Ejemplo n.º 1
void CPropInfo::CommitChanges( eProps eWhat )
	for ( int nWnd = 0; nWnd < CEdit::g_nhWndCount; nWnd++ )
		HWND hWnd = m_pCtrl->m_bGlobalProps ? CEdit::g_phWnds[ nWnd ] : m_pCtrl->m_hWnd;
		CEdit *pCtrl = ( CEdit * ) GetWindowLong( hWnd, 0 );

		pCtrl->Repaint( FALSE );

		if ( eWhat == eMisc )
			if ( m_bSmoothScroll != pCtrl->m_bSmoothScroll )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLESMOOTHSCROLLING, m_bSmoothScroll, 0 );
			if ( m_bShowLeftMargin != pCtrl->m_bShowLeftMargin )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLELEFTMARGIN, m_bShowLeftMargin, 0 );
			if ( m_bAllowDragDrop != pCtrl->m_bAllowDragDrop )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLEDRAGDROP, m_bAllowDragDrop, 0 );
			if ( m_bLineToolTips != pCtrl->m_bLineToolTips )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLELINETOOLTIPS, m_bLineToolTips, 0 );
			if ( m_bAllowColumnSel != pCtrl->m_bAllowColumnSel )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLECOLUMNSEL, m_bAllowColumnSel, 0 );
			if ( m_bColorSyntax != pCtrl->m_bColorSyntax )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLECOLORSYNTAX, m_bColorSyntax, 0 );
			if ( m_bShowHScrollBar != pCtrl->ShowHScrollBar() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SHOWSCROLLBAR, TRUE, m_bShowHScrollBar );
			if ( m_bShowVScrollBar != pCtrl->ShowVScrollBar() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SHOWSCROLLBAR, FALSE, m_bShowVScrollBar );
			if ( m_bAllowHSplit != pCtrl->m_bAllowHSplit )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLESPLITTER, TRUE, m_bAllowHSplit );
			if ( m_bAllowVSplit != pCtrl->m_bAllowVSplit )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLESPLITTER, FALSE, m_bAllowVSplit );
			if ( m_bSelBounds != pCtrl->BoundSelection() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLESELBOUNDS, m_bSelBounds, 0 );
			if ( m_nMaxUndo != pCtrl->m_Buffer.GetMaxUndo() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETUNDOLIMIT, m_nMaxUndo, 0 );
			SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETLINENUMBERING, 0, ( LPARAM ) &m_cmLineNum );
		else if ( eWhat == eColorFont )
			CM_COLORS Colors;
			ZeroMemory( &Colors, sizeof( Colors ) );
			Colors.crWindow = m_crFore[ IDX_WINDOW ];
			Colors.crLeftMargin = m_crFore[ IDX_LMARGIN ];
			Colors.crBookmark = m_crFore[ IDX_BOOKMARK ];
			Colors.crBookmarkBk = m_crBack[ IDX_BOOKMARK ];
			Colors.crBreakpoint = m_crFore[ IDX_BREAKPOINT ];
			Colors.crBreakpointBk = m_crBack[ IDX_BREAKPOINT ];
			Colors.crText = m_crFore[ IDX_TEXT ];
			Colors.crTextBk = m_crBack[ IDX_TEXT ];
			Colors.crNumber = m_crFore[ IDX_NUMBER ];
			Colors.crNumberBk = m_crBack[ IDX_NUMBER ];
			Colors.crKeyword = m_crFore[ IDX_KEYWORD ];
			Colors.crKeywordBk = m_crBack[ IDX_KEYWORD ];
			Colors.crOperator = m_crFore[ IDX_OPERATOR ];
			Colors.crOperatorBk = m_crBack[ IDX_OPERATOR ];
			Colors.crScopeKeyword = m_crFore[ IDX_SCOPEKEYWORD ];
			Colors.crScopeKeywordBk = m_crBack[ IDX_SCOPEKEYWORD ];
			Colors.crComment = m_crFore[ IDX_COMMENT ];
			Colors.crCommentBk = m_crBack[ IDX_COMMENT ];
			Colors.crString = m_crFore[ IDX_STRING ];
			Colors.crStringBk = m_crBack[ IDX_STRING ];
			Colors.crTagText = m_crFore[ IDX_TAGTEXT ];
			Colors.crTagTextBk = m_crBack[ IDX_TAGTEXT ];
			Colors.crTagEntity = m_crFore[ IDX_TAGENT ];
			Colors.crTagEntityBk = m_crBack[ IDX_TAGENT ];
			Colors.crTagElementName = m_crFore[ IDX_TAGELEMNAME ];
			Colors.crTagElementNameBk = m_crBack[ IDX_TAGELEMNAME ];
			Colors.crTagAttributeName = m_crFore[ IDX_TAGATTRNAME ];
			Colors.crTagAttributeNameBk = m_crBack[ IDX_TAGATTRNAME ];
			Colors.crLineNumber = m_crFore[ IDX_LINENUMBER ];
			Colors.crLineNumberBk = m_crBack[ IDX_LINENUMBER ];
			Colors.crHDividerLines = m_crFore[ IDX_HDIVIDERLINES ];
			Colors.crVDividerLines = m_crFore[ IDX_VDIVIDERLINES ];
			Colors.crHighlightedLine = m_crFore[ IDX_HIGHLIGHTEDLINE ];

			Colors.crExtra1 = m_crFore[ IDX_EXTRA1 ];
			Colors.crExtra2 = m_crFore[ IDX_EXTRA2 ];
			Colors.crExtra3 = m_crFore[ IDX_EXTRA3 ];

			SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETCOLORS, 0, ( LPARAM ) &Colors );

			SendMessage( hWnd, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM ) CreateFontIndirect( &m_lf ), MAKELPARAM( TRUE, 0 ) );
			pCtrl->m_bOwnFont = TRUE;

			CM_FONTSTYLES FontStyles;
			ZeroMemory( &FontStyles, sizeof( FontStyles ) );
			FontStyles.byText = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_TEXT ];
			FontStyles.byNumber = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_NUMBER ];
			FontStyles.byKeyword = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_KEYWORD ];
			FontStyles.byOperator = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_OPERATOR ];
			FontStyles.byScopeKeyword = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_SCOPEKEYWORD ];
			FontStyles.byComment = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_COMMENT ];
			FontStyles.byString = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_STRING ];
			FontStyles.byTagText = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_TAGTEXT ];
			FontStyles.byTagEntity = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_TAGENT ];
			FontStyles.byTagElementName = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_TAGELEMNAME ];
			FontStyles.byTagAttributeName = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_TAGATTRNAME ];
			FontStyles.byLineNumber = m_byFontStyles[ IDX_LINENUMBER ];

			SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETFONTSTYLES, 0, ( LPARAM ) &FontStyles );
		else if ( eWhat == eKeyboard )
			if ( m_pcmAddKey )
				for ( int i = 0; i < m_nAddCount; i++ )
					CM_HOTKEY cmHotKey = m_pcmAddKey[ i ];
					if ( cmHotKey.nVirtKey1 )
						CEdit::RegisterHotKey( cmHotKey, m_pwAddCmd[ i ] );
				free( m_pcmAddKey );
				free( m_pwAddCmd );
				m_pcmAddKey = NULL;
				m_pwAddCmd = NULL;
				m_nAddCount = 0;

			if ( m_pcmRemoveKey )
				for ( int i = 0; i < m_nRemoveCount; i++ )
					CM_HOTKEY cmHotKey = m_pcmRemoveKey[ i ];
					if ( cmHotKey.nVirtKey1 )
						CEdit::UnregisterHotKey( cmHotKey );
				free( m_pcmRemoveKey );
				m_pcmRemoveKey = NULL;
				m_nRemoveCount = 0;
		else if ( eWhat == eTabs )
			if ( m_eIndentStyle != pCtrl->m_eIndentStyle )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETAUTOINDENTMODE, m_eIndentStyle, 0 );

			if ( m_nTabSize != pCtrl->m_Buffer.GetTabSize() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETTABSIZE, m_nTabSize, 0 );

			if ( m_bExpandTabs != pCtrl->m_bExpandTabs )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLETABEXPAND, m_bExpandTabs, 0 );

			if ( m_bNormalizeCase != pCtrl->m_Buffer.NormalizeCase() )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_ENABLENORMALIZECASE, m_bNormalizeCase, 0 );

			// language setting only applies to the current window
			if ( ( pCtrl == m_pCtrl ) && ( _tcsicmp( m_szLang, pCtrl->m_szLang ) != 0 ) )
				SendMessage( hWnd, CMM_SETLANGUAGE, 0, ( LPARAM ) m_szLang );

		// tell the parent that props changed
		pCtrl->NotifyParent( CMN_PROPSCHANGE );

		if ( !m_pCtrl->m_bGlobalProps )