Ejemplo n.º 1
OVERSKETCH::match_substrip(CPIXEL_list& pts, CBvert_list& chain, EdgeStrip& strip)
   err_adv(debug, "OVERSKETCH::match_substrip:");
   if (!chain.forms_chain()) {
      err_adv(debug, "  non-chain");
      return false;

   const double MAX_DIST = 8;

   PIXEL_list chain_path(chain.wpts());

   int k0 = get_near_index(chain_path, pts.front(), MAX_DIST);
   int k1 = get_near_index(chain_path, pts.back(),  MAX_DIST);

   if (!(0 <= k0 && k0 < (int)chain.size() && 0 <= k1 && k1 < (int)chain.size())) {
      err_adv(debug, "  bad k0/k1: %d/%d", k0, k1);
      return false;
   } if (k0 == k1) {
      err_adv(debug, "  bad k0/k1: %d == %d", k0, k1);
      return false;

   make_strip(chain, k0, k1, strip);

   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline void
show_yardstick(CBvert_list& verts, double yardstick)
   vector<Wline> lines(verts.size());
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++)
      lines[i] = Wline(verts[i]->loc(), verts[i]->norm()*yardstick);
   GL_VIEW::draw_lines(lines, Color::yellow, 0.8, 1, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline Bvert_list
copy_verts(CBvert_list& verts, LMESHptr mesh)
   Bvert_list ret(verts.size());
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++) {
   return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
inline void
show_verts(CBvert_list& verts, int size, CCOLOR& c0, CCOLOR& c1)
   if (verts.empty())
   if (verts.size() == 1)
      show_vert(verts[0], size, c0);

   // ramp the colors
   double di = 1.0/(verts.size()-1);
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++)
      show_vert(verts[i], size, interp(c0, c1, i*di));
Ejemplo n.º 5
inline void
update_verts(CBvert_list& verts)
   // helper for LMESH::update_subdivision(CBface_list& faces)
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++)
Ejemplo n.º 6
inline void
add_shading(CBvert_list& verts, Wvec l, CCOLOR& col, double s = 1.0)
   // normalize the "light" vector:

   l = l.normalized();
   for (size_t i=0; i<verts.size(); i++) {
      double a = pow(max(l * verts[i]->norm(), 0.0), s);
      if (a > 0)
         verts[i]->set_color(interp(verts[i]->color(), col, a), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
inline void
clear_face_flags(CBvert_list& verts)
   // Helper method used below in get_parents();
   // clear flags of faces adjacent to the given vertices,
   // including faces that are not stricly adjacent, but
   // that are part of a quad that contains the vertex.

   Bface_list star;
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
inline void
   CBvert_list& verts,
   CVertMapper& tmap,
   CVertMapper& bmap,
   CWvec& n,
   Primitive* p
   assert(tmap.is_valid() && bmap.is_valid());

   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++) {
      define_offset(verts[i], tmap, bmap, n, p);
Ejemplo n.º 9
inline Bface_list
get_q_faces(CBvert_list& verts)
   // Helper method used below in get_parents();
   // return all faces adjacent to the given vertices,
   // including faces that are not stricly adjacent, but
   // that are part of a quad that contains the vertex.

   Bface_list ret, star;
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++) {
      try_append(ret, star);
   return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 10
inline void
get_parents(CBvert_list& verts, Bvert_list& vp, Bedge_list& ep)
   // Helper method used below in get_parents();
   // from the given list of vertices, return the parent
   // simplices in two lists: one of Lverts, one of Ledges.

   if (verts.empty())


   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<verts.size(); i++)
      add_p((Lvert*)verts[i], vp, ep);
Ejemplo n.º 11
OVERSKETCH::apply_offsets(CBvert_list& sil_verts, const vector<double>& sil_offsets)
   // XXX - preliminary...

   assert(sil_verts.size() == sil_offsets.size());

   // Expand region around oversketched silhouette verts.
   // XXX - Should compute the one-ring size, not use "3"
   Bface_list region = sil_verts.one_ring_faces().n_ring_faces(3);

   // Find the minimum distance to the silhouette verts from the
   // outer boundary of the region
   Wpt_list sil_path = sil_verts.pts();
   double R = min_dist(region.get_boundary().verts().pts(), sil_path);

   Bvert_list region_verts = region.get_verts();
   Wpt_list   new_locs     = region_verts.pts();
   vector<double> offsets;
   for (Bvert_list::size_type i=0; i<region_verts.size(); i++) {
      Wpt foo;
      int k = -1;
      double d = sil_path.closest(region_verts[i]->loc(), foo, k);
      if (k < 0 || k >= (int)sil_offsets.size()) {
         err_adv(debug, "OVERSKETCH::apply_offsets: error: can't find closest");
      double s = swell_profile(d/R);
      double h = sil_offsets[k] * s;
//      err_adv(debug, "  d: %f, d/R: %f, s: %f", d, d/R, s);
      new_locs[i] += region_verts[i]->norm()*h;
//       WORLD::show(region_verts[i]->loc(), new_locs[i], 1);

   // now apply new locs
//   FIT_VERTS_CMDptr cmd = make_shared<FIT_VERTS_CMD>(region_verts, new_locs);
   SUBDIV_OFFSET_CMDptr cmd = make_shared<SUBDIV_OFFSET_CMD>(region_verts, offsets);

   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
SubdivUpdater::SubdivUpdater(LMESHptr m, CBvert_list& verts) :
   // Screened in SubdivUpdater::create():
   assert(m && m == verts.mesh());

   _mesh = m;
   _verts = verts;

   // Get bbases, add to inputs
   _inputs = Bbase::find_owners(verts).bnodes();

   if (debug) {
      cerr << "  "; print_dependencies();
      err_msg("  level %d, %d verts, %d boss memes",
              m->subdiv_level(), verts.size(),

   // If not covered, create parent
   if (!Bbase::is_covered(verts)) {
      // Get parent verts list
      Bvert_list parents = LMESH::get_subdiv_inputs(verts);

      // If non-empty create parent SubdivUpdater
      if (!parents.empty()) {

         // Create parent subdiv updater on parent verts
         // and add to _inputs
         _parent = create(parents);
         _inputs += _parent;


Ejemplo n.º 13
LMESH::get_subdiv_inputs(CBvert_list& verts)
   static bool debug = Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_LMESH_SUBDIV_INPUTS",false);

   // Given a set of vertices from the same LMESH, return
   // the vertices of the parent LMESH that affect the
   // subdivision locations of the given vertices.

   // Require verts share common LMESH
   // XXX - could relax this, provided we test each Bvert
   //       to ensure it is really an Lvert.
   if (!dynamic_pointer_cast<LMESH>(verts.mesh()))
      return Bvert_list();

   // Get direct parent vertices and edges
   Bvert_list vp;       // vertex parents
   Bedge_list ep;       // edge parents
   get_parents(verts, vp, ep);

   err_adv(debug, "%d verts: parents: %d verts, %d edges",
           verts.size(), vp.size(), ep.size());

   // Clear flags of all adjacent faces

   // Put all adjacent faces into a list
   Bface_list faces = get_q_faces(vp);
   err_adv(debug, "parent faces from verts: %d", faces.size());
   try_append(faces, ep.get_primary_faces());
   err_adv(debug, "parent faces from edges too: %d", faces.size());

   // Pull out the vertices:
   return faces.get_verts();
Ejemplo n.º 14
inline void
set_base_colors(CBvert_list& verts, CCOLOR& col)
   for (size_t i=0; i<verts.size(); i++)
      verts[i]->set_color(col, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
   CBvert_list& bottom,         // bottom row
   CBvert_list& top,            // top row
   CBvert_list& left,           // left column
   CBvert_list& right           // right column
   // Vertices of bottom and top run left to right.
   // On the left and right they run bottom to top.

   // Check everything is righteous:
   if (bottom.size() < 2                ||
       bottom.size() != top.size()      ||
       left.size() < 2                  ||
       left.size() != right.size()      ||
       bottom.front() != left.front()   ||
       bottom.back()  != right.front()  ||
       top.front()    != left.back()    ||
       top.back()     != right.back()   ||
       !bottom.same_mesh()              ||
       !top.same_mesh()                 ||
       !left.same_mesh()                ||
       !right.same_mesh()               ||
       bottom.mesh() == nullptr) {
      err_msg("BvertGrid::build: can't deal with CRAP input");

      std::ostream_iterator<Bvert*> err_it (std::cerr, ", ");

      cerr << "bottom: ";
      std::copy(bottom.begin(), bottom.end(), err_it);
      cerr << endl;

      cerr << "top:    ";
      std::copy(top.begin(), top.end(), err_it);
      cerr << endl;

      cerr << "left:   ";
      std::copy(left.begin(), left.end(), err_it);
      cerr << endl;

      cerr << "right:  ";
      std::copy(right.begin(), right.end(), err_it);
      cerr << endl;

      return false;

   // Wipe the old:

   // Build the new...
   //   bottom row:

   BMESHptr m = bottom.mesh();    assert(m);

   // Internal rows:
   for (Bvert_list::size_type j=1; j<left.size()-1; j++) {
      Bvert_list row;                    // vertices for row j
      row.push_back(left[j]);            // add first vertex for row j
      for (Bvert_list::size_type i=1; i<bottom.size()-1; i++)
         row.push_back(m->add_vertex()); // add internal vertices
      row.push_back(right[j]);           // add last vertex for row j

   // top row:

   // Now compute cached values:

   return true;