Ejemplo n.º 1
Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::GeometricBoundaryField::
    const BoundaryMesh& bmesh,
    const DimensionedField<Type, GeoMesh>& field,
    const word& patchFieldType
    FieldField<PatchField, Type>(bmesh.size()),
    if (debug)
        Info<< "GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::"
               "GeometricBoundaryField(const BoundaryMesh&, "
               "const Field<Type>&, const word&)"
            << endl;

    forAll(bmesh_, patchi)
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MeshSmoothing::move_interior_vertices(Mesh& mesh,
                                           BoundaryMesh& boundary,
                                           bool harmonic_smoothing)
  // Select smoothing of interior vertices
  if (harmonic_smoothing)
    std::shared_ptr<Mesh> _mesh(&mesh, [](Mesh*){});
    ALE::move(_mesh, boundary);
    if (mesh.geometry().degree() != 1)
                   "move interior vertices",
                   "This function does not support higher-order mesh geometry");

    // Use vertex map to update boundary coordinates of original mesh
    const MeshFunction<std::size_t>& vertex_map = boundary.entity_map(0);
    for (VertexIterator v(boundary); !v.end(); ++v)
      mesh.geometry().set(vertex_map[*v], v->x());
Ejemplo n.º 3
void MeshSmoothing::move_interior_vertices(Mesh& mesh,
                                           BoundaryMesh& boundary,
                                           bool harmonic_smoothing)
  // Select smoothing of interior vertices
  if (harmonic_smoothing)
    ALE::move(mesh, boundary);
    // Use vertex map to update boundary coordinates of original mesh
    const MeshFunction<std::size_t>& vertex_map = boundary.entity_map(0);
    for (VertexIterator v(boundary); !v.end(); ++v)
      mesh.geometry().set(vertex_map[*v], v->x());
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MeshSmoothing::move_interior_vertices(Mesh& mesh,
                                           BoundaryMesh& boundary,
                                           bool harmonic_smoothing)
  // Select smoothing of interior vertices
  if (harmonic_smoothing)
      ;//    ALE::move(mesh, boundary);
    // Use vertex map to update boundary coordinates of original mesh
    const MeshFunction<unsigned int>& vertex_map = boundary.vertex_map();
    const uint d = mesh.geometry().dim();
    for (VertexIterator v(boundary); !v.end(); ++v)
      const double* xb = v->x();
      double* xm = mesh.geometry().x(vertex_map[*v]);
      for (uint i = 0; i < d; i++)
        xm[i] = xb[i];
Ejemplo n.º 5
void BoundaryComputation::compute_boundary(const Mesh& mesh,
                                           const std::string type,
                                           BoundaryMesh& boundary)
  // We iterate over all facets in the mesh and check if they are on
  // the boundary. A facet is on the boundary if it is connected to
  // exactly one cell.

  log(TRACE, "Computing boundary mesh.");

  bool exterior = true;
  bool interior = true;
  if (type == "exterior")
    interior = false;
  else if (type == "interior")
    exterior = false;
  else if (type != "local")
                 "determine boundary mesh type",
                 "Unknown boundary type (%d)", type.c_str());

  // Get my MPI process rank and number of MPI processes
  const std::size_t my_rank = MPI::rank(mesh.mpi_comm());
  const std::size_t num_processes = MPI::size(mesh.mpi_comm());

  // Open boundary mesh for editing
  const std::size_t D = mesh.topology().dim();
  MeshEditor editor;
  editor.open(boundary, mesh.type().facet_type(), D - 1, mesh.geometry().dim());

  // Generate facet - cell connectivity if not generated
  mesh.init(D - 1, D);

  // Temporary arrays for assignment of indices to vertices on the boundary
  std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> boundary_vertices;

  // Map of index "owners" (process responsible for assigning global index)
  std::map< std::size_t, std::size_t > global_index_owner;

  // Shared vertices for full mesh
  // FIXME: const_cast
  const std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>> &
    shared_vertices = const_cast<Mesh&>(mesh).topology().shared_entities(0);

  // Shared vertices for boundary mesh
  std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>> shared_boundary_vertices;
  if (exterior)
    // Extract shared vertices if vertex is identified as part of globally
    // exterior facet.
    std::vector<std::size_t> boundary_global_indices;
    for (std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>>::const_iterator
        sv_it=shared_vertices.begin(); sv_it != shared_vertices.end(); ++sv_it)
      std::size_t local_mesh_index = sv_it->first;
      Vertex v(mesh, local_mesh_index);

      for (FacetIterator f(v); !f.end(); ++f)
        if (f->num_global_entities(D) == 1)
          const std::size_t global_mesh_index
            = mesh.topology().global_indices(0)[local_mesh_index];
          shared_boundary_vertices[local_mesh_index] = sv_it->second;

    // Distribute all shared boundary vertices
    std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> boundary_global_indices_all;
    MPI::all_gather(mesh.mpi_comm(), boundary_global_indices,

    // Identify and clean up discrepancies between shared vertices of full mesh
    // and shared vertices of boundary mesh
    for (auto sbv_it = shared_boundary_vertices.begin();
         sbv_it != shared_boundary_vertices.end(); )
      std::size_t local_mesh_index = sbv_it->first;
      const std::size_t global_mesh_index
        = mesh.topology().global_indices(0)[local_mesh_index];

      // Check if this vertex is identified as boundary vertex on
      // other processes sharing this vertex
      std::set<unsigned int> &other_processes = sbv_it->second;
      for (auto  op_it=other_processes.begin();
           op_it != other_processes.end(); )
        // Check if vertex is identified as boundary vertex on process *op_it
        bool is_boundary_vertex
          = (std::find(boundary_global_indices_all[*op_it].begin(),
             != boundary_global_indices_all[*op_it].end());

        // Erase item if this is not identified as a boundary vertex
        // on process *op_it, and increment iterator
        if (!is_boundary_vertex)
          // Erase item while carefully avoiding invalidating the
          // iterator: First increment it to get the next, valid
          // iterator, and then erase what it pointed to from
          // other_processes

      // Erase item from map if no other processes identify this
      // vertex as a boundary vertex, and increment iterator
      if (other_processes.size() == 0)
        // Erase carefully as above
    // If interior boundary, shared vertices are the same
    shared_boundary_vertices = shared_vertices;

  // Determine boundary facet, count boundary vertices and facets, and
  // assign vertex indices
  std::size_t num_boundary_vertices = 0;
  std::size_t num_owned_vertices = 0;
  std::size_t num_boundary_cells = 0;

  MeshFunction<bool> boundary_facet(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(mesh),
                                    D - 1, false);
  for (FacetIterator f(mesh); !f.end(); ++f)
    // Boundary facets are connected to exactly one cell
    if (f->num_entities(D) == 1)
      const bool global_exterior_facet =  (f->num_global_entities(D) == 1);
      if (global_exterior_facet && exterior)
        boundary_facet[*f] = true;
      else if (!global_exterior_facet && interior)
        boundary_facet[*f] = true;

      if (boundary_facet[*f])
        // Count boundary vertices and assign indices
        for (VertexIterator v(*f); !v.end(); ++v)
          const std::size_t local_mesh_index = v->index();

          if (boundary_vertices.find(local_mesh_index)
              == boundary_vertices.end())
            const std::size_t local_boundary_index = num_boundary_vertices;
            boundary_vertices[local_mesh_index] = local_boundary_index;

            // Determine "owner" of global_mesh_index
            std::size_t owner = my_rank;

            std::map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int>>::const_iterator
              = shared_boundary_vertices.find(local_mesh_index);
            if (other_processes_it != shared_boundary_vertices.end() && D > 1)
              const std::set<unsigned int>& other_processes
                = other_processes_it->second;
              const std::size_t min_process
                = *std::min_element(other_processes.begin(),
                = other_processes;

              // FIXME: More sophisticated ownership determination
              if (min_process < owner)
                owner = min_process;
            const std::size_t global_mesh_index
              = mesh.topology().global_indices(0)[local_mesh_index];
            global_index_owner[global_mesh_index] = owner;

            // Update counts
            if (owner == my_rank)

        // Count boundary cells (facets of the mesh)

  // Initiate boundary topology
  boundary.topology().init(0, num_boundary_vertices,
                           MPI::sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), num_owned_vertices));
  boundary.topology().init(D - 1, num_boundary_cells,
                           MPI::sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), num_boundary_cells));

  // Specify number of vertices and cells
                              MPI::sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), num_owned_vertices));
  editor.init_cells_global(num_boundary_cells, MPI::sum(mesh.mpi_comm(),

  // Write vertex map
  MeshFunction<std::size_t>& vertex_map = boundary.entity_map(0);
  if (num_boundary_vertices > 0)
    vertex_map.init(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(boundary), 0,
  std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t>::const_iterator it;
  for (it = boundary_vertices.begin(); it != boundary_vertices.end(); ++it)
    vertex_map[it->second] = it->first;

  // Get vertex ownership distribution, and find index to start global
  // numbering from
  std::vector<std::size_t> ownership_distribution(num_processes);
  MPI::all_gather(mesh.mpi_comm(), num_owned_vertices, ownership_distribution);
  std::size_t start_index = 0;
  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < my_rank; j++)
    start_index += ownership_distribution[j];

  // Set global indices of owned vertices, request global indices for
  // vertices owned elsewhere
  std::map<std::size_t, std::size_t> global_indices;
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> request_global_indices(num_processes);

  std::size_t current_index = start_index;
  for (std::size_t local_boundary_index = 0;
       local_boundary_index<num_boundary_vertices; local_boundary_index++)
    const std::size_t local_mesh_index = vertex_map[local_boundary_index];
    const std::size_t global_mesh_index
      = mesh.topology().global_indices(0)[local_mesh_index];

    const std::size_t owner = global_index_owner[global_mesh_index];
    if (owner != my_rank)
      global_indices[global_mesh_index] = current_index++;

  // Send and receive requests from other processes
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> global_index_requests(num_processes);
  MPI::all_to_all(mesh.mpi_comm(), request_global_indices,

  // Find response to requests of global indices
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> respond_global_indices(num_processes);
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_processes; i++)
    const std::size_t N = global_index_requests[i].size();

    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < N; j++)
        = global_indices[global_index_requests[i][j]];

  // Scatter responses back to requesting processes
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> global_index_responses(num_processes);
  MPI::all_to_all(mesh.mpi_comm(), respond_global_indices,

  // Update global_indices
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_processes; i++)
    const std::size_t N = global_index_responses[i].size();
    // Check that responses are the same size as the requests made
                  == request_global_indices[i].size());
    for (std::size_t j = 0; j < N; j++)
      const std::size_t global_mesh_index = request_global_indices[i][j];
      const std::size_t global_boundary_index = global_index_responses[i][j];
      global_indices[global_mesh_index] = global_boundary_index;

  // Create vertices
  for (std::size_t local_boundary_index = 0;
       local_boundary_index < num_boundary_vertices; local_boundary_index++)
    const std::size_t local_mesh_index = vertex_map[local_boundary_index];
    const std::size_t global_mesh_index
      = mesh.topology().global_indices(0)[local_mesh_index];
    const std::size_t global_boundary_index = global_indices[global_mesh_index];

    Vertex v(mesh, local_mesh_index);

    editor.add_vertex_global(local_boundary_index, global_boundary_index,

  // Find global index to start cell numbering from for current process
  std::vector<std::size_t> cell_distribution(num_processes);
  MPI::all_gather(mesh.mpi_comm(), num_boundary_cells, cell_distribution);
  std::size_t start_cell_index = 0;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < my_rank; i++)
    start_cell_index += cell_distribution[i];

  // Create cells (facets) and map between boundary mesh cells and facets parent
  MeshFunction<std::size_t>& cell_map = boundary.entity_map(D - 1);
  if (num_boundary_cells > 0)
    cell_map.init(reference_to_no_delete_pointer(boundary), D - 1,
  std::size_t current_cell = 0;
  for (FacetIterator f(mesh); !f.end(); ++f)
    if (boundary_facet[*f])
      // Compute new vertex numbers for cell
      const unsigned int* vertices = f->entities(0);
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cell.size(); i++)
        cell[i] = boundary_vertices[vertices[i]];

      // Reorder vertices so facet is right-oriented w.r.t. facet
      // normal
      reorder(cell, *f);

      // Create mapping from boundary cell to mesh facet if requested
      if (!cell_map.empty())
        cell_map[current_cell] = f->index();

      // Add cell
      editor.add_cell(current_cell, start_cell_index+current_cell, cell);

  // Close mesh editor. Note the argument order=false to prevent
  // ordering from destroying the orientation of facets accomplished
  // by calling reorder() below.
Ejemplo n.º 6
HarmonicSmoothing::move(std::shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh,
                        const BoundaryMesh& new_boundary)

  // Now this works regardless of reorder_dofs_serial value
  const bool reorder_dofs_serial = parameters["reorder_dofs_serial"];
  if (!reorder_dofs_serial)
    warning("The function HarmonicSmoothing::move no longer needs "
            "parameters[\"reorder_dofs_serial\"] = false");

  const std::size_t D = mesh->topology().dim();
  const std::size_t d = mesh->geometry().dim();

  // Choose form and function space
  std::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> V;
  std::shared_ptr<Form> form;
  switch (D)
  case 1:
    V.reset(new Poisson1D::FunctionSpace(mesh));
    form.reset(new Poisson1D::BilinearForm(V, V));
  case 2:
    V.reset(new Poisson2D::FunctionSpace(mesh));
    form.reset(new Poisson2D::BilinearForm(V, V));
  case 3:
    V.reset(new Poisson3D::FunctionSpace(mesh));
    form.reset(new Poisson3D::BilinearForm(V, V));
                 "move mesh using harmonic smoothing",
                 "Illegal mesh dimension (%d)", D);

  // Assemble matrix
  auto A = std::make_shared<Matrix>();
  assemble(*A, *form);

  // Number of mesh vertices (local)
  const std::size_t num_vertices = mesh->num_vertices();

  // Dof range
  const dolfin::la_index n0 = V->dofmap()->ownership_range().first;
  const dolfin::la_index n1 = V->dofmap()->ownership_range().second;
  const dolfin::la_index num_owned_dofs = n1 - n0;

  // Mapping of new_boundary vertex numbers to mesh vertex numbers
  const MeshFunction<std::size_t>& vertex_map_mesh_func
    = new_boundary.entity_map(0);
  const std::size_t num_boundary_vertices = vertex_map_mesh_func.size();
  const std::vector<std::size_t>
               vertex_map_mesh_func.values() + num_boundary_vertices);

  // Mapping of mesh vertex numbers to dofs (including ghost dofs)
  const std::vector<dolfin::la_index> vertex_to_dofs = vertex_to_dof_map(*V);

  // Array of all dofs (including ghosts) with local numbering
  std::vector<dolfin::la_index> all_global_dofs(num_vertices);
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
    all_global_dofs[i] = vertex_to_dofs[i];

  // Create arrays for setting bcs.  Their indexing does not matter -
  // same ordering does.
  std::size_t num_boundary_dofs = 0;
  std::vector<dolfin::la_index> boundary_dofs;
  std::vector<std::size_t> boundary_vertices;
  for (std::size_t vert = 0; vert < num_boundary_vertices; vert++)
    // Skip ghosts
    const dolfin::la_index dof = vertex_to_dofs[vertex_map[vert]];
    if (dof < num_owned_dofs)
      // Global dof numbers
      boundary_dofs.push_back(dof + n0);

      // new_boundary vertex indices


  // Modify matrix (insert 1 on diagonal)
  A->ident(num_boundary_dofs, boundary_dofs.data());

  // Arrays for storing Dirichlet condition and solution
  std::vector<double> boundary_values(num_boundary_dofs);
  std::vector<double> displacement;

  // Pick amg as preconditioner if available
  const std::string
    prec(has_krylov_solver_preconditioner("amg") ? "amg" : "default");

  // Displacement solution wrapped in Expression subclass
  // MeshDisplacement
  std::shared_ptr<MeshDisplacement> u(new MeshDisplacement(mesh));

  // RHS vector
  Vector b(*(*u)[0].vector());

  // Prepare solver
  // NOTE: GMRES needs to be used until Eigen a4b7b6e or 8dcc4ed is widespread;
  //       afterwards CG can be used again
  KrylovSolver solver("bicgstab", prec);
  solver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = true;

  // Solve system for each dimension
  for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < d; dim++)
    // Get solution vector
    std::shared_ptr<GenericVector> x = (*u)[dim].vector();

    if (dim > 0)

    // Store bc into RHS and solution so that CG solver can be used
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_boundary_dofs; i++)
      boundary_values[i] = new_boundary.geometry().x(boundary_vertices[i], dim)
        - mesh->geometry().x(vertex_map[boundary_vertices[i]], dim);
    b.set(boundary_values.data(), num_boundary_dofs, boundary_dofs.data());
    *x = b;

    // Solve the system
    solver.solve(*x, b);

    // Get displacement
    std::vector<double> _displacement(num_vertices);
    x->get_local(_displacement.data(), num_vertices, all_global_dofs.data());
    displacement.insert(displacement.end(), _displacement.begin(),

  // Modify mesh coordinates
  MeshGeometry& geometry = mesh->geometry();
  std::vector<double> coord(d);
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
    for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < d; dim++)
      coord[dim] = displacement[dim*num_vertices + i] + geometry.x(i, dim);
    geometry.set(i, coord.data());

  // Return calculated displacement
  return u;