Ejemplo n.º 1
OutputAESEncodeStream::OutputAESEncodeStream(IByteWriterWithPosition* inTargetStream, const ByteList& inEncryptionKey, bool inOwnsStream) 
	mTargetStream = inTargetStream;
	mOwnsStream = inOwnsStream;

	if (!mTargetStream)

	mInIndex = mIn;

	// convert inEncryptionKey to internal rep and init encrypt [let's hope its 16...]
	mEncryptionKey = new unsigned char[inEncryptionKey.size()];
	mEncryptionKeyLength = inEncryptionKey.size();
	ByteList::const_iterator it = inEncryptionKey.begin();
	size_t i = 0;
	for (; it != inEncryptionKey.end(); ++i, ++it)
		mEncryptionKey[i] = *it;
	mEncrypt.key(mEncryptionKey, mEncryptionKeyLength);

	// create IV and write it to output file [use existing PDFDate]
	MD5Generator md5;
	// encode current time
	PDFDate currentTime;
	memcpy(mIV, (const unsigned char*)md5.ToStringAsString().c_str(),AES_BLOCK_SIZE); // md5 should give us the desired 16 bytes

	// now write mIV to the output stream
	mTargetStream->Write(mIV, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void InputAESDecodeStream::Assign(IByteReader* inSourceReader, const ByteList& inKey)
	mSourceStream = inSourceReader;

	// convert inEncryptionKey to internal rep and init decrypt [let's hope its 16...]
	mKeyLength = inKey.size();
	mKey = new unsigned char[mKeyLength];
	ByteList::const_iterator it = inKey.begin();
	size_t i = 0;
	for (; it != inKey.end(); ++i, ++it)
		mKey[i] = *it;
	mDecrypt.key(mKey, mKeyLength);
	mIsIvInit = false; // first read flag. still need to read IV
	mReadBlockSize = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
	mOutIndex = mOut + mReadBlockSize;
	mHitEnd = false;