Ejemplo n.º 1
// parent is either a FunctionDefinitionAST or a SimpleDeclarationAST
// line and column are 1-based
static bool findDeclOrDef(const Document::Ptr &doc, int line, int column,
                          DeclarationAST **parent, DeclaratorAST **decl,
                          FunctionDeclaratorAST **funcDecl)
    QList<AST *> path = ASTPath(doc)(line, column);

    // for function definitions, simply scan for FunctionDefinitionAST not preceded
    //    by CompoundStatement/CtorInitializer
    // for function declarations, look for SimpleDeclarations with a single Declarator
    //    with a FunctionDeclarator postfix
    FunctionDefinitionAST *funcDef = 0;
    SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDecl = 0;
    *decl = 0;
    for (int i = path.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) {
        AST *ast = path.at(i);
        if (ast->asCompoundStatement() || ast->asCtorInitializer())
        if ((funcDef = ast->asFunctionDefinition()) != 0) {
            *parent = funcDef;
            *decl = funcDef->declarator;
        if ((simpleDecl = ast->asSimpleDeclaration()) != 0) {
            *parent = simpleDecl;
            if (!simpleDecl->declarator_list || !simpleDecl->declarator_list->value)
            *decl = simpleDecl->declarator_list->value;
    if (!*parent || !*decl)
        return false;
    if (!(*decl)->postfix_declarator_list || !(*decl)->postfix_declarator_list->value)
        return false;
    *funcDecl = (*decl)->postfix_declarator_list->value->asFunctionDeclarator();
    return *funcDecl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CppSelectionChanger::fineTuneASTNodePositions(ASTNodePositions &positions) const
    AST *ast = positions.ast;

    if (ast->asCompoundStatement()) {
        // Allow first selecting the contents of the scope, without selecting the braces, and
        // afterwards select the contents together with  braces.
        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of compound statement.";

            unsigned firstInnerTokenIndex = positions.firstTokenIndex + 1;
            unsigned lastInnerTokenIndex = positions.lastTokenIndex - 2;
            Token firstInnerToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstInnerTokenIndex);
            Token lastInnerToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastInnerTokenIndex);
            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "LastInnerToken:" << lastInnerToken.spell();
                qDebug() << "FirstInnerToken:" << firstInnerToken.spell();

            // Check if compound statement is empty, then select just the blank space inside it.
            int newPosStart, newPosEnd;
            if (positions.secondToLastTokenIndex - positions.firstTokenIndex <= 1) {
                // TODO: If the empty space has a new tab character, or spaces, and the document is
                // not saved, the last semantic info is not updated, and the selection is not
                // properly computed. Figure out how to work around this.
                newPosStart = getTokenEndCursorPosition(positions.firstTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
                newPosEnd = getTokenStartCursorPosition(positions.secondToLastTokenIndex,
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of compound statement which is empty.";
            } else {
                // Select the inner contents of the scope, without the braces.
                newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstInnerTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
                newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastInnerTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

            if (debug) {
                qDebug() << "New" << newPosStart << newPosEnd
                         << "Old" << m_workingCursor.anchor() << m_workingCursor.position();

            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
        // Next time, we select the braces as well. Reverse for shrinking.
        // The positions already have the correct selection, so no need to set them.
    } else if (CallAST *callAST = ast->asCall()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = callAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = callAST->rparen_token;
        Token firstParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstParenTokenIndex);
        Token lastParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastParenTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstParenToken:" << firstParenToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastParenToken:" << lastParenToken.spell();

        // Select the parenthesis of the call, and everything between.
        int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isInFunctionName =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= newPosStart;

        // If cursor is inside the function name, select the name implicitly (because it's a
        // different AST node), and then the whole call expression (so just one step).
        // If cursor is inside parentheses, on first step select everything inside them,
        // on second step select the everything inside parentheses including them,
        // on third step select the whole call expression.
        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && !isInFunctionName) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside parentheses.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart + 1;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd - 1;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2 && !isInFunctionName) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside and including "
                            "the parentheses of the function call.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
    } else if (StringLiteralAST *stringLiteralAST = ast->asStringLiteral()) {
        // Select literal without quotes on first step, and the whole literal on next step.
        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            Token firstToken = m_unit->tokenAt(stringLiteralAST->firstToken());
            bool isRawLiteral = firstToken.f.kind >= T_FIRST_RAW_STRING_LITERAL
                                && firstToken.f.kind <= T_RAW_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL;
            if (debug && isRawLiteral)
                qDebug() << "Is raw literal.";

            // Start from positions that include quotes.
            int newPosEnd = positions.astPosEnd;

            // Decrement last position to skip last quote.

            // If raw literal also skip parenthesis.
            if (isRawLiteral)

            // Start position will be the end position minus the size of the actual contents of the
            // literal.
            int newPosStart = newPosEnd - static_cast<int>(firstToken.string->size());

            // Skip raw literal parentheses.
            if (isRawLiteral)
                newPosStart += 2;

            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of string literal.";
    } else if (NumericLiteralAST *numericLiteralAST = ast->asNumericLiteral()) {
        Token firstToken = m_unit->tokenAt(numericLiteralAST->firstToken());
        // If char literal, select it without quotes on first step.
        if (firstToken.isCharLiteral()) {
            if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting inner contents of char literal.";

                positions.astPosEnd = positions.astPosEnd - 1;
                positions.astPosStart = positions.astPosEnd - int(firstToken.literal->size());
    } else if (ForStatementAST *forStatementAST = ast->asForStatement()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = forStatementAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = forStatementAST->rparen_token;
        fineTuneForStatementPositions(firstParenTokenIndex, lastParenTokenIndex, positions);
    } else if (RangeBasedForStatementAST *rangeForStatementAST = ast->asRangeBasedForStatement()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = rangeForStatementAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = rangeForStatementAST->rparen_token;
        fineTuneForStatementPositions(firstParenTokenIndex, lastParenTokenIndex, positions);
    } else if (ClassSpecifierAST *classSpecificerAST = ast->asClassSpecifier()) {

        unsigned firstBraceTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->lbrace_token;
        unsigned lastBraceTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->rbrace_token;
        unsigned classKeywordTokenIndex = classSpecificerAST->classkey_token;

        Token firstBraceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstBraceTokenIndex);
        Token lastBraceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastBraceTokenIndex);
        Token classKeywordToken = m_unit->tokenAt(classKeywordTokenIndex);

        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstBraceToken:" << firstBraceToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastBraceToken:" << lastBraceToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "classKeywordToken:" << classKeywordToken.spell();


        int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstBraceTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastBraceTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isOutsideBraces =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= newPosStart;
        bool isInsideBraces = !isOutsideBraces;

        int classKeywordPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(classKeywordTokenIndex,

        int classKeywordPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(classKeywordTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isInClassKeyword = m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= classKeywordPosStart &&
                                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= classKeywordPosEnd;

        bool isInClassName = false;
        int classNamePosEnd = newPosEnd;
        NameAST *nameAST = classSpecificerAST->name;
        if (nameAST) {
            SimpleNameAST *classNameAST = nameAST->asSimpleName();
            if (classNameAST) {
                unsigned identifierTokenIndex = classNameAST->identifier_token;
                Token identifierToken = m_unit->tokenAt(identifierTokenIndex);
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "identifierToken:" << identifierToken.spell();

                int classNamePosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex,
                classNamePosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex,

                isInClassName = m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= classNamePosStart &&
                                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= classNamePosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInsideBraces) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside braces of class statement.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart + 1;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd - 1;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2 && isInsideBraces) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting braces of class statement.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInClassKeyword) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting class keyword.";
            positions.astPosStart = classKeywordPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = classKeywordPosEnd;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2 && isInClassKeyword) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting class keyword and name.";
            positions.astPosStart = classKeywordPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = classNamePosEnd;
        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInClassName) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting class keyword and name.";
            positions.astPosStart = classKeywordPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = classNamePosEnd;
    } else if (NamespaceAST *namespaceAST = ast->asNamespace()) {
        unsigned namespaceTokenIndex = namespaceAST->namespace_token;
        unsigned identifierTokenIndex = namespaceAST->identifier_token;
        Token namespaceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(namespaceTokenIndex);
        Token identifierToken = m_unit->tokenAt(identifierTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "namespace token:" << namespaceToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "identifier token:" << identifierToken.spell();

        int namespacePosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(namespaceTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int namespacePosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(namespaceTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        int identifierPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int identifierPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isInNamespaceKeyword =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= namespacePosEnd;

        bool isInNamespaceIdentifier =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= identifierPosStart &&
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= identifierPosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            if (isInNamespaceKeyword) {
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting namespace keyword.";
                positions.astPosStart = namespacePosStart;
                positions.astPosEnd = namespacePosEnd;
            else if (isInNamespaceIdentifier) {
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting namespace identifier.";
                positions.astPosStart = identifierPosStart;
                positions.astPosEnd = identifierPosEnd;
        else if (currentASTStep() == 2) {
            if (isInNamespaceKeyword || isInNamespaceIdentifier) {
                if (debug)
                    qDebug() << "Selecting namespace keyword and identifier.";
                positions.astPosStart = namespacePosStart;
                positions.astPosEnd = identifierPosEnd;

    } else if (ExpressionListParenAST *parenAST = ast->asExpressionListParen()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = parenAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = parenAST->rparen_token;
        Token firstParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstParenTokenIndex);
        Token lastParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastParenTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstParenToken:" << firstParenToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastParenToken:" << lastParenToken.spell();

        // Select the parentheses, and everything between.
        int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside parentheses.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart + 1;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd - 1;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside including the parentheses.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
    } else if (FunctionDeclaratorAST* functionDeclaratorAST = ast->asFunctionDeclarator()) {
        unsigned firstParenTokenIndex = functionDeclaratorAST->lparen_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = functionDeclaratorAST->rparen_token;
        Token firstParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstParenTokenIndex);
        Token lastParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastParenTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstParenToken:" << firstParenToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastParenToken:" << lastParenToken.spell();

        int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        if (currentASTStep() == 1) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything inside and including the parentheses.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
    } else if (FunctionDefinitionAST *functionDefinitionAST = ast->asFunctionDefinition()) {
        if (!functionDefinitionAST->function_body)

        CompoundStatementAST *compoundStatementAST =
        if (!compoundStatementAST)

        if (!functionDefinitionAST->decl_specifier_list
                || !functionDefinitionAST->decl_specifier_list->value)

        SimpleSpecifierAST *simpleSpecifierAST =
        if (!simpleSpecifierAST)

        unsigned firstBraceTokenIndex = compoundStatementAST->lbrace_token;
        unsigned specifierTokenIndex = simpleSpecifierAST->firstToken();
        Token firstBraceToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstBraceTokenIndex);
        Token specifierToken = m_unit->tokenAt(specifierTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstBraceToken:" << firstBraceToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "specifierToken:" << specifierToken.spell();

        int firstBracePosEnd = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstBraceTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isOutsideBraces =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= firstBracePosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isOutsideBraces) {
            int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(specifierTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting everything to the left of the function braces.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = firstBracePosEnd - 1;
    } else if (DeclaratorAST *declaratorAST = ast->asDeclarator()) {
        PostfixDeclaratorListAST *list = declaratorAST->postfix_declarator_list;
        if (!list)

        PostfixDeclaratorAST *postfixDeclarator = list->value;
        if (!postfixDeclarator)

        FunctionDeclaratorAST *functionDeclarator = postfixDeclarator->asFunctionDeclarator();
        if (!functionDeclarator)

        SpecifierListAST *cv_list = functionDeclarator->cv_qualifier_list;
        if (!cv_list)

        SpecifierAST *first_cv = cv_list->value;
        if (!first_cv)

        unsigned firstCVTokenIndex = first_cv->firstToken();
        Token firstCVToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstCVTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstCVTokenIndex:" << firstCVToken.spell();

        int cvPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstCVTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        bool isBeforeCVList = m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() < cvPosStart;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isBeforeCVList) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting function declarator without CV qualifiers.";

            int newPosEnd = cvPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd - 1;

    } else if (TemplateIdAST *templateIdAST = ast->asTemplateId()) {
        unsigned identifierTokenIndex = templateIdAST->identifier_token;
        Token identifierToken = m_unit->tokenAt(identifierTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "identifierTokenIndex:" << identifierToken.spell();

        int newPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);
        int newPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(identifierTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isInsideIdentifier = m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= newPosStart &&
                                  m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= newPosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInsideIdentifier) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting just identifier before selecting template id.";
            positions.astPosStart = newPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = newPosEnd;
    } else if (TemplateDeclarationAST *templateDeclarationAST = ast->asTemplateDeclaration()) {
        unsigned templateKeywordTokenIndex = templateDeclarationAST->template_token;
        unsigned greaterTokenIndex = templateDeclarationAST->greater_token;
        Token templateKeywordToken = m_unit->tokenAt(templateKeywordTokenIndex);
        Token greaterToken = m_unit->tokenAt(greaterTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "templateKeywordTokenIndex:" << templateKeywordToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "greaterTokenIndex:" << greaterToken.spell();

        int templateKeywordPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(templateKeywordTokenIndex,
        int templateKeywordPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(templateKeywordTokenIndex,

        int templateParametersPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(greaterTokenIndex,

        bool isInsideTemplateKeyword =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= templateKeywordPosStart &&
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= templateKeywordPosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInsideTemplateKeyword) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting template keyword.";
            positions.astPosStart = templateKeywordPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = templateKeywordPosEnd;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2 && isInsideTemplateKeyword) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting template keyword and parameters.";
            positions.astPosStart = templateKeywordPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = templateParametersPosEnd;
    } else if (LambdaExpressionAST *lambdaExpressionAST = ast->asLambdaExpression()) {
        // TODO: Fix more lambda cases.
        LambdaIntroducerAST *lambdaIntroducerAST = lambdaExpressionAST->lambda_introducer;
        LambdaDeclaratorAST *lambdaDeclaratorAST = lambdaExpressionAST->lambda_declarator;
        if (!lambdaDeclaratorAST)

        TrailingReturnTypeAST *trailingReturnTypeAST = lambdaDeclaratorAST->trailing_return_type;
        unsigned firstSquareBracketTokenIndex = lambdaIntroducerAST->lbracket_token;
        unsigned lastParenTokenIndex = lambdaDeclaratorAST->rparen_token;

        Token firstSquareBracketToken = m_unit->tokenAt(firstSquareBracketTokenIndex);
        Token lastParenToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastParenTokenIndex);
        if (debug) {
            qDebug() << "firstSquareBracketToken:" << firstSquareBracketToken.spell();
            qDebug() << "lastParenToken:" << lastParenToken.spell();

        int firstSquareBracketPosStart = getTokenStartCursorPosition(firstSquareBracketTokenIndex,
        int lastParenPosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastParenTokenIndex, m_workingCursor);

        bool isInsideDeclarator =
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.anchor() >= firstSquareBracketPosStart &&
                m_initialChangeSelectionCursor.position() <= lastParenPosEnd;

        if (currentASTStep() == 1 && isInsideDeclarator) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting lambda capture group and arguments.";
            positions.astPosStart = firstSquareBracketPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = lastParenPosEnd;
        if (currentASTStep() == 2 && isInsideDeclarator && trailingReturnTypeAST) {
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "Selecting lambda prototype.";

            unsigned lastReturnTypeTokenIndex = trailingReturnTypeAST->lastToken();
            Token lastReturnTypeToken = m_unit->tokenAt(lastReturnTypeTokenIndex);
            if (debug)
                qDebug() << "lastReturnTypeToken:" << lastReturnTypeToken.spell();
            int lastReturnTypePosEnd = getTokenEndCursorPosition(lastReturnTypeTokenIndex,

            positions.astPosStart = firstSquareBracketPosStart;
            positions.astPosEnd = lastReturnTypePosEnd - 2;