Ejemplo n.º 1
int ZQuadTree::_IsInFrustum(CGeoMapData &pHeightMap, Point &bottomLeft, CFrustum& pFrustum)
	bool b[4];
	bool bInSphere;

	bInSphere = pFrustum.SphereInFrustum(bottomLeft.x + m_nCenter.x, bottomLeft.y + m_nCenter.y, 0, m_fRadius);
	if(!bInSphere) return FRUSTUM_OUT;

	b[0] = pFrustum.PointInFrustum(bottomLeft.x + m_nCorner[0].x, bottomLeft.y + m_nCorner[0].y, 0);
	b[1] = pFrustum.PointInFrustum(bottomLeft.x + m_nCorner[1].x, bottomLeft.y + m_nCorner[1].y, 0);
	b[2] = pFrustum.PointInFrustum(bottomLeft.x + m_nCorner[2].x, bottomLeft.y + m_nCorner[2].y, 0);
	b[3] = pFrustum.PointInFrustum(bottomLeft.x + m_nCorner[3].x, bottomLeft.y + m_nCorner[3].y, 0);

	if(b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] == 4)

Ejemplo n.º 2
void RenderScene()

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

    int spheresRendered = 0;							// This will hold how many spheres are being rendered
    char strText[255]= {0};								// This will hold the window title info

    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	// Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
    glLoadIdentity();									// Reset The matrix

    // Give OpenGL our camera position

    // We don't need to calculate this every frame, only when the camera view changes.
    // I just did it every frame anyway.  In this case it isn't a big deal.
    g_Frustum.CalculateFrustum();						// Calculate the frustum each frame

    // If you are unfamiliar with Quadrics, see the tutorial on Quadrics at www.GameTutorials.com.
    // They basically allow you to draw circles and cylinders fast and easily.

    GLUquadricObj *pObj = gluNewQuadric();				// Get a Quadric off the stack

    // Loop through all of our allowed spheres and render them to the screen if in the frustum.
    for(int i = 0; i < g_MaxSpheres; i++)				// g_MaxSpheres varies.
        g_Spheres[i].zPos += SPHERE_SPEED;				// Increase the Z position of the sphere.

        // Below we check if the sphere needs to be draw or not.  If g_bIgnoreFrustum is TRUE,
        // it draws it regardless (which is SLOOOooOoW).  We just pass in the (X, Y, Z)
        // and the radius of the sphere to find out if it is inside of the frustum.

        if(g_bIgnoreFrustum || g_Frustum.SphereInFrustum(g_Spheres[i].xPos, g_Spheres[i].yPos, g_Spheres[i].zPos, g_Spheres[i].radius))
            // Set the sphere's color
            glColor3ub(g_Spheres[i].r, g_Spheres[i].g, g_Spheres[i].b);

            // Create a new scope before positiong the sphere so we don't effect the other spheres.

            // Position the sphere on the screen at it's XYZ position.
            glTranslatef(g_Spheres[i].xPos, g_Spheres[i].yPos, g_Spheres[i].zPos);

            // Create a sphere with the desired radius chosen in the beginning.
            gluSphere(pObj, g_Spheres[i].radius, 20, 20);	// Draw the sphere with a radius of 0.5
            glPopMatrix();								// Close the scope of this matrix

            spheresRendered++;							// Increase the amount of spheres rendered

        // Here we check to see if the sphere went out of our range,
        // If so, we need to set it back again with a new random position.
        if(g_Spheres[i].zPos > MAX_DISTANCE) {
            // Give the sphere a new random position back in the beginning.
            g_Spheres[i].xPos = (rand() % (MAX_DISTANCE * 10)) * 0.1f;
            g_Spheres[i].yPos = (rand() % (MAX_DISTANCE * 10)) * 0.1f;
            g_Spheres[i].zPos = -MAX_DISTANCE;			// Send it to the back again.

            // Give a 50/50 chance for the sphere to be to the left/right or above/below the XY axis.
            // This is because we are centered at the origin
            if(rand() % 2) g_Spheres[i].xPos = -g_Spheres[i].xPos;
            if(rand() % 2) g_Spheres[i].yPos = -g_Spheres[i].yPos;

    // Since I didn't want to add more code for a rendered font, I decided to just
    // render the frustum information in the title bar of the window.
    // The information tells you how many spheres were rendered and out of how many.
    // Use +/- to increase and decrease the max spheres tested.

    sprintf(strText, "www.GameTutorials.com - Spheres Rendered: %d / %d", spheresRendered, g_MaxSpheres);
    SetWindowText(g_hWnd, strText);						// Change the window title bar

/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *

    SwapBuffers(g_hDC);									// Swap the backbuffers to the foreground
    gluDeleteQuadric(pObj);								// Free the Quadric