int cpp_intfminunc(char *fname)
  using namespace Ipopt;
  using namespace Bonmin;

	CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 8, 8); 
	CheckOutputArgument(pvApiCtx, 3, 3);  // 3 output arguments
	//Function pointers, input matrix(Starting point) pointer, flag variable 
	int* funptr=NULL;
	double* x0ptr=NULL;
	// Input arguments
	Number *integertolerance=NULL, *maxnodes=NULL, *allowablegap=NULL, *cputime=NULL,*max_iter=NULL;
	static unsigned int nVars = 0,nCons = 0;
	unsigned int temp1 = 0,temp2 = 0, iret = 0;
	int x0_rows, x0_cols;
	double *intcon = NULL,*options=NULL, *ifval=NULL;
	int intconSize;
	// Output arguments
	double *fX = NULL, ObjVal=0,iteration=0,cpuTime=0,fobj_eval=0;
	double dual_inf, constr_viol, complementarity, kkt_error;
	int rstatus = 0;
	int int_fobj_eval, int_constr_eval, int_fobj_grad_eval, int_constr_jac_eval, int_hess_eval;

	//x0(starting point) matrix from scilab
	if(getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(4, &x0_rows, &x0_cols, &x0ptr))
		return 1;

	// Getting intcon
	if (getDoubleMatrixFromScilab(5,&intconSize,&temp2,&intcon))
		return 1;

	temp1 = 1;
	temp2 = 1;

	//Getting parameters
	if (getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(6,2,temp1,temp2,&integertolerance))
		return 1;
	if (getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(6,4,temp1,temp2,&maxnodes))
		return 1;
	if (getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(6,6,temp1,temp2,&cputime))
		return 1;
	if (getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(6,8,temp1,temp2,&allowablegap))
		return 1;
	if (getFixedSizeDoubleMatrixInList(6,10,temp1,temp2,&max_iter))
		return 1;
	SmartPtr<minuncTMINLP> tminlp = new minuncTMINLP(nVars, x0ptr, intconSize, intcon);

  BonminSetup bonmin;

  // Here we can change the default value of some Bonmin or Ipopt option
    bonmin.options()->SetNumericValue("bonmin.integer_tolerance", *integertolerance);
    bonmin.options()->SetIntegerValue("bonmin.node_limit", (int)*maxnodes);
    bonmin.options()->SetNumericValue("bonmin.time_limit", *cputime);
    bonmin.options()->SetNumericValue("bonmin.allowable_gap", *allowablegap);
    bonmin.options()->SetIntegerValue("bonmin.iteration_limit", (int)*max_iter);
  //Now initialize from tminlp
  //Set up done, now let's branch and bound
  try {
    Bab bb;
    bb(bonmin);//process parameter file using Ipopt and do branch and bound using Cbc
  catch(TNLPSolver::UnsolvedError *E) {
    //There has been a failure to solve a problem with Ipopt.
    Scierror(999, "\nIpopt has failed to solve the problem!\n");
  catch(OsiTMINLPInterface::SimpleError &E) {
      Scierror(999, "\nFailed to solve a problem!\n");
  catch(CoinError &E) {
      Scierror(999, "\nFailed to solve a problem!\n");
	if(rstatus==0 ||rstatus== 3)
		fX = tminlp->getX();
		ObjVal = tminlp->getObjVal();
		if (returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(1, nVars, 1, fX))
			return 1;

		if (returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(2, 1, 1, &ObjVal))
			return 1;

		if (returnIntegerMatrixToScilab(3, 1, 1, &rstatus))
			return 1;
		if (returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(1, 0, 0, fX))
			return 1;

		if (returnDoubleMatrixToScilab(2, 1, 1, &ObjVal))
			return 1;

		if (returnIntegerMatrixToScilab(3, 1, 1, &rstatus))
			return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

  using namespace Ipopt;
  using namespace Bonmin;
  SmartPtr<MyTMINLP> tminlp = new MyTMINLP;
  FILE * fp = fopen("log.out","w");
  CoinMessageHandler handler(fp);
  BonminSetup bonmin(&handler);
  BonminSetup bonmin;
  //Register an additional option
  bonmin.roptions()->AddStringOption2("print_solution","Do we print the solution or not?",
                                 "no", "No, we don't.",
                                 "yes", "Yes, we do.",
                                 "A longer comment can be put here");
  // Here we can change the default value of some Bonmin or Ipopt option
  bonmin.options()->SetNumericValue("bonmin.time_limit", 5); //changes bonmin's time limit
  //Here we read several option files
  bonmin.readOptionsFile();// This reads the default file "bonmin.opt"
  // Options can also be set by using a string with a format similar to the bonmin.opt file
  bonmin.readOptionsString("bonmin.algorithm B-BB\n");
  // Now we can obtain the value of the new option
  int printSolution;
  bonmin.options()->GetEnumValue("print_solution", printSolution,"");
  if(printSolution == 1){

  //Now initialize from tminlp

  //Set up done, now let's branch and bound
  double time1 = CoinCpuTime();
  try {
    Bab bb;
    bb(bonmin);//process parameter file using Ipopt and do branch and bound using Cbc

  catch(TNLPSolver::UnsolvedError *E) {
    //There has been a failure to solve a problem with Ipopt.
    std::cerr<<"Ipopt has failed to solve a problem"<<std::endl;
  catch(OsiTMINLPInterface::SimpleError &E) {
  catch(CoinError &E) {

  return 0;