Ejemplo n.º 1
PhysicalBoundaryUtilities::trimBoundaryCodim1Box(const BoundaryBox<NDIM>& bdry_box,
                                                 const Patch<NDIM>& patch)
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    TBOX_ASSERT(bdry_box.getBoundaryType() == 1);
    // Trim a boundary box so it does not stick out past the corners of a patch.
    const Box<NDIM>& b_box = bdry_box.getBox();
    const Box<NDIM>& patch_box = patch.getBox();
    const unsigned int bdry_normal_axis = bdry_box.getLocationIndex() / 2;

    Box<NDIM> trimmed_b_box = b_box;
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
        if (d != bdry_normal_axis)
            trimmed_b_box.lower()[d] = std::max(b_box.lower()[d], patch_box.lower()[d]);
            trimmed_b_box.upper()[d] = std::min(b_box.upper()[d], patch_box.upper()[d]);
    const BoundaryBox<NDIM> trimmed_bdry_box(
        trimmed_b_box, bdry_box.getBoundaryType(), bdry_box.getLocationIndex());
    return trimmed_bdry_box;
} // trimBoundaryCodim1Box
Ejemplo n.º 2
PhysicalBoundaryUtilities::makeSideBoundaryCodim1Box(const BoundaryBox<NDIM>& bdry_box)
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    TBOX_ASSERT(bdry_box.getBoundaryType() == 1);
    // Make surface box on boundary.
    Box<NDIM> side_bdry_box = bdry_box.getBox();
    const unsigned int location_index = bdry_box.getLocationIndex();
    const unsigned int bdry_normal_axis = location_index / 2;
    const bool bdry_lower_side = (location_index % 2) == 0;
    if (bdry_lower_side)
        // On the lower side of a patch, the side indices are one higher than
        // the boundary cell indices in the direction normal to the boundary.
        side_bdry_box.shift(bdry_normal_axis, 1);
    return side_bdry_box;
} // makeSideBoundaryCodim1Box
void INSCollocatedVelocityBcCoef::setBcCoefs(Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& acoef_data,
                                             Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& bcoef_data,
                                             Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& gcoef_data,
                                             const Pointer<Variable<NDIM> >& variable,
                                             const Patch<NDIM>& patch,
                                             const BoundaryBox<NDIM>& bdry_box,
                                             double fill_time) const
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
    // Set the unmodified velocity bc coefs.
        acoef_data, bcoef_data, gcoef_data, variable, patch, bdry_box, fill_time);

    // We do not make any further modifications to the values of acoef_data and
    // bcoef_data beyond this point.
    if (!gcoef_data) return;
#if !defined(NDEBUG)

    // Ensure homogeneous boundary conditions are enforced.
    if (d_homogeneous_bc) gcoef_data->fillAll(0.0);

    // Where appropriate, update boundary condition coefficients.
    // Dirichlet boundary conditions are not modified.
    // Neumann boundary conditions on the normal component of the velocity are
    // interpreted as "open" boundary conditions, and we set du/dn = 0.
    // Neumann boundary conditions on the tangential component of the velocity
    // are interpreted as traction (stress) boundary conditions, and we update
    // the boundary condition coefficients accordingly.
    const unsigned int location_index = bdry_box.getLocationIndex();
    const unsigned int bdry_normal_axis = location_index / 2;
    const bool is_lower = location_index % 2 == 0;
    const Box<NDIM>& bc_coef_box = acoef_data->getBox();
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    TBOX_ASSERT(bc_coef_box == acoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(bc_coef_box == bcoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(bc_coef_box == gcoef_data->getBox());
    const double mu = d_problem_coefs->getMu();
    for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator it(bc_coef_box); it; it++)
        const Index<NDIM>& i = it();
        double& alpha = (*acoef_data)(i, 0);
        double& beta = (*bcoef_data)(i, 0);
        double& gamma = (*gcoef_data)(i, 0);
        const bool velocity_bc = MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(alpha, 1.0);
        const bool traction_bc = MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(beta, 1.0);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
        TBOX_ASSERT((velocity_bc || traction_bc) && !(velocity_bc && traction_bc));
        if (velocity_bc)
            alpha = 1.0;
            beta = 0.0;
        else if (traction_bc)
            if (d_comp_idx == bdry_normal_axis)
                // Set du/dn = 0.
                // NOTE: We would prefer to determine the ghost cell value of
                // the normal velocity so that div u = 0 in the ghost cell.
                // This could be done here, but it is more convenient to do so
                // as a post-processing step after the tangential velocity ghost
                // cell values have all been set.
                alpha = 0.0;
                beta = 1.0;
                gamma = 0.0;
                switch (d_traction_bc_type)
                case PSEUDO_TRACTION: // mu*du_tan/dx_norm = g.
                    alpha = 0.0;
                    beta = 1.0;
                    gamma = (is_lower ? -1.0 : +1.0) * (gamma / mu);
                        "INSCollocatedVelocityBcCoef::setBcCoefs(): unrecognized or "
                        "unsupported "
                        "traction boundary condition type: "
                        << enum_to_string<TractionBcType>(d_traction_bc_type) << "\n");
            TBOX_ERROR("this statement should not be reached!\n");
} // setBcCoefs
Ejemplo n.º 4
void muParserRobinBcCoefs::setBcCoefs(Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& acoef_data,
                                      Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& bcoef_data,
                                      Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& gcoef_data,
                                      const Pointer<Variable<NDIM> >& /*variable*/,
                                      const Patch<NDIM>& patch,
                                      const BoundaryBox<NDIM>& bdry_box,
                                      double fill_time) const
    const Box<NDIM>& patch_box = patch.getBox();
    const Index<NDIM>& patch_lower = patch_box.lower();
    Pointer<CartesianPatchGeometry<NDIM> > pgeom = patch.getPatchGeometry();

    const double* const x_lower = pgeom->getXLower();
    const double* const dx = pgeom->getDx();

    // Loop over the boundary box and set the coefficients.
    const unsigned int location_index = bdry_box.getLocationIndex();
    const unsigned int bdry_normal_axis = location_index / 2;
    const Box<NDIM>& bc_coef_box =
        (acoef_data ? acoef_data->getBox() : bcoef_data ? bcoef_data->getBox() : gcoef_data ? gcoef_data->getBox() :
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    TBOX_ASSERT(!acoef_data || bc_coef_box == acoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(!bcoef_data || bc_coef_box == bcoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(!gcoef_data || bc_coef_box == gcoef_data->getBox());

    const mu::Parser& acoef_parser = d_acoef_parsers[location_index];
    const mu::Parser& bcoef_parser = d_bcoef_parsers[location_index];
    const mu::Parser& gcoef_parser = d_gcoef_parsers[location_index];
    *d_parser_time = fill_time;
    for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(bc_coef_box); b; b++)
        const Index<NDIM>& i = b();
        for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
            if (d != bdry_normal_axis)
                (*d_parser_posn)[d] = x_lower[d] + dx[d] * (static_cast<double>(i(d) - patch_lower(d)) + 0.5);
                (*d_parser_posn)[d] = x_lower[d] + dx[d] * (static_cast<double>(i(d) - patch_lower(d)));
            if (acoef_data) (*acoef_data)(i, 0) = acoef_parser.Eval();
            if (bcoef_data) (*bcoef_data)(i, 0) = bcoef_parser.Eval();
            if (gcoef_data) (*gcoef_data)(i, 0) = gcoef_parser.Eval();
        catch (mu::ParserError& e)
                       << "  error: " << e.GetMsg() << "\n"
                       << "  in:    " << e.GetExpr() << "\n");
        catch (...)
                       << "  unrecognized exception generated by muParser library.\n");
} // setBcCoefs
void INSStaggeredPressureBcCoef::setBcCoefs(Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& acoef_data,
                                            Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& bcoef_data,
                                            Pointer<ArrayData<NDIM, double> >& gcoef_data,
                                            const Pointer<Variable<NDIM> >& variable,
                                            const Patch<NDIM>& patch,
                                            const BoundaryBox<NDIM>& bdry_box,
                                            double /*fill_time*/) const
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
    Box<NDIM> bc_coef_box = acoef_data->getBox();
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    TBOX_ASSERT(bc_coef_box == acoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(bc_coef_box == bcoef_data->getBox());
    TBOX_ASSERT(!gcoef_data || (bc_coef_box == gcoef_data->getBox()));
    // Set the unmodified velocity bc coefs.
    const unsigned int location_index = bdry_box.getLocationIndex();
    const unsigned int bdry_normal_axis = location_index / 2;
    const bool is_lower = location_index % 2 == 0;
    const double half_time =
        d_fluid_solver->getIntegratorTime() + 0.5 * d_fluid_solver->getCurrentTimeStepSize();
        acoef_data, bcoef_data, gcoef_data, variable, patch, bdry_box, half_time);

    // Ensure homogeneous boundary conditions are enforced.
    if (d_homogeneous_bc && gcoef_data) gcoef_data->fillAll(0.0);

    // Get the target velocity data.
    Pointer<SideData<NDIM, double> > u_target_data;
    if (d_u_target_data_idx >= 0)
        u_target_data = patch.getPatchData(d_u_target_data_idx);
    else if (d_target_data_idx >= 0)
        u_target_data = patch.getPatchData(d_target_data_idx);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    Pointer<SideData<NDIM, double> > u_current_data = patch.getPatchData(
        d_fluid_solver->getVelocityVariable(), d_fluid_solver->getCurrentContext());
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    const Box<NDIM> ghost_box = u_target_data->getGhostBox() * u_current_data->getGhostBox();
    for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
        if (d != bdry_normal_axis)
            bc_coef_box.lower(d) = std::max(bc_coef_box.lower(d), ghost_box.lower(d));
            bc_coef_box.upper(d) = std::min(bc_coef_box.upper(d), ghost_box.upper(d));

    // Update the boundary condition coefficients.  Normal velocity boundary
    // conditions are converted into Neumann conditions for the pressure, and
    // normal traction boundary conditions are converted into Dirichlet
    // conditions for the pressure.
    const double mu = d_fluid_solver->getStokesSpecifications()->getMu();
    Pointer<CartesianPatchGeometry<NDIM> > pgeom = patch.getPatchGeometry();
    const double* const dx = pgeom->getDx();
    for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator it(bc_coef_box); it; it++)
        const Index<NDIM>& i = it();
        double dummy_val;
        double& alpha = acoef_data ? (*acoef_data)(i, 0) : dummy_val;
        double& beta = bcoef_data ? (*bcoef_data)(i, 0) : dummy_val;
        double& gamma = gcoef_data ? (*gcoef_data)(i, 0) : dummy_val;
        const bool velocity_bc = MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(alpha, 1.0);
        const bool traction_bc = MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(beta, 1.0);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
        TBOX_ASSERT((velocity_bc || traction_bc) && !(velocity_bc && traction_bc));
        if (velocity_bc)
            alpha = 0.0;
            beta = 1.0;
            gamma = 0.0;
        else if (traction_bc)
            switch (d_traction_bc_type)
            case TRACTION: // -p + 2*mu*du_n/dx_n = g.
                // Place i_i in the interior cell abutting the boundary, and
                // place i_g in the ghost cell abutting the boundary.
                Index<NDIM> i_i(i), i_g(i);
                if (is_lower)
                    i_g(bdry_normal_axis) -= 1;
                    i_i(bdry_normal_axis) -= 1;

                // The boundary condition is -p + 2*mu*du_n/dx_n = g.
                // Because p is centered about t^{n+1/2}, we compute this
                // as:
                // p^{n+1/2} = mu*du_n/dx_n^{n} + mu*du_n/dx_n^{n+1} - g^{n+1/2}.
                static const int NVALS = 3;
                double u_current[NVALS], u_new[NVALS];
                SideIndex<NDIM> i_s(i_i,
                                    is_lower ? SideIndex<NDIM>::Lower :
                for (int k = 0; k < NVALS; ++k, i_s(bdry_normal_axis) += (is_lower ? 1 : -1))
                    u_current[k] = (*u_current_data)(i_s);
                    u_new[k] = (*u_target_data)(i_s);
                const double h = dx[bdry_normal_axis];
                const double du_norm_current_dx_norm =
                    (is_lower ? +1.0 : -1.0) *
                    (2.0 * u_current[1] - 1.5 * u_current[0] - 0.5 * u_current[2]) / h;
                const double du_norm_new_dx_norm =
                    (is_lower ? +1.0 : -1.0) *
                    (2.0 * u_new[1] - 1.5 * u_new[0] - 0.5 * u_new[2]) / h;
                alpha = 1.0;
                beta = 0.0;
                gamma = (d_homogeneous_bc ? 0.0 : mu * du_norm_current_dx_norm) +
                        mu * du_norm_new_dx_norm - gamma;
            case PSEUDO_TRACTION: // -p = g.
                alpha = 1.0;
                beta = 0.0;
                gamma = -gamma;
                    "INSStaggeredPressureBcCoef::setBcCoefs(): unrecognized or unsupported "
                    "traction boundary condition type: "
                    << enum_to_string<TractionBcType>(d_traction_bc_type) << "\n");
            TBOX_ERROR("this statement should not be reached!\n");
} // setBcCoefs