Ejemplo n.º 1
bool IntStrListHelper::GetIntStrList( const CString& name, AcDbIntArray& intList, AcStringArray& strList )
    AcStringArray entries;
    if( !ArxDictHelper::GetAllEntries( INT_LIST_DICT, name, entries ) ) return false;

    int len = entries.length();
    bool ret = ( len > 0 && len % 2 == 0 );
    if( ret ) // 长度必须为偶数

        for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
            if( i % 2 == 0 ) // 偶数位置的元素为整数
                intList.append( _ttoi( entries[i].kACharPtr() ) );
            else       // 奇数位置的元素为字符串
                strList.append( entries[i] );
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void AppendNewGoafPolygon( const AcGePoint3dArray& polygons,
                                  const AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts,
                                  const AcDbIntArray& colinearEdges,
                                  const AcDbIntArray& parTypes,
                                  const AcGePoint3dArray& ex_spts,
                                  const AcGePoint3dArray& ex_epts,
                                  const AcGeDoubleArray& ex_dirs,
                                  const AcDbIntArray& linePos,
                                  int k,
                                  AcGePoint3dArray& spts,
                                  AcGePoint3dArray& epts,
                                  AcGeDoubleArray& dirs,
                                  AcDbIntArray& gas_types,
                                  AcDbIntArray& gas_linePos )
    int s = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < k; i++ )
        s += polygon_counts[i];
    int t = s + polygon_counts[k];

    for( int i = s; i < t; i++ )
        if( colinearEdges[i] == 0 )
            spts.append( ex_spts[i] );
            epts.append( ex_epts[i] );
            dirs.append( ex_dirs );
            gas_types.append( parTypes[i] );
            gas_linePos.append( linePos[i] );
Ejemplo n.º 3
Acad::ErrorStatus TailraceGEDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
	assertWriteEnabled () ;

	for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
		int idx = indices.at( i );
		if ( idx == 0 )
			m_insertPt += offset; 			// 插入点偏移

// 		if(idx == 1)
// 		{
// 			// 1) 计算x轴的端点坐标
// 			AcGeVector3d v(AcGeVector3d::kXAxis);
// 			v.rotateBy(m_angle,AcGeVector3d::kZAxis);
// 			v.rotateBy(3.1415926/2,AcGeVector3d::kZAxis);
// 			AcGePoint3d pt = m_insertPt + v*m_lenth;
// 			// 2) 进行坐标偏移计算
// 			pt += offset;
// 			// 坐标相减,得到一个向量,然后得到向量长度
// 			m_lenth = (pt - m_insertPt).length();
// 			caculPts();
// 		}

	return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Acad::ErrorStatus DoubleArcTunnelDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );
        if ( idx == 0 )
            m_startPt += offset;

        if ( idx == 1 )
            m_endPt += offset;

        // 弧的中点
        if ( idx == 2 )
            m_thirdPt += offset;
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// 查找采空区的其它边
void FindGasBoundary( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds,
                      const AcDbVoidPtrArray& lines,
                      AcGePoint3dArray& spts,
                      AcGePoint3dArray& epts,
                      AcGeDoubleArray& dirs,
                      AcDbIntArray& gas_types,
                      AcDbObjectIdArray& gas_objIds )
    // 查找所有的采空区
    AcDbObjectIdArray goaf_objIds;
    FindAllGoafs( goaf_objIds );

    // 将采空区多边形转换成一个1维数组
    AcGePoint3dArray polygons;
    AcDbIntArray polygon_counts;
    BuildGoafPolygonArray( goaf_objIds, polygons, polygon_counts );

    // 标记采空区分支是否与其它采空区有共线边
    AcDbIntArray colinearEdges;
    FindPolygonColinearEdges( polygons, polygon_counts, colinearEdges );

    // 查找所有的工作面
    AcDbVoidPtrArray ws_lines;
    FilterLines( lines, ws_lines, true );

    // 划分采空区多边形(工作面、两帮、开切眼)
    AcDbIntArray parTypes;
    PartitionGoafPolygons( ws_lines, polygons, polygon_counts, parTypes );

    assert( parTypes.length() == polygons.length() );

    // 工作面需要特殊处理
    AcDbIntArray gas_linePos;
        lines, polygons, polygon_counts,
        colinearEdges, parTypes,
        spts, epts, dirs,
        gas_types, gas_linePos );

    assert( gas_types.length() == gas_linePos.length() );

    for( int i = 0; i < gas_linePos.length(); i++ )
        int pos = gas_linePos[i];
        if( pos != -1 )
            gas_objIds.append( objIds[pos] );
            gas_objIds.append( AcDbObjectId::kNull );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Acad::ErrorStatus SimpleChimneyDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt ( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );

        m_pts[idx] += offset;
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Acad::ErrorStatus SimpleWindLibraryDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt ( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
	assertWriteEnabled () ;

	for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
		int idx = indices.at( i );
		// 始节点
		if ( idx == 0 ) m_insertPt += offset;
	return Acad::eOk;
ArxDbgUtils::collectVertices(const AcDb2dPolyline* pline, AcGePoint3dArray& pts,
                        AcDbIntArray& types, AcGeDoubleArray& bulges,
                        AcGeDoubleArray& startWidths, 
                        AcGeDoubleArray& endWidths, bool& hasWidth)
    ASSERT(pline != NULL);
    ASSERT(pts.isEmpty() && bulges.isEmpty());

    hasWidth = false;

    AcDbObjectIterator* vertexIter = pline->vertexIterator();
    ASSERT(vertexIter != NULL);
    if (vertexIter == NULL)

    AcDb2dVertex* vertex;
    for (; !vertexIter->done(); vertexIter->step()) {
        if (acdbOpenObject(vertex, vertexIter->objectId(), AcDb::kForRead) == Acad::eOk) {
            if (vertex->vertexType() != AcDb::k2dSplineCtlVertex) {
                pts.append(pline->vertexPosition(*vertex));        // returns WCS

                if (vertex->startWidth() || vertex->endWidth())
                    hasWidth = true;
    delete vertexIter;

    ASSERT(pts.isEmpty() == false);

    if (pline->isClosed()) {
        AcGePoint3d tmpPt = pts[0];        // used to be a bug in dynamic arrays (not sure if its still there??)


        int tmpType = types[0];

        double tmpWidth = startWidths[0];

        tmpWidth = endWidths[0];
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void FindGoafPolygonLinePos( const AcDbVoidPtrArray& lines,
                                    const AcGePoint3dArray& polygons,
                                    const AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts,
                                    AcDbIntArray& linePos )
    int n = polygon_counts.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        AcDbIntArray ex_linePos;
        FindPolygonLinePos( lines, polygons, polygon_counts, i, ex_linePos );
        linePos.append( ex_linePos );
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void PartitionGoafPolygons( const AcDbVoidPtrArray& ws_lines,
                                   AcGePoint3dArray& polygons,
                                   AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts,
                                   AcDbIntArray& parTypes )
    for( int i = 0; i < polygon_counts.length(); i++ )
        AcDbIntArray goaf_parTypes;
        PartitionGoafPolygon( ws_lines, polygons, polygon_counts, i, goaf_parTypes );

        parTypes.append( goaf_parTypes );
Ejemplo n.º 11
Acad::ErrorStatus SphereNitrogenPipeDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );
        if ( idx == 0 )
            m_pt += offset; 			// 插入点偏移
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Acad::ErrorStatus PolyLineDirectionDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );
        if ( idx == 0 )
            m_insertPt += offset; 			// 插入点偏移
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool IntStrListHelper::AddIntStrPair( const CString& name, int intValue, const CString& strValue )
    if( ( name.GetLength() == 0 ) || strValue.GetLength() == 0 ) return false;

    AcStringArray strList;
    AcDbIntArray intList;
    GetIntStrList( name, intList, strList );
    if( intList.contains( intValue ) || strList.contains( strValue ) ) return false;

    intList.append( intValue );
    strList.append( strValue );
    RemoveIntStrList( name );
    return AddIntStrList( name, intList, strList );
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void AdjustGoafPolygon( const AcDbVoidPtrArray& lines,
                               const AcGePoint3dArray& polygons,
                               const AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts,
                               const AcDbIntArray& colinearEdges,
                               const AcDbIntArray& parTypes,
                               AcGePoint3dArray& spts,
                               AcGePoint3dArray& epts,
                               AcGeDoubleArray& dirs,
                               AcDbIntArray& gas_types,
                               AcDbIntArray& gas_linePos )
    // 查找所有采空区边对应的直线
    AcDbIntArray goaf_linePos;
    FindGoafPolygonLinePos( lines, polygons, polygon_counts, goaf_linePos );

    // 分解所有的分支
    AcGePoint3dArray ex_spts, ex_epts;
    AcGeDoubleArray ex_dirs;
    AdjustAndExplodeGoafPolygons( lines, polygons, polygon_counts, ex_spts, ex_epts, ex_dirs );

    assert( ex_spts.length() == polygons.length() );

    for( int i = 0; i < polygon_counts.length(); i++ )
            polygons, polygon_counts,
            colinearEdges, parTypes,
            ex_spts, ex_epts, ex_dirs,
            spts, epts, dirs,
            gas_linePos );
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void FindPolygonLinePos( const AcDbVoidPtrArray& lines,
                                const AcGePoint3dArray& polygons,
                                const AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts,
                                int k,
                                AcDbIntArray& linePos )
    int s = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < k; i++ )
        s += polygon_counts[i];
    int t = s + polygon_counts[k];

    AcGePoint3dArray polygon;
    for( int i = s; i < t; i++ )
        polygon.append( polygons[i] );

    int n = polygon.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        linePos.append( FindLineByPoints( lines, polygon[i], polygon[( i + 1 ) % n] ) );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void WriteGoafTBGasDataFile( const CString& filepath,
                             const AcGePoint3dArray& vertices, const AcDbIntArray& edges,
                             const AcDbIntArray& faces, const AcDbIntArray& faces_info,
                             const AcDbIntArray& goafs,
                             const GasParam& gp )
    CStdioFile outfile;
    outfile.Open( filepath, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite );

    // 写入采空区个数
    CString str;
    str.Format( _T( "%d\n" ), goafs.length() );
    outfile.WriteString( str );

    // 写入采空区总面积
    double area = CaclTotalGoafArea( vertices, edges, faces, faces_info, goafs );
    str.Format( _T( "%.4f\n" ), area );
    outfile.WriteString( str );

    // 写入(采空区+顶底板)瓦斯涌出量之和
    double q = gp.f1 + gp.f4 + gp.f5;
    str.Format( _T( "%.4f\n" ), q );
    outfile.WriteString( str );

Ejemplo n.º 17
Acad::ErrorStatus SingleTunnelDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt ( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;
    //----- This method is never called unless you return eNotImplemented
    //----- from the new moveGripPointsAt() method below (which is the default implementation)

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );
        // 始节点
        if ( idx == 0 ) m_startPt += offset;

        if ( idx == 1 ) m_endPt += offset;
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    bool EvalService::doRegEval( const CString& regulation, const AcDbIntArray& clauses )
        // 规程评价没有实现或者尚未注册
        EvalMethod* pEvalMethod = m_pEvalMethodManager->getEvalMethodByName( regulation );
        if( pEvalMethod == 0 ) return false;

        EvalResultGenerator* pEvalResultGenerator = CreateEvalResultGenerator( pEvalMethod );

        // 创建数据库操作对象
        CDaoDatabase* pDB = createDB( m_evalResultDataBasePath, false ); // 每次评价都重建数据库(删除已存在的数据库)
        TableCreator* pTableCreator = new TableCreator( pDB );
        DataWriter* pDataWriter = new DataWriter( pDB );

        int len = clauses.length();
        for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
            pEvalResultGenerator->setClauseNum( clauses[i] );
            pEvalResultGenerator->createTable( pTableCreator );
            pEvalResultGenerator->writeToTable( pDataWriter );

        delete pTableCreator;
        delete pDataWriter;

        delete pDB;

        delete pEvalResultGenerator;

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Acad::ErrorStatus GasPumpGEDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
	assertWriteEnabled () ;

	int len = indices.length();
	for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
		int idx = indices.at(i);
		if(idx == 0)
			// 当前夹点是圆心,移动图形
			m_startPt += offset;   
			m_endPt += offset;   

	return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static void WriteWallFacility( CStdioFile& outfile,
                               const AcDbIntArray& split_faces,
                               const AcDbIntArray& split_faces_info,
                               const AcDbIntArray split_face_edges )
    CString str;
    str.Format( _T( "%d\n" ), split_face_edges.length() );
    outfile.WriteString( str );
Ejemplo n.º 21
// 查找所有只关联一条直线的点坐标对应的分支以及方向
void FindInletBoundary( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds,
                        const AcDbVoidPtrArray& lines,
                        AcGePoint3dArray& inlet_spts,
                        AcGePoint3dArray& inlet_epts,
                        AcGeDoubleArray& inlet_dirs,
                        AcDbObjectIdArray& inlet_objIds )
    // 查找所有的点
    AcGePoint3dArray pts;
    GetNodePoints( lines, pts );
    if( pts.isEmpty() ) return;

    for( int i = 0; i < pts.length(); i++ )
        // 查找点关联的双线
        AcDbIntArray linePos;
        FindLinesByPoint( lines, pts[i], linePos );

        if( linePos.length() != 1 ) continue;

        // 获取双线的始末点坐标
        int pos = linePos[0];
        DoubleLine* pLine = ( DoubleLine* )lines[pos];
        AcGePoint3d spt, ept;
        pLine->getSEPoint( spt, ept );

        // 判断当前点是始点还是末点
        AcGePoint3d line_spt, line_ept;
        if( spt == pts[i] )
            pLine->getStartPoints( line_spt, line_ept );
            pLine->getEndPoints( line_spt, line_ept );

        inlet_spts.append( line_spt );
        inlet_epts.append( line_ept );
        inlet_dirs.append( pLine->getAngle() );
        inlet_objIds.append( objIds[pos] );
ArxDbgDbAdeskLogo::getCloneReferences(AcDb::DeepCloneType type,
								AcDbObjectIdArray& refIds,
								AcDbIntArray& refTypes) const
		// these types should have been filtered out.  NOTE that kDcObjects
		// is usually ambiguous and has been mapped to kDcBlock or kDcCopy.
	ASSERT((type != AcDb::kDcExplode) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcInsert) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcInsertCopy) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcSymTableMerge) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcXrefBind) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcXrefInsert) &&
		   (type != AcDb::kDcObjects));

	if (type == AcDb::kDcCopy) {
		refTypes.append(kClone);	// you could set this to kNoClone and both would point to the same one.
	else if (type == AcDb::kDcBlock) {

			// LongTransactions (RefEdit) will not allow our object to be checked
			// out from a block definition unless its accompanying style def is
			// also in the check out set (which it won't be by default).  So, we
			// have to tell ::deepClone() to fake like it cloned the style definition
			// so it will pass LongTransaction's checkOut validation.
	else if (type == AcDb::kDcWblock) {
	else if (type == AcDb::kDcWblkObjects) {
	else {
		ASSERT(0);	// which context did we not account for?
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void FormatIntListMsg( const AcDbIntArray& intList, const AcStringArray& strList, const CString& name, CString& msg )
    msg.Format( _T( "【%s】数据列表:\n" ), name );

    int len = intList.length();
    for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        msg.AppendFormat( _T( "%d\t%s\n" ), intList[i], strList[i].kACharPtr() );
Ejemplo n.º 24
static double CaclTotalGoafArea( const AcGePoint3dArray& vertices, const AcDbIntArray& edges,
                                 const AcDbIntArray& faces, const AcDbIntArray& faces_info,
                                 const AcDbIntArray& goafs )
    double S = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < goafs.length(); i++ )
        S += FacePolygonArea( vertices, edges, faces, faces_info, goafs[i] );
    return S;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void WriteGasBoundaryData( CStdioFile& outfile,
                                  const AcGePoint3dArray& gas_spts,
                                  const AcGePoint3dArray& gas_epts,
                                  const AcGeDoubleArray& gas_dirs,
                                  const AcDbIntArray& gas_types,
                                  const GasParam& gp,
                                  const GasBoundaryDataArray& gas_datas )
    // 两帮平均瓦斯涌出
    double q1 = AverageGas( gas_spts, gas_epts, gas_types, gp, 1 );
    // 工作面平均瓦斯涌出
    //double q2 = AverageGas(gas_spts, gas_epts, gas_types, gp, 2);
    // 开切眼平均瓦斯涌出
    double q3 = AverageGas( gas_spts, gas_epts, gas_types, gp, 3 );

    // 瓦斯边界个数
    CString str;
    str.Format( _T( "%d\n" ), gas_types.length() );
    outfile.WriteString( str );

    // 瓦斯边界数据
    for( int i = 0; i < gas_types.length(); i++ )
        switch( gas_types[i] )
        case 1:
            str.Format( _T( "%.4f\n" ), q1 );

        case 2:
            //str.Format(_T("%.4f\n"), q2);
            str.Format( _T( "%.4f\n" ), CaclWSGas( gas_datas[i].q, gas_spts[i], gas_epts[i] ) );

        case 3:
            str.Format( _T( "%.4f\n" ), q3 );
        outfile.WriteString( str );
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool IntStrListHelper::AddIntStrList( const CString& name, const AcDbIntArray& intList, const AcStringArray& strList )
    if( ( name.GetLength() == 0 ) || strList.isEmpty() || intList.isEmpty() ) return false;
    if( intList.length() != strList.length() ) return false;

    ArxDictTool* pDictTool = ArxDictTool::GetDictTool( INT_LIST_DICT );
    bool ret = pDictTool->findKey( name );
    if( !ret )
        int len = intList.length();
        for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
            CString intValue;
            intValue.Format( _T( "%d" ), intList[i] );
            pDictTool->addEntry( name, intValue );             // 偶数位置的元素为整数
            pDictTool->addEntry( name, strList[i].kACharPtr() ); // 奇数位置的元素为字符串
    delete pDictTool;
    return !ret;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void BuildGoafPolygonArray( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, AcGePoint3dArray& polygons, AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts )
    for( int i = 0; i < objIds.length(); i++ )
        // 获取采空区的多边形
        AcGePoint3dArray polygon;
        GetGoafPolygon( objIds[i], polygon );

        polygons.append( polygon );
        polygon_counts.append( polygon.length() );
Ejemplo n.º 28
Acad::ErrorStatus DoubleTunnelDraw::subMoveGripPointsAt ( const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset )
    assertWriteEnabled () ;

    for( int i = 0; i < indices.length(); i++ )
        int idx = indices.at( i );

        if ( idx == 0 )
            /*if(m_startPt == m_endPt)
            	m_startPt += offset;
            	m_endPt += offset;
            m_startPt += offset;

        if ( idx == 1 )
            //if(m_startPt == m_endPt) // 始末点重合
            //	AcGePoint3d pt(m_startPt);
            //	pt.x = pt.x + m_width*0.3; // 外环半径的60%
            //	pt += offset;
            //	m_endPt = pt;
            m_endPt += offset;
    return Acad::eOk;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static bool IsPointInGoafPolygon( const AcGePoint3dArray& polygons, const AcDbIntArray& polygon_counts, const AcGePoint3d& pt )
    bool ret = false;
    for( int i = 0; i < polygon_counts.length(); i++ )
        if( IsPointInGoafPolygon( polygons, polygon_counts, i, pt ) )
            ret = true;
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 30
ArxDbgDbEntity::moveGripPointsAt(const AcDbIntArray& indices, const AcGeVector3d& offset)
    if (offset.isZeroLength() == Adesk::kTrue)
        return Acad::eInvalidOffset;

    if (indices.length() == 1) {
        if (indices[0] == 0) {
            setLocation(m_origin + offset);
            return Acad::eOk;

    return Acad::eOk;