Ejemplo n.º 1
/*!	\brief Sets the MIME types supported by the application.

	If \a types is \c NULL the application's supported types are unset.

	The supported MIME types must be stored in a field "types" of type
	\c B_STRING_TYPE in \a types.

	The method informs the registrar about this news.
	For each supported type the result of BMimeType::GetSupportingApps() will
	afterwards include the signature of this application. That is, the
	application file needs to have a signature set.

	\a syncAll specifies whether the not longer supported types shall be
	updated as well, i.e. whether this application shall be remove from the
	lists of supporting applications.

	\param types The supported types to be assigned to the file.
		   May be \c NULL.
	\param syncAll \c true to also synchronize the not longer supported
		   types, \c false otherwise.
	- \c B_OK: Everything went fine.
	- \c B_NO_INIT: The object is not properly initialized.
	- other error codes
BAppFileInfo::SetSupportedTypes(const BMessage *types, bool syncAll)
	// check initialization
	status_t error = B_OK;
	if (error == B_OK && InitCheck() != B_OK)
		error = B_NO_INIT;
	BMimeType mimeType;
	if (error == B_OK)
		error = GetMetaMime(&mimeType);
	if (error == B_OK || error == B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) {
		error = B_OK;
		if (types) {
			// check param -- supported types must be valid
			const char *type;
			for (int32 i = 0;
				 error == B_OK && types->FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK;
				 i++) {
				if (!BMimeType::IsValid(type))
					error = B_BAD_VALUE;
			// get flattened size
			ssize_t size = 0;
			if (error == B_OK) {
				size = types->FlattenedSize();
				if (size < 0)
					error = size;
			// allocate a buffer for the flattened data
			char *buffer = NULL;
			if (error == B_OK) {
				buffer = new(nothrow) char[size];
				if (!buffer)
					error = B_NO_MEMORY;
			// flatten the message
			if (error == B_OK)
				error = types->Flatten(buffer, size);
			// write the data
			if (error == B_OK) {
				error = _WriteData(kSupportedTypesAttribute,
								   kSupportedTypesResourceID, B_MESSAGE_TYPE,
								   buffer, size);
			// clean up
			delete[] buffer;
		} else
			error = _RemoveData(kSupportedTypesAttribute, B_MESSAGE_TYPE);
		// update the MIME database, if the app signature is installed
		if (error == B_OK && mimeType.IsInstalled())
			error = mimeType.SetSupportedTypes(types, syncAll);
	return error;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CreateAppMetaMimeThread::DoMimeUpdate(const entry_ref* ref, bool* _entryIsDir)
    if (ref == NULL)
        return B_BAD_VALUE;

    BNode typeNode;

    BFile file;
    status_t status = file.SetTo(ref, B_READ_ONLY);
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    bool isDir = file.IsDirectory();
    if (_entryIsDir != NULL)
        *_entryIsDir = isDir;

    if (isDir)
        return B_OK;

    BAppFileInfo appInfo(&file);
    status = appInfo.InitCheck();
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    // Read the app sig (which consequently keeps us from updating
    // non-applications, since we get an error if the file has no
    // app sig)
    BString signature;
    status = file.ReadAttrString("BEOS:APP_SIG", &signature);
    if (status < B_OK)
        return B_BAD_TYPE;

    // Init our various objects

    BMimeType mime;
    status = mime.SetTo(signature.String());
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    InstallNotificationDeferrer _(fDatabase, signature.String());

    if (!mime.IsInstalled())

    BString path = "/";
    // Signatures and MIME types are case insensitive, but we want to
    // preserve the case wherever possible

    status = typeNode.SetTo(path.String());
    if (status < B_OK)
        return status;

    // Preferred App
    attr_info info;
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kPreferredAppAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetPreferredApp(signature.String());

    // Short Description (name of the application)
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kShortDescriptionAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetShortDescription(ref->name);

    // App Hint
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kAppHintAttr, &info) != B_OK))
        status = mime.SetAppHint(ref);

    // Vector Icon
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        uint8* data = NULL;
        size_t size = 0;
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&data, &size) == B_OK) {
            status = mime.SetIcon(data, size);
    // Mini Icon
    BBitmap miniIcon(BRect(0, 0, 15, 15), B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_CMAP8);
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kMiniIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIcon(&miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON);
    // Large Icon
    BBitmap largeIcon(BRect(0, 0, 31, 31), B_BITMAP_NO_SERVER_LINK, B_CMAP8);
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kLargeIconAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetIcon(&largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIcon(&largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON);

    // Supported Types
    bool setSupportedTypes = false;
    BMessage supportedTypes;
    if (status == B_OK && (fForce || typeNode.GetAttrInfo(kSupportedTypesAttr, &info) != B_OK)) {
        if (appInfo.GetSupportedTypes(&supportedTypes) == B_OK)
            setSupportedTypes = true;

    // defer notifications for supported types
    const char* type;
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++)

    // set supported types
    if (setSupportedTypes)
        status = mime.SetSupportedTypes(&supportedTypes);

    // Icons for supported types
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++) {
        // vector icon
        uint8* data = NULL;
        size_t size = 0;
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &data, &size) == B_OK) {
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, data, size);
        // mini icon
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, &miniIcon, B_MINI_ICON);
        // large icon
        if (status == B_OK && appInfo.GetIconForType(type, &largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON) == B_OK)
            status = mime.SetIconForType(type, &largeIcon, B_LARGE_ICON);

    // undefer notifications for supported types
    for (int32 i = 0; supportedTypes.FindString("types", i, &type) == B_OK; i++)

    return status;