Ejemplo n.º 1
CBotFunction* CBotFunction::FindLocalOrPublic(long& nIdent, const char* name, CBotVar** ppVars, CBotTypResult& TypeOrError, bool bPublic)
    TypeOrError.SetType(TX_UNDEFCALL);      // no routine of the name
    CBotFunction*   pt;

    if ( nIdent )
        if ( this != NULL ) for ( pt = this ; pt != NULL ; pt = pt->m_next )
            if ( pt->m_nFuncIdent == nIdent )
                TypeOrError = pt->m_retTyp;
                return pt;

        // search the list of public functions

        for ( pt = m_listPublic ; pt != NULL ; pt = pt->m_nextpublic )
            if ( pt->m_nFuncIdent == nIdent )
                TypeOrError = pt->m_retTyp;
                return pt;

    if ( name == NULL ) return NULL;

    int     delta   = 99999;                // seeks the lowest signature
    CBotFunction*   pFunc = NULL;           // the best function found

    if ( this != NULL )
        for ( pt = this ; pt != NULL ; pt = pt->m_next )
            if ( pt->m_token.GetString() == name )
                int i = 0;
                int alpha = 0;                          // signature of parameters
                // parameters are compatible?
                CBotDefParam* pv = pt->m_Param;         // expected list of parameters
                CBotVar* pw = ppVars[i++];              // provided list parameter
                while ( pv != NULL && pw != NULL)
                    if (!TypesCompatibles(pv->GetTypResult(), pw->GetTypResult()))
                        if ( pFunc == NULL ) TypeOrError = TX_BADPARAM;
                    int d = pv->GetType() - pw->GetType(2);
                    alpha += d>0 ? d : -10*d;       // quality loss, 10 times more expensive!

                    pv = pv->GetNext();
                    pw = ppVars[i++];
                if ( pw != NULL ) 
                    if ( pFunc != NULL ) continue;
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_LOWPARAM) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_NUMPARAM);
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_UNDEFCALL)) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_OVERPARAM);
                    continue;                   // too many parameters
                if ( pv != NULL )
                    if ( pFunc != NULL ) continue;
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_OVERPARAM) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_NUMPARAM);
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_UNDEFCALL) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_LOWPARAM);
                    continue;                   // not enough parameters

                if (alpha == 0)                 // perfect signature
                    nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
                    TypeOrError = pt->m_retTyp;
                    return pt;

                if ( alpha < delta )            // a better signature?
                    pFunc = pt;
                    delta = alpha;

    if ( bPublic )
        for ( pt = m_listPublic ; pt != NULL ; pt = pt->m_nextpublic )
            if ( pt->m_token.GetString() == name )
                int i = 0;
                int alpha = 0;                          // signature of parameters
                // parameters sont-ils compatibles ?
                CBotDefParam* pv = pt->m_Param;         // list of expected parameters
                CBotVar* pw = ppVars[i++];              // list of provided parameters
                while ( pv != NULL && pw != NULL)
                    if (!TypesCompatibles(pv->GetTypResult(), pw->GetTypResult()))
                        if ( pFunc == NULL ) TypeOrError = TX_BADPARAM;
                    int d = pv->GetType() - pw->GetType(2);
                    alpha += d>0 ? d : -10*d;       // quality loss, 10 times more expensive!

                    pv = pv->GetNext();
                    pw = ppVars[i++];
                if ( pw != NULL ) 
                    if ( pFunc != NULL ) continue;
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_LOWPARAM) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_NUMPARAM);
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_UNDEFCALL)) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_OVERPARAM);
                    continue;                   // to many parameters
                if ( pv != NULL )
                    if ( pFunc != NULL ) continue;
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_OVERPARAM) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_NUMPARAM);
                    if ( TypeOrError.Eq(TX_UNDEFCALL) ) TypeOrError.SetType(TX_LOWPARAM);
                    continue;                   // not enough parameters

                if (alpha == 0)                 // perfect signature
                    nIdent = pt->m_nFuncIdent;
                    TypeOrError = pt->m_retTyp;
                    return pt;

                if ( alpha < delta )            // a better signature?
                    pFunc = pt;
                    delta = alpha;

    if ( pFunc != NULL )
        nIdent = pFunc->m_nFuncIdent;
        TypeOrError = pFunc->m_retTyp;
        return pFunc;
    return NULL;