Ejemplo n.º 1
	bool SubtitleFile::Lookup(float at, CAutoPtrList<Subtitle>& subs)
		if(!subs.IsEmpty()) {ASSERT(0); return false;}

		CAtlList<SegmentItem> sis;
		m_segments.Lookup(at, sis);

		POSITION pos = sis.GetHeadPosition();
			SegmentItem& si = sis.GetNext(pos);

			CAutoPtr<Subtitle> s(DNew Subtitle(this));

			if(s->Parse(si.pDef, si.start, si.stop, at))
				for(POSITION pos = subs.GetHeadPosition(); pos; subs.GetNext(pos))
					if(s->m_layer < subs.GetAt(pos)->m_layer)
						subs.InsertBefore(pos, s);


		return !subs.IsEmpty();
Ejemplo n.º 2
	RenderedSubtitle* Renderer::Lookup(const Subtitle* s, const CSize& vs, const CRect& vr)
		m_sra.UpdateTarget(vs, vr);

		if(s->m_text.IsEmpty()) {
			return NULL;

		CRect spdrc = s->m_frame.reference == _T("video") ? vr : CRect(CPoint(0, 0), vs);

		if(spdrc.IsRectEmpty()) {
			return NULL;

		RenderedSubtitle* rs = NULL;

		if(m_rsc.Lookup(s->m_name, rs)) {
			if(!s->m_animated && rs->m_spdrc == spdrc) {
				return rs;


		const Style& style = s->m_text.GetHead().style;

		Size scale;

		scale.cx = (float)spdrc.Width() / s->m_frame.resolution.cx;
		scale.cy = (float)spdrc.Height() / s->m_frame.resolution.cy;

		CRect frame;

		frame.left = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.left + style.placement.margin.l * scale.cx) + 0.5);
		frame.top = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.top + style.placement.margin.t * scale.cy) + 0.5);
		frame.right = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.right - style.placement.margin.r * scale.cx) + 0.5);
		frame.bottom = (int)(64.0f * (spdrc.bottom - style.placement.margin.b * scale.cy) + 0.5);

		CRect clip;

		if(style.placement.clip.l == -1) {
			clip.left = 0;
		} else {
			clip.left = (int)(spdrc.left + style.placement.clip.l * scale.cx);
		if(style.placement.clip.t == -1) {
			clip.top = 0;
		} else {
			clip.top = (int)(spdrc.top + style.placement.clip.t * scale.cy);
		if(style.placement.clip.r == -1) {
			clip.right = vs.cx;
		} else {
			clip.right = (int)(spdrc.left + style.placement.clip.r * scale.cx);
		if(style.placement.clip.b == -1) {
			clip.bottom = vs.cy;
		} else {
			clip.bottom = (int)(spdrc.top + style.placement.clip.b * scale.cy);

		clip.left = max(clip.left, 0);
		clip.top = max(clip.top, 0);
		clip.right = min(clip.right, vs.cx);
		clip.bottom = min(clip.bottom, vs.cy);

		scale.cx *= 64;
		scale.cy *= 64;

		bool vertical = s->m_direction.primary == _T("down") || s->m_direction.primary == _T("up");

		// create glyph paths

		WCHAR c_prev = 0, c_next;

		CAutoPtrList<Glyph> glyphs;

		POSITION pos = s->m_text.GetHeadPosition();
		while(pos) {
			const Text& t = s->m_text.GetNext(pos);

			LOGFONT lf;
			memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf));
			lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
			_tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, CString(t.style.font.face));
			lf.lfHeight = (LONG)(t.style.font.size * scale.cy + 0.5);
			lf.lfWeight = (LONG)(t.style.font.weight + 0.5);
			lf.lfItalic = !!t.style.font.italic;
			lf.lfUnderline = !!t.style.font.underline;
			lf.lfStrikeOut = !!t.style.font.strikethrough;
			lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS;
			lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
			lf.lfQuality = ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
			lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE;

			FontWrapper* font = m_fc.Create(m_hDC, lf);

			if(!font) {
				_tcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, _T("Arial"));

				font = m_fc.Create(m_hDC, lf);
				if(!font) {

			HFONT hOldFont = SelectFont(m_hDC, *font);

			const TEXTMETRIC& tm = font->GetTextMetric();

			for(LPCWSTR c = t.str; *c; c++) {
				CAutoPtr<Glyph> g(DNew Glyph());

				g->c = *c;
				g->style = t.style;
				g->scale = scale;
				g->vertical = vertical;
				g->font = font;

				c_next = !c[1] && pos ? c_next = s->m_text.GetAt(pos).str[0] : c[1];
				Arabic::Replace(g->c, c_prev, c_next);
				c_prev = c[0];

				CSize extent;
				GetTextExtentPoint32W(m_hDC, &g->c, 1, &extent);
				ASSERT(extent.cx >= 0 && extent.cy >= 0);

				if(vertical) {
					g->spacing = (int)(t.style.font.spacing * scale.cy + 0.5);
					g->ascent = extent.cx / 2;
					g->descent = extent.cx - g->ascent;
					g->width = extent.cy;

					// TESTME
					if(g->c == Text::SP) {
						g->width /= 2;
				} else {
					g->spacing = (int)(t.style.font.spacing * scale.cx + 0.5);
					g->ascent = tm.tmAscent;
					g->descent = tm.tmDescent;
					g->width = extent.cx;

				if(g->c == Text::LSEP) {
					g->spacing = 0;
					g->width = 0;
					g->ascent /= 2;
					g->descent /= 2;
				} else {
					GlyphPath* path = m_gpc.Create(m_hDC, font, g->c);
					if(!path) {
					g->path = *path;


			SelectFont(m_hDC, hOldFont);

		// break glyphs into rows

		CAutoPtrList<Row> rows;
		CAutoPtr<Row> row;

		pos = glyphs.GetHeadPosition();
		while(pos) {
			CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = glyphs.GetNext(pos);
			if(!row) {
				row.Attach(DNew Row());
			WCHAR c = g->c;
			if(c == Text::LSEP || !pos) {

		// kerning

		if(s->m_direction.primary == _T("right")) { // || s->m_direction.primary == _T("left")
			for(POSITION rpos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); rpos; rows.GetNext(rpos)) {
				Row* r = rows.GetAt(rpos);

				POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition();
				while(gpos) {
					Glyph* g1 = r->GetNext(gpos);
					if(!gpos) {

					Glyph* g2 = r->GetAt(gpos);
					if(g1->font != g2->font || !g1->style.font.kerning || !g2->style.font.kerning) {

					if(int size = g1->font->GetKernAmount(g1->c, g2->c)) {
						g2->path.MovePoints(CPoint(size, 0));
						g2->width += size;

		// wrap rows

		if(s->m_wrap == _T("normal") || s->m_wrap == _T("even")) {
			int maxwidth = abs((int)(vertical ? frame.Height() : frame.Width()));
			int minwidth = 0;

			for(POSITION rpos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); rpos; rows.GetNext(rpos)) {
				Row* r = rows.GetAt(rpos);

				POSITION brpos = NULL;

				if(s->m_wrap == _T("even")) {
					int fullwidth = 0;

					for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
						const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos);

						fullwidth += g->width + g->spacing;

					fullwidth = abs(fullwidth);

					if(fullwidth > maxwidth) {
						maxwidth = fullwidth / ((fullwidth / maxwidth) + 1);
						minwidth = maxwidth;

				int width = 0;

				for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
					const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos);

					width += g->width + g->spacing;

					if(brpos && abs(width) > maxwidth && g->c != Text::SP) {
						row.Attach(DNew Row());
						POSITION next = brpos;
						do {
						} while(brpos);
						rows.InsertBefore(rpos, row);
						while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetHeadPosition() != next) {
						g = r->GetAt(gpos = next);
						width = g->width + g->spacing;

					if(abs(width) >= minwidth) {
						if(g->style.linebreak == _T("char")
								|| g->style.linebreak == _T("word") && g->c == Text::SP) {
							brpos = gpos;

		// trim rows

		for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) {
			Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos);

			while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetHead()->c == Text::SP) {

			while(!r->IsEmpty() && r->GetTail()->c == Text::SP) {

		// calc fill width for each glyph

		CAtlList<Glyph*> glypsh2fill;
		int fill_id = 0;
		int fill_width = 0;

		for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) {
			Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos);

			POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition();
			while(gpos) {
				Glyph* g = r->GetNext(gpos);

				if(!glypsh2fill.IsEmpty() && fill_id && (g->style.fill.id != fill_id || !pos && !gpos)) {
					int w = (int)(g->style.fill.width * fill_width + 0.5);

					while(!glypsh2fill.IsEmpty()) {
						Glyph* g = glypsh2fill.RemoveTail();
						fill_width -= g->width;
						g->fill = w - fill_width;

					ASSERT(fill_width == 0);

					fill_width = 0;

				fill_id = g->style.fill.id;

				if(g->style.fill.id) {
					fill_width += g->width;

		// calc row sizes and total subtitle size

		CSize size(0, 0);

		if(s->m_direction.secondary == _T("left") || s->m_direction.secondary == _T("up")) {

		for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) {
			Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos);

			if(s->m_direction.primary == _T("left") || s->m_direction.primary == _T("up")) {

			int w = 0, h = 0;

			r->width = 0;

			for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
				const Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos);

				w += g->width;
				if(gpos) {
					w += g->spacing;
				h = max(h, g->ascent + g->descent);

				r->width += g->width;
				if(gpos) {
					r->width += g->spacing;
				r->ascent = max(r->ascent, g->ascent);
				r->descent = max(r->descent, g->descent);
				r->border = max(r->border, g->GetBackgroundSize());

			for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
				Glyph* g = r->GetAt(gpos);
				g->row_ascent = r->ascent;
				g->row_descent = r->descent;

			if(vertical) {
				size.cx += h;
				size.cy = max(size.cy, w);
			} else {
				size.cx = max(size.cx, w);
				size.cy += h;

		// align rows and calc glyph positions

		rs = DNew RenderedSubtitle(spdrc, clip);

		CPoint p = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, size);
		CPoint org = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame);

		// collision detection

		if(!s->m_animated) {
			int tlb = !rows.IsEmpty() ? rows.GetHead()->border : 0;
			int brb = !rows.IsEmpty() ? rows.GetTail()->border : 0;

			CRect r(p, size);
			m_sra.GetRect(r, s, style.placement.align, tlb, brb);
			org += r.TopLeft() - p;
			p = r.TopLeft();

		CRect subrect(p, size);

		// continue positioning

		for(POSITION pos = rows.GetHeadPosition(); pos; rows.GetNext(pos)) {
			Row* r = rows.GetAt(pos);

			CSize rsize;
			rsize.cx = rsize.cy = r->width;

			if(vertical) {
				p.y = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, rsize).y;

				for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
					CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = r->GetAt(gpos);
					g->tl.x = p.x + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.x * scale.cx + 0.5) + r->ascent - g->ascent;
					g->tl.y = p.y + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.y * scale.cy + 0.5);
					p.y += g->width + g->spacing;

				p.x += r->ascent + r->descent;
			} else {
				p.x = GetAlignPoint(style.placement, scale, frame, rsize).x;

				for(POSITION gpos = r->GetHeadPosition(); gpos; r->GetNext(gpos)) {
					CAutoPtr<Glyph> g = r->GetAt(gpos);
					g->tl.x = p.x + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.x * scale.cx + 0.5);
					g->tl.y = p.y + (int)(g->style.placement.offset.y * scale.cy + 0.5) + r->ascent - g->ascent;
					p.x += g->width + g->spacing;

				p.y += r->ascent + r->descent;

		// bkg, precalc style.placement.path, transform

		pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition();
		while(pos) {
			Glyph* g = rs->m_glyphs.GetNext(pos);
			g->Transform(org, subrect);

		// merge glyphs (TODO: merge 'fill' too)

		Glyph* g0 = NULL;

		pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition();
		while(pos) {
			POSITION cur = pos;

			Glyph* g = rs->m_glyphs.GetNext(pos);

			CRect r = g->bbox + g->tl;

			int size = (int)(g->GetBackgroundSize() + 0.5);
			int depth = (int)(g->GetShadowDepth() + 0.5);

			r.InflateRect(size, size);
			r.InflateRect(depth, depth);

			r.left >>= 6;
			r.top >>= 6;
			r.right = (r.right + 32) >> 6;
			r.bottom = (r.bottom + 32) >> 6;

			if((r & clip).IsRectEmpty()) { // clip
			} else if(g0 && g0->style.IsSimilar(g->style)) { // append
				CPoint o = g->tl - g0->tl;





				g0->bbox |= g->bbox + o;

			} else { // leave alone
				g0 = g;

		// rasterize

		pos = rs->m_glyphs.GetHeadPosition();
		while(pos) {

		// cache

		m_rsc.Add(s->m_name, rs);


		return rs;