Ejemplo n.º 1
JSObject *
JSAbstractFramePtr::callObject(JSContext *cx)
    AbstractFramePtr frame = Valueify(*this);

    if (!frame.isFunctionFrame())
        return NULL;

    JSObject *o = GetDebugScopeForFrame(cx, frame);

     * Given that fp is a function frame and GetDebugScopeForFrame always fills
     * in missing scopes, we can expect to find fp's CallObject on 'o'. Note:
     *  - GetDebugScopeForFrame wraps every ScopeObject (missing or not) with
     *    a DebugScopeObject proxy.
     *  - If fp is an eval-in-function, then fp has no callobj of its own and
     *    JS_GetFrameCallObject will return the innermost function's callobj.
    while (o) {
        ScopeObject &scope = o->asDebugScope().scope();
        if (scope.isCall())
            return o;
        o = o->enclosingScope();
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Initialize the decl env Object, call object, and any arguments obj of the current frame.
jit::EnsureHasScopeObjects(JSContext* cx, AbstractFramePtr fp)
    if (fp.isFunctionFrame() &&
        fp.fun()->isHeavyweight() &&
        return fp.initFunctionScopeObjects(cx);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Initialize the decl env Object, call object, and any arguments obj of the current frame.
jit::EnsureHasScopeObjects(JSContext* cx, AbstractFramePtr fp)
    // Ion does not compile eval scripts.

    if (fp.isFunctionFrame() &&
        fp.callee()->needsCallObject() &&
        return fp.initFunctionScopeObjects(cx);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
js::DirectEval(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args)
    // Direct eval can assume it was called from an interpreted or baseline frame.
    ScriptFrameIter iter(cx);
    AbstractFramePtr caller = iter.abstractFramePtr();

    JS_ASSERT(JSOp(*iter.pc()) == JSOP_EVAL ||
              JSOp(*iter.pc()) == JSOP_SPREADEVAL);
                 caller.compartment() == caller.callee()->compartment());

    RootedObject scopeChain(cx, caller.scopeChain());
    return EvalKernel(cx, args, DIRECT_EVAL, caller, scopeChain, iter.pc());
Ejemplo n.º 5
js::DirectEval(JSContext *cx, const CallArgs &args)
    // Direct eval can assume it was called from an interpreted or baseline frame.
    ScriptFrameIter iter(cx);
    AbstractFramePtr caller = iter.abstractFramePtr();

    JS_ASSERT(IsBuiltinEvalForScope(caller.scopeChain(), args.calleev()));
    JS_ASSERT(JSOp(*iter.pc()) == JSOP_EVAL);
                 caller.compartment() == caller.callee()->compartment());

    if (!WarnOnTooManyArgs(cx, args))
        return false;

    RootedObject scopeChain(cx, caller.scopeChain());
    return EvalKernel(cx, args, DIRECT_EVAL, caller, scopeChain, iter.pc());
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Initialize the decl env Object, call object, and any arguments obj of the
// current frame.
jit::EnsureHasEnvironmentObjects(JSContext* cx, AbstractFramePtr fp)
    // Ion does not compile eval scripts.

    if (fp.isFunctionFrame()) {
        // Ion does not handle extra var environments due to parameter
        // expressions yet.

        if (!fp.hasInitialEnvironment() && fp.callee()->needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects()) {
            if (!fp.initFunctionEnvironmentObjects(cx))
                return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
StackFrame::initExecuteFrame(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, AbstractFramePtr evalInFramePrev,
                             const Value &thisv, JSObject &scopeChain, ExecuteType type)
     * See encoding of ExecuteType. When GLOBAL isn't set, we are executing a
     * script in the context of another frame and the frame type is determined
     * by the context.
    flags_ = type | HAS_SCOPECHAIN;

    JSObject *callee = nullptr;
    if (!(flags_ & (GLOBAL))) {
        if (evalInFramePrev) {
            JS_ASSERT(evalInFramePrev.isFunctionFrame() || evalInFramePrev.isGlobalFrame());
            if (evalInFramePrev.isFunctionFrame()) {
                callee = evalInFramePrev.callee();
                flags_ |= FUNCTION;
            } else {
                flags_ |= GLOBAL;
        } else {
            ScriptFrameIter iter(cx);
            JS_ASSERT(iter.isFunctionFrame() || iter.isGlobalFrame());
            if (iter.isFunctionFrame()) {
                callee = iter.callee();
                flags_ |= FUNCTION;
            } else {
                flags_ |= GLOBAL;

    Value *dstvp = (Value *)this - 2;
    dstvp[1] = thisv;

    if (isFunctionFrame()) {
        dstvp[0] = ObjectValue(*callee);
        exec.fun = &callee->as<JSFunction>();
        u.evalScript = script;
    } else {
        dstvp[0] = NullValue();
        exec.script = script;
#ifdef DEBUG
        u.evalScript = (JSScript *)0xbad;

    scopeChain_ = &scopeChain;
    prev_ = nullptr;
    prevpc_ = nullptr;
    prevsp_ = nullptr;

    JS_ASSERT_IF(evalInFramePrev, isDebuggerFrame());
    evalInFramePrev_ = evalInFramePrev;

#ifdef DEBUG
    Debug_SetValueRangeToCrashOnTouch(&rval_, 1);
    hookData_ = (void *)0xbad;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Common code implementing direct and indirect eval.
// Evaluate call.argv[2], if it is a string, in the context of the given calling
// frame, with the provided scope chain, with the semantics of either a direct
// or indirect eval (see ES5 10.4.2).  If this is an indirect eval, scopeobj
// must be a global object.
// On success, store the completion value in call.rval and return true.
static bool
EvalKernel(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, EvalType evalType, AbstractFramePtr caller,
           HandleObject scopeobj, jsbytecode* pc, MutableHandleValue vp)
    MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !caller);
    MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !pc);
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL, IsGlobalLexicalScope(scopeobj));
    AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj);

    Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global());
    if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL);
        return false;

    // ES5 step 1.
    if (!v.isString()) {
        return true;
    RootedString str(cx, v.toString());

    // ES5 steps 2-8.

    // Per ES5, indirect eval runs in the global scope. (eval is specified this
    // way so that the compiler can make assumptions about what bindings may or
    // may not exist in the current frame if it doesn't see 'eval'.)
                  cx->global() == &scopeobj->as<ClonedBlockObject>().global());

    RootedLinearString linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
    if (!linearStr)
        return false;

    RootedScript callerScript(cx, caller ? caller.script() : nullptr);
    EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, linearStr, vp);
    if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON)
        return ejr == EvalJSON_Success;

    EvalScriptGuard esg(cx);

    if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && caller.isFunctionFrame())
        esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, callerScript, pc);

    if (!esg.foundScript()) {
        RootedScript maybeScript(cx);
        unsigned lineno;
        const char* filename;
        bool mutedErrors;
        uint32_t pcOffset;
        DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset,
                                             evalType == DIRECT_EVAL
                                             ? CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL
                                             : NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL);

        const char* introducerFilename = filename;
        if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename())
            introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename();

        RootedObject enclosing(cx);
        if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL)
            enclosing = callerScript->innermostStaticScope(pc);
            enclosing = &cx->global()->lexicalScope().staticBlock();
        Rooted<StaticEvalScope*> staticScope(cx, StaticEvalScope::create(cx, enclosing));
        if (!staticScope)
            return false;

        CompileOptions options(cx);
               .maybeMakeStrictMode(evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && IsStrictEvalPC(pc));

        if (introducerFilename) {
            options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1);
            options.setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset);
        } else {
            options.setFileAndLine("eval", 1);

        AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx);
        if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, linearStr))
            return false;

        const char16_t* chars = linearChars.twoByteRange().start().get();
        SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = linearChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller()
                                                  ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership
                                                  : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership;
        SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, linearStr->length(), ownership);
        JSScript* compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(),
                                                     scopeobj, staticScope, callerScript,
                                                     options, srcBuf, linearStr);
        if (!compiled)
            return false;

        if (compiled->strict())


    // Look up the newTarget from the frame iterator.
    Value newTargetVal = NullValue();
    return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, newTargetVal,
                         NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address());
Ejemplo n.º 9
frontend::CompileScript(JSContext *cx, HandleObject scopeChain, AbstractFramePtr callerFrame,
                        const CompileOptions &options,
                        StableCharPtr chars, size_t length,
                        JSString *source_ /* = NULL */,
                        unsigned staticLevel /* = 0 */)
    RootedString source(cx, source_);

    class ProbesManager
        const char* filename;
        unsigned lineno;

        ProbesManager(const char *f, unsigned l) : filename(f), lineno(l) {
            Probes::compileScriptBegin(filename, lineno);
        ~ProbesManager() { Probes::compileScriptEnd(filename, lineno); }
    ProbesManager probesManager(options.filename, options.lineno);

     * The scripted callerFrame can only be given for compile-and-go scripts
     * and non-zero static level requires callerFrame.
    JS_ASSERT_IF(callerFrame, options.compileAndGo);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(staticLevel != 0, callerFrame);

    if (!CheckLength(cx, length))
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(staticLevel != 0, options.sourcePolicy != CompileOptions::LAZY_SOURCE);
    ScriptSource *ss = cx->new_<ScriptSource>();
    if (!ss)
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);
    ScriptSourceHolder ssh(ss);
    SourceCompressionToken sct(cx);
    switch (options.sourcePolicy) {
      case CompileOptions::SAVE_SOURCE:
        if (!ss->setSourceCopy(cx, chars, length, false, &sct))
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);
      case CompileOptions::LAZY_SOURCE:
      case CompileOptions::NO_SOURCE:

    Parser parser(cx, options, chars, length, /* foldConstants = */ true);
    if (!parser.init())
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);
    parser.sct = &sct;

    GlobalSharedContext globalsc(cx, scopeChain, StrictModeFromContext(cx));

    ParseContext pc(&parser, &globalsc, staticLevel, /* bodyid = */ 0);
    if (!pc.init())
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    bool savedCallerFun = options.compileAndGo && callerFrame && callerFrame.isFunctionFrame();
    Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx, JSScript::Create(cx, NullPtr(), savedCallerFun,
                                                  options, staticLevel, ss, 0, length));
    if (!script)
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    // Global/eval script bindings are always empty (all names are added to the
    // scope dynamically via JSOP_DEFFUN/VAR).
    InternalHandle<Bindings*> bindings(script, &script->bindings);
    if (!Bindings::initWithTemporaryStorage(cx, bindings, 0, 0, NULL))
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    // We can specialize a bit for the given scope chain if that scope chain is the global object.
    JSObject *globalScope = scopeChain && scopeChain == &scopeChain->global() ? (JSObject*) scopeChain : NULL;
    JS_ASSERT_IF(globalScope, globalScope->isNative());
    JS_ASSERT_IF(globalScope, JSCLASS_HAS_GLOBAL_FLAG_AND_SLOTS(globalScope->getClass()));

    BytecodeEmitter bce(/* parent = */ NULL, &parser, &globalsc, script, callerFrame, !!globalScope,
                        options.lineno, options.selfHostingMode);
    if (!bce.init())
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    /* If this is a direct call to eval, inherit the caller's strictness.  */
    if (callerFrame && callerFrame.script()->strict)
        globalsc.strict = true;

    if (options.compileAndGo) {
        if (source) {
             * Save eval program source in script->atoms[0] for the
             * eval cache (see EvalCacheLookup in jsobj.cpp).
            JSAtom *atom = AtomizeString<CanGC>(cx, source);
            jsatomid _;
            if (!atom || !bce.makeAtomIndex(atom, &_))
                return UnrootedScript(NULL);

        if (callerFrame && callerFrame.isFunctionFrame()) {
             * An eval script in a caller frame needs to have its enclosing
             * function captured in case it refers to an upvar, and someone
             * wishes to decompile it while it's running.
            JSFunction *fun = callerFrame.fun();
            ObjectBox *funbox = parser.newFunctionBox(fun, &pc, fun->strict());
            if (!funbox)
                return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    TokenStream &tokenStream = parser.tokenStream;
    bool canHaveDirectives = true;
    for (;;) {
        TokenKind tt = tokenStream.peekToken(TSF_OPERAND);
        if (tt <= TOK_EOF) {
            if (tt == TOK_EOF)
            JS_ASSERT(tt == TOK_ERROR);
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);

        ParseNode *pn = parser.statement();
        if (!pn)
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);

        if (canHaveDirectives) {
            if (!parser.maybeParseDirective(pn, &canHaveDirectives))
                return UnrootedScript(NULL);

        if (!FoldConstants(cx, &pn, &parser))
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);
        if (!NameFunctions(cx, pn))
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);

        if (!EmitTree(cx, &bce, pn))
            return UnrootedScript(NULL);


    if (!SetSourceMap(cx, tokenStream, ss, script))
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    // It's an error to use |arguments| in a function that has a rest parameter.
    if (callerFrame && callerFrame.isFunctionFrame() && callerFrame.fun()->hasRest()) {
        HandlePropertyName arguments = cx->names().arguments;
        for (AtomDefnRange r = pc.lexdeps->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
            if (r.front().key() == arguments) {
                parser.reportError(NULL, JSMSG_ARGUMENTS_AND_REST);
                return UnrootedScript(NULL);

     * Nowadays the threaded interpreter needs a stop instruction, so we
     * do have to emit that here.
    if (Emit1(cx, &bce, JSOP_STOP) < 0)
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    if (!JSScript::fullyInitFromEmitter(cx, script, &bce))
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);


    if (!sct.complete())
        return UnrootedScript(NULL);

    return script;