Ejemplo n.º 1
  /*! The prefix                 */ const char*                               prefix,
  /*! Options (if no input file) */ const SipOptionsValues*            alternativeOptionsValues, // dakota
  /*! The prior RV               */ const BaseVectorRV      <P_V,P_M>& priorRv,
  /*! The likelihood function    */ const BaseScalarFunction<P_V,P_M>& likelihoodFunction,
  /*! The posterior RV           */       GenericVectorRV   <P_V,P_M>& postRv)
  m_env                     (priorRv.env()),
  m_priorRv                 (priorRv),
  m_likelihoodFunction      (likelihoodFunction),
  m_postRv                  (postRv),
  m_solutionDomain          (NULL),
  m_solutionPdf             (NULL),
  m_subSolutionMdf          (NULL),
  m_subSolutionCdf          (NULL),
  m_solutionRealizer        (NULL),
  m_mhSeqGenerator          (NULL),
  m_mlSampler               (NULL),
  m_chain                   (NULL),
  m_logLikelihoodValues     (NULL),
  m_logTargetValues         (NULL),
  m_optionsObj              (alternativeOptionsValues),
  m_seedWithMAPEstimator    (false),
  std::cout << "Entering Sip" << std::endl;
  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
    *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering StatisticalInverseProblem<P_V,P_M>::constructor()"
                            << ": prefix = " << prefix
                            << ", alternativeOptionsValues = " << alternativeOptionsValues
                            << ", m_env.optionsInputFileName() = " << m_env.optionsInputFileName()
                            << std::endl;

  // If NULL, we create one
  if (m_optionsObj == NULL) {
    SipOptionsValues * tempOptions = new SipOptionsValues(&m_env, prefix);

    // We did this dance because scanOptionsValues is not a const method, but
    // m_optionsObj is a pointer to const
    m_optionsObj = tempOptions;

    // We set this flag so we don't delete the user-created object when it
    // comes time to deconstruct
    m_userDidNotProvideOptions = true;

  if (m_optionsObj->m_help != "") {
    if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
      *m_env.subDisplayFile() << (*m_optionsObj) << std::endl;

  std::cout << "In Sip, finished scanning options" << std::endl;

  queso_require_equal_to_msg(priorRv.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), likelihoodFunction.domainSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), "'priorRv' and 'likelihoodFunction' are related to vector spaces of different dimensions");

  queso_require_equal_to_msg(priorRv.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), postRv.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), "'priorRv' and 'postRv' are related to vector spaces of different dimensions");

  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
    *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving StatisticalInverseProblem<P_V,P_M>::constructor()"
                            << ": prefix = " << m_optionsObj->m_prefix
                            << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 2
  /*! The prefix                 */ const char*                                       prefix,
  /*! Options (if no input file) */ const SfpOptionsValues*                    alternativeOptionsValues, // dakota
  /*! The input RV               */ const BaseVectorRV      <P_V,P_M>&         paramRv,
  /*! The QoI function           */ const BaseVectorFunction<P_V,P_M,Q_V,Q_M>& qoiFunction,
  /*! The QoI RV                 */       GenericVectorRV   <Q_V,Q_M>&         qoiRv)
  m_env                     (paramRv.env()),
  m_paramRv                 (paramRv),
  m_qoiFunction             (qoiFunction),
  m_qoiRv                   (qoiRv),
  m_paramChain              (NULL),
  m_qoiChain                (NULL),
  m_mcSeqGenerator          (NULL),
  m_solutionRealizer        (NULL),
  m_subMdfGrids             (NULL),
  m_subMdfValues            (NULL),
  m_subSolutionMdf          (NULL),
  m_subCdfGrids             (NULL),
  m_subCdfValues            (NULL),
  m_subSolutionCdf          (NULL),
  m_unifiedCdfGrids         (NULL),
  m_unifiedCdfValues        (NULL),
  m_unifiedSolutionCdf      (NULL),
  m_solutionPdf             (NULL),
  m_optionsObj              (alternativeOptionsValues),
  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
    *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering StatisticalForwardProblem<P_V,P_M,Q_V,Q_M>::constructor()"
                            << ": prefix = " << prefix
                            << ", alternativeOptionsValues = " << alternativeOptionsValues
                            << ", m_env.optionsInputFileName() = " << m_env.optionsInputFileName()
                            << std::endl;

  // If NULL, we create one
  if (m_optionsObj == NULL) {
    SfpOptionsValues * tempOptions = new SfpOptionsValues(&m_env, prefix);

    // We did this dance because scanOptionsValues is not a const method, but
    // m_optionsObj is a pointer to const
    m_optionsObj = tempOptions;

    // We do this so we don't delete the user's object in the dtor
    m_userDidNotProvideOptions = true;

  if (m_optionsObj->m_help != "") {
    if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
      *m_env.subDisplayFile() << (*m_optionsObj) << std::endl;

  queso_require_equal_to_msg(paramRv.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), qoiFunction.domainSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), "'paramRv' and 'qoiFunction' are related to vector spaces of different dimensions");

  queso_require_equal_to_msg(qoiFunction.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), qoiRv.imageSet().vectorSpace().dimLocal(), "'qoiFunction' and 'qoiRv' are related to vector spaces of different dimensions");

  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
    *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving StatisticalForwardProblem<P_V,P_M,Q_V,Q_M>::constructor()"
                            << ": prefix = " << m_optionsObj->m_prefix
                            << std::endl;