Ejemplo n.º 1
void SideParityFunction::values(Intrepid::FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr sideBasisCache)
  int numCells = values.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = values.dimension(1);
  int sideIndex = sideBasisCache->getSideIndex();
  if (sideIndex == -1)
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "non-sideBasisCache passed into SideParityFunction");
  if (sideBasisCache->getCellSideParities().size() > 0)
    // then we'll use this, and won't require that mesh and cellIDs are set
    if (sideBasisCache->getCellSideParities().dimension(0) != numCells)
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "sideBasisCache->getCellSideParities() is non-empty, but the cell dimension doesn't match that of the values FieldContainer.");

    for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++)
      int parity = sideBasisCache->getCellSideParities()(cellOrdinal,sideIndex);
      for (int ptOrdinal=0; ptOrdinal<numPoints; ptOrdinal++)
        values(cellOrdinal,ptOrdinal) = parity;
    vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = sideBasisCache->cellIDs();
    if (cellIDs.size() != numCells)
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "cellIDs.size() != numCells");
    Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = sideBasisCache->mesh();
    if (! mesh.get())
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "mesh unset in BasisCache.");
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
      int parity = mesh->cellSideParitiesForCell(cellIDs[cellIndex])(0,sideIndex);
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = parity;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ExactSolution::solutionValues(FieldContainer<double> &values, int trialID, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
  if (_exactFunctions.find(trialID) != _exactFunctions.end() ) {
  // TODO: change ExactSolution::solutionValues (below) to take a *const* points FieldContainer, to avoid this copy:
  FieldContainer<double> points = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
  if (basisCache->getSideIndex() >= 0) {
    FieldContainer<double> unitNormals = basisCache->getSideNormals();
  } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Projector::projectFunctionOntoBasis(FieldContainer<double> &basisCoefficients, FunctionPtr fxn, 
                                         BasisPtr basis, BasisCachePtr basisCache, IPPtr ip, VarPtr v,
                                         set<int> fieldIndicesToSkip) {
  CellTopoPtr cellTopo = basis->domainTopology();
  DofOrderingPtr dofOrderPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering());
  if (! fxn.get()) {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "fxn cannot be null!");
  int cardinality = basis->getCardinality();
  int numCells = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(0);
  int numDofs = cardinality - fieldIndicesToSkip.size();
  if (numDofs==0) {
    // we're skipping all the fields, so just initialize basisCoefficients to 0 and return
  FieldContainer<double> gramMatrix(numCells,cardinality,cardinality);
  FieldContainer<double> ipVector(numCells,cardinality);

  // fake a DofOrdering
  DofOrderingPtr dofOrdering = Teuchos::rcp( new DofOrdering );
  if (! basisCache->isSideCache()) {
    dofOrdering->addEntry(v->ID(), basis, v->rank());
  } else {
    dofOrdering->addEntry(v->ID(), basis, v->rank(), basisCache->getSideIndex());
  ip->computeInnerProductMatrix(gramMatrix, dofOrdering, basisCache);
  ip->computeInnerProductVector(ipVector, v, fxn, dofOrdering, basisCache);
//  cout << "physical points for projection:\n" << basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
//  cout << "gramMatrix:\n" << gramMatrix;
//  cout << "ipVector:\n" << ipVector;
  map<int,int> oldToNewIndices;
  if (fieldIndicesToSkip.size() > 0) {
    // the code to do with fieldIndicesToSkip might not be terribly efficient...
    // (but it's not likely to be called too frequently)
    int i_indices_skipped = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<cardinality; i++) {
      int new_index;
      if (fieldIndicesToSkip.find(i) != fieldIndicesToSkip.end()) {
        new_index = -1;
      } else {
        new_index = i - i_indices_skipped;
      oldToNewIndices[i] = new_index;
    FieldContainer<double> gramMatrixFiltered(numCells,numDofs,numDofs);
    FieldContainer<double> ipVectorFiltered(numCells,numDofs);
    // now filter out the values that we're to skip
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
      for (int i=0; i<cardinality; i++) {
        int i_filtered = oldToNewIndices[i];
        if (i_filtered == -1) {
        ipVectorFiltered(cellIndex,i_filtered) = ipVector(cellIndex,i);
        for (int j=0; j<cardinality; j++) {
          int j_filtered = oldToNewIndices[j];
          if (j_filtered == -1) {
          gramMatrixFiltered(cellIndex,i_filtered,j_filtered) = gramMatrix(cellIndex,i,j);
//    cout << "gramMatrixFiltered:\n" << gramMatrixFiltered;
//    cout << "ipVectorFiltered:\n" << ipVectorFiltered;
    gramMatrix = gramMatrixFiltered;
    ipVector = ipVectorFiltered;
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++){
    // TODO: rewrite to take advantage of SerialDenseWrapper...
    Epetra_SerialDenseSolver solver;
    Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix A(Copy,
                               gramMatrix.dimension(1)); // stride -- fc stores in row-major order (a.o.t. SDM)
    Epetra_SerialDenseVector b(Copy,
    Epetra_SerialDenseVector x(gramMatrix.dimension(1));
    int info = solver.SetVectors(x,b);
    if (info!=0){
      cout << "projectFunctionOntoBasis: failed to SetVectors with error " << info << endl;
    bool equilibrated = false;
    if (solver.ShouldEquilibrate()){
      equilibrated = true;
    info = solver.Solve();
    if (info!=0){
      cout << "projectFunctionOntoBasis: failed to solve with error " << info << endl;
    if (equilibrated) {
      int successLocal = solver.UnequilibrateLHS();
      if (successLocal != 0) {
        cout << "projection: unequilibration FAILED with error: " << successLocal << endl;
    for (int i=0;i<cardinality;i++) {
      if (fieldIndicesToSkip.size()==0) {
        basisCoefficients(cellIndex,i) = x(i);
      } else {
        int i_filtered = oldToNewIndices[i];
        if (i_filtered==-1) {
          basisCoefficients(cellIndex,i) = 0.0;
        } else {
          basisCoefficients(cellIndex,i) = x(i_filtered);
  void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache)
    // sets values(_cellIndex,P,D)
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(_cellIndex == -1, std::invalid_argument, "must call setCellIndex before calling values!");

//    cout << "_basisCoefficients:\n" << _basisCoefficients;

    BasisCachePtr spaceTimeBasisCache;
    if (basisCache->cellTopologyIsSpaceTime())
      // then we require that the basisCache provided be a space-time basis cache
      SpaceTimeBasisCache* spaceTimeCache = dynamic_cast<SpaceTimeBasisCache*>(basisCache.get());
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!spaceTimeCache, std::invalid_argument, "space-time requires a SpaceTimeBasisCache");
      spaceTimeBasisCache = basisCache;
      basisCache = spaceTimeCache->getSpatialBasisCache();

    int numDofs = _basis->getCardinality();
    int spaceDim = basisCache->getSpaceDim();

    bool basisIsVolumeBasis = (spaceDim == _basis->domainTopology()->getDimension());
    bool useCubPointsSideRefCell = basisIsVolumeBasis && basisCache->isSideCache();

    int numPoints = values.dimension(1);

    // check if we're taking a temporal derivative
    int component;
    Intrepid::EOperator relatedOp = BasisEvaluation::relatedOperator(_op, _basis->functionSpace(), spaceDim, component);
    if ((relatedOp == Intrepid::OPERATOR_GRAD) && (component==spaceDim)) {
      // then we are taking the temporal part of the Jacobian of the reference to curvilinear-reference space
      // based on our assumptions that curvilinearity is just in the spatial direction (and is orthogonally extruded in the
      // temporal direction), this is always the identity.
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        for (int d=0; d<values.dimension(2); d++)
          if (d < spaceDim)
            values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 0.0;
            values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 1.0;
    constFCPtr transformedValues = basisCache->getTransformedValues(_basis, _op, useCubPointsSideRefCell);

    // transformedValues has dimensions (C,F,P,[D,D])
    // therefore, the rank of the sum is transformedValues->rank() - 3
    int rank = transformedValues->rank() - 3;
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(rank != values.rank()-2, std::invalid_argument, "values rank is incorrect.");

    int spaceTimeSideOrdinal = (spaceTimeBasisCache != Teuchos::null) ? spaceTimeBasisCache->getSideIndex() : -1;
    // I'm pretty sure much of this treatment of the time dimension could be simplified by taking advantage of SpaceTimeBasisCache::getTemporalBasisCache()...
    double t0 = -1, t1 = -1;
    if ((spaceTimeSideOrdinal != -1) && (!spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->sideIsSpatial(spaceTimeSideOrdinal)))
      unsigned sideTime0 = spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->getTemporalSideOrdinal(0);
      unsigned sideTime1 = spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->getTemporalSideOrdinal(1);
      // get first node of each of the time-orthogonal sides, and use that to determine t0 and t1:
      unsigned spaceTimeNodeTime0 = spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->getNodeMap(spaceDim, sideTime0, 0);
      unsigned spaceTimeNodeTime1 = spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->getNodeMap(spaceDim, sideTime1, 0);
      t0 = spaceTimeBasisCache->getPhysicalCellNodes()(_cellIndex,spaceTimeNodeTime0,spaceDim);
      t1 = spaceTimeBasisCache->getPhysicalCellNodes()(_cellIndex,spaceTimeNodeTime1,spaceDim);

    // initialize the values we're responsible for setting
    if (_op == OP_VALUE)
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        for (int d=0; d<values.dimension(2); d++)
          if (d < spaceDim)
            values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 0.0;
          else if ((spaceTimeBasisCache != Teuchos::null) && (spaceTimeSideOrdinal == -1))
            values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,spaceDim) = spaceTimeBasisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints()(_cellIndex,ptIndex,spaceDim);
          else if ((spaceTimeBasisCache != Teuchos::null) && (spaceTimeSideOrdinal != -1))
            if (spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->sideIsSpatial(spaceTimeSideOrdinal))
              values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,spaceDim) = spaceTimeBasisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints()(_cellIndex,ptIndex,spaceDim-1);
              double temporalPoint;
              unsigned temporalNode = spaceTimeBasisCache->cellTopology()->getTemporalComponentSideOrdinal(spaceTimeSideOrdinal);
              if (temporalNode==0)
                temporalPoint = t0;
                temporalPoint = t1;
              values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,spaceDim) = temporalPoint;
    else if ((_op == OP_DX) || (_op == OP_DY) || (_op == OP_DZ))
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        for (int d=0; d<values.dimension(2); d++)
          if (d < spaceDim)
            values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 0.0;
            if (_op == OP_DZ)
              values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 1.0;
              values(_cellIndex,ptIndex,d) = 0.0;
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "Unhandled _op");

    int numSpatialPoints = transformedValues->dimension(2);
    int numTemporalPoints = numPoints / numSpatialPoints;
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numTemporalPoints * numSpatialPoints != numPoints, std::invalid_argument, "numPoints is not evenly divisible by numSpatialPoints");

    for (int i=0; i<numDofs; i++)
      double weight = _basisCoefficients(i);
      for (int timePointOrdinal=0; timePointOrdinal<numTemporalPoints; timePointOrdinal++)
        for (int spacePointOrdinal=0; spacePointOrdinal<numSpatialPoints; spacePointOrdinal++)
          int spaceTimePointOrdinal = TENSOR_POINT_ORDINAL(spacePointOrdinal, timePointOrdinal, numSpatialPoints);
          for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++)
            values(_cellIndex,spaceTimePointOrdinal,d) += weight * (*transformedValues)(_cellIndex,i,spacePointOrdinal,d);