CBNet* Learn_process(const CBNet* pBnet)
	//start learning for this model
	//create WS BNet with different matrices

	std::cout<<"Learning procedure \n ";
	CGraph *pGraph = CGraph::Copy( pBnet->GetGraph() ); 
	CModelDomain *pMD = pBnet->GetModelDomain();

	CBNet* pLearnBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMD );

	//loading data from file 
	const char * fname = "Data/casesForWS";

	pEvidencesVector evVec;

	if( ! CEvidence::Load(fname,  &evVec, pMD) )
		printf("can't open file with cases");
	int numOfSamples = evVec.size();
	std::cout<<"Number of cases for learning = "<<numOfSamples<<std::endl;

	//create learning engine
	CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create( pLearnBNet );

	//set data for learning

	pLearn->SetData( numOfSamples, &evVec.front() );

	//compare information from learned model with initial model
	//both BNet have the same topology and node types 
	//- we need only to compare CPDs
	//need to set tolerance
	float epsilon = 1e-1f;
	int isEqual = IsTheModelEqual( pBnet, pLearnBNet, epsilon );

	std::cout << " The model was learned. The learning was " << std::endl;

	if( isEqual )
		std::cout << " successful " << std::endl;
		std::cout << " unsuccessful " << std::endl;

	int ev;
	for( ev = 0; ev < evVec.size(); ev++ )
		delete evVec[ev];
	delete pLearn;
	delete pBnet;
	return pLearnBNet;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int testSetStatistics()
    int ret = TRS_OK;
    float eps = 0.1f;
    int seed = pnlTestRandSeed();
    pnlSeed( seed );   
    CBNet *pBNet = pnlExCreateCondGaussArBNet();
    CModelDomain *pMD = pBNet->GetModelDomain();

    CGraph *pGraph = CGraph::Copy(pBNet->GetGraph());
    CBNet *pBNet1 = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMD );

    pEvidencesVector evidences;
    int nEvidences = pnlRand( 3000, 4000);
    pBNet->GenerateSamples( &evidences, nEvidences );
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < nEvidences; i++)

    CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create(pBNet1);
    pLearn->SetData( nEvidences, &evidences.front() );

    for( i = 0; i < pBNet->GetNumberOfFactors(); i++ )
	if( ! pBNet->GetFactor(i)->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(i), eps))
	    ret = TRS_FAIL;

    CDistribFun *pDistr;
    const CMatrix<float>* pMat;
    CFactor *pCPD;
    pDistr = pBNet1->GetFactor(0)->GetDistribFun();
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatTable);
    pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(0);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatTable);
    if( ! pCPD->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(0), 0.0001f) )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;

    pDistr = pBNet1->GetFactor(1)->GetDistribFun();
    int parentVal;
    pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(1);
    parentVal = 0;

    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatCoeff);

    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    parentVal = 1;
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatMu, &parentVal);
    pMat = pDistr->GetStatisticalMatrix(stMatSigma, &parentVal);
    pCPD->SetStatistics(pMat, stMatSigma, &parentVal);

    if( ! pCPD->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(pBNet1->GetFactor(1), eps) )
	ret = TRS_FAIL;
    for( i = 0; i < nEvidences; i++)
	delete evidences[i];
    delete pLearn;
    delete pBNet1;
    delete pBNet;

    return trsResult( ret, ret == TRS_OK ? "No errors" : 
    "Bad test on SetStatistics");
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CBICLearningEngine::Learn()
    CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = NULL;

    float resultBIC = -FLT_MAX;
    CBNet *pResultBNet = NULL;
    intVector resultOrder;
    pEvidencesVector pEv(m_Vector_pEvidences.size(), NULL );
    CModelDomain *pMD = m_pGrModel->GetModelDomain();
    int nnodes = m_pGrModel->GetNumberOfNodes();
    nodeTypeVector varTypes;

    intVector varAss( pMD->GetVariableAssociations(), pMD->GetVariableAssociations() + nnodes );
    intVector currentAssociation(nnodes);
    intVector currentObsNodes(nnodes);
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
	currentObsNodes[i] = i;

    CGraph *pGraph = CGraph::Create(nnodes, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    CBNet *pBNet;
    int lineSz = int( nnodes * ( nnodes - 1 ) / 2 );
    intVecVector connect;
    intVector indexes(lineSz, 0);
    int startNode, endNode;
    int ind;
    for( ind = 0; ind < lineSz ; )
	if( indexes[ind] == 1 )
	    FindNodesByNumber(&startNode, &endNode, nnodes, ind);
	    pGraph->RemoveEdge(startNode, endNode );
	    indexes[ind] = 0;
	    FindNodesByNumber(&startNode, &endNode, nnodes, ind);
	    pGraph->AddEdge(startNode, endNode, 1 );
	    indexes[ind] = 1;
	    ind = 0;
	    if( connect.size() == 1 )
		    CGraph *pCopyGraph = CGraph::Copy(pGraph);
		    int j;
		    for( j = 0; j < nnodes; j++ )
			currentAssociation[j] = varAss[currentObsNodes[j]];
		    pBNet = CBNet::Create(nnodes, varTypes, currentAssociation, pCopyGraph);
		    for( j = 0; j < nnodes; j++ )
			pBNet->AllocFactor( j );

		    int dimOfModel = DimOfModel(pBNet);
		    int k;
		    for( k = 0; k < pEv.size(); k++ )
			valueVector vls; 
			pEv[k] = CEvidence::Create( pBNet->GetModelDomain(),currentObsNodes, vls );
		    pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create(pBNet);
		    pLearn->SetData(pEv.size(), &pEv.front());
		    int nsteps;
		    const float *score;
		    pLearn->GetCriterionValue(&nsteps, &score);
		    float log_lik = score[nsteps-1];
		    float BIC = log_lik - 0.5f*float( dimOfModel*log(float(pEv.size())) );
		    if( BIC >= resultBIC )
			delete pResultBNet;
			resultBIC = BIC;
			pResultBNet = pBNet;
			resultOrder.assign( currentObsNodes.begin(), currentObsNodes.end() );
			delete pBNet;
		    for( k = 0; k < pEv.size(); k++ )
			delete pEv[k];

		    delete pLearn;
		}while(std::next_permutation(currentObsNodes.begin(), currentObsNodes.end()));
    delete pGraph;
    m_pResultGrModel = pResultBNet;
    m_resultRenaming.assign(resultOrder.begin(), resultOrder.end());
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main()
	//we create very small model to start inference on it
	// the model is from Kevin Murphy's BNT\examples\static\belprop_polytree_gaussain
	Do the example from Satnam Alag's PhD thesis, UCB ME dept 1996 p46
	Make the following polytree, where all arcs point down
	 0   1
	  \ /
	  / \
	 3   4

	int i;
	//create this model
	int nnodes = 5;
	int numnt = 2;
	CNodeType *nodeTypes = new CNodeType[numnt];
 	nodeTypes[0] = CNodeType(0,2);
	nodeTypes[1] = CNodeType(0,1);
	intVector nodeAssociation = intVector(nnodes,0);
	nodeAssociation[1] = 1;
	nodeAssociation[3] = 1;
	int nbs0[] = { 2 };
	int nbs1[] = { 2 };
	int nbs2[] = { 0, 1, 3, 4 };
	int nbs3[] = { 2 };
	int nbs4[] = { 2 };
	int *nbrs[] = { nbs0, nbs1, nbs2, nbs3, nbs4 };
	int numNeighb[] = {1, 1, 4, 1, 1};

	ENeighborType ori0[] = { ntChild };
	ENeighborType ori1[] = { ntChild };
	ENeighborType ori2[] = { ntParent, ntParent, ntChild, ntChild };
	ENeighborType ori3[] = { ntParent };
	ENeighborType ori4[] = { ntParent };
	ENeighborType *orient[] = { ori0, ori1, ori2, ori3, ori4 }; 
	CGraph *pGraph;
	pGraph = CGraph::Create(nnodes, numNeighb, nbrs, orient);
	CBNet *pBNet;
	pBNet = CBNet::Create( nnodes, numnt, nodeTypes, &nodeAssociation.front(), pGraph );
	//Allocation space for all factors of the model
	for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
	    //Allocation space for all matrices of CPD
	//now we need to create data for CPDs - we'll create matrices
	CFactor *pCPD;
	floatVector smData = floatVector(2,0.0f);
	floatVector bigData = floatVector(4,1.0f);
	intVector ranges = intVector(2, 1);
	ranges[0] = 2;
	smData[0] = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mean0 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create( 2, &ranges.front(), &smData.front());
	bigData[0] = 4.0f;
	bigData[3] = 4.0f;
	ranges[1] = 2;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *cov0 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create( 2, &ranges.front(), &bigData.front());
	pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(0);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix(mean0, matMean);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix(cov0, matCovariance);
	ranges[0] = 1;
	ranges[1] = 1;
	float val = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mean1 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create( 2, &ranges.front(), &val );
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *cov1 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create( 2, &ranges.front(), &val );
	pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(1);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix(mean1, matMean);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix(cov1, matCovariance);
	smData[0] = 0.0f;
	smData[1] = 0.0f;
	ranges[0] = 2;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mean2 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &smData.front());
	smData[0] = 2.0f;
	smData[1] = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *w21 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &smData.front());
	bigData[0] = 2.0f;
	bigData[1] = 1.0f;
	bigData[2] = 1.0f;
	bigData[3] = 1.0f;
	ranges[1] = 2;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *cov2 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &bigData.front());
	bigData[0] = 1.0f;
	bigData[1] = 2.0f;
	bigData[2] = 1.0f;
	bigData[3] = 0.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *w20 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &bigData.front());
	pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(2);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( mean2, matMean );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( cov2, matCovariance );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( w20, matWeights,0 );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( w21, matWeights,1 );
	val = 0.0f;
	ranges[0] = 1;
	ranges[1] = 1;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mean3 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &val);
	val = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *cov3 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &val);
	ranges[1] = 2;
	smData[0] = 1.0f;
	smData[1] = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *w30 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &smData.front());
	pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(3);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( mean3, matMean );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( cov3, matCovariance );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( w30, matWeights,0 );

	ranges[0] = 2; 
	ranges[1] = 1;
	smData[0] = 0.0f;
	smData[1] = 0.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *mean4 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &smData.front());
	ranges[1] = 2;
	bigData[0] = 1.0f;
	bigData[1] = 0.0f;
	bigData[2] = 0.0f;
	bigData[3] = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *cov4 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &bigData.front());
	bigData[2] = 1.0f;
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *w40 = CNumericDenseMatrix<float>::
        Create(2, &ranges.front(), &bigData.front());
	pCPD = pBNet->GetFactor(4);
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( mean4, matMean );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( cov4, matCovariance );
	pCPD->AttachMatrix( w40, matWeights,0 );

	//Generate random evidences for the modes
	int nEv = 1000;
	pEvidencesVector evid;
	pBNet->GenerateSamples( &evid, nEv );
	//Create copy of initial model with random matrices 
	CGraph *pGraphCopy = CGraph::Copy(pGraph); 
	CBNet *pLearnBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices(pGraphCopy, pBNet->GetModelDomain() );
	// Creating learning process	
	CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create(pLearnBNet);

	pLearn->SetData(nEv, &evid.front());
	CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pMatrix;
	int length = 0;
	const float *output;
	std::cout<<" results of learning (number of evidences = "<<nEv<<std::endl;
	for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )
	    int j;
	    std::cout<<"\n matrix mean for node "<<i;
	    std::cout<<"\n initial BNet \n";
	    pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>
	    pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	    for ( j = 0; j < length; j++ )
		std::cout<<" "<<output[j];
	    std::cout<<"\n BNet with random matrices after learning \n ";
	    pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>
	    pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	    for ( j = 0; j < length; j++)
		std::cout<<" "<<output[j];
    	    std::cout<<"\n \n matrix covariance for node "<<i<<'\n';
	    std::cout<<"\n initial BNet \n";

	    pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>
	    pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	    for (j = 0; j < length; j++ )
		std::cout<<" "<<output[j];
    	    std::cout<<"\n BNet with random matrices after learning \n ";
	    pMatrix = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>
	    pMatrix->GetRawData(&length, &output);
	    for ( j = 0; j < length; j++ )
		std::cout<<" "<<output[j];

	    std::cout<<"\n ___________________________\n";
	for( i = 0; i < nEv; i++)
	    delete evid[i];
	delete pLearn;
	delete pLearnBNet;
	delete pBNet;

return 1;