EStatus ActionShoot(const float frametime, CBot* bot, bool shotgun)
	bot->SetSpeed( 0.0f );


	if ( bot->Aim(frametime) )
		CEntityList* entList = CEntityList::GetInstance();
		CEntity* ent = entList->GetEntity( bot->GetTargetID() );

		if ( ent != NULL )
			XMFLOAT3 ray = utl::Normalise( utl::Subtract( bot->GetPosition(), ent->GetPosition() ) );

			if (CheckLOS(bot, ray, entList) && bot->GetAmmo(shotgun) != 0)
				bot->Shoot( frametime, shotgun );
				return Pass;
				return Fail;
		return Running;

	return Fail;
EStatus ConditionInRange(CBot* bot)
	CEntity* target = CEntityList::GetInstance()->GetEntity( bot->GetTargetID() );

	if (target == NULL)
		return Error;

	if (utl::DistanceToSquared(bot->GetPosition(), target->GetPosition()) < gInRange)
		return Pass;
	return Fail;
EStatus ConditionLongRange(CBot* bot)
	CEntity* target = CEntityList::GetInstance()->GetEntity( bot->GetTargetID() );

	if (target == NULL)
		return Error;

	float distSq = utl::DistanceToSquared(bot->GetPosition(), target->GetPosition());

	if (distSq > gCloseRange)
		return Pass;
	return Fail;
bool CheckLOS(CBot* bot, const XMFLOAT3 &ray, CEntityList* entList)
	XMFLOAT3 rayPoint = bot->GetPosition();
	bool end = false;
	CEntity* ent;
	int count = 0;
	int numOfEntities = entList->GetNumberOfEntities();
	unsigned int botID = bot->GetUID();

	while (!end)
		rayPoint.x += (ray.x * gRayInc);
		rayPoint.z += (ray.z * gRayInc);

		if (count == 150)
			return false;

		for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntities; i++)
			ent = entList->GetEntityAtIndex(i);

			if (ent != NULL && ent->GetUID() != botID)
				// Checks collision between ray and object
				if (typeid(*(ent->GetBoundingArea())) == typeid(CBoundingSphere))
					float radius = ((CBoundingSphere*) ent->GetBoundingArea())->GetRadius();

					end = PointToSphere( rayPoint, ent->GetPosition(), radius );
				else if (typeid(*(ent->GetBoundingArea())) == typeid(CBoundingBox))
					SBoundingBoxData bbox = ((CBoundingBox*) ent->GetBoundingArea())->GetBoxData();

					end = PointToBox( rayPoint, ent->GetPosition(), bbox );
					end = false;

				// if the light of sight has found an object and it exists
				if (end && typeid(*ent) != typeid (CFlag) && typeid(*ent) != typeid (CBullet))
					if (typeid(*ent) == typeid(CBot) || typeid(*ent) == typeid(CPlayer))
						if (((CBot*)ent)->GetTeam() == bot->GetTeam())
							return false;
							return true;
						return false;

	return false;