Ejemplo n.º 1
static void _breakiterator_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter)
	BreakIterator *biter = _breakiter_prolog(iter);
	zoi_with_current *zoi_iter = (zoi_with_current*)iter;

	int32_t pos = biter->first();
	ZVAL_LONG(&zoi_iter->current, (zend_long)pos);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Print each element in order: */
void printEachForward( BreakIterator& boundary)
    int32_t start = boundary.first();
    for (int32_t end = boundary.next();
         end != BreakIterator::DONE;
         start = end, end = boundary.next())
        printTextRange( boundary, start, end );
void GetWordBoundaryPositions(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
    Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    HandleScope scope(isolate);

    if (args.Length() != 2) {
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "must supply locale and text")));

    if (!args[0]->IsString()) {
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "text is not specified")));

    if (!args[1]->IsString()) {
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "locale is not specified")));

    // convert v8 locale to ICU
    String::Utf8Value locale(args[1]->ToString());
    const char* country = strtok(*locale, "_"), *language = strtok(NULL, "_");
    Locale icuLocale(language, country);

    // create the BreakIterator instance
    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    BreakIterator *iterator = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(icuLocale, err);
    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
        ErrorCode errCode;
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, errCode.errorName())));

    // Convert v8 text to ICU Unicode value
    Local<String> textStr = args[0]->ToString();
    String::Utf8Value textValue(textStr);
    UnicodeString uTextValue(*textValue, "UTF-8");
    if (uTextValue.isBogus()) {
        isolate->ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "unable to create unicode string")));

    // populate boundaries
    Local<Array> results = Array::New(isolate);
    int32_t arrayPosition = 0;
    int32_t currentBoundary = iterator->first();
    int32_t previousBoundary = 0;

    while (currentBoundary != BreakIterator::DONE) {
        if (currentBoundary > 0) {
            Local<Object> boundaryResult = Object::New(isolate);
            boundaryResult->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "start"), Number::New(isolate, previousBoundary));
            boundaryResult->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "end"), Number::New(isolate, currentBoundary));

            results->Set(arrayPosition++, boundaryResult);

        previousBoundary = currentBoundary;
        currentBoundary = iterator->next();

    // cleanup
    delete iterator;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void Hyphenator::slotHyphenate(PageItem* it)
	if (!(it->asTextFrame()) || (it->itemText.length() == 0))
	m_doc->DoDrawing = false;

	QString text = "";

	int startC = 0;
	if (it->itemText.selectionLength() > 0)
		startC = it->itemText.startOfSelection();
		text = it->itemText.text(startC, it->itemText.selectionLength());
	else {
		text = it->itemText.text(0, it->itemText.length());


	BreakIterator* bi = StoryText::getWordIterator();
	bi->setText((const UChar*) text.utf16());
	int pos = bi->first();
	while (pos != BreakIterator::DONE)
		int firstC = pos;
		pos = bi->next();
		int lastC = pos;
		int countC = lastC - firstC;

		const CharStyle& style = it->itemText.charStyle(firstC);
		if (countC > 0 && countC > style.hyphenWordMin() - 1)
			QString word = text.mid(firstC, countC);
			QString wordLower = QLocale(style.language()).toLower(word);
			if (wordLower.contains(SpecialChars::SHYPHEN))

			bool ok = loadDict(style.language());
			if (!ok)

			QByteArray te = m_codec->fromUnicode(wordLower);
			char *buffer = static_cast<char*>(malloc(te.length() + 5));
			if (buffer == nullptr)

			char **rep = nullptr;
			int *pos = nullptr;
			int *cut = nullptr;
			// TODO: support non-standard hyphenation, see hnj_hyphen_hyphenate2 docs
			if (!hnj_hyphen_hyphenate2(m_hdict, te.data(), te.length(), buffer, nullptr, &rep, &pos, &cut))
	  			int i = 0;
				buffer[te.length()] = '\0';
				bool hasHyphen = false;
				for (i = 1; i < wordLower.length()-1; ++i)
					if(buffer[i] & 1)
						hasHyphen = true;
				QString outs = "";
				QString input = "";
				outs += word[0];
				for (i = 1; i < wordLower.length()-1; ++i)
					outs += word[i];
					if(buffer[i] & 1)
						outs += "-";
				outs += word.rightRef(1);
				input = outs;
				if (!ignoredWords.contains(word))
					if (!hasHyphen)
						it->itemText.hyphenateWord(startC + firstC, wordLower.length(), nullptr);
					else if (m_automatic)
						if (specialWords.contains(word))
							outs = specialWords.value(word);
							uint ii = 1;
							for (i = 1; i < outs.length()-1; ++i)
								QChar cht = outs[i];
								if (cht == '-')
									buffer[ii-1] = 1;
									buffer[ii] = 0;
						it->itemText.hyphenateWord(startC + firstC, wordLower.length(), buffer);
						if (specialWords.contains(word))
							outs = specialWords.value(word);
							uint ii = 1;
							for (i = 1; i < outs.length()-1; ++i)
								QChar cht = outs[i];
								if (cht == '-')
									buffer[ii-1] = 1;
									buffer[ii] = 0;
						if (rememberedWords.contains(input))
							outs = rememberedWords.value(input);
							uint ii = 1;
							for (i = 1; i < outs.length()-1; ++i)
								QChar cht = outs[i];
								if (cht == '-')
									buffer[ii-1] = 1;
									buffer[ii] = 0;
							it->itemText.hyphenateWord(firstC, wordLower.length(), buffer);
							PrefsContext* prefs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getContext("hyhpen_options");
							int xpos = prefs->getInt("Xposition", -9999);
							int ypos = prefs->getInt("Yposition", -9999);
							HyAsk *dia = new HyAsk((QWidget*)parent(), outs);
							if ((xpos != -9999) && (ypos != -9999))
								dia->move(xpos, ypos);
							if (dia->exec())
								outs = dia->Wort->text();
								uint ii = 1;
								for (i = 1; i < outs.length()-1; ++i)
									QChar cht = outs[i];
									if (cht == '-')
										buffer[ii-1] = 1;
										buffer[ii] = 0;
								if (!rememberedWords.contains(input))
									rememberedWords.insert(input, outs);
								if (dia->addToIgnoreList->isChecked())
									if (!ignoredWords.contains(word))
								if (dia->addToExceptionList->isChecked())
									if (!specialWords.contains(word))
										specialWords.insert(word, outs);
								it->itemText.hyphenateWord(firstC, wordLower.length(), buffer);
								buffer = nullptr;
								prefs->set("Xposition", dia->xpos);
								prefs->set("Yposition", dia->ypos);
								delete dia;
							prefs->set("Xposition", dia->xpos);
							prefs->set("Yposition", dia->ypos);
							delete dia;
			if (rep)
				for (int i = 0; i < te.length() - 1; ++i)
	m_doc->DoDrawing = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
TRI_vector_string_t* Utf8Helper::getWords (const char* const text,
                                           const size_t textLength,
                                           const size_t minimalLength,
                                           const size_t maximalLength,
                                           bool lowerCase) {
  TRI_vector_string_t* words;
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  UnicodeString word;

  if (textLength == 0) {
    // input text is empty
    return NULL;

  if (textLength < minimalLength) {
    // input text is shorter than required minimum length
    return NULL;

  size_t textUtf16Length = 0;
  UChar* textUtf16 = NULL;

  if (lowerCase) {
    // lower case string
    int32_t lowerLength = 0;
    char* lower = tolower(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, text, (int32_t) textLength, lowerLength);

    if (lower == NULL) {
      // out of memory
      return NULL;

    if (lowerLength == 0) {
      TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, lower);
      return NULL;

    textUtf16 = TRI_Utf8ToUChar(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, lower, lowerLength, &textUtf16Length);
    TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, lower);
  else {
    textUtf16 = TRI_Utf8ToUChar(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, text, (int32_t) textLength, &textUtf16Length);

  if (textUtf16 == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  ULocDataLocaleType type = ULOC_VALID_LOCALE;
  const Locale& locale = _coll->getLocale(type, status);

  if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, textUtf16);
    LOG_ERROR("error in Collator::getLocale(...): %s", u_errorName(status));
    return NULL;

  UChar* tempUtf16 = (UChar *) TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, (textUtf16Length + 1) * sizeof(UChar), false);

  if (tempUtf16 == NULL) {
    TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, textUtf16);
    return NULL;

  words = (TRI_vector_string_t*) TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, sizeof(TRI_vector_string_t), false);

  if (words == NULL) {
    TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, textUtf16);
    TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, tempUtf16);
    return NULL;

  // estimate an initial vector size. this is not accurate, but setting the initial size to some
  // value in the correct order of magnitude will save a lot of vector reallocations later
  size_t initialWordCount = textLength / (2 * (minimalLength + 1));
  if (initialWordCount < 32) {
    // alloc at least 32 pointers (= 256b)
    initialWordCount = 32;
  else if (initialWordCount > 8192) {
    // alloc at most 8192 pointers (= 64kb)
    initialWordCount = 8192;

  TRI_InitVectorString2(words, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, initialWordCount);

  BreakIterator* wordIterator = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(locale, status);
  UnicodeString utext(textUtf16);

  int32_t start = wordIterator->first();
  for(int32_t end = wordIterator->next(); end != BreakIterator::DONE;
    start = end, end = wordIterator->next()) {

    size_t tempUtf16Length = (size_t) (end - start);
    // end - start = word length
    if (tempUtf16Length >= minimalLength) {
      size_t chunkLength = tempUtf16Length;
      if (chunkLength > maximalLength) {
        chunkLength = maximalLength;
      utext.extractBetween(start, (int32_t) (start + chunkLength), tempUtf16, 0);

      size_t utf8WordLength;
      char* utf8Word = TRI_UCharToUtf8(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, tempUtf16, chunkLength, &utf8WordLength);
      if (utf8Word != 0) {
        TRI_PushBackVectorString(words, utf8Word);

  delete wordIterator;

  TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, textUtf16);
  TRI_Free(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, tempUtf16);

  if (words->_length == 0) {
    // no words found
    TRI_FreeVectorString(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, words);
    return NULL;

  return words;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//  TestRuleStatus
//      Test word break rule status constants.
void RBBIAPITest::TestRuleStatus() {
     UChar str[30];
     //no longer test Han or hiragana breaking here: ruleStatusVec would return nothing
     // changed UBRK_WORD_KANA to UBRK_WORD_IDEO
     u_unescape("plain word 123.45 \\u30a1\\u30a2 ",
              // 012345678901234567  8      9    0      
              //                     Katakana      
                str, 30);
     UnicodeString testString1(str);
     int32_t bounds1[] = {0, 5, 6, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 21};
                          UBRK_WORD_NONE,     UBRK_WORD_NUMBER, UBRK_WORD_NONE,
                          UBRK_WORD_IDEO,     UBRK_WORD_NONE};

                          UBRK_WORD_IDEO_LIMIT, UBRK_WORD_NONE_LIMIT};

     UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;

     BreakIterator *bi = BreakIterator::createWordInstance(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
         errcheckln(status, "Fail : in construction - %s", u_errorName(status));
     } else {
         // First test that the breaks are in the right spots.
         doBoundaryTest(*bi, testString1, bounds1);

         // Then go back and check tag values
         int32_t i = 0;
         int32_t pos, tag;
         for (pos = bi->first(); pos != BreakIterator::DONE; pos = bi->next(), i++) {
             if (pos != bounds1[i]) {
                 errln("FAIL: unexpected word break at postion %d", pos);
             tag = bi->getRuleStatus();
             if (tag < tag_lo[i] || tag >= tag_hi[i]) {
                 errln("FAIL: incorrect tag value %d at position %d", tag, pos);

             // Check that we get the same tag values from getRuleStatusVec()
             int32_t vec[10];
             int t = bi->getRuleStatusVec(vec, 10, status);
             TEST_ASSERT(vec[0] == tag);
     delete bi;

     // Now test line break status.  This test mostly is to confirm that the status constants
     //                              are correctly declared in the header.
     testString1 =   "test line. \n";
     // break type    s    s     h

     bi = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
         errcheckln(status, "failed to create word break iterator. - %s", u_errorName(status));
     } else {
         int32_t i = 0;
         int32_t pos, tag;
         UBool   success;

         pos = bi->current();
         tag = bi->getRuleStatus();
         for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
             switch (i) {
             case 0:
                 success = pos==0  && tag==UBRK_LINE_SOFT; break;
             case 1:
                 success = pos==5  && tag==UBRK_LINE_SOFT; break;
             case 2:
                 success = pos==12 && tag==UBRK_LINE_HARD; break;
                 success = FALSE; break;
             if (success == FALSE) {
                 errln("Fail: incorrect word break status or position.  i=%d, pos=%d, tag=%d",
                     i, pos, tag);
             pos = bi->next();
             tag = bi->getRuleStatus();
             errln("UBRK_LINE_* constants from header are inconsistent.");
     delete bi;

Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Print the first element */
void printFirst(BreakIterator& boundary)
    int32_t start = boundary.first();
    int32_t end = boundary.next();
    printTextRange( boundary, start, end );
Ejemplo n.º 8
/** Word wrap text
 * @param str character vector
 * @param width single integer
 * @param cost_exponent single double
 * @param indent single integer
 * @param exdent single integer
 * @param prefix single string
 * @param initial single string
 * @param locale locale identifier or NULL for default locale
 * @param use_length single logical value
 * @return list
 * @version 0.1-?? (Bartek Tartanus)
 * @version 0.2-2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-04-27)
 *          single function for wrap_greedy and wrap_dynamic
 *          (dispatch inside);
 *          use BreakIterator
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-04)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.4-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-06)
 *    new args: indent, exdent, prefix, initial
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-19)
 *    #133 allow width <= 0
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-02-28)
 *    don't trim so many white spaces at the end of each word (normalize arg does that)
 *    #139: allow a "whitespace" break iterator
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-04-23)
 *    `use_length` arg added
 * @version 0.5-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2015-06-09)
 *    BIGSKIP: no more CHARSXP on out on "" input
SEXP stri_wrap(SEXP str, SEXP width, SEXP cost_exponent,
   SEXP indent, SEXP exdent, SEXP prefix, SEXP initial, SEXP whitespace_only,
   SEXP use_length, SEXP locale)
   bool use_length_val      = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(use_length, "use_length");
   double exponent_val      = stri__prepare_arg_double_1_notNA(cost_exponent, "cost_exponent");
   bool whitespace_only_val = stri__prepare_arg_logical_1_notNA(whitespace_only, "whitespace_only");

   int width_val = stri__prepare_arg_integer_1_notNA(width, "width");
   if (width_val <= 0) width_val = 0;

   int indent_val = stri__prepare_arg_integer_1_notNA(indent, "indent");
   if (indent_val < 0) Rf_error(MSG__EXPECTED_POSITIVE, "indent");

   int exdent_val = stri__prepare_arg_integer_1_notNA(exdent, "exdent");
   if (exdent_val < 0) Rf_error(MSG__EXPECTED_POSITIVE, "exdent");

   const char* qloc = stri__prepare_arg_locale(locale, "locale", true); /* this is R_alloc'ed */
   Locale loc = Locale::createFromName(qloc);
   PROTECT(str     = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str"));
   PROTECT(prefix  = stri_prepare_arg_string_1(prefix, "prefix"));
   PROTECT(initial = stri_prepare_arg_string_1(initial, "initial"));

   BreakIterator* briter = NULL;
   UText* str_text = NULL;

   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   briter = BreakIterator::createLineInstance(loc, status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   R_len_t str_length = LENGTH(str);
   StriContainerUTF8_indexable str_cont(str, str_length);
   StriContainerUTF8 prefix_cont(prefix, 1);
   StriContainerUTF8 initial_cont(initial, 1);

   // prepare indent/exdent/prefix/initial stuff:
   // 1st line, 1st para (i==0, u==0): initial+indent
   // nth line, 1st para (i==0, u> 0): prefix +exdent
   // 1st line, nth para (i> 0, u==0): prefix +indent
   // nth line, nth para (i> 0, u> 0): prefix +exdent
   StriWrapLineStart ii(initial_cont.get(0), indent_val);
   StriWrapLineStart pi(prefix_cont.get(0), indent_val);
   StriWrapLineStart pe(prefix_cont.get(0), exdent_val);

   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   //Unicode Newline Guidelines - Unicode Technical Report #13
   UnicodeSet uset_linebreaks(UnicodeString::fromUTF8("[\\u000A-\\u000D\\u0085\\u2028\\u2029]"), status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   UnicodeSet uset_whitespaces(UnicodeString::fromUTF8("\\p{White_space}"), status);
   STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

   SEXP ret;
   STRI__PROTECT(ret = Rf_allocVector(VECSXP, str_length));
   for (R_len_t i = 0; i < str_length; ++i)
      if (str_cont.isNA(i) || prefix_cont.isNA(0) || initial_cont.isNA(0)) {
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, stri__vector_NA_strings(1));

      status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      const char* str_cur_s = str_cont.get(i).c_str();
      R_len_t str_cur_n = str_cont.get(i).length();
      str_text = utext_openUTF8(str_text, str_cur_s, str_cont.get(i).length(), &status);
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

      status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      briter->setText(str_text, status);
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})

      // all right, first let's generate a list of places at which we may do line breaks
      deque< R_len_t > occurrences_list; // this could be an R_len_t queue
      R_len_t match = briter->first();
      while (match != BreakIterator::DONE) {

         if (!whitespace_only_val)
         else {
            if (match > 0 && match < str_cur_n) {
               UChar32 c;
               U8_GET((const uint8_t*)str_cur_s, 0, match-1, str_cur_n, c);
               if (uset_whitespaces.contains(c))

         match = briter->next();

      R_len_t noccurrences = (R_len_t)occurrences_list.size(); // number of boundaries
      if (noccurrences <= 1) { // no match (1 boundary == 0)
         SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, Rf_ScalarString(str_cont.toR(i)));

      // the number of "words" is:
      R_len_t nwords = noccurrences - 1;

      // convert occurrences_list to a vector
      // in order to obtain end positions (in a string) of each "words",
      // noting that occurrences_list.at(0) == 0
#ifndef NDEBUG
      if (occurrences_list.at(0) != 0)
         throw StriException("NDEBUG: stri_wrap: (occurrences_list.at(0) != 0)");

      std::vector<R_len_t> end_pos_orig(nwords);
      deque<R_len_t>::iterator iter = ++(occurrences_list.begin());
      for (R_len_t j = 0; iter != occurrences_list.end(); ++iter, ++j) {
         end_pos_orig[j] = (*iter); // this is a UTF-8 index

      // now:
      // we'll get the total widths/number of code points in each "word"
      std::vector<R_len_t> widths_orig(nwords);
      // we'll get the total widths/number of code points without trailing whitespaces
      std::vector<R_len_t> widths_trim(nwords);
      // we'll get the end positions without trailing whitespaces
      std::vector<R_len_t> end_pos_trim(nwords);
      // detect line endings (fail on a match)

      UChar32 c = 0;
      R_len_t j = 0;
      R_len_t cur_block = 0;
      R_len_t cur_width_orig = 0;
      R_len_t cur_width_trim = 0;
      R_len_t cur_count_orig = 0;
      R_len_t cur_count_trim = 0;
      R_len_t cur_end_pos_trim = 0;
      while (j < str_cur_n) {
         R_len_t jlast = j;
         U8_NEXT(str_cur_s, j, str_cur_n, c);
         if (c < 0) // invalid utf-8 sequence
            throw StriException(MSG__INVALID_UTF8);

         if (uset_linebreaks.contains(c))
            throw StriException(MSG__NEWLINE_FOUND);

         cur_width_orig += stri__width_char(c);
         if (uset_whitespaces.contains(c)) {
// OLD: trim all white spaces from the end:
//            ++cur_count_trim;
//           [we have the normalize arg for that]

// NEW: trim just one white space at the end:
            cur_width_trim = stri__width_char(c);
            cur_count_trim = 1;
            cur_end_pos_trim = jlast;
         else {
            cur_width_trim = 0;
            cur_count_trim = 0;
            cur_end_pos_trim = j;

         if (j >= str_cur_n || end_pos_orig[cur_block] <= j) {
            // we'll start a new block in a moment
            if (use_length_val) {
               widths_orig[cur_block] = cur_count_orig;
               widths_trim[cur_block] = cur_count_orig-cur_count_trim;
            else {
               widths_orig[cur_block] = cur_width_orig;
               widths_trim[cur_block] = cur_width_orig-cur_width_trim;
            end_pos_trim[cur_block] = cur_end_pos_trim;
            cur_width_orig = 0;
            cur_width_trim = 0;
            cur_count_orig = 0;
            cur_count_trim = 0;
            cur_end_pos_trim = j;

      // do wrap
      std::deque<R_len_t> wrap_after; // wrap line after which word in {0..nwords-1}?
      if (exponent_val <= 0.0) {
         stri__wrap_greedy(wrap_after, nwords, width_val,
            widths_orig, widths_trim,
      else {
         stri__wrap_dynamic(wrap_after, nwords, width_val, exponent_val,
            widths_orig, widths_trim,

      // wrap_after.size() line breaks => wrap_after.size()+1 lines
      R_len_t nlines = (R_len_t)wrap_after.size()+1;
      R_len_t last_pos = 0;
      SEXP ans;
      STRI__PROTECT(ans = Rf_allocVector(STRSXP, nlines));
      deque<R_len_t>::iterator iter_wrap = wrap_after.begin();
      for (R_len_t u = 0; iter_wrap != wrap_after.end(); ++iter_wrap, ++u) {
         R_len_t wrap_after_cur = *iter_wrap;
         R_len_t cur_pos = end_pos_trim[wrap_after_cur];

         std::string cs;
         if (i == 0 && u == 0)     cs = ii.str;
         else if (i > 0 && u == 0) cs = pi.str;
         else                      cs = pe.str;
         cs.append(str_cur_s+last_pos, cur_pos-last_pos);
         SET_STRING_ELT(ans, u, Rf_mkCharLenCE(cs.c_str(), cs.size(), CE_UTF8));

         last_pos = end_pos_orig[wrap_after_cur];

      // last line goes here:
      std::string cs;
      if (i == 0 && nlines-1 == 0)     cs = ii.str;
      else if (i > 0 && nlines-1 == 0) cs = pi.str;
      else                             cs = pe.str;
      cs.append(str_cur_s+last_pos, end_pos_trim[nwords-1]-last_pos);
      SET_STRING_ELT(ans, nlines-1, Rf_mkCharLenCE(cs.c_str(), cs.size(), CE_UTF8));

      SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, i, ans);

   if (briter) { delete briter; briter = NULL; }
   if (str_text) { utext_close(str_text); str_text = NULL; }
   return ret;
      if (briter) { delete briter; briter = NULL; }
      if (str_text) { utext_close(str_text); str_text = NULL; }