Ejemplo n.º 1
// PopulateStringHelper
bool Function::PopulateStringHelper( const BFFIterator & iter, const Meta_Path * pathMD, const Meta_File * fileMD, const BFFVariable * variable, const AString & string, Array< AString > & outStrings ) const
	// Full paths to files can support aliases
	if ( fileMD && ( !fileMD->IsRelative() ) )
		// Is it an Alias?
		Node * node = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph().FindNode( string );
		if ( node && ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE ) )
			AliasNode * aliasNode = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
			for ( const auto& aliasedNode : aliasNode->GetAliasedNodes() )
				if ( !PopulateStringHelper( iter, pathMD, fileMD, variable, aliasedNode.GetNode()->GetName(), outStrings ) )
					return false; // PopulateStringHelper will have emitted an error
			return true;

		// Not an alias - fall through to normal handling

	AStackString<> stringToFix( string );
	if ( !PopulatePathAndFileHelper( iter, pathMD, fileMD, variable->GetName(), stringToFix ) )
		return false; // PopulatePathAndFileHelper will have emitted an error
	outStrings.Append( stringToFix );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// GetCompilerNode
bool FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( const BFFIterator & iter, const AString & compiler, CompilerNode * & compilerNode ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();
	Node * cn = ng.FindNode( compiler );
	compilerNode = nullptr;
	if ( cn != nullptr )
		if ( cn->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
			AliasNode * an = cn->CastTo< AliasNode >();
			cn = an->GetAliasedNodes()[ 0 ].GetNode();
		if ( cn->GetType() != Node::COMPILER_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, "Compiler", cn->GetName(), cn->GetType(), Node::COMPILER_NODE );
			return false;
		compilerNode = cn->CastTo< CompilerNode >();
		// create a compiler node - don't allow distribution
		// (only explicitly defined compiler nodes can be distributed)
		compilerNode = ng.CreateCompilerNode( compiler );
        VERIFY( compilerNode->GetReflectionInfoV()->SetProperty( compilerNode, "AllowDistribution", false ) );
		const bool allowDistribution = false;
		compilerNode = ng.CreateCompilerNode( compiler, Dependencies( 0, false ), allowDistribution );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// GetSourceNodes
bool FunctionCopy::GetSourceNodes( const BFFIterator & iter, Node * node, Array< Node * > & nodes ) const
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
        // resolve aliases to real nodes
        AliasNode * aliasNode = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
        const Dependencies & aliasedNodes = aliasNode->GetAliasedNodes();
        const Dependency * const end = aliasedNodes.End();
        for ( const Dependency * it = aliasedNodes.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
            if ( !GetSourceNodes( iter, it->GetNode(), nodes ) )
                return false;
        return true;
    else if ( node->IsAFile() )
        // anything that results in a file is ok
        nodes.Append( node );
        return true;

    // something we don't know how to handle
    Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, this, ".Source", node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// GetCompilerNode
bool FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & iter, const AString & compiler, CompilerNode * & compilerNode ) const
    Node * cn = nodeGraph.FindNode( compiler );
    compilerNode = nullptr;
    if ( cn != nullptr )
        if ( cn->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
            AliasNode * an = cn->CastTo< AliasNode >();
            cn = an->GetAliasedNodes()[ 0 ].GetNode();
        if ( cn->GetType() != Node::COMPILER_NODE )
            Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, "Compiler", cn->GetName(), cn->GetType(), Node::COMPILER_NODE );
            return false;
        compilerNode = cn->CastTo< CompilerNode >();
        // create a compiler node - don't allow distribution
        // (only explicitly defined compiler nodes can be distributed)
        AStackString<> compilerClean;
        NodeGraph::CleanPath( compiler, compilerClean );
        compilerNode = nodeGraph.CreateCompilerNode( compilerClean );
        VERIFY( compilerNode->GetReflectionInfoV()->SetProperty( compilerNode, "AllowDistribution", false ) );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionAlias::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( m_AliasForFunction ) )
        Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, m_AliasForFunction );
        return false;
    AliasNode * aliasNode = nodeGraph.CreateAliasNode( m_AliasForFunction );

    if ( !PopulateProperties( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, aliasNode ) )
        return false;

    return aliasNode->Initialize( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, this );
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionAlias::Commit( const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();
	if ( ng.FindNode( m_AliasForFunction ) )
		Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, m_AliasForFunction );
		return false;
	AliasNode * aliasNode = ng.CreateAliasNode( m_AliasForFunction );

	if ( !PopulateProperties( funcStartIter, aliasNode ) )
		return false;

	return aliasNode->Initialize( funcStartIter, this );
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Load
/*static*/ Node * AliasNode::Load( IOStream & stream )
	NODE_LOAD( AStackString<>, name );

	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();
	AliasNode * an = ng.CreateAliasNode( name );

	if ( an->Deserialize( stream ) == false )
		return nullptr;
	return an;
	NODE_LOAD( AStackString<>, name );
	NODE_LOAD_DEPS( 0, targets );

	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();
	return ng.CreateAliasNode( name, targets );
Ejemplo n.º 8
// GetNodeListRecurse
bool Function::GetNodeListRecurse( const BFFIterator & iter, const char * name, Dependencies & nodes, const AString & nodeName,
								   bool allowCopyDirNodes, bool allowUnityNodes, bool allowRemoveDirNodes ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	// get node
	Node * n = ng.FindNode( nodeName );
	if ( n == nullptr )
		// not found - create a new file node
		n = ng.CreateFileNode( nodeName );
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// found - is it a file?
	if ( n->IsAFile() )
		// found file - just use as is
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// found - is it an ObjectList?
	if ( n->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
		// use as-is
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// extra types
	if ( allowCopyDirNodes )
		// found - is it an ObjectList?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::COPY_DIR_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;
	if ( allowRemoveDirNodes )
		// found - is it a RemoveDirNode?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::REMOVE_DIR_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;
	if ( allowUnityNodes )
		// found - is it an ObjectList?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::UNITY_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;

	// found - is it a group?
	if ( n->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
		AliasNode * an = n->CastTo< AliasNode >();
		const Dependencies & aNodes = an->GetAliasedNodes();
		for ( const Dependency * it = aNodes.Begin(); it != aNodes.End(); ++it )
			// TODO:C by passing as string we'll be looking up again for no reason
			const AString & subName = it->GetNode()->GetName();

			if ( !GetNodeListRecurse( iter, name, nodes, subName, allowCopyDirNodes, allowUnityNodes, allowRemoveDirNodes ) )
				return false;
		return true;

	// don't know how to handle this type of node
	Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, this, name, n->GetName(), n->GetType() );
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// DependOnNode
/*static*/ bool LinkerNode::DependOnNode( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                          const Function * function,
                                          Node * node,
                                          Dependencies & nodes )
    ASSERT( node );

    // a previously declared library?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::LIBRARY_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a previously declared object list?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a dll?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::DLL_NODE )
        // TODO:B Depend on import lib
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node, true ) ); // NOTE: Weak dependency
        return true;

    // a previously declared external file?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::FILE_NODE )
        // can link directy against it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a file copy?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::COPY_FILE_NODE )
        // depend on copy - will use input at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // an external executable?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::EXEC_NODE )
        // depend on ndoe - will use exe output at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a group (alias)?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
        // handle all targets in alias
        AliasNode * an = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
        const Dependencies & aliasNodeList = an->GetAliasedNodes();
        const Dependencies::Iter end = aliasNodeList.End();
        for ( Dependencies::Iter it = aliasNodeList.Begin();
              it != end;
              ++it )
            if ( DependOnNode( iter, function, it->GetNode(), nodes ) == false )
                return false; // something went wrong lower down
        return true; // all nodes in group handled ok

    // don't know how to handle this type of node
    Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, function, "Libraries", node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
    return false;