Ejemplo n.º 1
void CClientStreamer::Restream ( bool bMovedFar )
    // Limit distance stream in/out rate
    // Vehicles might have to ignore this to reduce blocking loads elsewhere.
    int iMaxOut = 6;
    int iMaxIn = 6;
    if ( bMovedFar )
        iMaxOut = 1000;
        iMaxIn = 1000;

    // Do we have any elements waiting to be streamed out?
    while ( !m_ToStreamOut.empty () )
        CClientStreamElement* pElement = m_ToStreamOut.front ();
        // Make sure we have no stream-references
        if ( pElement->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
            // Stream out 1 of them per frame
            pElement->InternalStreamOut ();
        m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pElement );

        if ( iMaxOut <= 0 )

    static std::vector < CClientStreamElement* > ClosestStreamedOutList;
    static std::vector < CClientStreamElement* > FurthestStreamedInList;

    bool bReachedLimit = ReachedLimit ();
    // Loop through our active elements list (they should be ordered closest to furthest)
    list < CClientStreamElement* > ::iterator iter = m_ActiveElements.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_ActiveElements.end (); iter++ )
        CClientStreamElement* pElement = *iter;
        float fElementDistanceExp = pElement->GetExpDistance ();
        // Is this element streamed in?
        if ( pElement->IsStreamedIn () )
            if ( IS_VEHICLE ( pElement ) )
                CClientVehicle* pVehicle = DynamicCast < CClientVehicle > ( pElement );
                if ( pVehicle )
                    if ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) && IS_PLAYER ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) ) )
                        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) );
                        if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                            // if the last packet was ls he shouldn't be streamed in
                            m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );

                    // Is this a trailer?
                    if ( pVehicle->GetTowedByVehicle ( ) != NULL )
                        // Don't stream it out (this is handled by the towing vehicle)
            if ( IS_PLAYER ( pElement ) )
                CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pElement );
                if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                    // if the last packet was ls he isn't/shouldn't be streamed in
                    m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );
            // Too far away? Use the threshold so we won't flicker load it if it's on the border moving.
            if ( fElementDistanceExp > m_fMaxDistanceThreshold )
                // Unstream it now?
                if ( iMaxOut > 0 )
                    // Make sure we have no stream-references
                    if ( pElement->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
                        // Stream out now
                        pElement->InternalStreamOut ();
                    m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pElement );
                    // or later
                    m_ToStreamOut.push_back ( pElement );
                FurthestStreamedInList.push_back( pElement );
            // Same dimension as us?
            if ( pElement->GetDimension () == m_usDimension )
                // Too far away? Stop here.
                if ( fElementDistanceExp > m_fMaxDistanceExp )

                if ( IS_VEHICLE ( pElement ) )
                    CClientVehicle* pVehicle = DynamicCast < CClientVehicle > ( pElement );
                    if ( pVehicle && pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) && IS_PLAYER ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) ))
                        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pVehicle->GetOccupant ( ) );
                        if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                            // if the last packet was ls he isn't streaming in soon.

                    if ( pVehicle && pVehicle->GetTowedByVehicle ( ) )
                        // Streaming in of towed vehicles is done in CClientVehicle::StreamIn by the towing vehicle
                if ( IS_PLAYER ( pElement ) )
                    CClientPlayer* pPlayer = DynamicCast < CClientPlayer > ( pElement );
                    if ( pPlayer->GetLastPuresyncType ( ) == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC )
                        // if the last packet was ls he isn't streaming in soon.
                // If attached and attached-to is streamed out, don't consider for streaming in
                CClientStreamElement* pAttachedTo = DynamicCast< CClientStreamElement >( pElement->GetAttachedTo() );
                if ( pAttachedTo && !pAttachedTo->IsStreamedIn() )
                    // ...unless attached to low LOD version
                    CClientObject* pAttachedToObject = DynamicCast < CClientObject > ( pAttachedTo );
                    CClientObject* pObject = DynamicCast < CClientObject > ( pElement );
                    if ( !pObject || !pAttachedToObject || pObject->IsLowLod () == pAttachedToObject->IsLowLod () )

                // Not room to stream in more elements?
                if ( bReachedLimit )
                    // Add to the list that might be streamed in during the final phase
                    if ( (int)ClosestStreamedOutList.size() < iMaxIn )     // (only add if there is a chance it will be used)
                        ClosestStreamedOutList.push_back( pElement );
                    // Stream in the new element. Don't do it instantly unless moved from far away.
                    pElement->InternalStreamIn ( bMovedFar );
                    bReachedLimit = ReachedLimit ();

                    if ( !bReachedLimit )
                        if ( iMaxIn <= 0 )

    // Complex code of doom:
    //      ClosestStreamedOutList is {nearest to furthest} list of streamed out elements within streaming distance
    //      FurthestStreamedInList is {nearest to furthest} list of streamed in elements
    if ( bReachedLimit )
        // Check 'furthest streamed in' against 'closest streamed out' to see if the state can be swapped
        int iFurthestStreamedInIndex = FurthestStreamedInList.size() - 1;
        uint uiClosestStreamedOutIndex = 0;
        for( uint i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
            // Check limits for this frame
            if ( iMaxIn <= 0 || iMaxOut <= 0 )

            // Check indicies are valid
            if ( iFurthestStreamedInIndex < 0 )
            if ( uiClosestStreamedOutIndex >= ClosestStreamedOutList.size() )

            // See if ClosestStreamedOut is nearer than FurthestStreamedIn
            CClientStreamElement* pFurthestStreamedIn = FurthestStreamedInList[ iFurthestStreamedInIndex ];
            CClientStreamElement* pClosestStreamedOut = ClosestStreamedOutList[ uiClosestStreamedOutIndex ];
            if ( pClosestStreamedOut->GetExpDistance () >= pFurthestStreamedIn->GetExpDistance () )

            // Stream out FurthestStreamedIn candidate if possible
            if ( pFurthestStreamedIn->GetTotalStreamReferences () == 0 )
                // Stream out now
                pFurthestStreamedIn->InternalStreamOut ();
            m_ToStreamOut.remove ( pFurthestStreamedIn );
            iFurthestStreamedInIndex--;     // Always advance to the next candidate

            // Stream in ClosestStreamedOut candidate if possible
            if ( !ReachedLimit () )
                // Stream in the new element. No need to do it instantly unless moved from far away.
                pClosestStreamedOut->InternalStreamIn ( bMovedFar );
// CClientModelCacheManagerImpl::ProcessVehicleList
void CClientModelCacheManagerImpl::ProcessVehicleList(std::map<ushort, float>& outNeedCacheList, const std::vector<CClientVehicle*>& vehicleList,
                                                      float fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
    const ulong ulTimeNow = CClientTime::GetTime();
    for (std::vector<CClientVehicle*>::const_iterator iter = vehicleList.begin(); iter != vehicleList.end(); ++iter)
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = *iter;
        const ushort    usModelId = pVehicle->GetModel();

        if (usModelId < 400 || usModelId > 611)

        // Check if currently within distance
            // Check distance
            CVector vecPosition;
            float fDistSq = (m_vecCameraPos - vecPosition).LengthSquared();
            if (fDistSq < fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
                // Add model to needed list
                InsertIntoNeedCacheList(outNeedCacheList, usModelId, fDistSq);
                AddProcessStat("p", true, PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE, usModelId, vecPosition, vecPosition);

        CClientPlayer* pDriver = DynamicCast<CClientPlayer>(pVehicle->GetControllingPlayer());
        if (!pDriver)

        // Check if will be within distance soon
        ePuresyncType syncType = pDriver->GetLastPuresyncType();
        if (syncType == PURESYNC_TYPE_PURESYNC || syncType == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC)
            ulong ulSyncAge = ulTimeNow - pDriver->GetLastPuresyncTime();
            if (ulSyncAge < 8000)
                // Get velocity from somewhere
                CVector vecVelocity;
                if (syncType == PURESYNC_TYPE_LIGHTSYNC)
                    vecVelocity = pDriver->GetLightsyncCalcedVelocity();
                    vecVelocity *= m_fGameFps;

                // Extrapolate position for 2 seconds time
                float   fSecondsToAdd = std::min(6000UL, ulSyncAge + 2000) * 0.001f;
                CVector vecPosition;
                CVector vecNewPosition = vecPosition + vecVelocity * fSecondsToAdd;

                // Check distance
                float fDistSq = (m_vecCameraPos - vecNewPosition).LengthSquared();
                if (fDistSq < fMaxStreamDistanceSq)
                    // Add model to needed list
                    InsertIntoNeedCacheList(outNeedCacheList, usModelId, fDistSq);
                    AddProcessStat("l", true, syncType, usModelId, vecPosition, vecNewPosition);
                AddProcessStat("n", false, syncType, usModelId, vecPosition, vecNewPosition);