static bool EventCollidesWithRows( CUtlLinkedList< CChoreoEvent*, int >& list, CChoreoEvent *event, char *trackName, size_t trackNameLength )
    float st = event->GetStartTime();
    float ed = event->GetEndTime();

    for ( int i = list.Head(); i != list.InvalidIndex(); i = list.Next( i ) )
        CChoreoEvent *test = list[ i ];

        float teststart = test->GetStartTime();
        float testend = test->GetEndTime();

        // See if spans overlap
        if ( teststart >= ed )
        if ( testend <= st )

        // Now see if they deal with the same flex controller
        int tc = event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks();
        for ( int track = 0; track < tc; ++track )
            CFlexAnimationTrack *t = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( track );
            if ( !t->IsTrackActive() )

            int sampleCountNormal = t->GetNumSamples( 0 );
            int sampleCountBalance = 0;
            if ( t->IsComboType() )
                sampleCountBalance = t->GetNumSamples( 1 );

            if ( !sampleCountNormal && !sampleCountBalance )

            // Otherwise, see if the test track has this as an active track
            if ( IsFlexTrackBeingUsed( test, t->GetFlexControllerName() ) )
                Q_strncpy( trackName, t->GetFlexControllerName(), trackNameLength );
                return true;
        return false;

    return false;
static bool IsFlexTrackBeingUsed( CChoreoEvent *event, char const *trackName )
    int tc = event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks();
    for ( int track = 0; track < tc; ++track )
        CFlexAnimationTrack *t = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( track );
        if ( !t->IsTrackActive() )

        int sampleCountNormal = t->GetNumSamples( 0 );
        int sampleCountBalance = 0;
        if ( t->IsComboType() )
            sampleCountBalance = t->GetNumSamples( 1 );

        if ( !sampleCountNormal && !sampleCountBalance )

        // Otherwise, see if the test track has this as an active track
        if ( !Q_stricmp( t->GetFlexControllerName(), trackName ) )
            return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *event - 
void CBaseFlex::AddFlexAnimation( CExpressionInfo *info )
	if ( !info )

	CChoreoEvent *event = info->m_pEvent;
	if ( !event )

	CChoreoScene *scene = info->m_pScene;
	if ( !scene )

	if ( !event->GetTrackLookupSet() )
		// Create lookup data
		for ( int i = 0; i < event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks(); i++ )
			CFlexAnimationTrack *track = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( i );
			if ( !track )

			if ( track->IsComboType() )
				char name[ 512 ];
				Q_strncpy( name, "right_" ,sizeof(name));
				strcat( name, track->GetFlexControllerName() );

				track->SetFlexControllerIndex( 0, FindFlexController( name ), 0 );

				Q_strncpy( name, "left_" ,sizeof(name));
				strcat( name, track->GetFlexControllerName() );

				track->SetFlexControllerIndex( 0, FindFlexController( name ), 1 );
				track->SetFlexControllerIndex( 0, FindFlexController( (char *)track->GetFlexControllerName() ) );

		event->SetTrackLookupSet( true );

	float scenetime = scene->GetTime();

	float weight = event->GetIntensity( scenetime );

	// Compute intensity for each track in animation and apply
	// Iterate animation tracks
	for ( int i = 0; i < event->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks(); i++ )
		CFlexAnimationTrack *track = event->GetFlexAnimationTrack( i );
		if ( !track )

		// Disabled
		if ( !track->IsTrackActive() )

		// Map track flex controller to global name
		if ( track->IsComboType() )
			for ( int side = 0; side < 2; side++ )
				int controller = track->GetFlexControllerIndex( side );

				// Get spline intensity for controller
				float flIntensity = track->GetIntensity( scenetime, side );
				if ( controller >= 0 )
					float orig = GetFlexWeight( controller );
					SetFlexWeight( controller, orig * (1 - weight) + flIntensity * weight );
			int controller = track->GetFlexControllerIndex( 0 );

			// Get spline intensity for controller
			float flIntensity = track->GetIntensity( scenetime, 0 );
			if ( controller >= 0 )
				float orig = GetFlexWeight( controller );
				SetFlexWeight( controller, orig * (1 - weight) + flIntensity * weight );

	info->m_bStarted = true;