Ejemplo n.º 1
static bool FindHELMAtom(std::vector<AtomPDBResidueInfo*> *seq,
                         AtomPDBResidueInfo *info,
                         std::string &id, std::string &pos)
  char buffer[32];
  char ch;

  const char *ptr = info->getName().c_str();
  if (ptr[0]==' ' && ptr[1]=='S' && ptr[2]=='G' && ptr[3]==' ')
    ch = '3';
  else if (ptr[0]==' ' && ptr[1]=='N' && ptr[2]==' ' && ptr[3]==' ')
    ch = '1';
  else if (ptr[0]==' ' && ptr[1]=='C' && ptr[2]==' ' && ptr[3]==' ')
    ch = '2';
  else return false;

  int resno = info->getResidueNumber();
  for (unsigned int i=1; i<10; i++) {
    unsigned int len = (unsigned int)seq[i].size();
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<len; j++) {
      AtomPDBResidueInfo *targ = seq[i][j];
      if (targ->getResidueNumber() == resno &&
          targ->getResidueName() == info->getResidueName() &&
          targ->getChainId() == info->getChainId() &&
          targ->getInsertionCode() == info->getInsertionCode()) {
        id = "PEPTIDE";
        id += (char)(i+'0');
        pos = buffer;
        return true;
  return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool StandardPDBDoubleBond(RWMol *mol, Atom *beg, Atom *end)
  AtomPDBResidueInfo *bInfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)beg->getMonomerInfo();
  if (!bInfo || bInfo->getMonomerType() != AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE)
    return false;
  AtomPDBResidueInfo *eInfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)end->getMonomerInfo();
  if (!eInfo || eInfo->getMonomerType() != AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE)
    return false;
  if (!SamePDBResidue(bInfo,eInfo))
    return false;
  if (bInfo->getIsHeteroAtom() || eInfo->getIsHeteroAtom())
    return false;

  const char *ptr = bInfo->getResidueName().c_str();
  unsigned int rescode = BCNAM(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2]);
  ptr = bInfo->getName().c_str();
  unsigned int atm1 = BCATM(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2],ptr[3]);
  ptr = eInfo->getName().c_str();
  unsigned int atm2 = BCATM(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2],ptr[3]);

  if (!StandardPDBDoubleBond(rescode,atm1,atm2))
    return false;

  // Check that neither end already has a double bond
  for (bp=mol->getAtomBonds(beg); bp.first!=bp.second; ++bp.first)
    if ((*mol)[*bp.first].get()->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE)
      return false;
  for (bp=mol->getAtomBonds(end); bp.first!=bp.second; ++bp.first)
    if ((*mol)[*bp.first].get()->getBondType() == Bond::DOUBLE)
      return false;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
std::string MolToHELM(const ROMol &mol)
  std::vector<AtomPDBResidueInfo*> seq[10];
  std::string result;
  bool first = true;
  std::string chain;
  int id = 1;

  /* First pass: Monomers */
  for (ROMol::ConstAtomIterator atomIt=mol.beginAtoms();
    const Atom *atom = *atomIt;
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *info = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(atom->getMonomerInfo());
    // We can only write HELM if all atoms have PDB residue information
    if (!info || info->getMonomerType()!=AtomMonomerInfo::PDBRESIDUE)
      return "";

    if (info->getName() == " CA ") {
      const char *mono = getHELMMonomer(info);
      if (!mono)
        return "";
      if (first) {
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result = "PEPTIDE1{";
        first = false;
      } else if (info->getChainId() != chain) {
        // Nine chains should be enough?
        if (id == 9)
          return "";
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result += "}|PEPTIDE";
        result += (char)(id+'0');
        result += "{";
      } else result += ".";
      result += mono;
    } else if (info->getResidueName() == "NH2" &&
               info->getName() == " N  ") {
      if (first)
        return "";
      result += ".[am]";
    } else if (info->getResidueName() == "ACE" &&
               info->getName() == " C  ") {
      if (first) {
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result = "PEPTIDE1{[ac]";
        first = false;
      } else if (info->getChainId() != chain) {
        // Nine chains should be enough?
        if (id == 9)
          return "";
        chain = info->getChainId();
        result += "}|PEPTIDE";
        result += (char)(id+'0');
        result += "{[ac]";
      } else return "";

  if (first)
    return "";

  result += "}$";

  first = true;
  for (ROMol::ConstBondIterator bondIt=mol.beginBonds();
       bondIt!=mol.endBonds(); ++bondIt){
    const Bond *bond = *bondIt;
    Atom *beg = bond->getBeginAtom();
    Atom *end = bond->getEndAtom();
    if (!beg || !end)
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *binfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(beg->getMonomerInfo());
    AtomPDBResidueInfo *einfo = (AtomPDBResidueInfo*)(end->getMonomerInfo());
    if (!binfo || !einfo)
    // Test if this is an uninteresting intra-residue bond
    if (binfo->getResidueNumber() == einfo->getResidueNumber() &&
        binfo->getResidueName() == einfo->getResidueName() &&
        binfo->getChainId() == einfo->getChainId() &&
        binfo->getInsertionCode() == einfo->getInsertionCode())
    if (bond->getBondType() != Bond::SINGLE)
      return "";
    if (IsEupeptideBond(binfo,einfo))
    if (!IsSupportedHELMBond(binfo,einfo))
      return "";
    std::string tmp = NameHELMBond(seq,binfo,einfo);
    if (tmp.empty())
      return "";
    if (!first)
      result += "|";
    else first = false;
    result += tmp;

  result += "$$$";
  return result;