Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   using namespace std;  

   retVal_t returnvalue = rvOK;

   ArgParser AP;
   AP.AddFile(".mat"); /* sysmat */
   AP.AddFile(".rhs", false); /* rhsvec */
   AP.AddFile(".cfg"); /* params */
   AP.AddFile(".sol", false); /* solvec */
   AP.AddOption("-c"); /* cmpmat */
   if (!AP.Parse(argc, argv))
      cout << "try " << argv[0] << " -h for help" << endl;

   if (AP.FlagSet("-h"))

   if (!AP.FileSet(".mat") || !AP.FileSet(".rhs"))
      cout << "system matrix file (.mat) and rhs vector file (.rhs) have to be specified !\n"
           << "try " << argv[0] << " -h for help" << endl;

   cout << "Welcome to mattest4c!\n";

   /* Reading system matrix */
   /* ===================== */

   qqqMCSR<qqqComplex> A;
   qqqSolverParameters parms;
   qqqError error;

   cout << "Reading System Matrix (file \"" << AP.FileStr(".mat") << "\") ... " << flush;
   if (!A.readMatrix(AP.FileStr(".mat")))
      cout << "not ok!" << endl;
   else cout << "ok!\n";

   qqqIndex dimension = A.dimension();

   if (dimension < 1)
      cout << "Error: dimension of system matrix is smaller than 1!" << endl;

   cout <<"Backwriting to \"" << (AP.OptionSet("-c") ? AP.OptionStr("-c") : "compare.mat") << "\"... " << flush;
   A.writeMatrix(AP.OptionSet("-c") ? AP.OptionStr("-c") : "compare.mat", true, true);
   cout << "ok!\n";

   /* Reading parameter file */
   /* ====================== */

   if (AP.FileSet(".cfg"))
      cout << "Reading solver parameter file (file \"" << AP.FileStr(".cfg") << "\") ... " << flush;
      if (!parms.readParameters(AP.FileStr(".cfg")))
         cout << "not ok (using default)!\n";
      else cout << "ok!\n";

   /* Allocating memory */
   /* ================= */

   cout << "Allocating memory (dimension = " << qqqIndexToLong(dimension) << ") ... " << flush;

   qqqComplex *x = new qqqComplex[parms.nrhs * dimension];
   qqqComplex *b = new qqqComplex[parms.nrhs * dimension];

#if 1
   qqqComplex **mB;
   qqqComplex **mX;
   if (parms.nrhs > 1)
      mB = new qqqComplex*[parms.nrhs];
      mX = new qqqComplex*[parms.nrhs];

      for (qqqIndex ccirhs = 0; ccirhs < parms.nrhs; ccirhs++)
	 mB[ccirhs] = &b[ccirhs * dimension];
	 mX[ccirhs] = &x[ccirhs * dimension];
      mB = &b; 
      mX = &x;

   if ((x == NULL) || (b == NULL))
      cout << "not ok [insufficient memory]!\n";
      returnvalue = rvAllocErr;
   else cout << "ok!\n";

   /* Reading right hand side vector(s) */
   /* ================================= */

   //char filename[40];
   string filename;

   if (returnvalue == rvOK)
      cout << "Reading " << parms.nrhs << " right hand side vector(s) (file series \"" << AP.FileStr(".rhs") << "\") ..." << endl; 
      returnvalue = rvIOError;

      for (qqqIndex ccirhs = 0; ccirhs < parms.nrhs; ccirhs++)
         stringstream sbuf;
         sbuf << AP.FileStr(".rhs") << ccirhs << ends;
         sbuf >> filename;
	 qqqIndex readRetval = qqqReadVector(&b[ccirhs * dimension], dimension, filename.c_str());
	 if (readRetval == -1)
	    cout << "   " << filename << ": not ok [file not found]!\n";
	 else if (readRetval == -2)
	    cout << "   " << filename << ": not ok [header mismatch]!\n";
	 else if (readRetval == -3)
	    cout << "   " << filename << ": not ok [dimension mismatch]!\n";
	 else if (readRetval == -4)
            cout << "   " << filename << ": not ok [end of file error]!\n";
	 else if (readRetval != dimension)
            cout << "   " << filename << ": not ok [format error: row " << readRetval << "]!\n";
            cout << "   " << filename << ": ok!\n";
	    returnvalue = rvOK;     

	 if (returnvalue != rvOK)