Ejemplo n.º 1
void ShaderFileLoader::parseFiles()
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _files.size(); ++i)
		const std::string& fullPath = _files[i];

		if (_currentOperation)
			_currentOperation->setMessage((boost::format(_("Parsing material file %s")) % fullPath).str());

			float progress = static_cast<float>(i) / _files.size();

		// Open the file
		ArchiveTextFilePtr file = GlobalFileSystem().openTextFile(fullPath);

		if (file != NULL)
			std::istream is(&(file->getInputStream()));
			parseShaderFile(is, fullPath);
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read shaderfile: " + fullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EClassManager::visit(const std::string& filename)
	const std::string fullname = "def/" + filename;

	ArchiveTextFilePtr file = GlobalFileSystem().openTextFile(fullname);

	if (file == NULL) return;

	try {
		// Parse entity defs from the file
		parse(file->getInputStream(), file->getModName());
		catch (parser::ParseException& e) {
			rError() << "[eclassmgr] failed to parse " << filename
					  << " (" << e.what() << ")" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ShaderFileLoader::visit(const std::string& filename)
	// Construct the full VFS path
	std::string fullPath = _basePath + filename;

	// Open the file
	ArchiveTextFilePtr file = GlobalFileSystem().openTextFile(fullPath);

	if (file != NULL) {
		std::istream is(&(file->getInputStream()));
		parseShaderFile(is, fullPath);
		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read shaderfile: " + fullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ParticlesManager::saveParticleDef(const std::string& particleName)
	ParticleDefMap::const_iterator found = _particleDefs.find(particleName);

	if (found == _particleDefs.end())
		throw std::runtime_error(_("Cannot save particle, it has not been registered yet."));

	ParticleDefPtr particle = found->second;

	std::string relativePath = PARTICLES_DIR + particle->getFilename();

	fs::path particlesModPath = GlobalGameManager().getModPath();
	particlesModPath /= PARTICLES_DIR;

	// Ensure the particles folder exists

	fs::path targetFile = particlesModPath / particle->getFilename();

	// If the file doesn't exist yet, let's check if we need to inherit stuff first from the VFS
	if (!fs::exists(targetFile))
		ArchiveTextFilePtr inheritFile = GlobalFileSystem().openTextFile(relativePath);

		if (inheritFile != NULL)
			// There is a file with that name already in the VFS, copy it to the target file
			TextInputStream& inheritStream = inheritFile->getInputStream();

			std::ofstream outFile(targetFile.string().c_str());

			if (!outFile.is_open())
				throw std::runtime_error(
					(boost::format(_("Cannot open file for writing: %s")) % targetFile.string()).str());

			char buf[16384];
			std::size_t bytesRead = inheritStream.read(buf, sizeof(buf));

			while (bytesRead > 0)
				outFile.write(buf, bytesRead);

				bytesRead = inheritStream.read(buf, sizeof(buf));


	// Open a temporary file
	fs::path tempFile = targetFile;

	tempFile /= "_" + os::filename_from_path(targetFile);

	std::ofstream tempStream(tempFile.string().c_str());

	if (!tempStream.is_open())
		throw std::runtime_error(
				(boost::format(_("Cannot open file for writing: %s")) % tempFile.string()).str());

	std::string tempString;

	// If a previous file exists, open it for reading and filter out the particle def we'll be writing
	if (fs::exists(targetFile))
		std::ifstream inheritStream(targetFile.string().c_str());

		if (!inheritStream.is_open())
			throw std::runtime_error(
					(boost::format(_("Cannot open file for reading: %s")) % targetFile.string()).str());

		// Write the file to the output stream, up to the point the particle def should be written to
		stripParticleDefFromStream(inheritStream, tempStream, particleName);

		if (inheritStream.eof())
			// Particle def was not found in the inherited stream, write our comment
			tempStream << std::endl << std::endl;


		// We're at the insertion point (which might as well be EOF of the inheritStream)

		// Write the particle declaration
		tempStream << *particle << std::endl;

		tempStream << inheritStream.rdbuf();

		// Just put the particle def into the file and that's it, leave a comment at the head of the decl

		// Write the particle declaration
		tempStream << *particle << std::endl;


	// Move the temporary stream over the actual file, removing the target first
	if (fs::exists(targetFile))
		catch (fs::filesystem_error& e)
			rError() << "Could not remove the file " << targetFile.string() << std::endl
				<< e.what() << std::endl;

			throw std::runtime_error(
				(boost::format(_("Could not remove the file %s")) % targetFile.string()).str());

		fs::rename(tempFile, targetFile);
	catch (fs::filesystem_error& e)
		rError() << "Could not rename the temporary file " << tempFile.string() << std::endl
			<< e.what() << std::endl;

		throw std::runtime_error(
			(boost::format(_("Could not rename the temporary file %s")) % tempFile.string()).str());