I/O threads that ZeroMQ will use. A good
//  rule of thumb is one thread per gigabit of traffic in or out. The
//  default is 1, sufficient for most applications. If the environment
//  variable ZSYS_IO_THREADS is defined, that provides the default.
//  Note that this method is valid only before any socket is created.
void QZproc::setIoThreads (size_t ioThreads)
    zproc_set_io_threads (ioThreads);
