Ejemplo n.º 1
/* return the index the next receive */
void CommunicatorT::WaitReceive(const ArrayT<MPI_Request>& requests, int& index, int& source) const
	const char caller[] = "CommunicatorT::WaitReceive";
	Log(kModerate, caller, "waiting for 1 of %d", requests.Length());

	index = source = -1;

#ifdef __TAHOE_MPI__
	/* grab completed receive */
	MPI_Status status;
	int ret = MPI_Waitany(requests.Length(), (MPI_Request*) requests.Pointer(), &index, &status);

	if (ret != MPI_SUCCESS) Log(kFail, caller, "MPI_Waitany failed");

	if (status.MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) Log(kFail, caller, "bad status: %d", status.MPI_ERROR);
	source = status.MPI_SOURCE;

	Log(kModerate, caller, "received request at index %d from %d", index, source);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* free any uncompleted requests */
void CommunicatorT::FreeRequests(ArrayT<MPI_Request>& requests) const
#ifdef __TAHOE_MPI__
	const char caller[] = "CommunicatorT::FreeRequests";

	/* free any uncompleted receive requests */
	for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length(); i++)
		if (requests[i] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL)
			Log(kLow, "caller", "cancelling request %d/%d", i+1, requests.Length());
			/* cancel request */
			MPI_Status status;
			MPI_Wait(&requests[i], &status);
			int flag;
			MPI_Test_cancelled(&status, &flag);
			if (flag )
				Log(kLow, "caller", "cancelling request %d/%d: DONE", i+1, requests.Length());
				Log(kLow, "caller", "cancelling request %d/%d: FAIL", i+1, requests.Length());
#pragma unused(requests)
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* block until all sends posted with CommunicatorT::PostSend have completed */
void CommunicatorT::WaitSends(const ArrayT<MPI_Request>& requests)
	const char caller[] = "CommunicatorT::WaitSends";
	Log(kModerate, caller, "waiting for 1 of %d", requests.Length());

	/* complete all sends */
	for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length(); i++)
		int index = -1;

#ifdef __TAHOE_MPI__
		/* grab completed receive */
		MPI_Status status;
		int ret = MPI_Waitany(requests.Length(), (MPI_Request*) requests.Pointer(), &index, &status);

		if (ret != MPI_SUCCESS) Log(kFail, caller, "MPI_Waitany failed");

		if (status.MPI_ERROR != MPI_SUCCESS) {
			WriteStatus(Log(), caller, status);
			Log(kFail, caller, "bad status: %d", status.MPI_ERROR);


		Log(kLow, caller, "completing send at index %d", index);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* change the number of active element groups */
void ElementListT::SetActiveElementGroupMask(const ArrayT<bool>& mask)
	/* first time */
	if (fAllElementGroups.Length() == 0)
		/* cache all pointers */
		for (int i = 0; i < fAllElementGroups.Length(); i++)
			ElementBaseT* element = (*this)[i];
			fAllElementGroups[i] = element;

	/* check */
	if (mask.Length() != fAllElementGroups.Length())
			"expecting mask length %d not %d", fAllElementGroups.Length(), mask.Length());

	/* reset active element groups */
	int num_active = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length(); i++)
		if (mask[i])

	/* cast this to an ArrayT */
	ArrayT<ElementBaseT*>& element_list = *this;
	num_active = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length(); i++)
		if (mask[i])
			element_list[num_active++] = fAllElementGroups[i];
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Quad2Tri::BackSlashSideSets (ArrayT<iArray2DT>& sidesets)
  fSideSetData.Allocate (sidesets.Length());
  for (int s=0; s < sidesets.Length(); s++)
      fSideSetData[s].Allocate (sidesets[s].MajorDim(), 2);
      fSideSetData[s] = 0;
      int *e = sidesets[s].Pointer();
      int *f = sidesets[s].Pointer(1);
      int *enew = fSideSetData[s].Pointer();
      int *fnew = fSideSetData[s].Pointer(1);
      for (int i=0; i < sidesets[s].MajorDim(); i++)
	  *enew = *e * 2;
	  if (*f == 1 || *f == 2) 
	      *enew += 1;
	      *fnew = *f - 1;
	  else if (*f == 0) *fnew = 1;
	  else *fnew = 0;
	  e += 2;
	  f += 2;
	  enew += 2;
	  fnew += 2;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* initialize the state variable array */
void MR_RP2DT::InitStateVariables(ArrayT<double>& state)
    int num_state = NumStateVariables();
    if (state.Length() != num_state) {
#ifndef _SIERRA_TEST_
        cout << "\n SurfacePotentialT::InitStateVariables: expecting state variable array\n"
             <<   "     length " << num_state << ", found length " << state.Length() << endl;
        throw ExceptionT::kSizeMismatch;

    /* clear */
    if (num_state > 0) state = 0.0;

    /* Initializing internal state variables */
    double enp  = state[14];
    double esp  = state[15];
    double fchi = fchi_r + (fchi_p - fchi_r)*exp(-falpha_chi*enp);
    double fc   = fc_r + (fc_p - fc_r)*exp(-falpha_c*esp);
    double ftan_phi = tan(fphi_r) + (tan(fphi_p) - tan(fphi_r))*exp(-falpha_phi*esp);
    double ftan_psi = (tan(fpsi_p))*exp(-falpha_psi*esp);
    state[6]  = fchi;
    state[7]  = fc ;
    state[8]  = ftan_phi;
    state[9]  = ftan_psi;
    state[13] = 0.;
    state[nTiedFlag] = kTiedNode;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* echo element connectivity data */
void SCNIMFT::DefineElements(const ArrayT<StringT>& block_ID, const ArrayT<int>& mat_index) 
  const char caller[] = "SCNIMFT::DefineElements";

  if (block_ID.Length() > 1)
    ExceptionT::GeneralFail(caller, "mutliple block ID's not supported %d",
  /* access to the model database */
  ModelManagerT& model = ElementSupport().ModelManager();


  // NB THIS IS SPECIALIZED TO ONLY ONE ELEMENT BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  /* set pointer to connectivity list */
  fElementConnectivities[0] = model.ElementGroupPointer(block_ID[0]);

  // Get nodal coordinates 
  int nsd = NumSD();
  fNodalCoordinates.Dimension(fNodes.Length(), nsd);
  fNodalCoordinates.RowCollect(fNodes, model.Coordinates());

  /* set up element cards for state variable storage */
  fElementCards.Dimension(fNodes.Length()); /* one card per node */
  for (int i = 0; i < fElementCards.Length(); i++)
  fCellGeometry->DefineElements(block_ID, mat_index);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void NodeManagerPrimitive::AddNodeSet (const StringT& setID, const ArrayT<int>& nodes, CSEConstants::NodeMapMethodT transfermethod)
  int dex;
  fNodeSetID.HasValue (setID, dex);
  if (dex > -1)
      int num = nodes.Length();
      int length = fNodeSetData[dex].Length();
      fNodeSetData[dex].Resize (length + num, CSEConstants::kNotSet);
      fNodeSetData[dex].CopyPart (length, nodes, 0, num);
      RemoveRepeats (fNodeSetData[dex]);
      out << "            Added to Node Set. . . . . . . . . . = " 
	  << setID << '\n' << endl;
      int length = fNodeSetID.Length();
      fNodeSetData.Resize (length + 1);
      fNodeSetID.Resize (length + 1, "");
      fNodeSetData[length].Allocate (nodes.Length());
      fNodeSetData[length].CopyPart (0, nodes, 0, nodes.Length());
      fNodeSetID[length] = setID;

      int ml = fTransMethods.Length();
      fTransMethods.Resize (ml + 1, transfermethod);

      out << "            Added Node Set . . . . . . . . . . . = " 
	  << setID << '\n' << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void MFPenaltyContact2DT::ComputeStrikerCoordinates(const ArrayT<int>& strikers)
	/* dimension */
	fStrikerCoords_man.SetMajorDimension(strikers.Length(), false);

	/* current striker coords */
	if (strikers.Length() > 0) {
		/* reconstruct displacement field */
		if (fSCNI) {
			fSCNI_tmp = strikers;
			if (!fSCNI->GlobalToLocalNumbering(fSCNI_tmp))
					"SCNI global->local failed");
			fSCNI->InterpolatedFieldAtNodes(fSCNI_tmp, fStrikerCoords);
		else {
			iArrayT tmp;
			fElementGroup->NodalDOFs(tmp, fStrikerCoords);

		/* compute current coordinates */
		const dArray2DT& init_coords = ElementSupport().InitialCoordinates();
		for (int i = 0; i < strikers.Length(); i++)
			fStrikerCoords.AddToRowScaled(i, 1.0, init_coords(strikers[i]));
Ejemplo n.º 10
void TextInputT::ElementGroupNames (ArrayT<StringT>& groupnames) const
  if (groupnames.Length() != fBlockID.Length()) throw ExceptionT::kSizeMismatch;
  for (int i=0; i < groupnames.Length(); i++)
      groupnames[i] = fBlockID[i];
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* assemble the element contribution */
void PSPASESMatrixT::Assemble(const ElementMatrixT& elMat, const ArrayT<int>& eqnos)
	const char caller[] = "PSPASESMatrixT::Assemble";

	/* element matrix format */
	ElementMatrixT::FormatT format = elMat.Format();

	/* two cases: element matrix is diagonal, or it's not. */
	int end_update = fStartEQ + fLocNumEQ - 1;
	if (format == ElementMatrixT::kDiagonal)
		/* diagonal entries only */
		const double *pelMat = elMat.Pointer();
		int inc = elMat.Rows() + 1; /* offset between diag entries are */
		int nee = eqnos.Length();
		for (int i = 0; i < nee; ++i) {
			int eq = eqnos[i];
			if (eq >= fStartEQ && eq <= end_update) /* active eqn */ {
				double* a = (*this)(eq,eq);
				if (a)
					*a += *pelMat;
			pelMat += inc;
	else if (format == ElementMatrixT::kNonSymmetric || 
             format == ElementMatrixT::kSymmetric ||
             format == ElementMatrixT::kSymmetricUpper )
		/* fill matrix */
		if (format != ElementMatrixT::kNonSymmetric)

		int nee = eqnos.Length();  // number of equations for element
		for (int col = 0; col < nee; ++col)
			int ceqno = eqnos[col] - 1;
			if (ceqno > -1) /* active eqn */ {
				for (int row = 0; row < nee; ++row) {
					int reqno = eqnos[row];
					if (reqno >= fStartEQ && reqno <= end_update) /* active eqn */ {
						double* a = (*this)(reqno,ceqno);
						if (a)
							*a += 0.5*(elMat(row,col) + elMat(col,row));
		ExceptionT::GeneralFail(caller, "unsupported element matrix format %d", format);
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* collect subset */
void LocalArrayT::Collect(const ArrayT<int>& nodes, const LocalArrayT& source)
#if __option(extended_errorcheck)
	if (nodes.Length() != fNumNodes || source.fMinorDim != fMinorDim)

	for (int j = 0; j < fMinorDim; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length(); i++)
			(*this)(i,j) = source(nodes[i],j); 
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* return true if all values are the same */
bool MessageT::Same(const ArrayT<int>& a) const
	if (a.Length() == 0)
		return true;
		int i = a[0];
		for (int j = 1; j < a.Length(); j++)
			if (a[j] != i)
				return false;
		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void DiagonalMatrixT::Assemble(const ElementMatrixT& elMat, const ArrayT<int>& row_eqnos,
	const ArrayT<int>& col_eqnos)
	/* pick out diagonal values */
	for (int row = 0; row < row_eqnos.Length(); row++)
		for (int col = 0; col < col_eqnos.Length(); col++)
			if (row_eqnos[row] == col_eqnos[col])
				int eqno = row_eqnos[row] - 1;
				if (eqno > -1)
					fMatrix[eqno] += elMat(row, col);
Ejemplo n.º 15
int ElementSupportT::RegisterOutput(ArrayT<StringT>& n_labels, 
	ArrayT<StringT>& e_labels)
	/* copy labels */
	for (int i = 0; i < fNodeOutputLabels.Length(); i++)
		fNodeOutputLabels[i] = n_labels[i];
	for (int i = 0; i < fElemOutputLabels.Length(); i++)
		fElemOutputLabels[i] = e_labels[i];
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* renumber the positive values in oldsequences - returns the number
* of re-sequenced labels. labels are assumed to increase contiguously
* through the rows of the oldsequences */
int CMReLabellerT::Renumber(ArrayT<iArray2DT*>& oldsequences)
	/* first row handled by each sequence */
	iArrayT maxrow(oldsequences.Length());
	for (int k = 0; k < oldsequences.Length(); k++)
		maxrow[k] = oldsequences[k]->MajorDim();

		/* offset from previous sequence */
		if (k > 0) maxrow[k] += maxrow[k-1];

	/* make graph */

	/* initialize */

	/* pick start and end nodes */

	/* relabel */
	/* re-sequence positive values */	
	int	label = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < fGraph.NumNodes(); i++)
		/* next node in line for new labels */
		int next = fSequence[i];
		/* get pointer to the correct sequence */
		int seqnum = 0;
		while (next >= maxrow[seqnum]) seqnum++;
		if (seqnum > 0) next -= maxrow[seqnum - 1];
		iArray2DT& currsequence = *oldsequences[seqnum];
		int* pseq  = currsequence(next);
		int subdim = currsequence.MinorDim();
		for (int j = 0; j < subdim; j++)
			int& oldlabel = *pseq++;
			if (oldlabel > 0) oldlabel = ++label;

	return label;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void DiagonalMatrixT::Assemble(const nArrayT<double>& diagonal_elMat, const ArrayT<int>& eqnos)
#if __option(extended_errorcheck)
	/* dimension check */
	if (diagonal_elMat.Length() != eqnos.Length()) throw ExceptionT::kSizeMismatch;

	for (int i = 0; i < eqnos.Length(); i++)
		int eqno = eqnos[i] - 1;
		if (eqno > -1)
			fMatrix[eqno] += diagonal_elMat[i];
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void
TraceArray(JSTracer* trc, void* data)
  ArrayT* array = static_cast<ArrayT *>(data);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < array->Length(); ++i)
    JS_CallHeapObjectTracer(trc, &array->ElementAt(i), "array-element");
Ejemplo n.º 19
void MeshFreeSurfaceShapeT::NeighborCounts(ArrayT<int>& counts) const
	const ArrayT<int>& counts_1 = fMFSurfaceSupport->NeighborCounts(0);
	const ArrayT<int>& counts_2 = fMFSurfaceSupport->NeighborCounts(1);
	for (int i = 0; i < counts.Length(); i++)
		counts[i] = counts_1[i] + counts_2[i];
Ejemplo n.º 20
void TextInputT::ReadNodeLabels (ArrayT<StringT>& nlabels) const
	/* allocate */

	/* copy */
	for (int i=0; i < nlabels.Length(); i++)
		nlabels[i] = fNodeVariable[i];
Ejemplo n.º 21
void TextInputT::ReadElementLabels (ArrayT<StringT>& elabels) const
	/* allocate */

	/* copy */
  	for (int i=0; i < elabels.Length(); i++)
		elabels[i] = fElementVariable[i];
Ejemplo n.º 22
void LocalArrayT::SetLocal(const ArrayT<int>& keys)
#if __option (extended_errorcheck)
	const char caller[] = "LocalArrayT::SetLocal";
	if (!fGlobal) ExceptionT::GeneralFail(caller);
	if (keys.Length() != fNumNodes) ExceptionT::SizeMismatch(caller);

Ejemplo n.º 23
// with this method original quad facets are always a triangle 0 facet
void Quad2Tri::XMethodSideSets (ArrayT<iArray2DT>& sidesets)
  fSideSetData.Allocate (sidesets.Length());
  for (int s=0; s < sidesets.Length(); s++)
      fSideSetData[s].Allocate (sidesets[s].MajorDim(), 2);
      fSideSetData[s] = 0;
      int *e = sidesets[s].Pointer();
      int *f = sidesets[s].Pointer(1);
      int *en = fSideSetData[s].Pointer();
      for (int i=0; i < sidesets[s].MajorDim(); i++)
	  *en = *e *4 + *f;
	  e += 2;
	  f += 2;
	  en += 2;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void PartitionT::Set(int num_parts, int id, const ArrayT<int>& part_map,
	const ArrayT<int>& node_map,
	const ArrayT<const iArray2DT*>& connects_1,
	const ArrayT<const RaggedArray2DT<int>*>& connects_2)
	const char caller[] = "PartitionT::Set";

	/* check */
	if (part_map.Length() != node_map.Length())
		ExceptionT::SizeMismatch(caller, "part map length %d must equal node map length %d",
			part_map.Length(), node_map.Length());

	/* total number of partitions */
	fNumPartitions = num_parts;
	if (fNumPartitions < 1) ExceptionT::GeneralFail(caller, "bad size %d", fNumPartitions);

	/* set ID */
	fID = id;
	if (fID < 0 || fID >= fNumPartitions) ExceptionT::OutOfRange(caller, "bad id %d", fID);
	/* numbering is global */
	fScope = kLocal;

	/* resolve internal/boundary nodes */
	ClassifyNodes(part_map, connects_1, connects_2);

	/* set node map */
	fNodeMap_man.SetLength(node_map.Length(), false);
	int nnd = fNodes_i.Length() + fNodes_b.Length() + fNodes_e.Length();
	if (fNodeMap.Length() != nnd)
		ExceptionT::GeneralFail(caller, "expecting %d entries in node map %d", nnd, fNodeMap.Length());

	/* set send information */
	/* clear inverse maps */
	for (int i = 0; i < fInvElementMap.Length(); i++)
Ejemplo n.º 25
// with this method original quad facets are always a triangle 0 facet
void Quad2Tri::StarSideSets (ArrayT<iArray2DT>& sidesets)
  fSideSetData.Allocate (sidesets.Length());
  for (int s=0; s < sidesets.Length(); s++)
      fSideSetData[s].Allocate (2*sidesets[s].MajorDim(), 2);
      fSideSetData[s] = 0;
      int *e = sidesets[s].Pointer();
      int *f = sidesets[s].Pointer(1);
      int *enew = fSideSetData[s].Pointer();
      for (int i=0; i < sidesets[s].MajorDim(); i++)
	  *enew = *e *8 + *f *2;
	  enew += 2;
	  *enew = *e *8 + *f *2 + 1;
	  enew += 2;
	  e += 2;
	  f += 2;
Ejemplo n.º 26
void Quad2Tri::SlashSideSets (ArrayT<iArray2DT>& sidesets)
  fSideSetData.Allocate (sidesets.Length());
  for (int s=0; s < sidesets.Length(); s++)
      fSideSetData[s].Allocate (sidesets[s].MajorDim(), 2);
      fSideSetData[s] = 0;
      int *e = sidesets[s].Pointer();
      int *f = sidesets[s].Pointer(1);
      int *enew = fSideSetData[s].Pointer();
      int *fnew = fSideSetData[s].Pointer(1);
      for (int i=0; i < sidesets[s].MajorDim(); i++)
	  *enew = *e * 2 + ((*f < 2) ? 0 : 1);
	  *fnew = *f - ((*f < 2) ? 0 : 2);
	  e += 2;
	  f += 2;
	  enew += 2;
	  fnew += 2;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/* broadcast character array */
void CommunicatorT::Broadcast(int source, ArrayT<char>& data)
	if (source == Rank())
		Log(kModerate, "Broadcast", "sending %d", data.Length());
		if (LogLevel() == kLow) Log() << setw(10) << "data: " << data.Pointer() << '\n';

#ifdef __TAHOE_MPI__
	int ret = MPI_Bcast(data.Pointer(), data.Length(), MPI_CHAR, source, fComm);

	if (ret != MPI_SUCCESS) Log(kFail, "CommunicatorT::Broadcast", "MPI_Bcast failed");


	if (source != Rank())
		Log(kModerate, "Broadcast", "received %d", data.Length());
		if (LogLevel() == kLow) Log() << setw(10) << "data: " << data.Pointer() << '\n';
Ejemplo n.º 28
/* sort edges by minimum degree */
void CMReLabellerT::SortByMinDegree(ArrayT<int>& edges)
	int numedges = edges.Length();
	// array with degrees of edges
	iArrayT edgedegrees(numedges);
	for( int i = 0; i < numedges; i++)
		edgedegrees[i] = fGraph.Degree(edges[i]);
	// sort edges by degree in ascending order
	AZ_sort(edgedegrees.Pointer(), numedges, edges.Pointer(), NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 29
/* store outgoing data (count maps onto fCommID) */
void PartitionT::SetOutgoing(const ArrayT<iArrayT>& nodes_out)
	/* checks */
	if (nodes_out.Length() != fCommID.Length())
		cout << "\n PartitionT::SetIncoming: expecting dimension of outgoing ID's ("
		     << nodes_out.Length() << ")\n";
		cout <<   "     to be the same as the Comm ID list (" << fCommID.Length()
		     << ")" << endl;
		throw ExceptionT::kSizeMismatch;
	/* only at global scope for now */
	if (fScope != kGlobal)
		cout << "\n PartitionT::SetOutgoing: number scope must be global" << endl;
		throw ExceptionT::kGeneralFail;

	/* store */
	for (int i = 0; i < fNodes_out.Length(); i++)
		fNodes_out[i] = nodes_out[i];
Ejemplo n.º 30
void MR_RP2DT::ComputeOutput(const dArrayT& jump_u, const ArrayT<double>& state,
                             dArrayT& output)
#pragma unused(jump_u)
#if __option(extended_errorcheck)
    if (state.Length() != NumStateVariables()) throw ExceptionT::kGeneralFail;
    output[0] = state[4];
    output[1] = state[5];;
    output[2] = state[6];
    output[3] = state[7];
    output[4] = state[8];
    output[5] = state[10];
    output[6] = state[13];
    output[7] = state[16];