Ejemplo n.º 1
int16_t VideoPlugin::handleEvent(const ANPEvent* evt) {
    switch (evt->eventType) {
        case kLifecycle_ANPEventType: {
            switch (evt->data.lifecycle.action) {
                case kEnterFullScreen_ANPLifecycleAction:
                    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ---- %p entering fullscreen", inst());
                case kExitFullScreen_ANPLifecycleAction:
                    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ---- %p exiting fullscreen", inst());
            break; // end kLifecycle_ANPEventType
        case kDraw_ANPEventType:
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p the plugin did not request draw events", inst());
        case kTouch_ANPEventType:
            if (kDown_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action) {
                gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p requesting fullscreen mode", inst());
            return 1;
        case kKey_ANPEventType:
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p the plugin did not request key events", inst());
    return 0;   // unknown or unhandled event
void BackgroundPlugin::test_loadJavaClass() {

    JNIEnv* env = NULL;
    if (gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- LoadJavaTest: failed to get env");

    const char* className = "com.android.sampleplugin.BackgroundTest";
    jclass backgroundClass = gSystemI.loadJavaClass(inst(), className);

    if(!backgroundClass) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- LoadJavaTest: failed to load class");

    jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(backgroundClass, "<init>", "()V");
    jmethodID addMethod = env->GetMethodID(backgroundClass, "addInt", "(II)I");
    jobject backgroundObject = env->NewObject(backgroundClass, constructor);

    if(!backgroundObject) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- LoadJavaTest: failed to construct object");

    jint result = env->CallIntMethod(backgroundObject, addMethod, 2, 2);

    if (result != 4) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- LoadJavaTest: invalid result (%d != 4)", result);
static void test_formats(NPP instance) {

    // TODO pull names from enum in npapi instead of hardcoding them
    static const struct {
        ANPBitmapFormat fFormat;
        const char*     fName;
    } gRecs[] = {
        { kUnknown_ANPBitmapFormat,   "unknown" },
        { kRGBA_8888_ANPBitmapFormat, "8888" },
        { kRGB_565_ANPBitmapFormat,   "565" },

    ANPPixelPacking packing;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gRecs); i++) {
        if (gBitmapI.getPixelPacking(gRecs[i].fFormat, &packing)) {
                      "pixel format [%d] %s has packing ARGB [%d %d] [%d %d] [%d %d] [%d %d]\n",
                      gRecs[i].fFormat, gRecs[i].fName,
                      packing.AShift, packing.ABits,
                      packing.RShift, packing.RBits,
                      packing.GShift, packing.GBits,
                      packing.BShift, packing.BBits);
        } else {
                      "pixel format [%d] %s has no packing\n",
                      gRecs[i].fFormat, gRecs[i].fName);
int16_t BackgroundPlugin::handleEvent(const ANPEvent* evt) {
    switch (evt->eventType) {
        case kDraw_ANPEventType:
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p the plugin did not request draw events", inst());
        case kLifecycle_ANPEventType:
            switch (evt->data.lifecycle.action)  {
                case kOnLoad_ANPLifecycleAction:
                    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p onLoad", inst());
                    return 1;
                case kOnScreen_ANPLifecycleAction:
                    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p onScreen", inst());
                    return 1;
                case kOffScreen_ANPLifecycleAction:
                    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p offScreen", inst());
                    return 1;
            break; // end kLifecycle_ANPEventType
        case kTouch_ANPEventType:
            if (kLongPress_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action) {
                browser->geturl(inst(), "javascript:alert('Detected long press event.')", 0);
            else if (kDoubleTap_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action)
                browser->geturl(inst(), "javascript:alert('Detected double tap event.')", 0);
        case kKey_ANPEventType:
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p the plugin did not request key events", inst());
    return 0;   // unknown or unhandled event
jobject BackgroundPlugin::getSurface() {

    if (m_surface) {
        return m_surface;

    // load the appropriate java class and instantiate it
    JNIEnv* env = NULL;
    if (gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to get env");
        return NULL;

    const char* className = "com.android.sampleplugin.BackgroundSurface";
    jclass backgroundClass = gSystemI.loadJavaClass(inst(), className);

    if(!backgroundClass) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to load class");
        return NULL;

    jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(backgroundClass, "<init>", "(Landroid/content/Context;)V");
    jobject backgroundSurface = env->NewObject(backgroundClass, constructor, m_context);

    if(!backgroundSurface) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to construct object");
        return NULL;

    m_surface = env->NewGlobalRef(backgroundSurface);
    return m_surface;
Ejemplo n.º 6
jobject PaintPlugin::getSurface() {
    if (m_surface) {
        return m_surface;

    // load the appropriate java class and instantiate it
    JNIEnv* env = NULL;
    if (gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to get env");
        return NULL;

    const char* className = "com.android.sampleplugin.PaintSurface";
    jclass paintClass = gSystemI.loadJavaClass(inst(), className);

    if(!paintClass) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to load class");
        return NULL;

    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) inst()->pdata;
    const int pW = obj->window->width;
    const int pH = obj->window->height;

    jmethodID constructor = env->GetMethodID(paintClass, "<init>", "(Landroid/content/Context;III)V");
    jobject paintSurface = env->NewObject(paintClass, constructor, m_context, (int)inst(), pW, pH);

    if(!paintSurface) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ---- getSurface: failed to construct object");
        return NULL;

    m_surface = env->NewGlobalRef(paintSurface);
    return m_surface;
Ejemplo n.º 7
NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc,
                char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved)

    gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "creating plugin");

    PluginObject *obj = NULL;

    // Scripting functions appeared in NPAPI version 14
    if (browser->version >= 14) {
        instance->pdata = browser->createobject (instance, getPluginClass());
        obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
        bzero(obj, sizeof(*obj));
    } else {
        return NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR;

    // select the drawing model
    ANPDrawingModel model = kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel;

    // notify the plugin API of the drawing model we wish to use. This must be
    // done prior to creating certain subPlugin objects (e.g. surfaceViews)
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(instance, kRequestDrawingModel_ANPSetValue,
    if (err) {
        gLogI.log(instance, kError_ANPLogType, "request model %d err %d", model, err);
        return err;

    // create the sub-plugin
    obj->subPlugin = new EventPlugin(instance);

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
void BackgroundPlugin::test_javascript() {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Testing JavaScript Access", instance);

    // Get the plugin's DOM object
    NPObject* windowObject = NULL;
    browser->getvalue(instance, NPNVWindowNPObject, &windowObject);

    if (!windowObject)
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Unable to retrieve DOM Window", instance);

    // create a string (JS code) that is stored in memory allocated by the browser
    const char* jsString = "1200 + 34";
    void* stringMem = browser->memalloc(strlen(jsString));
    memcpy(stringMem, jsString, strlen(jsString));

    // execute the javascript in the plugin's DOM object
    NPString script = { (char*)stringMem, strlen(jsString) };
    NPVariant scriptVariant;
    if (!browser->evaluate(instance, windowObject, &script, &scriptVariant))
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Unable to eval the JS.", instance);

    if (scriptVariant.type == NPVariantType_Int32) {
        if (scriptVariant.value.intValue != 1234)
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Invalid Value for JS Return: %d,1234", instance, scriptVariant.value.intValue);
    } else {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Invalid Variant type for JS Return: %d,%d", instance, scriptVariant.type, NPVariantType_Int32);

    // free the memory allocated within the browser
void BackgroundPlugin::test_logging() {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    //LOG_ERROR(instance, " ------ %p Testing Log Error", instance);
    gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Testing Log Error", instance);
    gLogI.log(kWarning_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Testing Log Warning", instance);
    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Testing Log Debug", instance);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void surfaceDestroyed(JNIEnv* jniEnv, jobject thiz, jint npp)
  // give up all handles to the VM and any VM objects!

  NPP instance = (NPP)npp;

  gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed() instance=%p ...",instance);

  SurfaceSubPlugin* obj = getPluginObject(npp);
    obj->surfaceDestroyed();    // call PaintPlugin.cpp surfaceDestroyed()

    PluginObject* plugin = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
    gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed() plugin=%p",plugin);

        gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed() plugin<0x10000 ############################################");

      gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed() plugin->dexLoaderClass=%p",plugin->dexLoaderClass);

      // call applet stop() via DexLoader.callstop()
      if(plugin->dexLoaderClass && !needDexInit)
        const char* stopMethodName = "callStop";
        gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed() GetStaticMethodID(%s)...",stopMethodName);
        jmethodID  stopMethod = jniEnv->GetStaticMethodID(plugin->dexLoaderClass, stopMethodName, "()V");
        if(stopMethod == NULL)
          gLogI.log(instance, kError_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceCreated() JavaVM unable to find %s() via dexLoaderClass ################################################", stopMethodName);
          jniEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(plugin->dexLoaderClass, stopMethod, NULL);



  gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceDestroyed done");
void BackgroundPlugin::drawPlugin(int surfaceWidth, int surfaceHeight) {

    // get the plugin's dimensions according to the DOM
    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) inst()->pdata;
    const int W = obj->window->width;
    const int H = obj->window->height;

    // compute the current zoom level
    const float zoomFactorW = static_cast<float>(surfaceWidth) / W;
    const float zoomFactorH = static_cast<float>(surfaceHeight) / H;

    // check to make sure the zoom level is uniform
    if (zoomFactorW + .01 < zoomFactorH && zoomFactorW - .01 > zoomFactorH)
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p zoom is out of sync (%f,%f)",
                  inst(), zoomFactorW, zoomFactorH);

    // scale the variables based on the zoom level
    const int fontSize = (int)(zoomFactorW * 16);
    const int leftMargin = (int)(zoomFactorW * 10);

    // lock the surface
    ANPBitmap bitmap;
    JNIEnv* env = NULL;
    if (!m_surface || gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK ||
        !gSurfaceI.lock(env, m_surface, &bitmap, NULL)) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p unable to lock the plugin", inst());

    // create a canvas
    ANPCanvas* canvas = gCanvasI.newCanvas(&bitmap);
    gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    ANPPaint* paint = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(paint, gPaintI.getFlags(paint) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(paint, 0xFFFF0000);
    gPaintI.setTextSize(paint, fontSize);

    ANPTypeface* tf = gTypefaceI.createFromName("serif", kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle);
    gPaintI.setTypeface(paint, tf);

    ANPFontMetrics fm;
    gPaintI.getFontMetrics(paint, &fm);

    gPaintI.setColor(paint, 0xFF0000FF);
    const char c[] = "This is a background plugin.";
    gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, c, sizeof(c)-1, leftMargin, -fm.fTop, paint);

    // clean up variables and unlock the surface
    gSurfaceI.unlock(env, m_surface);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void AudioPlugin::handleTouch(int x, int y) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    // if the track is null then return
    if (NULL == m_soundPlay->track) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "---- %p unable to create track",

    // check to make sure the currentRect matches the activeRect
    ANPRectF* currentRect = validTouch(x,y);
    if (m_activeTouchRect != currentRect)

    if (currentRect == &m_playRect) {

        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "---- %p starting track (%d)",
                  m_soundPlay->track, gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track));

        if (gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track)) {
    else if (currentRect == &m_pauseRect) {

        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "---- %p pausing track (%d)",
                  m_soundPlay->track, gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track));

        if (!gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track)) {
    else if (currentRect == &m_stopRect) {

        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "---- %p stopping track (%d)",
                  m_soundPlay->track, gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track));

        if (!gSoundI.isStopped(m_soundPlay->track)) {
        if (m_soundPlay->file) {
            fseek(m_soundPlay->file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    else {
        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "---- touch x:%d, y:%d ", x, y);

    // set the currentRect to be the activeRect
    m_activeRect = currentRect;
bool NavigationPlugin::handleNavigation(ANPKeyCode keyCode) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Received Key %d", instance, keyCode);

    switch (keyCode) {
		case kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = &m_navUp;
		case kDpadDown_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = &m_navDown;
		case kDpadLeft_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = &m_navLeft;
		case kDpadRight_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = &m_navRight;
		case kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = &m_navCenter;
		case kQ_ANPKeyCode:
		case kDel_ANPKeyCode:
			m_activeNav = NULL;
			return false;
			m_activeNav = NULL;
    return true;
BackgroundPlugin::BackgroundPlugin(NPP inst) : SurfaceSubPlugin(inst) {

    // initialize the drawing surface
    m_surface = NULL;

    //initialize bitmap transparency variables
    mFinishedStageOne   = false;
    mFinishedStageTwo   = false;
    mFinishedStageThree = false;

    // test basic plugin functionality
    test_logging(); // android logging
    test_timers();  // plugin timers
    test_bitmaps(); // android bitmaps

    //register for touch events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kTouch_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");
Ejemplo n.º 15
NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void* value)
    if (variable == NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject) {
        void **v = (void **)value;
        PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata;

        if (obj)

        *v = &(obj->header);
        return NPERR_NO_ERROR;

    if (variable == kJavaSurface_ANPGetValue) {
        //get the surface sub-plugin
        PluginObject* obj = static_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
        if (obj && obj->activePlugin) {

                    || obj->activePlugin->supportsDrawingModel(kOpenGL_ANPDrawingModel)) {
                SurfaceSubPlugin* plugin = static_cast<SurfaceSubPlugin*>(obj->activePlugin);
                jobject* surface = static_cast<jobject*>(value);
                *surface = plugin->getSurface();
                return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
            } else {
                          "-- %p Tried to retrieve surface for non-surface plugin",

Ejemplo n.º 16
bool FormPlugin::handleNavigation(ANPKeyCode keyCode) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Recvd Nav Key %d", instance, keyCode);

    if (!m_activeInput) {
        gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, true);
    else if (m_activeInput == &m_usernameInput) {
        if (keyCode == kDpadDown_ANPKeyCode) {
        else if (keyCode == kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode)
            gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false);
        else if (keyCode == kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode)
            return false;
    else if (m_activeInput == &m_passwordInput) {
        if (keyCode == kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode) {
        else if (keyCode == kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode)
            gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false);
        else if (keyCode == kDpadDown_ANPKeyCode)
            return false;

    return true;
int16_t NavigationPlugin::handleEvent(const ANPEvent* evt) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    switch (evt->eventType) {
        case kDraw_ANPEventType:
            switch (evt->data.draw.model) {
                case kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel:
                    drawPlugin(evt->data.draw.data.bitmap, evt->data.draw.clip);
                    return 1;
                    break;   // unknown drawing model

        case kLifecycle_ANPEventType:
            if (evt->data.lifecycle.action == kLoseFocus_ANPLifecycleAction) {
                gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Loosing Focus", instance);
                m_hasFocus = false;
                return 1;
            else if (evt->data.lifecycle.action == kGainFocus_ANPLifecycleAction) {
                gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Gaining Focus", instance);
                m_hasFocus = true;
                return 1;

        case kMouse_ANPEventType:
            return 1;

        case kKey_ANPEventType:
            if (evt->data.key.action == kDown_ANPKeyAction) {
            	bool result = handleNavigation(evt->data.key.nativeCode);
            	return result;
            return 1;

    return 0;   // unknown or unhandled event
static void timer_repeat(NPP instance, uint32_t timerID) {
    BackgroundPlugin *obj = ((BackgroundPlugin*) ((PluginObject*) instance->pdata)->activePlugin);

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "-------- repeat timer %d\n",
    if (--obj->mTimerRepeatCount == 0) {
        browser->unscheduletimer(instance, timerID);
Ejemplo n.º 19
int16_t AudioPlugin::handleEvent(const ANPEvent* evt) {
    //NPP instance = this->inst();

    gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "AudioPlugin::handleEvent:%d, action:%d", evt->eventType, evt->data.touch.action);
    switch (evt->eventType) {
        case kDraw_ANPEventType:
            switch (evt->data.draw.model) {
                case kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel:
                    drawPlugin(evt->data.draw.data.bitmap, evt->data.draw.clip);
                    return 1;
                    break;   // unknown drawing model

        case kTouch_ANPEventType:
        case kMultiTouch_ANPEventType:
            int x = evt->data.touch.x;
            int y = evt->data.touch.y;
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "kTouch_ANPEventType:x:%d, y%d", x, y);
            if (kDown_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action) {

                m_activeTouchRect = validTouch(x,y);
                if(m_activeTouchRect) {
                    m_activeTouch = true;
                    return 1;

            } else if (kUp_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action && m_activeTouch) {
                handleTouch(x, y);
                m_activeTouch = false;
                return 1;
            } else if (kCancel_ANPTouchAction == evt->data.touch.action) {
                m_activeTouch = false;
    return 0;   // unknown or unhandled event
Ejemplo n.º 20
PaintPlugin::PaintPlugin(NPP inst) : SurfaceSubPlugin(inst) {

    m_isTouchActive = false;
    m_isTouchCurrentInput = true;
    m_activePaintColor = s_redColor;

    memset(&m_drawingSurface, 0, sizeof(m_drawingSurface));
    memset(&m_inputToggle,  0, sizeof(m_inputToggle));
    memset(&m_colorToggle, 0, sizeof(m_colorToggle));
    memset(&m_fullScreenToggle, 0, sizeof(m_fullScreenToggle));
    memset(&m_clearSurface,  0, sizeof(m_clearSurface));

    // initialize the drawing surface
    m_surface = NULL;

    // initialize the path
    m_touchPath = gPathI.newPath();
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "----%p Unable to create the touch path", inst);

    // initialize the paint colors
    m_paintSurface = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintSurface, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintSurface) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintSurface, 0xFFC0C0C0);
    gPaintI.setTextSize(m_paintSurface, 18);

    m_paintButton = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintButton, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintButton) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintButton, 0xFFA8A8A8);

    // initialize the typeface (set the colors)
    ANPTypeface* tf = gTypefaceI.createFromName("serif", kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle);
    gPaintI.setTypeface(m_paintSurface, tf);

    //register for touch events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kTouch_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");
void BackgroundPlugin::test_domAccess() {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Testing DOM Access", instance);

    // Get the plugin's DOM object
    NPObject* windowObject = NULL;
    browser->getvalue(instance, NPNVWindowNPObject, &windowObject);

    if (!windowObject)
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Unable to retrieve DOM Window", instance);

    // Retrieve a property from the plugin's DOM object
    NPIdentifier topIdentifier = browser->getstringidentifier("top");
    NPVariant topObjectVariant;
    browser->getproperty(instance, windowObject, topIdentifier, &topObjectVariant);

    if (topObjectVariant.type != NPVariantType_Object)
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, " ------ %p Invalid Variant type for DOM Property: %d,%d", instance, topObjectVariant.type, NPVariantType_Object);
Ejemplo n.º 22
VideoPlugin::VideoPlugin(NPP inst) : SurfaceSubPlugin(inst) {

    // initialize the drawing surface
    m_surface = NULL;

    //register for touch events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kTouch_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = NPN_SetValue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void surfaceChanged(JNIEnv* jniEnv, jobject thiz, jint npp, jint format, jint width, jint height)
  NPP instance = (NPP)npp;
  gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceChanged()...");

  //SurfaceSubPlugin* obj = getPluginObject(npp);
  //  obj->surfaceChanged(format, width, height);
  //gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge surfaceChanged() done");
Ejemplo n.º 24
int16 NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event)
    PluginObject *obj = reinterpret_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata);
    const ANPEvent* evt = reinterpret_cast<const ANPEvent*>(event);

    if(!obj->subPlugin) {
        gLogI.log(instance, kError_ANPLogType, "the sub-plugin is null.");
        return 0; // unknown or unhandled event
    else {
        return obj->subPlugin->handleEvent(evt);
void BackgroundPlugin::test_bitmap_transparency(const ANPEvent* evt) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();

    // check default & set transparent
    if (!mFinishedStageOne) {

        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "BEGIN: testing bitmap transparency");

        //check to make sure it is not transparent
        if (evt->data.draw.data.bitmap.format == kRGBA_8888_ANPBitmapFormat) {
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "bitmap default format is transparent");

        //make it transparent (any non-null value will set it to true)
        bool value = true;
        NPError err = browser->setvalue(instance, NPPVpluginTransparentBool, &value);
        if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error setting transparency.");

        mFinishedStageOne = true;
        browser->invalidaterect(instance, NULL);
    // check transparent & set opaque
    else if (!mFinishedStageTwo) {

        //check to make sure it is transparent
        if (evt->data.draw.data.bitmap.format != kRGBA_8888_ANPBitmapFormat) {
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "bitmap did not change to transparent format");

        //make it opaque
        NPError err = browser->setvalue(instance, NPPVpluginTransparentBool, NULL);
        if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error setting transparency.");

        mFinishedStageTwo = true;
    // check opaque
    else if (!mFinishedStageThree) {

        //check to make sure it is not transparent
        if (evt->data.draw.data.bitmap.format == kRGBA_8888_ANPBitmapFormat) {
            gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "bitmap default format is transparent");

        gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "END: testing bitmap transparency");

        mFinishedStageThree = true;
void NavigationPlugin::draw(ANPCanvas* canvas) {
    NPP instance = this->inst();
    PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata;

    const int W = obj->window->width;
    const int H = obj->window->height;
    const int Wm = W/2;
    const int Hm = H/2;

    // color the plugin canvas
    gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, (m_hasFocus) ? 0xFFCDCDCD : 0xFF545454);

    // draw the nav up box (5 px from the top edge)
    m_navUp.left = Wm - 15;
    m_navUp.top = 5;
    m_navUp.right = m_navUp.left + 30;
    m_navUp.bottom = m_navUp.top + 30;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_navUp, getPaint(&m_navUp));

    // draw the nav down box (5 px from the bottom edge)
    m_navDown.left = Wm - 15;
    m_navDown.top = H - (30 + 5);
    m_navDown.right = m_navDown.left + 30;
    m_navDown.bottom = m_navDown.top + 30;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_navDown, getPaint(&m_navDown));

    // draw the nav left box (5 px from the left edge)
    m_navLeft.left = 5;
    m_navLeft.top = Hm - 15;
    m_navLeft.right = m_navLeft.left + 30;
    m_navLeft.bottom = m_navLeft.top + 30;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_navLeft, getPaint(&m_navLeft));

    // draw the nav right box (5 px from the right edge)
    m_navRight.left = W - (30 + 5);
    m_navRight.top = Hm - 15;
    m_navRight.right = m_navRight.left + 30;
    m_navRight.bottom = m_navRight.top + 30;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_navRight, getPaint(&m_navRight));

    // draw the nav center box
    m_navCenter.left = Wm - 15;
    m_navCenter.top = Hm - 15;
    m_navCenter.right = m_navCenter.left + 30;
    m_navCenter.bottom = m_navCenter.top + 30;
    gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_navCenter, getPaint(&m_navCenter));

    gLogI.log(kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Drawing Plugin", inst());
Ejemplo n.º 27
VideoPlugin::VideoPlugin(NPP inst, const char * path) : SurfaceSubPlugin(inst) {

    // initialize the drawing surface
    m_surface = NULL;

    //register for touch events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kTouch_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");

    if (path != NULL) {
        strcpy(mFilepath, path);
Ejemplo n.º 28
// called by PluginAppletViewer.java nativeInvokeNative()
static jboolean invokeNative(JNIEnv* jniEnv,
                             jobject thiz,            // TODO ???
                             jint jnpp,               // root npp instance given to jni-bridge::surfaceCreated() -> handed over to DexLoader.loadDexInit()
                             jint jsobj_addr,         // via JsObject from pluginAppletViewer.getWindow();
                             jstring jmethodName,     // may be null
                             jobject args[])
  NPP npp = (NPP)jnpp;
    if(jniEnv && browser && browser->pluginthreadasynccall)
      InvokeNativeObject* invokeNativeObject = (InvokeNativeObject*)malloc(sizeof(InvokeNativeObject));
        const char* methodName = NULL;
          methodName = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(jmethodName, NULL);

//        if(methodName)
//          gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() npp=%p jsobj_addr=%p methodname=%s ...",npp,jsobj_addr,methodName);
//        else
//          gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() npp=%p jsobj_addr=%p ...",npp,jsobj_addr);

        bzero(invokeNativeObject, sizeof(InvokeNativeObject));
        invokeNativeObject->npp = npp;
        invokeNativeObject->jsobj = (NPObject*)jsobj_addr;
        //invokeNativeObject->args = args;    // todo

        //gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() npp=%p jsobj=%p use pluginthreadasynccall()...",npp,invokeNativeObject->jsobj);
        browser->pluginthreadasynccall(npp, &invokeNativeAsync, (void*)invokeNativeObject);
        // invokeNativeObject may now be freed
        //gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() called ... ");

          jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jmethodName, methodName);
        //gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() done");
        return true;

    gLogI.log(npp, kDebug_ANPLogType, "jni-bridge invokeNative() done fail");
  return false;
NavigationPlugin::NavigationPlugin(NPP inst) : SubPlugin(inst) {

    m_hasFocus = false;
    m_activeNav = NULL;

    m_paintDisabled = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintDisabled, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintDisabled) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintDisabled, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    m_paintActive = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintActive, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintActive) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintActive, 0xFFFFFF00);

    //register for key events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kKey_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");
Ejemplo n.º 30
FormPlugin::FormPlugin(NPP inst) : SubPlugin(inst) {

    m_hasFocus = false;
    m_activeInput = NULL;

    memset(&m_usernameInput, 0, sizeof(m_usernameInput));
    memset(&m_passwordInput, 0, sizeof(m_passwordInput));

    m_usernameInput.text[0] = '\0';
    m_usernameInput.charPtr = 0;

    m_passwordInput.text[0] = '\0';
    m_passwordInput.charPtr = 0;

    m_paintInput = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintInput, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintInput) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintInput, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    m_paintActive = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintActive, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintActive) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintActive, 0xFFFFFF00);

    m_paintText = gPaintI.newPaint();
    gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintText, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintText) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag);
    gPaintI.setColor(m_paintText, 0xFF000000);
    gPaintI.setTextSize(m_paintText, 18);

    ANPTypeface* tf = gTypefaceI.createFromName("serif", kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle);
    gPaintI.setTypeface(m_paintText, tf);

    //register for key and visibleRect events
    ANPEventFlags flags = kKey_ANPEventFlag;
    NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags);
    if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) {
        gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events.");