Ejemplo n.º 1
bool PostgresDatabase::CreateDatabase(const AString& name)
	bool success = false;

	if ((success = RunSQL(AString::Formatify("create database %s", name.str()))) == false) {
		AString errmsg = GetErrorMessage();
		if (errmsg.PosNoCase("already exists") < 0) {
			debug("Failed to create database '%s': %s\n", name.str(), errmsg.str());
		else success = true;

	return success;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool PostgresDatabase::AddUser(const AString& username, const AString& password)
	bool success = false;

	if ((success = RunSQL(AString::Formatify("create user %s with password '%s'", username.str(), password.str()))) == false) {
		AString errmsg = GetErrorMessage();
		if (errmsg.PosNoCase("already exists") < 0) {
			debug("Failed to create user '%s': %s\n", username.str(), errmsg.str());
		else success = true;

	return success;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ADVBConfig::ListUsers(AList& list) const
	AHash 	 users(10);
	AList 	 userpatterns;
	AString  filepattern 	   = GetUserPatternsPattern();
	AString  filepattern_parsed = ParseRegex(filepattern);
	AString  _users             = GetConfigItem("users");
	AStdFile fp;
	uint_t   i, n = _users.CountColumns();

	//debug("Reading users from config %s\n", config.GetFilename().str());

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		AString user = _users.Column(i).Words(0);

		if (!users.Exists(user)) {
			users.Insert(user, 0);
			list.Add(new AString(user));

	if (fp.open(GetPatternsFile())) {
		AString line;

		while (line.ReadLn(fp) >= 0) {
			AString user;
			int p;

			if		((p = line.PosNoCase(" user:="******"user:=") == 0)        user = line.Mid(6).Word(0).DeQuotify();

			if (user.Valid() && !users.Exists(user)) {
				users.Insert(user, 0);
				list.Add(new AString(user));


	::CollectFiles(filepattern.PathPart(), filepattern.FilePart(), 0, userpatterns);

	const AString *file = AString::Cast(userpatterns.First());
	while (file) {
		AString   user;
		ADataList regions;

		if (MatchRegex(*file, filepattern_parsed, regions)) {
			const REGEXREGION *region = (const REGEXREGION *)regions[0];

			if (region) {
				user = file->Mid(region->pos, region->len);
				if (!users.Exists(user)) {
					users.Insert(user, 0);
					list.Add(new AString(user));

		file = file->Next();
