Ejemplo n.º 1
void CClientPedManager::RestreamPeds ( unsigned short usModel )
    // Store the affected vehicles
    CClientPed* pPed;
    std::vector < CClientPed* > ::const_iterator iter = IterBegin ();
    for ( ; iter != IterEnd (); iter++ )
        pPed = *iter;

        // Streamed in and same vehicle ID?
        if ( pPed->IsStreamedIn () && pPed->GetModel () == usModel )
            // Stream it out for a while until streamed decides to stream it
            // back in eventually
            pPed->StreamOutForABit ();
            // Hack fix for Players not unloading.
            if ( IS_PLAYER ( pPed ) )
                // Awesome hack skills + 1, change him to another model while we unload for the lulz
                // Translation: My hack level has increased to ninety eight and we need to wait a frame before reloading the model ID in question so that the custom model unloads properly.
                // To do this we set him to CJ (Impossible to mod to my knowledge) and then set him back in CPed::StreamedInPulse
                pPed->SetModel ( 0, true );
// CClientModelCacheManagerImpl::ProcessPedList
void CClientModelCacheManagerImpl::ProcessPedList(std::map<ushort, float>& outNeedCacheList, const std::vector<CClientPed*>& pedList,
                                                  float fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
    const ulong ulTimeNow = CClientTime::GetTime();
    for (std::vector<CClientPed*>::const_iterator iter = pedList.begin(); iter != pedList.end(); ++iter)
        CClientPed*  pPed = *iter;
        const ushort usModelId = (ushort)pPed->GetModel();

        if (usModelId < 7 || usModelId > 312)

        // Check if currently within distance
            // Check distance
            CVector vecPosition;
            float fDistSq = (m_vecCameraPos - vecPosition).LengthSquared();
            if (fDistSq < fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
                // Add model to needed list
                InsertIntoNeedCacheList(outNeedCacheList, usModelId, fDistSq);
                AddProcessStat("p", true, PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE, usModelId, vecPosition, vecPosition);

        // Check if will be within distance soon
            // Extrapolate position for 2 seconds time
            ulong ulSyncAge = 0;
            if (ulSyncAge < 8000)
                // Get velocity
                CVector vecVelocity;
                vecVelocity *= m_fGameFps;

                // Extrapolate position for 2 seconds time
                float   fSecondsToAdd = std::min(6000UL, ulSyncAge + 2000) * 0.001f;
                CVector vecPosition;
                CVector vecNewPosition = vecPosition + vecVelocity * fSecondsToAdd;

                // Check distance
                float fDistSq = (m_vecCameraPos - vecNewPosition).LengthSquared();
                if (fDistSq < fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
                    // Add model to needed list
                    InsertIntoNeedCacheList(outNeedCacheList, usModelId, fDistSq);
                    AddProcessStat("l", true, PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE, usModelId, vecPosition, vecNewPosition);
                AddProcessStat("n", false, PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE, usModelId, vecPosition, vecNewPosition);