bool mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::Connect(void) { mtsManagerLocal * componentManager = mtsManagerLocal::GetInstance(); const ArmList::iterator armsEnd = mArms.end(); for (ArmList::iterator armIter = mArms.begin(); armIter != armsEnd; ++armIter) { Arm * arm = armIter->second; // IO if (arm->IOInterfaceRequired) { componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), "IO-" + arm->Name(), arm->IOComponentName(), arm->Name()); } // PID if (arm->mType != Arm::ARM_SUJ) { if (arm->PIDInterfaceRequired) { componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), "PID-" + arm->Name(), arm->PIDComponentName(), "Controller"); } } // arm interface if (arm->ArmInterfaceRequired) { componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), arm->Name(), arm->Name(), "Robot"); } // arm specific interfaces arm->Connect(); // connect to SUJ if needed if (arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredFromIO && arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredToSUJ) { componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredToSUJ->GetName(), "SUJ", arm->Name()); componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredFromIO->GetName(), arm->IOComponentName(), arm->Name() + "-SUJClutch"); } } const TeleopList::iterator teleopsEnd = mTeleops.end(); for (TeleopList::iterator teleopIter = mTeleops.begin(); teleopIter != teleopsEnd; ++teleopIter) { TeleopPSM * teleop = teleopIter->second; teleop->Connect(); } // connect the foot pedals if needed if (mHasFootpedals) { this->ConnectFootpedalInterfaces(); } // connect interfaces to retrieve base frame from ECM SUJ and send event to SUJ if (mSUJECMInterfaceRequired && mECMBaseFrameInterfaceProvided) { componentManager->Connect(this->GetName(), "BaseFrame", "SUJ", "ECM"); componentManager->Connect("SUJ", "BaseFrame", this->GetName(), "ECMBaseFrame"); } return true; }
bool mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::AddArm(mtsComponent * genericArm, const mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::Arm::ArmType CMN_UNUSED(armType)) { // create new required interfaces to communicate with the components we created Arm * newArm = new Arm(genericArm->GetName(), ""); if (SetupAndConnectInterfaces(newArm)) { mArms.push_back(newArm); return true; } CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << GetName() << ": AddArm, unable to add new arm. Are you adding two arms with the same name? " << newArm->Name() << std::endl; delete newArm; return false; }
bool mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::AddArm(mtsComponent * genericArm, const mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::Arm::ArmType CMN_UNUSED(armType)) { // create new required interfaces to communicate with the components we created Arm * newArm = new Arm(genericArm->GetName(), ""); if (AddArmInterfaces(newArm)) { ArmList::iterator armIterator = mArms.find(newArm->mName); if (armIterator != mArms.end()) { mArms[newArm->mName] = newArm; return true; } } CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << GetName() << ": AddArm, unable to add new arm. Are you adding two arms with the same name? " << newArm->Name() << std::endl; delete newArm; return false; }
void mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::Configure(const std::string & filename) { mConfigured = false; std::ifstream jsonStream;; Json::Value jsonConfig, jsonValue; Json::Reader jsonReader; if (!jsonReader.parse(jsonStream, jsonConfig)) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Configure: failed to parse configuration\n" << jsonReader.getFormattedErrorMessages(); this->mConfigured = false; return; } // extract path of main json config file to search other files relative to it cmnPath configPath(cmnPath::GetWorkingDirectory()); std::string fullname = configPath.Find(filename); std::string configDir = fullname.substr(0, fullname.find_last_of('/')); configPath.Add(configDir); // IO default settings double periodIO = 0.5 * cmn_ms; int firewirePort = 0; // get user preferences jsonValue = jsonConfig["io"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Configure: looking for user provided io:period and io:port" << std::endl; jsonValue = jsonConfig["io"]["period"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { periodIO = jsonValue.asDouble(); } jsonValue = jsonConfig["io"]["port"]; if (!jsonValue.empty()) { firewirePort = jsonValue.asInt(); } } else { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Configure: using default io:period and io:port" << std::endl; } CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Configure: period IO is " << periodIO << std::endl << "Configure: FireWire port is " << firewirePort << std::endl; // create IO mtsRobotIO1394 * io = new mtsRobotIO1394(mIOComponentName, periodIO, firewirePort); const Json::Value arms = jsonConfig["arms"]; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < arms.size(); ++index) { if (!ConfigureArmJSON(arms[index], io->GetName(), configPath)) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Configure: failed to configure arms[" << index << "]" << std::endl; return; } } // loop over all arms to configure IO only const ArmList::iterator end = mArms.end(); ArmList::iterator iter; for (iter = mArms.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { std::string ioConfig = iter->second->mIOConfigurationFile; if (ioConfig != "") { io->Configure(ioConfig); } } mtsComponentManager::GetInstance()->AddComponent(io); // now can configure PID and Arms for (iter = mArms.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { const std::string pidConfig = iter->second->mPIDConfigurationFile; if (pidConfig != "") { iter->second->ConfigurePID(pidConfig); } const std::string armConfig = iter->second->mArmConfigurationFile; if (armConfig != "") { iter->second->ConfigureArm(iter->second->mType, armConfig); } } bool hasSUJ = false; bool hasECM = false; // now load all PSM teleops const Json::Value psmTeleops = jsonConfig["psm-teleops"]; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < psmTeleops.size(); ++index) { if (!ConfigurePSMTeleopJSON(psmTeleops[index])) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_ERROR << "Configure: failed to configure psm-teleops[" << index << "]" << std::endl; return; } } // see which event is used for operator present // find name of button event used to detect if operator is present mOperatorPresentComponent = jsonConfig["operator-present"]["component"].asString(); mOperatorPresentInterface = jsonConfig["operator-present"]["interface"].asString(); //set defaults if (mOperatorPresentComponent == "") { mOperatorPresentComponent = mIOComponentName; } if (mOperatorPresentInterface == "") { mOperatorPresentInterface = "COAG"; } // look for footpedals in json config jsonValue = jsonConfig["io"]["has-footpedals"]; if (jsonValue.empty()) { mHasFootpedals = false; } else { mHasFootpedals = jsonValue.asBool(); } // if we have any teleoperation component, we need to add the interfaces for the foot pedals if (mTeleops.size() > 0) { mHasFootpedals = true; } if (mHasFootpedals) { this->AddFootpedalInterfaces(); } // interface to ecm to get ECM frame and then push to PSM SUJs as base frame mtsInterfaceRequired * ecmArmInterface = 0; for (iter = mArms.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { if (iter->second->mType == Arm::ARM_ECM) { hasECM = true; ecmArmInterface = iter->second->ArmInterfaceRequired; } else if (iter->second->mType == Arm::ARM_SUJ) { hasSUJ = true; } } // add required and provided interfaces to grab positions from ECM SUJ and ECM if (hasSUJ && hasECM) { mSUJECMInterfaceRequired = AddInterfaceRequired("BaseFrame"); if (mSUJECMInterfaceRequired) { mSUJECMInterfaceRequired->AddEventHandlerWrite(&mtsIntuitiveResearchKitConsole::SUJECMBaseFrameHandler, this, "BaseFrameDesired"); } if (ecmArmInterface) { ecmArmInterface->AddFunction("GetPositionCartesianLocal", mGetPositionCartesianLocalFromECM); } else { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Configure: arm interface not yet added for ECM" << std::endl; } mECMBaseFrameInterfaceProvided = AddInterfaceProvided("ECMBaseFrame"); if (mECMBaseFrameInterfaceProvided) { mECMBaseFrameInterfaceProvided->AddEventWrite(mECMBaseFrameEvent, "BaseFrameDesired", prmPositionCartesianGet()); } } // connect arm SUJ clutch button to SUJ if (hasSUJ) { for (iter = mArms.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) { Arm * arm = iter->second; if ((arm->mType == Arm::ARM_ECM) || (arm->mType == Arm::ARM_PSM)) { arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredFromIO = this->AddInterfaceRequired("SUJ-" + arm->Name() + "-IO"); arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredFromIO->AddEventHandlerWrite(&Arm::SUJClutchEventHandlerFromIO, arm, "Button"); arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredToSUJ = this->AddInterfaceRequired("SUJ-" + arm->Name()); arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredToSUJ->AddFunction("Clutch", arm->SUJClutch); } else { arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredFromIO = 0; arm->SUJInterfaceRequiredToSUJ = 0; } } } mConfigured = true; }