Ejemplo n.º 1
int WaypointMessageHelper::readWaypointMessageForTarget (const void *pWaypointMsgPayload,
                                                         uint32 ui32Offset, uint32 ui32TotalLen,
                                                         PreviousMessageIds &previouMessagesSentToTargets,
                                                         uint32 &ui32WaypointMsgPayloadLen)
    ui32WaypointMsgPayloadLen = ui32TotalLen;
    BufferReader br (pWaypointMsgPayload, ui32TotalLen);
    br.setPosition (ui32Offset);
    uint32 ui32LatestMessageSentLen = 0;
    if (br.read32 (&ui32LatestMessageSentLen) < 0) {
        return -1;
    ui32WaypointMsgPayloadLen -= 4;

    if (ui32LatestMessageSentLen > 0) {
        static const uint16 BUF_LEN = 1024;
        char buf[BUF_LEN];
        if ((ui32LatestMessageSentLen + 1) > BUF_LEN) {
            return -2;
        if (br.readBytes (buf, ui32LatestMessageSentLen) < 0) {
            return -3;
        buf[ui32LatestMessageSentLen] = '\0';
        previouMessagesSentToTargets = buf;
        ui32WaypointMsgPayloadLen -= ui32LatestMessageSentLen;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
PtrLList<const char> *  InformationPull::remoteSearchArrived (const void *pData, uint32 ui32DataLength,
                                                              uint32 &ui32RcvdRemoteSeachQuery,
                                                              const char *pszSenderNodeId)
    // Read the message
    BufferReader br (pData, ui32DataLength);
    br.read32 (&ui32RcvdRemoteSeachQuery);
    uint16 ui16Len;
    br.read16 (&ui16Len);
    char *pszGroupName = new char[ui16Len+1];
    br.readBytes (pszGroupName, ui16Len);
    pszGroupName[ui16Len] = '\0';
    br.read16 (&ui16Len);
    char *pszQuery = new char[ui16Len+1];
    br.readBytes (pszQuery, ui16Len);
    pszQuery[ui16Len] = '\0';

    // Check the search seq id
    uint32 *pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery = _latestSearchIdRcvdByPeer.get (pszSenderNodeId);
    if (pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery == NULL) {
        pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery = new uint32;
        (*pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery) = ui32RcvdRemoteSeachQuery;
        _latestSearchIdRcvdByPeer.put (pszSenderNodeId, pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery);
    else {
        if (SequentialArithmetic::lessThanOrEqual (ui32RcvdRemoteSeachQuery, (*pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery))) {
            // This is either a duplicate search or an old search.  Either way
            // it must not be served! (Actually the "equal" case should never
            // happen).
            return NULL;
        else {
            (*pUI32PrevRcvdRemoteSeachQuery) = ui32RcvdRemoteSeachQuery;

    // Get the IDs of the messages matching the query except the ones specified
    // in ppszFilters (because they have already been sent)
    char **ppszFilters = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char*) * 2);
    ppszFilters[0] = (char *) pszSenderNodeId;
    ppszFilters[1] = NULL;
    PtrLList<const char> *pRet = _pInformationStore->getMessageIDs (pszGroupName, pszQuery);
    ppszFilters[0] = NULL;
    delete ppszFilters;
    ppszFilters = NULL;
    return pRet;