void Http::WriteHeaderRange(WriterHttpHeader& aWriter, TUint64 aFirst, TUint64 aLast) { Bws<6+20+1+20> buf; buf.Append(Http::kRangeBytes); Ascii::AppendDec(buf, aFirst); buf.Append(Http::kRangeSeparator); Ascii::AppendDec(buf, aLast); aWriter.WriteHeader(Http::kHeaderRange, buf); }
void SourcesCallback(MockCbData<ITopology2Source*>* aArgs) { // w("Source " + v.Index + " " + v.Name + " " + v.Type + " " + v.Visible)); ITopology2Source* src = aArgs->iData; FunctorGeneric<const Brx&> f = aArgs->iCallback; Bws<100> buf; buf.Replace(Brn("Source ")); Ascii::AppendDec(buf, src->Index()); buf.Append(Brn(" ")); Brn name(src->Name()); buf.Append(src->Name()); buf.Append(Brn(" ")); buf.Append(src->Type()); buf.Append(Brn(" ")); if (src->Visible()) { buf.Append(Brn("True")); } else { buf.Append(Brn("False")); } f(buf); delete aArgs; }
EventServerUpnp::EventServerUpnp(CpStack& aCpStack, TIpAddress aInterface) : iTcpServer(aCpStack.Env(), "EventServer", aCpStack.Env().InitParams()->CpUpnpEventServerPort(), aInterface) { const TUint numThread = aCpStack.Env().InitParams()->NumEventSessionThreads(); for (TUint i=0; i<numThread; i++) { Bws<Thread::kMaxNameBytes+1> thName; thName.AppendPrintf("EventSession %d", i); thName.PtrZ(); iTcpServer.Add((const TChar*)thName.Ptr(), new EventSessionUpnp(aCpStack)); } }
EventServerUpnp::EventServerUpnp(CpStack& aCpStack, TIpAddress aInterface) : iTcpServer(aCpStack.Env(), "EventServer", aCpStack.Env().InitParams()->CpUpnpEventServerPort(), aInterface) { const TUint numThread = aCpStack.Env().InitParams()->NumEventSessionThreads(); #ifndef _WIN32 // nothing terribly bad would happen if this assertion failed so its not worth a separate Windows implementation ASSERT(numThread < 10); #endif for (TUint i=0; i<numThread; i++) { Bws<Thread::kMaxNameBytes+1> thName; thName.AppendPrintf("EventSession %d", i); thName.PtrZ(); iTcpServer.Add((const TChar*)thName.Ptr(), new EventSessionUpnp(aCpStack)); } }
void OpenHome::UnhandledExceptionHandler(Exception& aException) { Bws<5> thName; GetThreadName(thName); char buf[1024]; (void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unhandled exception %s at %s:%lu in thread %s\n", aException.Message(), aException.File(), (unsigned long)aException.Line(), thName.Ptr()); TInt len = 8*1024; char* msg = new char[len]; if (msg != NULL) { (void)strncpy(msg, buf, len); len -= (TInt)strlen(buf); (void)strncat(msg, "\n", len); len -= 2; THandle stackTrace = aException.StackTrace(); TUint count = Os::StackTraceNumEntries(stackTrace); for (TUint i=0; i<count; i++) { const char* entry = Os::StackTraceEntry(stackTrace, i); (void)strncat(msg, entry, len); len -= (TInt)strlen(entry) + 2; if (len < 0) { break; } (void)strncat(msg, "\n", len); } } if (len > 0) { (void)strncat(msg, "\n", len); } CallFatalErrorHandler((msg!=NULL? msg : buf)); delete msg; }
SocketTcpServer* DviServerLpec::CreateServer(const NetworkAdapter& aNif) { SocketTcpServer* server = new SocketTcpServer(iDvStack.Env(), "LpecServer", iPort, aNif.Address()); const TUint numThreads = iDvStack.Env().InitParams()->DvNumLpecThreads(); AdapterData* ad = new AdapterData(aNif.Address()); iAdapterData.push_back(ad); for (TUint i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { Bws<Thread::kMaxNameBytes+1> thName; thName.AppendPrintf("LpecSession %d", i); thName.PtrZ(); DviSessionLpec* session = new DviSessionLpec(iDvStack, aNif.Address(), iPort); server->Add((const TChar*)thName.Ptr(), session); ad->iSessions.push_back(session); } return server; }
void XmlFetch::Output(IAsyncOutput& aConsole) { Mutex& lock = iCpStack.Env().Mutex(); lock.Wait(); Bws<Ascii::kMaxUintStringBytes+1> buf; (void)Ascii::AppendDec(buf, iSequenceNumber); buf.PtrZ(); aConsole.Output("SequenceNumber", (const TChar*)buf.Ptr()); Bws<Uri::kMaxUriBytes+1> uri(iUri->AbsoluteUri()); uri.PtrZ(); aConsole.Output("XmlFetch", (const TChar*)uri.Ptr()); if (Error()) { iError.Output(aConsole); } lock.Signal(); }
void LogMsg(const char *format, ...) { #ifdef DEFINE_TRACE va_list args; va_start(args, format); // not all messages are errors but enough are that its handy to log everything here if we're interested in errors if(Debug::TestLevel(Debug::kBonjour) || Debug::TestLevel(Debug::kError)) { Bws<kMaxLogMsgBytes> msg; TUint written = mDNS_vsnprintf((char*)msg.Ptr(), msg.MaxBytes(), format, args); msg.SetBytes(written); Log::Print(msg); Log::Print("\n"); } va_end(args); #endif }
void OpenHome::UnhandledExceptionHandler(const TChar* aExceptionMessage, const TChar* aFile, TUint aLine) { Bws<5> thName; GetThreadName(thName); char buf[1024]; (void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unhandled exception %s at %s:%lu in thread %s\n", aExceptionMessage, aFile, (unsigned long)aLine, thName.Ptr()); CallFatalErrorHandler(buf); }
void OpenHome::UnhandledExceptionHandler(std::exception& aException) { Bws<5> thName; GetThreadName(thName); char buf[1024]; (void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unhandled exception %s in thread %s\n", aException.what(), thName.Ptr()); CallFatalErrorHandler(buf); }
void StandbyCallback(MockCbData<TBool>* aArgs) { TBool i = aArgs->iData; FunctorGeneric<const Brx&> f = aArgs->iCallback; Bws<100> buf; buf.Replace(Brn("Standby ")); if (i) { buf.Append(Brn("True")); } else { buf.Append(Brn("False")); } f(buf); delete aArgs; }
DviSubscriptionManager::DviSubscriptionManager(DvStack& aDvStack) : Thread("DvSubscriptionMgr") , iDvStack(aDvStack) , iLock("DSBM") , iFree(aDvStack.Env().InitParams()->DvNumPublisherThreads()) { const TUint numPublisherThreads = iDvStack.Env().InitParams()->DvNumPublisherThreads(); LOG(kDvEvent, "> DviSubscriptionManager: creating %u publisher threads\n", numPublisherThreads); iPublishers = (Publisher**)malloc(sizeof(*iPublishers) * numPublisherThreads); for (TUint i=0; i<numPublisherThreads; i++) { Bws<Thread::kMaxNameBytes+1> thName; thName.AppendPrintf("Publisher %d", i); thName.PtrZ(); iPublishers[i] = new Publisher((const TChar*)thName.Ptr(), iFree); iFree.Write(iPublishers[i]); iPublishers[i]->Start(); } Start(); }
TChar* CpListenerMsearch::CreateTypeString(const Brx& aDomain, const Brx& aType, TUint aVersion) { TChar* type = (TChar*)malloc(aDomain.Bytes() + aType.Bytes() + 2 + Ascii::kMaxUintStringBytes + 1); TChar* ptr = type; (void)strncpy(ptr, (const TChar*)aDomain.Ptr(), aDomain.Bytes()); ptr += aDomain.Bytes(); *ptr = ':'; ptr++; (void)strncpy(ptr, (const TChar*)aType.Ptr(), aType.Bytes()); ptr += aType.Bytes(); *ptr = ':'; ptr++; Bws<Ascii::kMaxUintStringBytes> ver; Ascii::AppendDec(ver, aVersion); (void)strncpy(ptr, (const TChar*)ver.Ptr(), ver.Bytes()); ptr += ver.Bytes(); *ptr = '\0'; return type; }
TUint Ascii::AppendDec(Bwx& aBuffer, TUint64 aValue) { Bws<20> reversed; // Maximum value requires 20 digits if (aValue == 0) { aBuffer.Append('0'); return (1); } while(aValue > 0) { reversed.Append((TChar)('0' + aValue % 10)); aValue = aValue / 10; } for (TUint i = reversed.Bytes(); i > 0; i--) { aBuffer.Append(reversed[i - 1]); } return (reversed.Bytes()); }
XmlFetchManager::XmlFetchManager(CpStack& aCpStack) : Thread("XmlFetchManager") , iCpStack(aCpStack) , iLock("FETL") , iFree(iCpStack.Env().InitParams()->NumXmlFetcherThreads()) { const TUint numThreads = iCpStack.Env().InitParams()->NumXmlFetcherThreads(); iFetchers = (XmlFetcher**)malloc(sizeof(*iFetchers) * numThreads); for (TUint i=0; i<numThreads; i++) { Bws<Thread::kMaxNameBytes+1> thName; thName.AppendPrintf("XmlFetcher %d", i); thName.PtrZ(); iFetchers[i] = new XmlFetcher((const TChar*)thName.Ptr(), iFree); iFree.Write(iFetchers[i]); iFetchers[i]->Start(); } iActive = true; Start(); }
void CpiDeviceUpnp::GetServiceUri(Uri& aUri, const TChar* aType, const ServiceType& aServiceType) { Brn root = XmlParserBasic::Find("root", iXml); Brn device = XmlParserBasic::Find("device", root); Brn udn = XmlParserBasic::Find("UDN", device); if (!CpiDeviceUpnp::UdnMatches(udn, Udn())) { Brn deviceList = XmlParserBasic::Find("deviceList", device); do { Brn remaining; device.Set(XmlParserBasic::Find("device", deviceList, remaining)); udn.Set(XmlParserBasic::Find("UDN", device)); deviceList.Set(remaining); } while (!CpiDeviceUpnp::UdnMatches(udn, Udn())); } Brn serviceList = XmlParserBasic::Find("serviceList", device); Brn service; Brn serviceType; const Brx& targServiceType = aServiceType.FullName(); do { Brn remaining; service.Set(XmlParserBasic::Find("service", serviceList, remaining)); serviceType.Set(XmlParserBasic::Find("serviceType", service)); serviceList.Set(remaining); } while (serviceType != targServiceType); Brn path = XmlParserBasic::Find(aType, service); if (path.Bytes() == 0) { // no event url => service doesn't have any evented state variables THROW(XmlError); } // now create a uri using the scheme/host/port of the device xml location // plus the path we've just constructed Bws<40> base; // just need space for http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx aUri.Replace(iLocation); base.Append(aUri.Scheme()); base.Append("://"); base.Append(aUri.Host()); base.Append(':'); Ascii::AppendDec(base, aUri.Port()); aUri.Replace(base, path); }
mStatus mDNSPlatformSendUDP(const mDNS* m, const void* const aMessage, const mDNSu8* const aEnd, mDNSInterfaceID aInterface, const mDNSAddr *aAddress, mDNSIPPort aPort) { if (aInterface == mDNSInterface_LocalOnly) { LOG(kBonjour, "Bonjour mDNSPlatformSendUDP - local only, ignore\n"); return 0; } LOG(kBonjour, "Bonjour mDNSPlatformSendUDP\n"); MdnsPlatform& platform = *(MdnsPlatform*)m->p; Brn buffer((const TByte*)aMessage, (TUint)((const TByte*)aEnd - (const TByte*)aMessage)); ASSERT(aAddress->type == mDNSAddrType_IPv4); Bws<16> address; address.AppendPrintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", aAddress->ip.v4.b[0], aAddress->ip.v4.b[1], aAddress->ip.v4.b[2], aAddress->ip.v4.b[3] ); Endpoint endpoint(Arch::BigEndian2(aPort.NotAnInteger), address); return platform.SendUdp(buffer, endpoint); }
void WsProtocol80::Read(Brn& aData, TBool& aClosed) { aData.Set(NULL, 0); aClosed = false; static const TByte kBitMaskFinalFragment = 1<<7; static const TByte kBitMaskRsv123 = 0x70; static const TByte kBitMaskOpcode = 0xf; static const TByte kBitMaskPayloadMask = 1<<7; static const TByte kBitMaskPayloadLen = 0x7f; // validate framing Bws<2> ctrl; ctrl.Append(iReadBuffer.Read(2)); const TByte& byte0 = ctrl.At(0); const TByte& byte1 = ctrl.At(1); const TBool fragment = ((byte0 & kBitMaskFinalFragment) == 0); if (byte0 & kBitMaskRsv123) { LOG2(kDvWebSocket, kError, "WS: RSV bit(s) set - %u - but no extension negotiated\n", (byte0 & kBitMaskRsv123) >> 4); Close(kCloseProtocolError); aClosed = true; return; }
void SuiteUnicast::Receiver() { TBool first = true; iLastVal = 0; TUint val; Bws<kMsgBytes> recv; do { recv.SetBytes(0); (void)iReceiver->Receive(recv); ASSERT(recv.Bytes() >= sizeof(TUint32)); val = *((TUint32*)recv.Ptr()); if (val != kQuit) { if (first) { TEST(val == 0); first = false; } else { TEST(val == iLastVal+1); } } //Print("Received %u, last sent %u\n", val, iSendVal); iLastVal = val; } while (val != kQuit); }
Brn DeviceXml::ServiceVersion(const Brx& aServiceType) const { const TUint kMaxDomainBytes = 64; const TUint kMaxTypeBytes = 64; Bws<kMaxDomainBytes> domain; Bws<kMaxTypeBytes> upnpType; Parser parser(aServiceType); TUint count = 0; while (!parser.Finished()) { upnpType.Replace(parser.Next('.')); count++; } parser.Restart(); while (--count) { Brn element = parser.Next('.'); if (domain.Bytes() > 0) { domain.Append('.'); } domain.Append(element); } Bws<kMaxDomainBytes> upnpDomain; Ssdp::CanonicalDomainToUpnp(domain, upnpDomain); Brn serviceList = XmlParserBasic::Find("serviceList", iXml); for (;;) { Brn service = XmlParserBasic::Find("service", serviceList, serviceList); Brn type = XmlParserBasic::Find("serviceType", service); Parser parser(type); if (parser.Next(':') == Brn("urn")) { if (parser.Next(':') == upnpDomain) { if (parser.Next(':') == Brn("service")) { if (parser.Next(':') == upnpType) { return (parser.Remaining()); } } } } } }
void SuiteFileStream::Test() { const TUint kBytes = 256; Bws<kBytes> b; // Populate each position in the buffer with it's index. for (TUint i=0; i<kBytes; i++) { b.Append((TChar)i); } FileBrx f(b); FileStream stream; stream.SetFile(&f); TEST(stream.Bytes() == kBytes); // test basic reading Bws<kBytes> buf; stream.Read(buf); TEST(buf == b); TEST(stream.Tell() == kBytes); // test that reads on a full buffer and at the end of a file throw TEST_THROWS(stream.Read(buf), ReaderError); buf.SetBytes(0); TEST_THROWS(stream.Read(buf), ReaderError); // test seeking stream.Seek(0); TEST(stream.Tell() == 0); // test a stream can be (un)interrupted stream.ReadInterrupt(); Bws<10> buf2; TEST_THROWS(stream.Read(buf2), ReaderError); stream.Interrupt(false); stream.Read(buf2); TEST(buf2.Bytes() == buf2.MaxBytes()); for (TUint i=0; i<10; i++) { TEST(buf2[i] == b[i]); } // test that Read appends to a buffer buf.SetBytes(0); buf.Append(buf2); stream.Read(buf); TEST(buf.Bytes() == kBytes); TEST(buf == b); }
void SuiteFileBrx::Test() { const TUint kBytes = 256; Bws<kBytes> b; // Populate each position in the buffer with it's index. for (TUint i=0; i<kBytes; i++) { b.Append((TChar)i); } FileBrx f(b); Bws<kBytes> buff; f.Read(buff); // Read full buffer TEST(buff == b); buff.SetBytes(0); TEST_THROWS(f.Read(buff), FileReadError); // Attempt full buffer from end f.Seek(0, eSeekFromStart); buff.SetBytes(0); f.Read(buff, 10); TEST(buff[0] == 0); TEST(buff[9] == 9); f.Seek(10, eSeekFromStart); buff.SetBytes(0); f.Read(buff, 10); TEST(buff[0] == 10); TEST(buff[9] == 19); f.Seek(10, eSeekFromCurrent); buff.SetBytes(0); f.Read(buff, 10); TEST(buff[0] == 30); TEST(buff[9] == 39); }
ExampleMediaPlayer::ExampleMediaPlayer(HWND hwnd, Net::DvStack& aDvStack, const Brx& aUdn, const TChar* aRoom, const TChar* aProductName, const Brx& aUserAgent) : iSemShutdown("TMPS", 0) , iDisabled("test", 0) , iHwnd(hwnd) , iCpProxy(NULL) , iTxTimestamper(NULL) , iRxTimestamper(NULL) , iTxTsMapper(NULL) , iRxTsMapper(NULL) , iUserAgent(aUserAgent) { iShell = new Shell(aDvStack.Env(), kShellPort); iShellDebug = new ShellCommandDebug(*iShell); Bws<256> friendlyName; friendlyName.Append(aRoom); friendlyName.Append(':'); friendlyName.Append(aProductName); // create UPnP device iDevice = new DvDeviceStandard(aDvStack, aUdn, *this); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Domain", "av.openhome.org"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Type", "Source"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Version", "1"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.FriendlyName", friendlyName.PtrZ()); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Manufacturer", "OpenHome"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelName", "ExampleMediaPlayer"); // create separate UPnP device for standard MediaRenderer Bws<256> buf(aUdn); buf.Append("-MediaRenderer"); // The renderer name should be <room name>:<UPnP AV source name> to allow // our control point to match the renderer device to the upnp av source. Bws<256> rendererName(aRoom); rendererName.Append(":"); rendererName.Append(SourceUpnpAv::kSourceName); iDeviceUpnpAv = new DvDeviceStandard(aDvStack, buf); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.Domain", "upnp.org"); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.Type", "MediaRenderer"); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.Version", "1"); friendlyName.Append(":MediaRenderer"); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.FriendlyName", rendererName.PtrZ()); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.Manufacturer", "OpenHome"); iDeviceUpnpAv->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelName", "ExampleMediaPlayer"); // create read/write store. This creates a number of static (constant) // entries automatically iRamStore = new RamStore(); // create a read/write store using the new config framework iConfigRegStore = new ConfigRegStore(); iConfigRegStore->Write(Brn("Product.Room"), Brn(aRoom)); iConfigRegStore->Write(Brn("Product.Name"), Brn(aProductName)); // Volume Control VolumeProfile volumeProfile; VolumeConsumer volumeInit; volumeInit.SetVolume(iVolume); volumeInit.SetBalance(iVolume); volumeInit.SetFade(iVolume); // Set pipeline thread priority just below the pipeline animator. iInitParams = PipelineInitParams::New(); iInitParams->SetThreadPriorityMax(kPriorityHighest); iInitParams->SetStarvationMonitorMaxSize(Jiffies::kPerMs * 100); // create MediaPlayer iMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(aDvStack, *iDevice, *iShell, *iRamStore, *iConfigRegStore, iInitParams, volumeInit, volumeProfile, aUdn, Brn(aRoom), Brn(aProductName)); iPipelineStateLogger = new LoggingPipelineObserver(); iMediaPlayer->Pipeline().AddObserver(*iPipelineStateLogger); // Set up config app. static const TUint addr = 0; // Bind to all addresses. static const TUint port = 0; // Bind to whatever free port the OS // allocates to the framework server. iAppFramework = new WebAppFramework(aDvStack.Env(), addr, port, kMaxUiTabs, kUiSendQueueSize); }
int CDECL main(int aArgc, char* aArgv[]) { OptionParser parser; OptionUint optionAdapter("-a", "--adapter", 0, "[adapter] index of network adapter to use"); parser.AddOption(&optionAdapter); OptionString optionRoom("-r", "--room", Brx::Empty(), "Room containing the receiver to play/stop"); parser.AddOption(&optionRoom); if (!parser.Parse(aArgc, aArgv)) { return 1; } gRoom.Replace(optionRoom.Value()); InitialisationParams* initParams = InitialisationParams::Create(); UpnpLibrary::Initialise(initParams); std::vector<NetworkAdapter*>* subnetList = UpnpLibrary::CreateSubnetList(); TIpAddress subnet = (*subnetList)[optionAdapter.Value()]->Subnet(); UpnpLibrary::DestroySubnetList(subnetList); UpnpLibrary::Close(); TUint channel = 0; TUint ttl = 4; TUint latency = 100; TBool multicast = false; TBool disabled = false; TUint preset = 99; THandle Songcast = SongcastCreate("av.openhome.org", subnet, channel, ttl, latency, multicast, !disabled, preset, loggerReceiver, 0, loggerSubnet, 0, loggerConfigurationChanged, 0, NULL, 0, "OpenHome", "http://www.openhome.org", "http://www.openhome.org", icon_png, icon_png_len, "image/png"); if (Songcast == 0) { printf("Songcast error\n"); return(1); } printf("preset = %d\n", preset); if (multicast) { printf("multicast\n"); } else { printf("unicast\n"); } if (disabled) { printf("disabled\n"); } else { printf("enabled\n"); } printf("q = quit, m = toggle multicast, e = toggle enabled\n"); for (;;) { int key = mygetch(); if (key == 'q') { break; } if (key == 'm') { if (multicast) { multicast = false; SongcastSetMulticast(Songcast, false); } else { multicast = true; SongcastSetMulticast(Songcast, true); } } if (key == 'e') { if (disabled) { disabled = false; SongcastSetEnabled(Songcast, true); } else { disabled = true; SongcastSetEnabled(Songcast, false); } } if (key == 'a') { SongcastSetSubnet(Songcast, 43200); // } if (gRecv != 0) { if (key == 'p') { SongcastSetEnabled(Songcast, true); ReceiverPlay(gRecv); } if (key == 's') { ReceiverStop(gRecv); ReceiverStandby(gRecv); SongcastSetEnabled(Songcast, false); } } } if (gRecv != 0) { ReceiverRemoveRef(gRecv); } SongcastDestroy(Songcast); printf("\n"); return (0); }
Soundcard::Soundcard(TIpAddress /* aSubnet */, TUint aChannel, TUint aTtl, TBool aMulticast, TBool aEnabled, TUint aPreset, ReceiverCallback aReceiverCallback, void* aReceiverPtr) : iReceiverCallback(aReceiverCallback) , iReceiverPtr(aReceiverPtr) { InitialisationParams* initParams = InitialisationParams::Create(); UpnpLibrary::Initialise(initParams); std::vector<NetworkInterface*>* list = UpnpLibrary::SubnetList(); ASSERT(list->size() > 0); NetworkInterface* iface = *list->begin(); delete (list); UpnpLibrary::SetCurrentSubnet(*iface); printf("Using %x\n", iface->Address()); UpnpLibrary::StartCombined(); Bws<kMaxUdnBytes> computer; Bws<kMaxUdnBytes> udn; Bws<kMaxUdnBytes + 1> friendly; TUint bytes = computer.MaxBytes(); if (!GetComputerName((LPSTR)computer.Ptr(), (LPDWORD)&bytes)) { THROW(SoundcardError); } computer.SetBytes(bytes); udn.Replace("ohSoundcard-"); udn.Append(computer); friendly.Replace(udn); friendly.Append('\0'); iDevice = new DvDeviceStandard(udn); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Domain", "av.openhome.org"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Type", "Soundcard"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Version", "1"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.FriendlyName", (TChar*)friendly.Ptr()); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Manufacturer", "Openhome"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ManufacturerUrl", "http://www.openhome.org"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelDescription", "OpenHome Soundcard"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelName", "ohSoundcard"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelNumber", "1"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.ModelUrl", "http://www.openhome.org"); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.SerialNumber", ""); iDevice->SetAttribute("Upnp.Upc", ""); iDriver = new OhmSenderDriverWindows(); Brn icon(icon_png, icon_png_len); iSender = new OhmSender(*iDevice, *iDriver, computer, aChannel, iface->Address(), aTtl, aMulticast, aEnabled, icon, Brn("image/png"), aPreset); iDevice->SetEnabled(); iReceiverManager = new ReceiverManager3(*this, iSender->SenderUri(), iSender->SenderMetadata()); }
static void GetThreadName(Bws<5>& aThName) { aThName.SetBytes(0); aThName.Append(Thread::CurrentThreadName()); aThName.PtrZ(); }