Ejemplo n.º 1
static void ColouriseBullantDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[],
  Accessor &styler) {
  WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0];


  bool fold = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold") != 0;
  int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
  int levelPrev = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
  int levelCurrent = levelPrev;

  int state = initStyle;
  if (state == SCE_C_STRINGEOL)	// Does not leak onto next line
    state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
  char chPrev = ' ';
  char chNext = styler[startPos];
  unsigned int lengthDoc = startPos + length;
  int visibleChars = 0;
  int endFoundThisLine = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < lengthDoc; i++) {
    char ch = chNext;
    chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);

    if ((ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n')) {
      // Trigger on CR only (Mac style) or either on LF from CR+LF (Dos/Win) or on LF alone (Unix)
      // Avoid triggering two times on Dos/Win
      // End of line
      endFoundThisLine = 0;
      if (state == SCE_C_STRINGEOL) {
        styler.ColourTo(i, state);
        state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
      if (fold) {
        int lev = levelPrev;
        if (visibleChars == 0)
        if ((levelCurrent > levelPrev) && (visibleChars > 0))
        styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);
        levelPrev = levelCurrent;
      visibleChars = 0;

/*			int indentBlock = GetLineIndentation(lineCurrent);
      if (blockChange==1){
        int pos=SetLineIndentation(lineCurrent, indentBlock + indentSize);
      } else if (blockChange==-1) {
        indentBlock -= indentSize;
        if (indentBlock < 0)
          indentBlock = 0;
        SetLineIndentation(lineCurrent, indentBlock);
*/		}
    if (!(IsASCII(ch) && isspace(ch)))

    if (styler.IsLeadByte(ch)) {
      chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);
      chPrev = ' ';
      i += 1;

    if (state == SCE_C_DEFAULT) {
      if (iswordstart(ch)) {
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
          state = SCE_C_IDENTIFIER;
      } else if (ch == '@' && chNext == 'o') {
        if ((styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+2) =='f') && (styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+3) == 'f')) {
          styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
          state = SCE_C_COMMENT;
      } else if (ch == '#') {
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
        state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE;
      } else if (ch == '\"') {
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
        state = SCE_C_STRING;
      } else if (ch == '\'') {
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
        state = SCE_C_CHARACTER;
      } else if (isoperator(ch)) {
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
        styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_C_OPERATOR);
    } else if (state == SCE_C_IDENTIFIER) {
      if (!iswordchar(ch)) {
        int levelChange = classifyWordBullant(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywords, styler);
        state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
        chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
        if (ch == '#') {
          state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE;
        } else if (ch == '\"') {
          state = SCE_C_STRING;
        } else if (ch == '\'') {
          state = SCE_C_CHARACTER;
        } else if (isoperator(ch)) {
          styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_C_OPERATOR);
        if (endFoundThisLine == 0)
        if (levelChange == -1)
    } else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENT) {
      if (ch == '@' && chNext == 'o') {
        if (styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+2) == 'n') {
          styler.ColourTo(i+2, state);
          state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
    } else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) {
      if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
        endFoundThisLine = 0;
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, state);
        state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
    } else if (state == SCE_C_STRING) {
      if (ch == '\\') {
        if (chNext == '\"' || chNext == '\'' || chNext == '\\') {
          ch = chNext;
          chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
      } else if (ch == '\"') {
        styler.ColourTo(i, state);
        state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
      } else if (chNext == '\r' || chNext == '\n') {
        endFoundThisLine = 0;
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, SCE_C_STRINGEOL);
        state = SCE_C_STRINGEOL;
    } else if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER) {
      if ((ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') && (chPrev != '\\')) {
        endFoundThisLine = 0;
        styler.ColourTo(i-1, SCE_C_STRINGEOL);
        state = SCE_C_STRINGEOL;
      } else if (ch == '\\') {
        if (chNext == '\"' || chNext == '\'' || chNext == '\\') {
          ch = chNext;
          chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
      } else if (ch == '\'') {
        styler.ColourTo(i, state);
        state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
    chPrev = ch;
  styler.ColourTo(lengthDoc - 1, state);

  // Fill in the real level of the next line, keeping the current flags as they will be filled in later
  if (fold) {
    int flagsNext = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK;
    //styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, levelCurrent | flagsNext);
    styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, levelPrev | flagsNext);

Ejemplo n.º 2
static void ColouriseCmakeDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int, WordList *keywordLists[], Accessor &styler)
    int state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;
    if ( startPos > 0 )
        state = styler.StyleAt(startPos-1); // Use the style from the previous line, usually default, but could be commentbox

    styler.StartAt( startPos );
    styler.GetLine( startPos );

    unsigned int nLengthDoc = startPos + length;
    styler.StartSegment( startPos );

    char cCurrChar;
    bool bVarInString = false;
    bool bClassicVarInString = false;

    unsigned int i;
    for ( i = startPos; i < nLengthDoc; i++ ) {
        cCurrChar = styler.SafeGetCharAt( i );
        char cNextChar = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i+1);

        switch (state) {
        case SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT:
            if ( cCurrChar == '#' ) { // we have a comment line
                styler.ColourTo(i-1, state );
                state = SCE_CMAKE_COMMENT;
            if ( cCurrChar == '"' ) {
                styler.ColourTo(i-1, state );
                state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGDQ;
                bVarInString = false;
                bClassicVarInString = false;
            if ( cCurrChar == '\'' ) {
                styler.ColourTo(i-1, state );
                state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGRQ;
                bVarInString = false;
                bClassicVarInString = false;
            if ( cCurrChar == '`' ) {
                styler.ColourTo(i-1, state );
                state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGLQ;
                bVarInString = false;
                bClassicVarInString = false;

            // CMake Variable
            if ( cCurrChar == '$' || isCmakeChar(cCurrChar)) {
                state = SCE_CMAKE_VARIABLE;

                // If it is a number, we must check and set style here first...
                if ( isCmakeNumber(cCurrChar) && (cNextChar == '\t' || cNextChar == ' ' || cNextChar == '\r' || cNextChar == '\n' ) )
                    styler.ColourTo( i, SCE_CMAKE_NUMBER);


        case SCE_CMAKE_COMMENT:
            if ( cNextChar == '\n' || cNextChar == '\r' ) {
                // Special case:
                if ( cCurrChar == '\\' ) {
                else {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;
        case SCE_CMAKE_STRINGDQ:
        case SCE_CMAKE_STRINGLQ:
        case SCE_CMAKE_STRINGRQ:

            if ( styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-1) == '\\' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i-2) == '$' )
                break; // Ignore the next character, even if it is a quote of some sort

            if ( cCurrChar == '"' && state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGDQ ) {
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;

            if ( cCurrChar == '`' && state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGLQ ) {
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;

            if ( cCurrChar == '\'' && state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGRQ ) {
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;

            if ( cNextChar == '\r' || cNextChar == '\n' ) {
                int nCurLine = styler.GetLine(i+1);
                int nBack = i;
                // We need to check if the previous line has a \ in it...
                bool bNextLine = false;

                while ( nBack > 0 ) {
                    if ( styler.GetLine(nBack) != nCurLine )

                    char cTemp = styler.SafeGetCharAt(nBack, 'a'); // Letter 'a' is safe here

                    if ( cTemp == '\\' ) {
                        bNextLine = true;
                    if ( cTemp != '\r' && cTemp != '\n' && cTemp != '\t' && cTemp != ' ' )


                if ( bNextLine ) {
                if ( bNextLine == false ) {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;

        case SCE_CMAKE_VARIABLE:

            // CMake Variable:
            if ( cCurrChar == '$' )
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;
            else if ( cCurrChar == '\\' && (cNextChar == 'n' || cNextChar == 'r' || cNextChar == 't' ) )
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;
            else if ( (isCmakeChar(cCurrChar) && !isCmakeChar( cNextChar) && cNextChar != '}') || cCurrChar == '}' ) {
                state = classifyWordCmake( styler.GetStartSegment(), i, keywordLists, styler );
                styler.ColourTo( i, state);
                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;
            else if ( !isCmakeChar( cCurrChar ) && cCurrChar != '{' && cCurrChar != '}' ) {
                if ( classifyWordCmake( styler.GetStartSegment(), i-1, keywordLists, styler) == SCE_CMAKE_NUMBER )
                    styler.ColourTo( i-1, SCE_CMAKE_NUMBER );

                state = SCE_CMAKE_DEFAULT;

                if ( cCurrChar == '"' ) {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGDQ;
                    bVarInString = false;
                    bClassicVarInString = false;
                else if ( cCurrChar == '`' ) {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGLQ;
                    bVarInString = false;
                    bClassicVarInString = false;
                else if ( cCurrChar == '\'' ) {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_STRINGRQ;
                    bVarInString = false;
                    bClassicVarInString = false;
                else if ( cCurrChar == '#' ) {
                    state = SCE_CMAKE_COMMENT;

        if ( state == SCE_CMAKE_COMMENT) {
        else if ( state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGDQ || state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGLQ || state == SCE_CMAKE_STRINGRQ ) {
            bool bIngoreNextDollarSign = false;

            if ( bVarInString && cCurrChar == '$' ) {
                bVarInString = false;
                bIngoreNextDollarSign = true;
            else if ( bVarInString && cCurrChar == '\\' && (cNextChar == 'n' || cNextChar == 'r' || cNextChar == 't' || cNextChar == '"' || cNextChar == '`' || cNextChar == '\'' ) ) {
                styler.ColourTo( i+1, SCE_CMAKE_STRINGVAR);
                bVarInString = false;
                bIngoreNextDollarSign = false;

            else if ( bVarInString && !isCmakeChar(cNextChar) ) {
                int nWordState = classifyWordCmake( styler.GetStartSegment(), i, keywordLists, styler);
                if ( nWordState == SCE_CMAKE_VARIABLE )
                    styler.ColourTo( i, SCE_CMAKE_STRINGVAR);
                bVarInString = false;
            // Covers "${TEST}..."
            else if ( bClassicVarInString && cNextChar == '}' ) {
                styler.ColourTo( i+1, SCE_CMAKE_STRINGVAR);
                bClassicVarInString = false;

            // Start of var in string
            if ( !bIngoreNextDollarSign && cCurrChar == '$' && cNextChar == '{' ) {
                styler.ColourTo( i-1, state);
                bClassicVarInString = true;
                bVarInString = false;
            else if ( !bIngoreNextDollarSign && cCurrChar == '$' ) {
                styler.ColourTo( i-1, state);
                bVarInString = true;
                bClassicVarInString = false;

    // Colourise remaining document
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void ColouriseTALDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[],
	Accessor &styler) {


	int state = initStyle;
	if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER)	// Does not leak onto next line
		state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
	char chPrev = ' ';
	char chNext = styler[startPos];
	unsigned int lengthDoc = startPos + length;

	bool bInClassDefinition;

	int currentLine = styler.GetLine(startPos);
	if (currentLine > 0) {
		styler.SetLineState(currentLine, styler.GetLineState(currentLine-1));
		bInClassDefinition = (styler.GetLineState(currentLine) == 1);
	} else {
		styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 0);
		bInClassDefinition = false;

	bool bInAsm = (state == SCE_C_REGEX);
	if (bInAsm)
		state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;

	int visibleChars = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < lengthDoc; i++) {
		char ch = chNext;

		chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);

		if ((ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n')) {
			// Trigger on CR only (Mac style) or either on LF from CR+LF (Dos/Win) or on LF alone (Unix)
			// Avoid triggering two times on Dos/Win
			// End of line
			if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER) {
				ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
			visibleChars = 0;
			styler.SetLineState(currentLine, (bInClassDefinition ? 1 : 0));

		if (styler.IsLeadByte(ch)) {
			chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);
			chPrev = ' ';
			i += 1;

		if (state == SCE_C_DEFAULT) {
			if (isTALwordstart(ch)) {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_IDENTIFIER;
			} else if (ch == '!' && chNext != '*') {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_COMMENT;
			} else if (ch == '!' && chNext == '*') {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC;
			} else if (ch == '-' && chNext == '-') {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE;
			} else if (ch == '"') {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				state = SCE_C_STRING;
			} else if (ch == '?' && visibleChars == 0) {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
			} else if (isTALoperator(ch)) {
				ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
				ColourTo(styler, i, SCE_C_OPERATOR, bInAsm);
		} else if (state == SCE_C_IDENTIFIER) {
			if (!isTALwordchar(ch)) {
				int lStateChange = classifyWordTAL(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywordlists, styler, bInAsm);

				if(lStateChange == 1) {
					styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 1);
					bInClassDefinition = true;
				} else if(lStateChange == 2) {
					bInAsm = true;
				} else if(lStateChange == -1) {
					styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 0);
					bInClassDefinition = false;
					bInAsm = false;

				state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
				chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
				if (ch == '!' && chNext != '*') {
					state = SCE_C_COMMENT;
				} else if (ch == '!' && chNext == '*') {
					ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
					state = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC;
				} else if (ch == '-' && chNext == '-') {
					state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE;
				} else if (ch == '"') {
					state = SCE_C_STRING;
				} else if (isTALoperator(ch)) {
					ColourTo(styler, i, SCE_C_OPERATOR, bInAsm);
		} else {
			if (state == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) {
				if ((ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') && !(chPrev == '\\' || chPrev == '\r')) {
					ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
					state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
			} else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENT) {
				if (ch == '!' || (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') ) {
					ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm);
					state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
			} else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) {
				if (ch == '!' || (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) {
					if (((i > styler.GetStartSegment() + 2) || (
						(initStyle == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) &&
						(styler.GetStartSegment() == static_cast<unsigned int>(startPos))))) {
							ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm);
							state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
			} else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) {
				if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
					ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm);
					state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
			} else if (state == SCE_C_STRING) {
				if (ch == '"') {
					ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm);
					state = SCE_C_DEFAULT;
        if (!isspacechar(ch))
		chPrev = ch;
	ColourTo(styler, lengthDoc - 1, state, bInAsm);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void ColourisePlmDoc(unsigned int startPos,
                            int length,
                            int initStyle,
                            WordList *keywordlists[],
                            Accessor &styler)
	unsigned int endPos = startPos + length;
	int state = initStyle;


	for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) {
		char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i);
		char chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);

		if (state == SCE_PLM_DEFAULT) {
			if (ch == '/' && chNext == '*') {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_COMMENT;
			} else if (ch == '\'') {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_STRING;
			} else if (isdigit(ch)) {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_NUMBER;
			} else if (isalpha(ch)) {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
			} else if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' ||
			           ch == '=' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ':') {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_OPERATOR;
			} else if (ch == '$') {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_CONTROL;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_COMMENT) {
			if (ch == '*' && chNext == '/') {
				styler.ColourTo(i, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_STRING) {
			if (ch == '\'') {
				if (chNext == '\'') {
				} else {
					styler.ColourTo(i, state);
					state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_NUMBER) {
			if (!isdigit(ch) && !isalpha(ch) && ch != '$') {
				styler.ColourTo(i, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_IDENTIFIER) {
			if (!isdigit(ch) && !isalpha(ch) && ch != '$') {
				// Get the entire identifier.
				char word[1024];
				int segmentStart = styler.GetStartSegment();
				GetRange(segmentStart, i - 1, styler, word, sizeof(word));

				if (keywordlists[0]->InList(word))
					styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_PLM_KEYWORD);
					styler.ColourTo(i, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_OPERATOR) {
			if (ch != '=' && ch != '>') {
				styler.ColourTo(i, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
		} else if (state == SCE_PLM_CONTROL) {
			if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
				styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
				state = SCE_PLM_DEFAULT;
	styler.ColourTo(endPos - 1, state);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void ColouriseMSSQLDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length,
                              int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) {


  bool fold = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold") != 0;
  int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
  int spaceFlags = 0;

  int state = initStyle;
  int prevState = initStyle;
  char chPrev = ' ';
  char chNext = styler[startPos];
  unsigned int lengthDoc = startPos + length;
  for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < lengthDoc; i++) {
    char ch = chNext;
    chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);

    if ((ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n')) {
      int indentCurrent = styler.IndentAmount(lineCurrent, &spaceFlags);
      int lev = indentCurrent;
      if (!(indentCurrent & SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) {
        // Only non whitespace lines can be headers
        int indentNext = styler.IndentAmount(lineCurrent + 1, &spaceFlags);
        if (indentCurrent < (indentNext & ~SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG)) {
      if (fold) {
        styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev);

    if (styler.IsLeadByte(ch)) {
      chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);
      chPrev = ' ';
      i += 1;

    // When the last char isn't part of the state (have to deal with it too)...
    if ( (state == SCE_MSSQL_IDENTIFIER) ||
                    (state == SCE_MSSQL_STORED_PROCEDURE) ||
                    (state == SCE_MSSQL_DATATYPE) ||
                    //~ (state == SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME) ||
                    (state == SCE_MSSQL_FUNCTION) ||
                    //~ (state == SCE_MSSQL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE) ||
                    (state == SCE_MSSQL_VARIABLE)) {
      if (!iswordchar(ch)) {
        int stateTmp;

                if ((state == SCE_MSSQL_VARIABLE) || (state == SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME)) {
                    styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
          stateTmp = state;
                } else
                    stateTmp = classifyWordSQL(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywordlists, styler, state, prevState);

        prevState = state;

        if (stateTmp == SCE_MSSQL_IDENTIFIER || stateTmp == SCE_MSSQL_VARIABLE)
          state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
    } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_LINE_COMMENT) {
      if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
    } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE) {
      if ((ch != '@') && !iswordchar(ch)) {
        classifyWordSQL(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywordlists, styler, state, prevState);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;

    // If is the default or one of the above succeeded
      if (iswordstart(ch)) {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_IDENTIFIER;
      } else if (ch == '/' && chNext == '*') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_COMMENT;
      } else if (ch == '-' && chNext == '-') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_LINE_COMMENT;
      } else if (ch == '\'') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_STRING;
      } else if (ch == '"') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME;
      } else if (ch == '[') {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME_2;
      } else if (isoperator(ch)) {
        styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_MSSQL_OPERATOR);
                //~ style = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
        prevState = state;
        state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
      } else if (ch == '@') {
                styler.ColourTo(i - 1, SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT);
        prevState = state;
                if (chNext == '@') {
                    state = SCE_MSSQL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE;
//                    i += 2;
                } else
                    state = SCE_MSSQL_VARIABLE;

    // When the last char is part of the state...
    } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_COMMENT) {
        if (ch == '/' && chPrev == '*') {
          if (((i > (styler.GetStartSegment() + 2)) || ((initStyle == SCE_MSSQL_COMMENT) &&
              (styler.GetStartSegment() == startPos)))) {
            styler.ColourTo(i, state);
            //~ state = SCE_MSSQL_COMMENT;
          prevState = state;
                        state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
      } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_STRING) {
        if (ch == '\'') {
          if ( chNext == '\'' ) {
          ch = chNext;
          chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
          } else {
            styler.ColourTo(i, state);
          prevState = state;
            state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT;
        //ch = chNext;
        //chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
      } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME) {
        if (ch == '"') {
          if (chNext == '"') {
          ch = chNext;
          chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
        } else {
                    styler.ColourTo(i, state);
          prevState = state;
    } else if (state == SCE_MSSQL_COLUMN_NAME_2) {
      if (ch == ']') {
                styler.ColourTo(i, state);
        prevState = state;
                state = SCE_MSSQL_DEFAULT_PREF_DATATYPE;

    chPrev = ch;
  styler.ColourTo(lengthDoc - 1, state);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void ColourisePyDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle,
        WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) {

	int endPos = startPos + length;

	// Backtrack to previous line in case need to fix its tab whinging
	int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
	if (startPos > 0) {
		if (lineCurrent > 0) {
			// Look for backslash-continued lines
			while (lineCurrent > 0) {
				int eolPos = styler.LineStart(lineCurrent) - 1;
				int eolStyle = styler.StyleAt(eolPos);
				if (eolStyle == SCE_P_STRING
				    || eolStyle == SCE_P_CHARACTER
				    || eolStyle == SCE_P_STRINGEOL) {
					lineCurrent -= 1;
				} else {
			startPos = styler.LineStart(lineCurrent);
		initStyle = startPos == 0 ? SCE_P_DEFAULT : styler.StyleAt(startPos - 1);

	WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0];
	WordList &keywords2 = *keywordlists[1];
	WordList &keywords3 = *keywordlists[2];

	// property tab.timmy.whinge.level
	//	For Python code, checks whether indenting is consistent.
	//	The default, 0 turns off indentation checking,
	//	1 checks whether each line is potentially inconsistent with the previous line,
	//	2 checks whether any space characters occur before a tab character in the indentation,
	//	3 checks whether any spaces are in the indentation, and
	//	4 checks for any tab characters in the indentation.
	//	1 is a good level to use.
	const int whingeLevel = styler.GetPropertyInt("tab.timmy.whinge.level");

	// property lexer.python.literals.binary
	//	Set to 0 to not recognise Python 3 binary and octal literals: 0b1011 0o712.
	bool base2or8Literals = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.python.literals.binary", 1) != 0;

	// property lexer.python.strings.u
	//	Set to 0 to not recognise Python Unicode literals u"x" as used before Python 3.
	literalsAllowed allowedLiterals = (styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.python.strings.u", 1)) ? litU : litNone;

	// property lexer.python.strings.b
	//	Set to 0 to not recognise Python 3 bytes literals b"x".
	if (styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.python.strings.b", 1))
		allowedLiterals = static_cast<literalsAllowed>(allowedLiterals | litB);

	// property lexer.python.strings.over.newline
	//      Set to 1 to allow strings to span newline characters.
	bool stringsOverNewline = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.python.strings.over.newline") != 0;

	// property lexer.python.keywords2.no.sub.identifiers
	//	When enabled, it will not style keywords2 items that are used as a sub-identifier.
	//      Example: when set, will not highlight "foo.open" when "open" is a keywords2 item.
	const bool keywords2NoSubIdentifiers = styler.GetPropertyInt("lexer.python.keywords2.no.sub.identifiers") != 0;

	initStyle = initStyle & 31;
	if (initStyle == SCE_P_STRINGEOL) {
		initStyle = SCE_P_DEFAULT;

	kwType kwLast = kwOther;
	int spaceFlags = 0;
	styler.IndentAmount(lineCurrent, &spaceFlags, IsPyComment);
	bool base_n_number = false;

	StyleContext sc(startPos, endPos - startPos, initStyle, styler);

	bool indentGood = true;
	int startIndicator = sc.currentPos;
	bool inContinuedString = false;

	for (; sc.More(); sc.Forward()) {

		if (sc.atLineStart) {
			styler.IndentAmount(lineCurrent, &spaceFlags, IsPyComment);
			indentGood = true;
			if (whingeLevel == 1) {
				indentGood = (spaceFlags & wsInconsistent) == 0;
			} else if (whingeLevel == 2) {
				indentGood = (spaceFlags & wsSpaceTab) == 0;
			} else if (whingeLevel == 3) {
				indentGood = (spaceFlags & wsSpace) == 0;
			} else if (whingeLevel == 4) {
				indentGood = (spaceFlags & wsTab) == 0;
			if (!indentGood) {
				styler.IndicatorFill(startIndicator, sc.currentPos, indicatorWhitespace, 0);
				startIndicator = sc.currentPos;

		if (sc.atLineEnd) {
			if ((sc.state == SCE_P_DEFAULT) ||
			        (sc.state == SCE_P_TRIPLE) ||
			        (sc.state == SCE_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE)) {
				// Perform colourisation of white space and triple quoted strings at end of each line to allow
				// tab marking to work inside white space and triple quoted strings
			if ((sc.state == SCE_P_STRING) || (sc.state == SCE_P_CHARACTER)) {
				if (inContinuedString || stringsOverNewline) {
					inContinuedString = false;
				} else {
			if (!sc.More())

		bool needEOLCheck = false;

		// Check for a state end
		if (sc.state == SCE_P_OPERATOR) {
			kwLast = kwOther;
		} else if (sc.state == SCE_P_NUMBER) {
			if (!IsAWordChar(sc.ch) &&
			        !(!base_n_number && ((sc.ch == '+' || sc.ch == '-') && (sc.chPrev == 'e' || sc.chPrev == 'E')))) {
		} else if (sc.state == SCE_P_IDENTIFIER) {
			if ((sc.ch == '.') || (!IsAWordChar(sc.ch))) {
				char s[100];
				sc.GetCurrent(s, sizeof(s));
				int style = SCE_P_IDENTIFIER;
				if ((kwLast == kwImport) && (strcmp(s, "as") == 0)) {
					style = SCE_P_WORD;
				} else if (keywords.InList(s)) {
					style = SCE_P_WORD;
				} else if (kwLast == kwClass) {
					style = SCE_P_CLASSNAME;
				} else if (kwLast == kwDef) {
					style = SCE_P_DEFNAME;
				} else if (kwLast == kwCDef || kwLast == kwCPDef) {
					int pos = sc.currentPos;
					unsigned char ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos, '\0');
					while (ch != '\0') {
						if (ch == '(') {
							style = SCE_P_DEFNAME;
						} else if (ch == ':') {
							style = SCE_P_CLASSNAME;
						} else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
							ch = styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos, '\0');
						} else {
				} else if (keywords2.InList(s)) {
					if (keywords2NoSubIdentifiers) {
						// We don't want to highlight keywords2
						// that are used as a sub-identifier,
						// i.e. not open in "foo.open".
						int pos = styler.GetStartSegment() - 1;
						if (pos < 0 || (styler.SafeGetCharAt(pos, '\0') != '.'))
							style = SCE_P_WORD2;
					} else {
						style = SCE_P_WORD2;
				} else if (keywords3.InList(s)) {
					style = SCE_P_WORD3;
				if (style == SCE_P_WORD) {
					if (0 == strcmp(s, "class"))
						kwLast = kwClass;
					else if (0 == strcmp(s, "def"))
						kwLast = kwDef;
					else if (0 == strcmp(s, "import"))
						kwLast = kwImport;
					else if (0 == strcmp(s, "cdef"))
						kwLast = kwCDef;
					else if (0 == strcmp(s, "cpdef"))
						kwLast = kwCPDef;
					else if (0 == strcmp(s, "cimport"))
						kwLast = kwImport;
					else if (kwLast != kwCDef && kwLast != kwCPDef)
						kwLast = kwOther;
				} else if (kwLast != kwCDef && kwLast != kwCPDef) {
					kwLast = kwOther;
		} else if ((sc.state == SCE_P_COMMENTLINE) || (sc.state == SCE_P_COMMENTBLOCK)) {
			if (sc.ch == '\r' || sc.ch == '\n') {
		} else if (sc.state == SCE_P_DECORATOR) {
			if (!IsAWordChar(sc.ch)) {
		} else if ((sc.state == SCE_P_STRING) || (sc.state == SCE_P_CHARACTER)) {
			if (sc.ch == '\\') {
				if ((sc.chNext == '\r') && (sc.GetRelative(2) == '\n')) {
				if (sc.chNext == '\n' || sc.chNext == '\r') {
					inContinuedString = true;
				} else {
					// Don't roll over the newline.
			} else if ((sc.state == SCE_P_STRING) && (sc.ch == '\"')) {
				needEOLCheck = true;
			} else if ((sc.state == SCE_P_CHARACTER) && (sc.ch == '\'')) {
				needEOLCheck = true;
		} else if (sc.state == SCE_P_TRIPLE) {
			if (sc.ch == '\\') {
			} else if (sc.Match("\'\'\'")) {
				needEOLCheck = true;
		} else if (sc.state == SCE_P_TRIPLEDOUBLE) {
			if (sc.ch == '\\') {
			} else if (sc.Match("\"\"\"")) {
				needEOLCheck = true;

		if (!indentGood && !IsASpaceOrTab(sc.ch)) {
			styler.IndicatorFill(startIndicator, sc.currentPos, indicatorWhitespace, 1);
			startIndicator = sc.currentPos;
			indentGood = true;

		// One cdef or cpdef line, clear kwLast only at end of line
		if ((kwLast == kwCDef || kwLast == kwCPDef) && sc.atLineEnd) {
			kwLast = kwOther;

		// State exit code may have moved on to end of line
		if (needEOLCheck && sc.atLineEnd) {
			styler.IndentAmount(lineCurrent, &spaceFlags, IsPyComment);
			if (!sc.More())

		// Check for a new state starting character
		if (sc.state == SCE_P_DEFAULT) {
			if (IsADigit(sc.ch) || (sc.ch == '.' && IsADigit(sc.chNext))) {
				if (sc.ch == '0' && (sc.chNext == 'x' || sc.chNext == 'X')) {
					base_n_number = true;
				} else if (sc.ch == '0' &&
					(sc.chNext == 'o' || sc.chNext == 'O' || sc.chNext == 'b' || sc.chNext == 'B')) {
					if (base2or8Literals) {
						base_n_number = true;
					} else {
				} else {
					base_n_number = false;
			} else if ((IsASCII(sc.ch) && isoperator(static_cast<char>(sc.ch))) || sc.ch == '`') {
			} else if (sc.ch == '#') {
				sc.SetState(sc.chNext == '#' ? SCE_P_COMMENTBLOCK : SCE_P_COMMENTLINE);
			} else if (sc.ch == '@') {
			} else if (IsPyStringStart(sc.ch, sc.chNext, sc.GetRelative(2), allowedLiterals)) {
				unsigned int nextIndex = 0;
				sc.SetState(GetPyStringState(styler, sc.currentPos, &nextIndex, allowedLiterals));
				while (nextIndex > (sc.currentPos + 1) && sc.More()) {
			} else if (IsAWordStart(sc.ch)) {
	styler.IndicatorFill(startIndicator, sc.currentPos, indicatorWhitespace, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void ColouriseSolDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle,
                            WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler)

	int lengthDoc = startPos + length;
        char stringType = '\"';

	if (startPos > 0)
            int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos);
            if (lineCurrent > 0)
              startPos = styler.LineStart(lineCurrent-1);
              if (startPos == 0) initStyle = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;
              else               initStyle = styler.StyleAt(startPos-1);

	styler.StartAt(startPos, 127);

	WordList &keywords = *keywordlists[0];

	int whingeLevel = styler.GetPropertyInt("tab.timmy.whinge.level");
	char prevWord[200];
	prevWord[0] = '\0';
        if (length == 0)  return;

	int state = initStyle & 31;

	int nextIndex = 0;
        char chPrev  = ' ';
        char chPrev2 = ' ';
        char chNext  = styler[startPos];
	bool atStartLine = true;
	int spaceFlags = 0;
	for (int i = startPos; i < lengthDoc; i++)

         if (atStartLine)
         char chBad = static_cast<char>(64);
         char chGood = static_cast<char>(0);
         char chFlags = chGood;

         if (whingeLevel == 1)
             chFlags = (spaceFlags & wsInconsistent) ? chBad : chGood;
         else if (whingeLevel == 2)
             chFlags = (spaceFlags & wsSpaceTab) ? chBad : chGood;
         else if (whingeLevel == 3)
             chFlags = (spaceFlags & wsSpace) ? chBad : chGood;
         else if (whingeLevel == 4)
              chFlags = (spaceFlags & wsTab) ? chBad : chGood;
         styler.SetFlags(chFlags, static_cast<char>(state));
         atStartLine = false;

       char ch = chNext;
       chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);

       if ((ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n') || (i == lengthDoc))
          if ((state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT) ||
              (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_TRIPLE) ||
              (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTBLOCK))
              styler.ColourTo(i, state);
          atStartLine = true;

        if (styler.IsLeadByte(ch))
             chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2);
             chPrev  = ' ';
             chPrev2 = ' ';
             i += 1;

        if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_STRINGEOL)
             if (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n')
                    styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                    state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;

        if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT)
            if (IsSolWordStart(ch))
                 styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                 state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_KEYWORD;
            else if (ch == '`')
                styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTLINE;
            else if (ch == '/')
                styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                if(chNext == '/') state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_CSTYLE;
                if(chNext == '*') state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTBLOCK;

            else if (IsSolStringStart(ch))
               styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
               state = GetSolStringState(styler, i, &nextIndex);
               if(state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_STRING)
                 stringType = ch;
               if (nextIndex != i + 1)
                   i = nextIndex - 1;
                   ch = ' ';
                   chPrev = ' ';
                   chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
            else if (isoperator(ch))
                 styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                 styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_SCRIPTOL_OPERATOR);
          else if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_KEYWORD)
              if (!iswordchar(ch))
                 ClassifyWordSol(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywords, styler, prevWord);
                 state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;
                 if (ch == '`')
                     state = chNext == '`' ? SCE_SCRIPTOL_PERSISTENT : SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTLINE;
                 else if (IsSolStringStart(ch))
                    styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                    state = GetSolStringState(styler, i, &nextIndex);
                    if (nextIndex != i + 1)
                       i = nextIndex - 1;
                       ch = ' ';
                       chPrev = ' ';
                       chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
                 else if (isoperator(ch))
                     styler.ColourTo(i, SCE_SCRIPTOL_OPERATOR);
            if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTLINE ||
                state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_PERSISTENT ||
                state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_CSTYLE)
                 if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')
                     styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                     state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;
            else if(state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_COMMENTBLOCK)
              if(chPrev == '*' && ch == '/')
                styler.ColourTo(i, state);
                state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;
            else if ((state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_STRING) ||
                     (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_CHARACTER))
               if ((ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') && (chPrev != '\\'))
                    styler.ColourTo(i - 1, state);
                    state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_STRINGEOL;
                else if (ch == '\\')
                   if (chNext == '\"' || chNext == '\'' || chNext == '\\')
                        ch = chNext;
                        chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1);
                else if ((ch == '\"') || (ch == '\''))
                    // must match the entered quote type
                    if(ch == stringType)
                      styler.ColourTo(i, state);
                      state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;
             else if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_TRIPLE)
                if ((ch == '\'' && chPrev == '\'' && chPrev2 == '\'') ||
                    (ch == '\"' && chPrev == '\"' && chPrev2 == '\"'))
                    styler.ColourTo(i, state);
                    state = SCE_SCRIPTOL_DEFAULT;

          chPrev2 = chPrev;
          chPrev = ch;
        if (state == SCE_SCRIPTOL_KEYWORD)
                 lengthDoc-1, keywords, styler, prevWord);
            styler.ColourTo(lengthDoc-1, state);