void BspIntersectionSceneQuery::execute(IntersectionSceneQueryListener* listener)
        Go through each leaf node in BspLevel and check movables against each other and world
        Issue: some movable-movable intersections could be reported twice if 2 movables
        overlap 2 leaves?
        const BspLevelPtr& lvl = ((BspSceneManager*)mParentSceneMgr)->getLevel();
		if (lvl.isNull()) return;

        BspNode* leaf = lvl->getLeafStart();
        int numLeaves = lvl->getNumLeaves();
        while (numLeaves--)
            const BspNode::IntersectingObjectSet& objects = leaf->getObjects();
            int numObjects = (int)objects.size();

            BspNode::IntersectingObjectSet::const_iterator a, b, theEnd;
            theEnd = objects.end();
            a = objects.begin();
            for (int oi = 0; oi < numObjects; ++oi, ++a)
                const MovableObject* aObj = *a;
                // Skip this object if collision not enabled
                if (!(aObj->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask) ||
					!(aObj->getTypeFlags() & mQueryTypeMask) ||

                if (oi < (numObjects-1))
                    // Check object against others in this node
                    b = a;
                    for (++b; b != theEnd; ++b)
                        const MovableObject* bObj = *b;
                        // Apply mask to b (both must pass)
                        if ((bObj->getQueryFlags() & mQueryMask) && 
							(bObj->getTypeFlags() & mQueryTypeMask) && 
                            const AxisAlignedBox& box1 = aObj->getWorldBoundingBox();
                            const AxisAlignedBox& box2 = bObj->getWorldBoundingBox();

                            if (box1.intersects(box2))
                                if (!listener->queryResult(const_cast<MovableObject*>(aObj), 
                // Check object against brushes
                if (mQueryTypeMask & SceneManager::WORLD_GEOMETRY_TYPE_MASK)
                    const BspNode::NodeBrushList& brushes = leaf->getSolidBrushes();
                    BspNode::NodeBrushList::const_iterator bi, biend;
                    biend = brushes.end();
                    Real radius = aObj->getBoundingRadius();
                    const Vector3& pos = aObj->getParentNode()->_getDerivedPosition();

                    for (bi = brushes.begin(); bi != biend; ++bi)
						list<Plane>::type::const_iterator planeit, planeitend;
                        planeitend = (*bi)->planes.end();
                        bool brushIntersect = true; // Assume intersecting for now

                        for (planeit = (*bi)->planes.begin(); planeit != planeitend; ++planeit)
                            Real dist = planeit->getDistance(pos);
                            if (dist > radius)
                                // Definitely excluded
                                brushIntersect = false;
                        if (brushIntersect)
                            // report this brush as it's WorldFragment
                            assert((*bi)->fragment.fragmentType == SceneQuery::WFT_PLANE_BOUNDED_REGION);
                            if (!listener->queryResult(const_cast<MovableObject*>(aObj), 



