bool EntityEditFilters::filter(glm::vec3& position, EntityItemProperties& propertiesIn, EntityItemProperties& propertiesOut, bool& wasChanged, EntityTree::FilterType filterType, EntityItemID& itemID, EntityItemPointer& existingEntity) { // get the ids of all the zones (plus the global entity edit filter) that the position // lies within auto zoneIDs = getZonesByPosition(position); for (auto id : zoneIDs) { if (!itemID.isInvalidID() && id == itemID) { continue; } // get the filter pair, etc... _lock.lockForRead(); FilterData filterData = _filterDataMap.value(id); _lock.unlock(); if (filterData.valid()) { if (filterData.rejectAll) { return false; } // check to see if this filter wants to filter this message type if ((!filterData.wantsToFilterEdit && filterType == EntityTree::FilterType::Edit) || (!filterData.wantsToFilterPhysics && filterType == EntityTree::FilterType::Physics) || (!filterData.wantsToFilterDelete && filterType == EntityTree::FilterType::Delete) || (!filterData.wantsToFilterAdd && filterType == EntityTree::FilterType::Add)) { wasChanged = false; return true; // accept the message } auto oldProperties = propertiesIn.getDesiredProperties(); auto specifiedProperties = propertiesIn.getChangedProperties(); propertiesIn.setDesiredProperties(specifiedProperties); QScriptValue inputValues = propertiesIn.copyToScriptValue(filterData.engine, false, true, true); propertiesIn.setDesiredProperties(oldProperties); auto in = QJsonValue::fromVariant(inputValues.toVariant()); // grab json copy now, because the inputValues might be side effected by the filter. QScriptValueList args; args << inputValues; args << filterType; // get the current properties for then entity and include them for the filter call if (existingEntity && filterData.wantsOriginalProperties) { auto currentProperties = existingEntity->getProperties(filterData.includedOriginalProperties); QScriptValue currentValues = currentProperties.copyToScriptValue(filterData.engine, false, true, true); args << currentValues; } // get the zone properties if (filterData.wantsZoneProperties) { auto zoneEntity = _tree->findEntityByEntityItemID(id); if (zoneEntity) { auto zoneProperties = zoneEntity->getProperties(filterData.includedZoneProperties); QScriptValue zoneValues = zoneProperties.copyToScriptValue(filterData.engine, false, true, true); if (filterData.wantsZoneBoundingBox) { bool success = true; AABox aaBox = zoneEntity->getAABox(success); if (success) { QScriptValue boundingBox = filterData.engine->newObject(); QScriptValue bottomRightNear = vec3ToScriptValue(filterData.engine, aaBox.getCorner()); QScriptValue topFarLeft = vec3ToScriptValue(filterData.engine, aaBox.calcTopFarLeft()); QScriptValue center = vec3ToScriptValue(filterData.engine, aaBox.calcCenter()); QScriptValue boundingBoxDimensions = vec3ToScriptValue(filterData.engine, aaBox.getDimensions()); boundingBox.setProperty("brn", bottomRightNear); boundingBox.setProperty("tfl", topFarLeft); boundingBox.setProperty("center", center); boundingBox.setProperty("dimensions", boundingBoxDimensions); zoneValues.setProperty("boundingBox", boundingBox); } } // If this is an add or delete, or original properties weren't requested // there won't be original properties in the args, but zone properties need // to be the fourth parameter, so we need to pad the args accordingly int EXPECTED_ARGS = 3; if (args.length() < EXPECTED_ARGS) { args << QScriptValue(); } assert(args.length() == EXPECTED_ARGS); // we MUST have 3 args by now! args << zoneValues; } } QScriptValue result =, args); if (filterData.uncaughtExceptions()) { return false; } if (result.isObject()) { // make propertiesIn reflect the changes, for next filter... propertiesIn.copyFromScriptValue(result, false); // and update propertiesOut too. TODO: this could be more efficient... propertiesOut.copyFromScriptValue(result, false); // Javascript objects are == only if they are the same object. To compare arbitrary values, we need to use JSON. auto out = QJsonValue::fromVariant(result.toVariant()); wasChanged |= (in != out); } else if (result.isBool()) { // if the filter returned false, then it's authoritative if (!result.toBool()) { return false; } // otherwise, assume it wants to pass all properties propertiesOut = propertiesIn; wasChanged = false; } else { return false; } } } // if we made it here, return true; }
void AudioMixer::sendAudioEnvironmentPacket(SharedNodePointer node) { // Send stream properties bool hasReverb = false; float reverbTime, wetLevel; // find reverb properties for (int i = 0; i < _zoneReverbSettings.size(); ++i) { AudioMixerClientData* data = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(node->getLinkedData()); glm::vec3 streamPosition = data->getAvatarAudioStream()->getPosition(); AABox box = _audioZones[_zoneReverbSettings[i].zone]; if (box.contains(streamPosition)) { hasReverb = true; reverbTime = _zoneReverbSettings[i].reverbTime; wetLevel = _zoneReverbSettings[i].wetLevel; break; } } AudioMixerClientData* nodeData = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(node->getLinkedData()); AvatarAudioStream* stream = nodeData->getAvatarAudioStream(); bool dataChanged = (stream->hasReverb() != hasReverb) || (stream->hasReverb() && (stream->getRevebTime() != reverbTime || stream->getWetLevel() != wetLevel)); if (dataChanged) { // Update stream if (hasReverb) { stream->setReverb(reverbTime, wetLevel); } else { stream->clearReverb(); } } // Send at change or every so often float CHANCE_OF_SEND = 0.01f; bool sendData = dataChanged || (randFloat() < CHANCE_OF_SEND); if (sendData) { auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>(); unsigned char bitset = 0; int packetSize = sizeof(bitset); if (hasReverb) { packetSize += sizeof(reverbTime) + sizeof(wetLevel); } auto envPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::AudioEnvironment, packetSize); if (hasReverb) { setAtBit(bitset, HAS_REVERB_BIT); } envPacket->writePrimitive(bitset); if (hasReverb) { envPacket->writePrimitive(reverbTime); envPacket->writePrimitive(wetLevel); } nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(envPacket), *node); } }
void BBoxDeco::render(RenderContext* renderContext) { AABox bbox = renderContext->scene->getBoundingBox(); if (bbox.isValid()) { Vertex center = bbox.getCenter(); bbox += center + (bbox.vmin - center)*expand; bbox += center + (bbox.vmax - center)*expand; // Sphere bsphere(bbox); glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); int i,j; // vertex array: Vertex4 boxv[8] = { Vertex4( bbox.vmin.x, bbox.vmin.y, bbox.vmin.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmax.x, bbox.vmin.y, bbox.vmin.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmin.x, bbox.vmax.y, bbox.vmin.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmax.x, bbox.vmax.y, bbox.vmin.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmin.x, bbox.vmin.y, bbox.vmax.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmax.x, bbox.vmin.y, bbox.vmax.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmin.x, bbox.vmax.y, bbox.vmax.z ), Vertex4( bbox.vmax.x, bbox.vmax.y, bbox.vmax.z ) }; Vertex4 eyev[8]; // transform vertices: used for edge distance criterion and text justification Matrix4x4 modelview(renderContext->modelview); for(i=0;i<8;i++) eyev[i] = modelview * boxv[i]; // setup material material.beginUse(renderContext); if (material.line_antialias || material.isTransparent()) { // SETUP BLENDING if (renderContext->gl2psActive == GL2PS_NONE) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); else gl2psBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); // ENABLE BLENDING glEnable(GL_BLEND); } // edge adjacent matrix int adjacent[8][8] = { { 0 } }; // draw back faces // construct adjacent matrix glBegin(GL_QUADS); for(i=0;i<6;i++) { const Vertex4 q = modelview * side[i].normal; const Vertex4 view(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); float cos_a = view * q; const bool front = (cos_a >= 0.0f) ? true : false; if (draw_front || !front) { // draw face glNormal3f(side[i].normal.x, side[i].normal.y, side[i].normal.z); for(j=0;j<4;j++) { if (!front) { // modify adjacent matrix int from = side[i].vidx[j]; int to = side[i].vidx[(j+1)%4]; adjacent[from][to] = 1; } // feed vertex Vertex4& v = boxv[ side[i].vidx[j] ]; glVertex3f(v.x, v.y, v.z); } } } glEnd(); // setup mark length Vertex marklen = getMarkLength(bbox); // draw axis and tickmarks // find contours glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); material.useColor(1); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { Vertex4 v; AxisInfo* axis; Edge* axisedge; int nedges; float* valueptr; float low, high; switch(i) { case 0: axis = &xaxis; axisedge = xaxisedge; nedges = 4; valueptr = &v.x; low = bbox.vmin.x; high = bbox.vmax.x; break; case 1: axis = &yaxis; axisedge = yaxisedge; nedges = 8; valueptr = &v.y; low = bbox.vmin.y; high = bbox.vmax.y; break; case 2: default: axis = &zaxis; axisedge = zaxisedge; nedges = 4; valueptr = &v.z; low = bbox.vmin.z; high = bbox.vmax.z; break; } if (axis->mode == AXIS_NONE) continue; // search z-nearest contours float d = FLT_MAX; Edge* edge = NULL; for(j=0;j<nedges;j++) { int from = axisedge[j].from; int to = axisedge[j].to; if ((adjacent[from][to] == 1) && (adjacent[to][from] == 0)) { // found contour float dtmp = -(eyev[from].z + eyev[to].z)/2.0f; if (dtmp < d) { // found near contour d = dtmp; edge = &axisedge[j]; } } } if (edge) { v = boxv[edge->from]; switch (axis->mode) { case AXIS_CUSTOM: { // draw axis and tickmarks StringArrayIterator iter(&axis->textArray); for (iter.first(), j=0; (j<axis->nticks) && (!iter.isDone());j++, { float value = axis->ticks[j]; // clip marks if ((value >= low) && (value <= high)) { String string = iter.getCurrent(); *valueptr = value; axis->draw(renderContext, v, edge->dir, modelview, marklen, string); } } } break; case AXIS_LENGTH: { float delta = (axis->len>1) ? (high-low)/((axis->len)-1) : 0; for(int k=0;k<axis->len;k++) { float value = low + delta * (float)k; *valueptr = value; char text[32]; sprintf(text, "%.4g", value); String string(strlen(text),text); axis->draw(renderContext, v, edge->dir, modelview, marklen, string); } } break; case AXIS_UNIT: { float value = ( (float) ( (int) ( ( low+(axis->unit-1) ) / (axis->unit) ) ) ) * (axis->unit); while(value < high) { *valueptr = value; char text[32]; sprintf(text, "%.4g", value); String s (strlen(text),text); axis->draw(renderContext, v, edge->dir, modelview, marklen, s ); value += axis->unit; } } break; case AXIS_PRETTY: { /* These are the defaults from the R pretty() function, except min_n is 3 */ double lo=low, up=high, shrink_sml=0.75, high_u_fact[2]; int ndiv=axis->len, min_n=3, eps_correction=0; high_u_fact[0] = 1.5; high_u_fact[1] = 2.75; axis->unit = R_pretty0(&lo, &up, &ndiv, min_n, shrink_sml, high_u_fact, eps_correction, 0); for (int i=(int)lo; i<=up; i++) { float value = i*axis->unit; if (value >= low && value <= high) { *valueptr = value; char text[32]; sprintf(text, "%.4g", value); String s (strlen(text),text); axis->draw(renderContext, v, edge->dir, modelview, marklen, s ); } } } break; } } } material.endUse(renderContext); glPopAttrib(); } }
void RenderableModelEntityItem::computeShapeInfo(ShapeInfo& info) { ShapeType type = getShapeType(); if (type != SHAPE_TYPE_COMPOUND) { ModelEntityItem::computeShapeInfo(info); info.setParams(type, 0.5f * getDimensions()); } else { const QSharedPointer<NetworkGeometry> collisionNetworkGeometry = _model->getCollisionGeometry(); // should never fall in here when collision model not fully loaded // hence we assert collisionNetworkGeometry is not NULL assert(collisionNetworkGeometry); const FBXGeometry& collisionGeometry = collisionNetworkGeometry->getFBXGeometry(); const QSharedPointer<NetworkGeometry> renderNetworkGeometry = _model->getGeometry(); const FBXGeometry& renderGeometry = renderNetworkGeometry->getFBXGeometry(); _points.clear(); unsigned int i = 0; // the way OBJ files get read, each section under a "g" line is its own meshPart. We only expect // to find one actual "mesh" (with one or more meshParts in it), but we loop over the meshes, just in case. foreach (const FBXMesh& mesh, collisionGeometry.meshes) { // each meshPart is a convex hull foreach (const FBXMeshPart &meshPart, { QVector<glm::vec3> pointsInPart; // run through all the triangles and (uniquely) add each point to the hull unsigned int triangleCount = meshPart.triangleIndices.size() / 3; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < triangleCount; j++) { unsigned int p0Index = meshPart.triangleIndices[j*3]; unsigned int p1Index = meshPart.triangleIndices[j*3+1]; unsigned int p2Index = meshPart.triangleIndices[j*3+2]; glm::vec3 p0 = mesh.vertices[p0Index]; glm::vec3 p1 = mesh.vertices[p1Index]; glm::vec3 p2 = mesh.vertices[p2Index]; if (!pointsInPart.contains(p0)) { pointsInPart << p0; } if (!pointsInPart.contains(p1)) { pointsInPart << p1; } if (!pointsInPart.contains(p2)) { pointsInPart << p2; } } // run through all the quads and (uniquely) add each point to the hull unsigned int quadCount = meshPart.quadIndices.size() / 4; assert((unsigned int)meshPart.quadIndices.size() == quadCount*4); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < quadCount; j++) { unsigned int p0Index = meshPart.quadIndices[j*4]; unsigned int p1Index = meshPart.quadIndices[j*4+1]; unsigned int p2Index = meshPart.quadIndices[j*4+2]; unsigned int p3Index = meshPart.quadIndices[j*4+3]; glm::vec3 p0 = mesh.vertices[p0Index]; glm::vec3 p1 = mesh.vertices[p1Index]; glm::vec3 p2 = mesh.vertices[p2Index]; glm::vec3 p3 = mesh.vertices[p3Index]; if (!pointsInPart.contains(p0)) { pointsInPart << p0; } if (!pointsInPart.contains(p1)) { pointsInPart << p1; } if (!pointsInPart.contains(p2)) { pointsInPart << p2; } if (!pointsInPart.contains(p3)) { pointsInPart << p3; } } if (pointsInPart.size() == 0) { qCDebug(entitiesrenderer) << "Warning -- meshPart has no faces"; continue; } // add next convex hull QVector<glm::vec3> newMeshPoints; _points << newMeshPoints; // add points to the new convex hull _points[i++] << pointsInPart; } } // We expect that the collision model will have the same units and will be displaced // from its origin in the same way the visual model is. The visual model has // been centered and probably scaled. We take the scaling and offset which were applied // to the visual model and apply them to the collision model (without regard for the // collision model's extents). glm::vec3 scale = getDimensions() / renderGeometry.getUnscaledMeshExtents().size(); // multiply each point by scale before handing the point-set off to the physics engine. // also determine the extents of the collision model. AABox box; for (int i = 0; i < _points.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _points[i].size(); j++) { // compensate for registraion _points[i][j] += _model->getOffset(); // scale so the collision points match the model points _points[i][j] *= scale; box += _points[i][j]; } } glm::vec3 collisionModelDimensions = box.getDimensions(); info.setParams(type, collisionModelDimensions, _compoundShapeURL); info.setConvexHulls(_points); } }