Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL NodeSimpleShape::OnClick( DocCoord PointerPos, ClickType Click, ClickModifiers ClickMods,
						Spread* pSpread )
	PORTNOTETRACE("other","NodeSimpleShape::OnClick - do nothing");

#if !defined(EXCLUDE_FROM_RALPH)
	// we only handle the click if we can confirm that object blobs are being displayed.
	BlobManager* pBlobMgr = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobMgr == NULL)
		return FALSE;
	if (!pBlobMgr->GetCurrentInterest().Object)
		return FALSE;

	INT32 ClickCorner;

	if (IsNearControlHandle(PointerPos, &ClickCorner))
		// The click was over a control point, so start the drag and tell it the opposite corner
		if (Click==CLICKTYPE_DRAG)
			HandleBlobDrag(Parallel[ClickCorner], pSpread, (ClickCorner+2)%4 ); 
		// we have used that click up, so tell the world
		return TRUE;
	// did not use the click
	return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
BOOL ViewContextMenu::AskBlobsForItems( Spread* pSpread,
										DocCoord ClickPos,
										ClickModifiers ClickMods
	// Test for a click on a fill attribute first, as they aren't NodeRenderableInks, and so
	// won't be included in the tests below.
//	if (AttrFillGeometry::CheckAttrClick(ClickStart, TypeOfClick, ClickMods, StartSpread))
//	{
//		return TRUE;
//	}

	// Look for a selected object to pass the click to.
	SelRange* pSel = GetApplication()->FindSelection();
	if (pSel==NULL)
		return FALSE;

	Node* pNode = pSel->FindFirst();
	if (pNode == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	// Providing we are displaying object blobs, try passing the click on to each object
	// in the selection.
	BlobManager* pBlobs = GetApplication()->GetBlobManager();
	if (pBlobs && pBlobs->GetCurrentInterest().Object)
		// For all selected objects . . .
		while (pNode != NULL)
			// Is this node ink-renderable?
			if (pNode->IsKindOf(CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodeRenderableInk)))
				// Yes.  Does it want the click?
				if (((NodeRenderableInk*) pNode)->OnBlobPopUp(pSpread, ClickPos, this))
					// An object processed the click, so indicate that there's no more to do.
					return TRUE;

			// Try the next object in the selection.
			pNode = pSel->FindNext(pNode);

	return FALSE;