Ejemplo n.º 1
// DrawStatusLine():
//  Called to draw the Status Line.
void DrawStatusLine(LWControl *ctl, FreeKeyInterface *ui, DrMode mode) {
  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  int cx = CON_HOTX( ctl );
  int cy = CON_HOTY( ctl );
  int cw = CON_HOTW( ctl );
  int ch = CON_HOTH( ctl );

  if( fk_int->processing ) {
    // Progress Bar Drawing
    // Draw the bar
    df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 0, 60, 150, cx+1, cy+1,
                    (int)( (cw-2) * ((double)fk_int->progress_cur / (double)fk_int->progress_total) ), ch-2 );

    // Clear the area outside the bar
    df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 132, 130, 132, cx + (cw-2) * ((double)fk_int->progress_cur / (double)fk_int->progress_total) + 1, cy+1,
                    cw - (int)( ((double)(cw-2) * ((double)fk_int->progress_cur / (double)fk_int->progress_total)) - 2), ch-2 );

    // Write the name of the current object on the bar
    df->WriteText( fk_int->main_panel, fk_int->status_text, COLOR_WHITE, cx+4, cy );
  } else {
    // Standard Message Drawing
    if( fk_int->status_mode == STATUSMODE_ERROR ) {
      df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 175, 0, 0, cx+1, cy+1, cw-2, ch-2 );
      df->WriteText( fk_int->main_panel, fk_int->status_text, COLOR_LT_YELLOW, cx+4, cy );
    } else if( fk_int->status_mode == STATUSMODE_NOTICE ) {
      df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 200, 185, 0, cx+1, cy+1, cw-2, ch-2 );
      df->WriteText( fk_int->main_panel, fk_int->status_text, COLOR_BLACK, cx+4, cy );
    } else {  // Default to Info mode
      df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 132, 130, 132, cx+1, cy+1, cw-2, ch-2 );
      df->WriteText( fk_int->main_panel, fk_int->status_text, COLOR_BLACK, cx+4, cy );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// DrawProcessPanel():
//  Called to draw the Processing Panel
void DrawProcessPanel( LWPanelID panel, void *data, DrMode mode ) {
  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  int y  = CON_Y( fk_int->progress_bar );
  int pw = PAN_GETW( fk_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, fk_int->process_panel );
  df->WriteText( fk_int->process_panel, "Processing...", COLOR_BLACK,
                 (pw/2)-(df->TextWidth(fk_int->process_panel, "Processing..."))/2,
                  y-15 );

  df->WriteText( fk_int->process_panel, "(Press OK to abort)", COLOR_BLACK,
                 (pw/2)-(df->TextWidth(fk_int->process_panel, "(Press OK to abort)"))/2,
                  y+30 );

  processing_open = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// DrawKeysPanel():
//  Called to draw the Keyboard Help Panel
void DrawKeysPanel( LWPanelID panel, void *data, DrMode mode ) {
  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  int ph = PAN_GETH( fk_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, fk_int->keys_panel );
  int pw = PAN_GETW( fk_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, fk_int->keys_panel );

  const int column_center = 170;
  int y = 5;

  for( int i=0; keys_text[i] != NULL; i+=2 ) {
    df->WriteText( fk_int->keys_panel, keys_text[i], COLOR_WHITE,
             column_center - 5 - df->TextWidth(fk_int->about_panel, keys_text[i]), y );

    df->WriteText( fk_int->keys_panel, keys_text[i+1], COLOR_BLACK,
             column_center + 5, y );
    y += 15;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// DrawProgressBar():
//  Called to draw the Progress Bar.
void DrawProgressBar(LWControl *ctl, FreeKeyInterface *ui, DrMode mode) {
  if( !processing_open )

  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  int cx = CON_X( ctl );
  int cy = CON_Y( ctl );
  int cw = CON_W( ctl );
  int ch = CON_H( ctl );

  // Clear the control
  df->DrawBox( fk_int->process_panel, COLOR_BG, cx+1, cy+1, cw-2, ch-2 );

  // Draw the bar
  df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->process_panel, 0, 200, 200, cx+1, cy+1,
                  (cw-2) * (fk_int->progress_cur / fk_int->progress_total), ch-2 );

  // Write the name of the current object on the bar
  df->WriteText( fk_int->process_panel, fk_int->progress_name, COLOR_WHITE, cx, cy+2 );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// DrawMSZoom():
//  Draws the lower scroll bar in the MultiScroll
void DrawMSZoom() {
  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  int cx = CON_HOTX( fk_int->item_multiscroll );
  int cy = CON_HOTY( fk_int->item_multiscroll );
  int ch = CON_HOTH( fk_int->item_multiscroll );

  // Zoom Out
  PanelDraw::Button( fk_int->main_panel, df, cx+fk_int->ms_divider-25, cy, 20, ch, 1, 1,
                     LW_BUTTON_COLOR_PURPLE );
  int bx = cx+fk_int->ms_divider-25;
  PanelDraw::DrawArrow( fk_int->main_panel, df, bx+10, cy+(ch/2),
                        PanelDraw::arrow_toward_vert, PanelDraw::arrow_two_edges );

  // Zoom Slider
  PanelDraw::Button( fk_int->main_panel, df, cx+fk_int->ms_divider-105, cy, 80, ch, 1, 1,
                     LW_BUTTON_COLOR_GREEN );
  bx = cx+fk_int->ms_divider-105;

  df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel,  90, 105,  90, bx+8, cy+3, 64, 1 );
  df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel,  30,  60,  30, bx+8, cy+4, 64, 1 );
  df->DrawRGBBox( fk_int->main_panel, 222, 235, 222, bx+8, cy+5, 64, 1 );

  PanelDraw::DrawArrow( fk_int->main_panel, df, bx+70 - (int)( fk_int->ms_zoom * 60.0 ),
                        cy+(ch/2)+1, PanelDraw::arrow_up, PanelDraw::arrow_empty );

  // Zoom In
  PanelDraw::Button( fk_int->main_panel, df, cx+fk_int->ms_divider-125, cy, 20, ch, 1, 1,
                     LW_BUTTON_COLOR_PURPLE );
  bx = cx+fk_int->ms_divider-125;
  PanelDraw::DrawArrow( fk_int->main_panel, df, bx+10, cy+(ch/2),
                        PanelDraw::arrow_away_vert, PanelDraw::arrow_two_edges );

  // Zoom Factor Text
  char zoom_text[20];
  sprintf( zoom_text, "%g%%", fk_int->ms_zoom * 100.0 );
  df->WriteText( fk_int->main_panel, zoom_text, COLOR_LT_YELLOW, cx+3, cy );
Ejemplo n.º 6
// DrawRegisterPanel():
//  Called to draw the Register Panel
void DrawRegisterPanel( LWPanelID panel_id, void *panel_user, DrMode panel_draw_mode ) {
  CDrawFuncs *df = fk_int->panel_funcs->DrawFuncs;

  // Title Image
  logo.DrawInLWPanels( fk_int->fkd->register_panel, df, -280, 0 );

  int ph = PAN_GETH( fk_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, fk_int->fkd->register_panel );
  int pw = PAN_GETW( fk_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, fk_int->fkd->register_panel );

  int y = 85;

  for( int i=0; register_text[i] != NULL; i++ ) {
    df->WriteText( fk_int->fkd->register_panel, (char *)register_text[i], COLOR_BLACK,
                   (pw/2)-(df->TextWidth(fk_int->fkd->register_panel, (char *)(register_text[i]) ))/2,
                   y );
    y += 15;

  y = CON_Y( fk_int->fkd->register_now ) + 50;
  df->WriteText( fk_int->fkd->register_panel, (char *)trial_text, COLOR_BLACK,
                 (pw/2)-(df->TextWidth(fk_int->fkd->register_panel, (char *)(trial_text) ))/2,
                 y );