Ejemplo n.º 1
void AMSamplePlateSelector::onDatabaseUpdated(const QString &tableName, int id) {

	if(tableName != samplePlateTableName_ )

	if(id < 1)	// invalid ids here mean need a full table update
		return onDatabaseCreated(tableName, id);

	int index = ui_.plateComboBox->findData(id, AM::IdRole);
	// do we have it?
	if(index == -1)

	/// \badcode Assuming here that it was this object that caused the update with a storeToDb, so the updated values are already inside it. This will be incorrect if someone else updated the database behind our back.  Maybe we need to implement some kind of locking, or some way to tell if this is "our" object's update or caused by another edit.
	if(id == plate_->id()) {
		// update combo box entries:
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, plate_->name(), Qt::DisplayRole);
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, plate_->dateTime(), AM::DateTimeRole);
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, "created " + AMDateTimeUtils::prettyDateTime(plate_->dateTime()), AM::DescriptionRole);

		// update editor widgets
	else {
		AMSamplePlate p;
		/// \todo optimize to not require a full loadFromDb.  All we care about is the name and the dateTime... don't need to load all the samples and positions.
		p.loadFromDb(AMDatabase::database("user"), id);
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, p.name(), Qt::DisplayRole);
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, p.dateTime(), AM::DateTimeRole);
		ui_.plateComboBox->setItemData(index, "created " + AMDateTimeUtils::prettyDateTime(p.dateTime()), AM::DescriptionRole);
QString AMSamplePlateMoveActionInfo::samplePlateName() const{
	if(samplePlateId() == -1)
		return "No Plate Selected";

	AMSamplePlate samplePlate;
	if(!samplePlate.loadFromDb(AMDatabase::database("user"), samplePlateId_))
		return "Plate Error";

	return samplePlate.name();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void REIXSSampleMoveActionInfo::updateDescriptions()
	// Working off a stored sample plate?
	if(samplePlateId_ > 0) {
		AMSamplePlate plate;
		if(!plate.loadFromDb(AMDatabase::database("user"), samplePlateId_) || sampleIndex_ >= plate.count() || sampleIndex_ < 0) {
			setShortDescription("Sample Move to [Invalid Sample Plate]");
			setLongDescription("Sample Move to [Invalid Sample Plate]");
//		AMControlInfoList positions = plate.at(sampleIndex_).position();
		QString sampleName = AMSample::sampleNameForId(plate.database(), plate.at(sampleIndex_).sampleId());
		QString shortDesc = QString("Move to sample '%1' on plate '%2'.").arg(sampleName).arg(plate.name());
		// Problem with appending the positions: currently we don't update the description when that sample is re-marked, so this position string could be misleading in that situation. Just leave it out.
//		QStringList posString;
//		for(int i=0, cc=positions.count(); i<cc; ++i) {
//			const AMControlInfo& pos = positions.at(i);
//			posString << QString("%1: %2 %3  ").arg(pos.contextKnownDescription()).arg(pos.value()).arg(pos.units());
//		}
//		shortDesc.append(" (").append(posString.join(QString())).append(")");


	// working off a fixed position.
	else {

		QString shortDesc = QString("Sample Move: X: %1 mm  Y: %2 mm  Z: %3 mm  Theta: %4 deg")
