Ejemplo n.º 1
AActor* UVREditorMode::SpawnTransientSceneActor(TSubclassOf<AActor> ActorClass, const FString& ActorName, const bool bWithSceneComponent) const
	const bool bWasWorldPackageDirty = GetWorld()->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

	// @todo vreditor: Needs respawn if world changes (map load, etc.)  Will that always restart the editor mode anyway?
	FActorSpawnParameters ActorSpawnParameters;
	ActorSpawnParameters.Name = MakeUniqueObjectName( GetWorld(), ActorClass, *ActorName );	// @todo vreditor: Without this, SpawnActor() can return us an existing PendingKill actor of the same name!  WTF?
	ActorSpawnParameters.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
	ActorSpawnParameters.ObjectFlags = EObjectFlags::RF_Transient;

	check( ActorClass != nullptr );
	AActor* NewActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor< AActor >( ActorClass, ActorSpawnParameters );
	NewActor->SetActorLabel( ActorName );

	if( bWithSceneComponent )
		// Give the new actor a root scene component, so we can attach multiple sibling components to it
		USceneComponent* SceneComponent = NewObject<USceneComponent>( NewActor );
		NewActor->AddOwnedComponent( SceneComponent );
		NewActor->SetRootComponent( SceneComponent );

	// Don't dirty the level file after spawning a transient actor
	if( !bWasWorldPackageDirty )
		GetWorld()->GetOutermost()->SetDirtyFlag( false );

	return NewActor;