Ejemplo n.º 1
   /// Add particle pairs to RDF histogram.
   void RDF::sample(long iStep) 
      if (isAtInterval(iStep))  {


         System::ConstMoleculeIterator molIter1, molIter2;
         Molecule::ConstAtomIterator   atomIter1, atomIter2;
         Vector    r1, r2;
         double    dRsq, dR;
         Boundary* boundaryPtr;
         int       iSpecies1, iSpecies2, nSpecies, i;
         for (i = 0; i < nAtomType_; ++i) {
            typeNumbers_[i] = 0;

         boundaryPtr = &system().boundary();
         nSpecies    = system().simulation().nSpecies();

         // Loop over atom 1
         for (iSpecies1 = 0; iSpecies1 < nSpecies; ++iSpecies1) {
            system().begin(iSpecies1, molIter1); 
            for ( ; molIter1.notEnd(); ++molIter1) {
               for ( ; atomIter1.notEnd(); ++atomIter1) {
                  r1 = atomIter1->position();
                  // Loop over atom 2 
                  for (iSpecies2 = 0; iSpecies2 < nSpecies; ++iSpecies2) {
                     system().begin(iSpecies2, molIter2); 
                     for ( ; molIter2.notEnd(); ++molIter2) {

                        //Check if molecules are the same  
                        //if ( &(*molIter2) != &(*molIter1)) {

                           for ( ; atomIter2.notEnd(); ++atomIter2) {

                              if (selector_.match(*atomIter1, *atomIter2)) {
                                 r2 = atomIter2->position();
                                 dRsq = boundaryPtr->distanceSq(r1, r2);
                                 dR   = sqrt(dRsq);




                  } // for iSpecies2
         } // for iSpecies1

         // Increment normSum_
         double number = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < nAtomType_; ++i) {
            number  += typeNumbers_[i];
         normSum_ += number*number/boundaryPtr->volume();

      } // if isAtInterval
