Ejemplo n.º 1
int zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume( stringList_t stx,const char * device,uid_t uid )
	stringList_t stl ;
	string_t xt ;
	string_t st ;
	string_t zt ;
	ssize_t index = -1 ;
	const char * f ;
	const char * g ;
	char * h = NULL ;
	int r = 1 ;
	int k ;
	int delete_stx = 0 ;

	 * zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup() is defined in security.c
	 * root user is a member of all groups and hence is allowed
	int allowedUser = zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup( uid,"zulumount" ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

	if( stx == StringListVoid ){
		 * zuluCryptGetMoutedListFromMountInfo() is defined in ../lib/process_mountinfo.c
		stx = zuluCryptGetMoutedListFromMountInfo() ;
		delete_stx = 1 ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_2() is defined in ../lib/create_loop_device.c
		st = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress_2( device ) ;
		 * Add a space at the end of the device name to make sure we check the full device name to avoid possible collisions
		 * that may exist if one device is named "/home/abc" and another "/home/abcdef"
		zt = StringListHasStartSequence_1( stx,StringAppend( st," " ) ) ;
		StringRemoveRight( st,1 ) ;
		device = h = StringDeleteHandle( &st ) ;
		 * Add a space at the end of the device name to make sure we check the full device name to avoid possible collisions
		 * that may exist if one device is named "/dev/sdc1" and another "/dev/sdc12"
		st = String( device ) ;
		zt = StringListHasStartSequence_1( stx,StringAppend( st," " ) ) ;
		StringDelete( &st ) ;

	if( zt == StringVoid ){
		 * The volume does not appear to be mounted
		r = 1 ;
		stl = StringListStringSplit( zt,' ' ) ;

		xt = StringListCopyStringAtSecondPlace( stl ) ;

		StringListDelete( &stl ) ;

		st = StringCopy( xt ) ;

		 * zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry() is defined in ../lib/mount_volume.c
		 * g will contain something like "/run/media/private/$USER/sdc1"
		g = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( st ) ;

		if( allowedUser ){
			 * a privileged user is attempting to unmount a shared mount point,allow them
			k = 1 ;
			 * a non privileged user is attempting to unmount a shared mount point,allow them only if
			 * they are the one that created it
			* zuluCryptSecurityMountPointPrefixMatch() is defined in ./security.c
			k = zuluCryptMountPointPrefixMatch( g,uid,NULL ) ;

		StringDelete( &st ) ;

		if( k != 1 ){
			 * One none privileged user is attempting to unmount a bind mount from another use,disallow it
			r = 4 ;
			index = StringLastIndexOfChar( xt,'/' ) + 1 ;
			StringRemoveLeft( xt,index ) ;

			StringPrepend( xt,"/run/media/public/" ) ;

			 * f will now contain something like "/run/media/public/sdc1"
			 * space character is added before checking to avoid possible collisions
			 * as explained in above comments
			f = StringAppend( xt," " ) ;
			zt = StringListHasSequence_1( stx,f ) ;
			f = StringRemoveRight( xt,1 ) ;

			if( zt == StringVoid ){
				 * volume is not shared
				 * volume is shared,try to unmount it
				 * a volume is assumed to be shared if its device path in mountinfo has two mount points,one
				 * in /run/media/private/$USER and the other in /run/media/public/
				if( StringStartsWith( zt,device ) ){
					f = zuluCryptDecodeMountEntry( xt ) ;
					 * good,the device associated with the shared mount is the same as that of the
					 * private mount,try to unmount it.
					r = 3 ;
					for( k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++ ){
						 * try to unmount 3 times before giving up
						if( umount( f ) == 0 ){
							rmdir( f ) ;
							r = 0 ;
							break ;
							sleep( 1 ) ;
					 * i dont see how we will get here,we shouldnt
					r = 0 ;

		StringDelete( &xt ) ;

	if( delete_stx ){
		StringListDelete( &stx ) ;

	StringFree( h ) ;

	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;
	return r ;
int zuluMountUMount( ARGS * args )
	const char * device    = args->device ;
	uid_t        uid       = args->uid    ;
	char * loop_device ;
	char * m_point = NULL ;
	int status ;
	string_t st = StringVoid ;
	const char * dev = NULL ;
	const char * errorMsg = gettext( "\
ERROR: You can not umount volumes out of \"%s\" since you are not root and do not belong to group \"zulumount\"\n" ) ;
	string_t xt ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/loop" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/create_loop_devices.c
		loop_device = zuluCryptLoopDeviceAddress( device ) ;

		if( loop_device == NULL ){
			 * the error msg is a lie,but its harmless since the user will most likely never see it as
			 * this code path will not be passed.
			return _zuluExit( 100,StringVoid,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;
			st = StringInherit( &loop_device ) ;
			dev = StringContent( st ) ;
			 * zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath() is defined in defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/process_mountinfo.c
			m_point = zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath( dev ) ;

			if( m_point == NULL ){

				return _zuluExit( 100,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;
		 * zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath() is defined in defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/process_mountinfo.c
		m_point = zuluCryptGetMountPointFromPath( device ) ;

		if( m_point == NULL ){

			return _zuluExit( 100,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not appear to be mounted" ) ) ;

	 * zuluCryptMountPointPrefixMatch() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/create_mount_point.c
	if( zuluCryptMountPointPrefixMatch( m_point,uid,&xt ) ){

		StringDelete( &xt ) ;
		 * zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
		if( zuluCryptUserIsAMemberOfAGroup( uid,"zulumount" ) ){

			StringDelete( &xt ) ;
			printf( errorMsg,StringContent( xt ) ) ;
			StringDelete( &xt ) ;
			return _zuluExit( 101,st,m_point,NULL ) ;

	StringFree( m_point ) ;
	m_point = NULL ;

	 * zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/bind.c
	switch( zuluCryptBindUnmountVolume( StringListVoid,device,uid ) ){

		case 3 : return _zuluExit( 107,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to be busy" ) ) ;
		case 4 : return _zuluExit( 108,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to belong to a different user" ) ) ;
		case 5 : return _zuluExit( 109,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Shared mount point appear to be in an ambiguous state,advice to unmount manually" ) ) ;
		default: ;

	 * zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
	zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;
	 * zuluCryptUnmountVolume() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/lib/unmount_volume.c
	status = zuluCryptUnmountVolume( device,&m_point ) ;
	 * zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/security.c
	zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

	if( status == 0 ){

		if( m_point != NULL ){

			 *  zuluCryptReuseMountPoint() is defined in ../zuluCrypt-cli/bin/create_mount_point.c
			if( !zuluCryptReuseMountPoint() ){

				zuluCryptSecurityGainElevatedPrivileges() ;

				rmdir( m_point ) ;

				zuluCryptSecurityDropElevatedPrivileges() ;

		return _zuluExit( 0,st,m_point,gettext( "SUCCESS: umount complete successfully" ) ) ;
		switch( status ) {

			case 1 : return _zuluExit( 103,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Device does not exist" ) ) ;
			case 2 : return _zuluExit( 104,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,the mount point and/or one or more files are in use" ) ) ;
			case 4 : return _zuluExit( 105,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,could not get a lock on /etc/mtab~" ) ) ;
			case 10: return _zuluExit( 111,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount,multiple mount points for the volume detected" ) ) ; break ;

			default: return _zuluExit( 106,st,m_point,gettext( "ERROR: Failed to unmount the partition" ) ) ;