Ejemplo n.º 1
// Uses object identity to locate the next occurrence of the argument in the receiver from
// the specified index to the specified index
Oop* __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveStringSearch()
	Oop* const sp = m_registers.m_stackPointer;
	Oop integerPointer = *sp;
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(0);				// startingAt not an integer
	const SMALLINTEGER startingAt = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	Oop oopSubString = *(sp-1);
	BytesOTE* oteReceiver = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(*(sp-2));

	if (ObjectMemory::fetchClassOf(oopSubString) != oteReceiver->m_oteClass)
		return primitiveFailure(2);

	// We know it can't be a SmallInteger because it has the same class as the receiver
	BytesOTE* oteSubString = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(oopSubString);

	VariantByteObject* bytesPattern = oteSubString->m_location;
	VariantByteObject* bytesReceiver = oteReceiver->m_location;
	const int M = oteSubString->bytesSize();
	const int N = oteReceiver->bytesSize();

	// Check 'startingAt' is in range
	if (startingAt < 1 || startingAt > N)
		return primitiveFailure(1);	// out of bounds

	int nOffset = M == 0 || ((startingAt + M) - 1 > N)
					? -1 
					: stringSearch(bytesReceiver->m_fields, N, bytesPattern->m_fields, M, startingAt - 1);
	*(sp-2) = ObjectMemoryIntegerObjectOf(nOffset+1);
	return sp-2;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Uses object identity to locate the next occurrence of the argument in the receiver from
// the specified index to the specified index
Oop* __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveNextIndexOfFromTo()
	Oop integerPointer = stackTop();
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(0);				// to not an integer
	const SMALLINTEGER to = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	integerPointer = stackValue(1);
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(1);				// from not an integer
	SMALLINTEGER from = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	Oop valuePointer = stackValue(2);
	OTE* receiverPointer = reinterpret_cast<OTE*>(stackValue(3));

//	#ifdef _DEBUG
		if (ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(receiverPointer))
			return primitiveFailure(2);				// Not valid for SmallIntegers
//	#endif

	Oop answer = ZeroPointer;
	if (to >= from)
		if (!receiverPointer->isPointers())
			// Search a byte object
			BytesOTE* oteBytes = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(receiverPointer);

			if (ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(valuePointer))// Arg MUST be an Integer to be a member
				const MWORD byteValue = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(valuePointer);
				if (byteValue < 256)	// Only worth looking for 0..255
					const SMALLINTEGER length = oteBytes->bytesSize();
					// We can only be in here if to>=from, so if to>=1, then => from >= 1
					// furthermore if to <= length then => from <= length
					if (from < 1 || to > length)
						return primitiveFailure(2);

					// Search is in bounds, lets do it
					VariantByteObject* bytes = oteBytes->m_location;

					while (from < to)
						if (bytes->m_fields[from++] == byteValue)
							answer = ObjectMemoryIntegerObjectOf(from);
			// Search a pointer object - but only the indexable vars
			PointersOTE* oteReceiver = reinterpret_cast<PointersOTE*>(receiverPointer);
			VariantObject* receiver = oteReceiver->m_location;
			Behavior* behavior = receiverPointer->m_oteClass->m_location;
			const MWORD length = oteReceiver->pointersSize();
			const MWORD fixedFields = behavior->m_instanceSpec.m_fixedFields;

			// Similar reasoning with to/from as for byte objects, but here we need to
			// take account of the fixed fields.
			if (from < 1 || (to + fixedFields > length))
				return primitiveFailure(2);	// Out of bounds

			Oop* indexedFields = receiver->m_fields + fixedFields;
			while (from < to)
				if (indexedFields[from++] == valuePointer)
					answer = ObjectMemoryIntegerObjectOf(from);

		answer = ZeroPointer; 		// Range is non-inclusive, cannot be there

	stackValue(3) = answer;
	return primitiveSuccess(3);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//	This is a double dispatched primitive which knows that the argument is a byte object (though
//	we still check this to avoid GPFs), and the receiver is guaranteed to be a byte object. e.g.
//		aByteObject replaceBytesOf: anOtherByteObject from: start to: stop startingAt: startAt
BOOL __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveReplaceBytes()
	Oop integerPointer = stackTop();
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(0);	// startAt is not an integer
	SMALLINTEGER startAt = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	integerPointer = stackValue(1);
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(1);	// stop is not an integer
	SMALLINTEGER stop = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	integerPointer = stackValue(2);
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(2);	// start is not an integer
	SMALLINTEGER start = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	OTE* argPointer = reinterpret_cast<OTE*>(stackValue(3));
	if (ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(argPointer) || !argPointer->isBytes())
		return primitiveFailure(3);	// Argument MUST be a byte object

	// Empty move if stop before start, is considered valid regardless (strange but true)
	// this is the convention adopted by most implementations.
	if (stop >= start)
		if (startAt < 1 || start < 1)
			return primitiveFailure(4);		// Out-of-bounds

		// We still permit the argument to be an address to cut down on the number of primitives
		// and double dispatch methods we must implement (2 rather than 4)
		BYTE* pTo;

		Behavior* behavior = argPointer->m_oteClass->m_location;
		if (behavior->isIndirect())
			AddressOTE* oteBytes = reinterpret_cast<AddressOTE*>(argPointer);
			// We don't know how big the object is the argument points at, so cannot check length
			// against stop point
			pTo = static_cast<BYTE*>(oteBytes->m_location->m_pointer);
			// We can test that we're not going to write off the end of the argument
			int length = argPointer->bytesSize();

			// We can only be in here if stop>=start, so => stop-start >= 0
			// therefore if startAt >= 1 then => stopAt >= 1, for similar
			// reasons (since stopAt >= startAt) we don't need to test 
			// that startAt <= length
			if (stop > length)
				return primitiveFailure(4);		// Bounds error

			VariantByteObject* argBytes = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(argPointer)->m_location;
			pTo = argBytes->m_fields;

		BytesOTE* receiverPointer = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(stackValue(4));

		// Now validate that the interval specified for copying from the receiver
		// is within the bounds of the receiver (we've already tested startAt)
			int length = receiverPointer->bytesSize();
			// We can only be in here if stop>=start, so if start>=1, then => stop >= 1
			// furthermore if stop <= length then => start <= length
			int stopAt = startAt+stop-start;
			if (stopAt > length)
				return primitiveFailure(4);

		// Only works for byte objects
		VariantByteObject* receiverBytes = receiverPointer->m_location;
		#ifdef _DEBUG
			Behavior* behavior = receiverPointer->m_oteClass->m_location;

		BYTE* pFrom = receiverBytes->m_fields;

		memmove(pTo+start-1, pFrom+startAt-1, stop-start+1);

	// Answers the argument by moving it down over the receiver
	stackValue(4) = reinterpret_cast<Oop>(argPointer);
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
OTE* ObjectMemory::CopyElements(OTE* oteObj, MWORD startingAt, MWORD count)
	// Note that startingAt is expected to be a zero-based index
	ASSERT(startingAt >= 0);
	OTE* oteSlice;

	if (oteObj->isBytes())
		BytesOTE* oteBytes = reinterpret_cast<BytesOTE*>(oteObj);
		size_t elementSize = ObjectMemory::GetBytesElementSize(oteBytes);

		if (count == 0 || ((startingAt + count) * elementSize <= oteBytes->bytesSize()))
			MWORD objectSize = elementSize * count;

			if (oteBytes->m_flags.m_weakOrZ)
				// TODO: Allocate the correct number of null term bytes based on the encoding
				auto newBytes = static_cast<VariantByteObject*>(allocObject(objectSize + NULLTERMSIZE, oteSlice));
				// When copying strings, the slices has the same string class
				(oteSlice->m_oteClass = oteBytes->m_oteClass)->countUp();
				memcpy(newBytes->m_fields, oteBytes->m_location->m_fields + (startingAt * elementSize), objectSize);
				*reinterpret_cast<NULLTERMTYPE*>(&newBytes->m_fields[objectSize]) = 0;
				return oteSlice;
				VariantByteObject* newBytes = static_cast<VariantByteObject*>(allocObject(objectSize, oteSlice));
				// When copying bytes, the slice is always a ByteArray
				oteSlice->m_oteClass = Pointers.ClassByteArray;
				memcpy(newBytes->m_fields, oteBytes->m_location->m_fields + (startingAt * elementSize), objectSize);
				return oteSlice;
		// Pointers
		PointersOTE* otePointers = reinterpret_cast<PointersOTE*>(oteObj);
		BehaviorOTE* oteClass = otePointers->m_oteClass;
		InstanceSpecification instSpec = oteClass->m_location->m_instanceSpec;
		if (instSpec.m_indexable)
			startingAt += instSpec.m_fixedFields;

			if (count == 0 || (startingAt + count) <= otePointers->pointersSize())
				MWORD objectSize = SizeOfPointers(count);
				auto pSlice = static_cast<VariantObject*>(allocObject(objectSize, oteSlice));
				// When copying pointers, the slice is always an Array
				oteSlice->m_oteClass = Pointers.ClassArray;
				VariantObject* pSrc = otePointers->m_location;
				for (MWORD i = 0; i < count; i++)
					countUp(pSlice->m_fields[i] = pSrc->m_fields[startingAt + i]);
				return oteSlice;

	return nullptr;