Ejemplo n.º 1
void TestPolygons (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine)
    int i;

    const int FRAME_WIDTH = 256;
    const int FRAME_HEIGHT = 256;
    const int OUTPUT_WIDTH = FRAME_WIDTH * 2;

    //	Options

    int iCount = pCmdLine->GetAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("count"));
    if (iCount == 0)
        iCount = 1000;

    int iBltCount = Max(1, iCount / 10);

    //	Create the output image

    CG32bitImage Output;
    Output.Create(OUTPUT_WIDTH, OUTPUT_HEIGHT, CG32bitImage::alpha8);

    //	Create a regular polygon

    const int iSides = 17;
    const Metric rRadius = 100.0;
    const Metric rAngleStep = (TAU / iSides);

    TArray<CVector> Shape1;
    for (i = 0; i < iSides; i++)
        Shape1[i] = CVector::FromPolar(i * rAngleStep, rRadius);

    //	Create a point array, which we'll use for the binary region

    SPoint Shape1Points[iSides];
    for (i = 0; i < iSides; i++)
        Shape1Points[i].x = (int)Shape1[i].GetX();
        Shape1Points[i].y = (int)Shape1[i].GetY();

    //	Create a path

    CGPath Shape1Path;

    //	We do timing tests first

    TNumberSeries<Metric> Timing;

    //	Time rasterization of a binary region

    const int CALLS_PER_SAMPLE = 1000;
    const int BLTS_PER_SAMPLE = 100;
    DWORD dwStart = ::GetTickCount();
    for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
        CG16bitBinaryRegion Region;
        Region.CreateFromPolygon(iSides, Shape1Points);

        if (((i + 1) % CALLS_PER_SAMPLE) == 0)
            Timing.Insert((Metric)::sysGetTicksElapsed(dwStart, &dwStart));

    printf("CG16bitBinaryRegion::CreateFromPolygon: %s ms per %d\n", (LPSTR)strFromDouble(Timing.GetMean()), CALLS_PER_SAMPLE);

    //	Time rasterization of path

    dwStart = ::GetTickCount();
    for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)

        CGRegion Region;
        Shape1Path.Rasterize(&Region, 1);

        if (((i + 1) % CALLS_PER_SAMPLE) == 0)
            Timing.Insert((Metric)::sysGetTicksElapsed(dwStart, &dwStart));

    printf("CGPath::Rasterize: %s ms per %d\n", (LPSTR)strFromDouble(Timing.GetMean()), CALLS_PER_SAMPLE);

    //	Create the regions

    CG16bitBinaryRegion Shape1BinaryRegion;
    Shape1BinaryRegion.CreateFromPolygon(iSides, Shape1Points);

    CGRegion Shape1Region;
    Shape1Path.Rasterize(&Shape1Region, 4);

    //	Time to blt

    dwStart = ::GetTickCount();
    for (i = 0; i < iBltCount; i++)
        CGDraw::Region(Output, (FRAME_WIDTH / 2), (FRAME_HEIGHT / 2), Shape1BinaryRegion, CG32bitPixel(255, 255, 255));

        if (((i + 1) % BLTS_PER_SAMPLE) == 0)
            Timing.Insert((Metric)::sysGetTicksElapsed(dwStart, &dwStart));

    printf("CGDraw::Region (CG16bitBinaryRegion): %s ms per %d\n", (LPSTR)strFromDouble(Timing.GetMean()), BLTS_PER_SAMPLE);

    dwStart = ::GetTickCount();
    for (i = 0; i < iBltCount; i++)
        CGDraw::Region(Output, (FRAME_WIDTH / 2), (FRAME_HEIGHT / 2), Shape1Region, CG32bitPixel(255, 255, 255));

        if (((i + 1) % BLTS_PER_SAMPLE) == 0)
            Timing.Insert((Metric)::sysGetTicksElapsed(dwStart, &dwStart));

    printf("CGDraw::Region (CGRegion): %s ms per %d\n", (LPSTR)strFromDouble(Timing.GetMean()), BLTS_PER_SAMPLE);

    //	Clear

    Output.Fill(CG32bitPixel(0, 0, 0));

    //	Blt result

    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    CGDraw::Region(Output, x + (FRAME_WIDTH / 2), y + (FRAME_HEIGHT / 2), Shape1BinaryRegion, CG32bitPixel(255, 255, 255));

    x = FRAME_WIDTH;
    CGDraw::Region(Output, x + (FRAME_WIDTH / 2), y + (FRAME_HEIGHT / 2), Shape1Region, CG32bitPixel(255, 255, 255));

    //	Copy to clipboard

    OutputImage(Output, NULL_STR);