Ejemplo n.º 1
		CmdResult Handle(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User *user)
			if(user->registered == REG_ALL)
				return CMD_FAILURE;

			for(CGIHostlist::iterator iter = Hosts.begin(); iter != Hosts.end(); iter++)
				if(InspIRCd::Match(user->host, iter->hostmask, ascii_case_insensitive_map) || InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(user->GetIPString(), iter->hostmask, ascii_case_insensitive_map))
					if(iter->type == WEBIRC && parameters[0] == iter->password)
						realhost.set(user, user->host);
						realip.set(user, user->GetIPString());

						bool host_ok = (parameters[2].length() < 64);
						const std::string& newhost = (host_ok ? parameters[2] : parameters[3]);

						if (notify)
							ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('a', "Connecting user %s detected as using CGI:IRC (%s), changing real host to %s from %s", user->nick.c_str(), user->host.c_str(), newhost.c_str(), user->host.c_str());

						// Check if we're happy with the provided hostname. If it's problematic then make sure we won't set a host later, just the IP
						if (host_ok)
							webirc_hostname.set(user, parameters[2]);

						webirc_ip.set(user, parameters[3]);
						return CMD_SUCCESS;

			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('a', "Connecting user %s tried to use WEBIRC, but didn't match any configured webirc blocks.", user->GetFullRealHost().c_str());
			return CMD_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	virtual int OnUserRegister(userrec* user)
		for(CGIHostlist::iterator iter = Hosts.begin(); iter != Hosts.end(); iter++)
			if(ServerInstance->MatchText(user->host, iter->hostmask) || ServerInstance->MatchText(user->GetIPString(), iter->hostmask))
				// Deal with it...
				if(iter->type == PASS)
					CheckPass(user); // We do nothing if it fails so...
				else if(iter->type == PASSFIRST && !CheckPass(user))
					// If the password lookup failed, try the ident
					CheckIdent(user);	// If this fails too, do nothing
				else if(iter->type == IDENT)
					CheckIdent(user); // Nothing on failure.
				else if(iter->type == IDENTFIRST && !CheckIdent(user))
					// If the ident lookup fails, try the password.
				else if(iter->type == WEBIRC)
					// We don't need to do anything here
				return 0;
		return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		CmdResult Handle(const char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)
			if(user->registered == REG_ALL)
				return CMD_FAILURE;
			for(CGIHostlist::iterator iter = Hosts.begin(); iter != Hosts.end(); iter++)
				if(ServerInstance->MatchText(user->host, iter->hostmask) || ServerInstance->MatchText(user->GetIPString(), iter->hostmask))
					if(iter->type == WEBIRC && parameters[0] == iter->password)
						user->Extend("cgiirc_realhost", new std::string(user->host));
						user->Extend("cgiirc_realip", new std::string(user->GetIPString()));
						if (notify)
							ServerInstance->WriteOpers("*** Connecting user %s detected as using CGI:IRC (%s), changing real host to %s from %s", user->nick, user->host, parameters[2], user->host);
						user->Extend("cgiirc_webirc_hostname", new std::string(parameters[2]));
						user->Extend("cgiirc_webirc_ip", new std::string(parameters[3]));
						return CMD_LOCALONLY;
			return CMD_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	virtual void OnRehash(userrec* user, const std::string &parameter)
		ConfigReader Conf(ServerInstance);
		NotifyOpers = Conf.ReadFlag("cgiirc", "opernotice", 0);	// If we send an oper notice when a CGI:IRC has their host changed.
		if(Conf.GetError() == CONF_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
			NotifyOpers = true;
		for(int i = 0; i < Conf.Enumerate("cgihost"); i++)
			std::string hostmask = Conf.ReadValue("cgihost", "mask", i); // An allowed CGI:IRC host
			std::string type = Conf.ReadValue("cgihost", "type", i); // What type of user-munging we do on this host.
			std::string password = Conf.ReadValue("cgihost", "password", i);
				if (type == "webirc" && !password.length()) {
						ServerInstance->Log(DEFAULT, "m_cgiirc: Missing password in config: %s", hostmask.c_str());
					CGItype cgitype = INVALID;
					if (type == "pass")
						cgitype = PASS;
					else if (type == "ident")
						cgitype = IDENT;
					else if (type == "passfirst")
						cgitype = PASSFIRST;
					else if (type == "webirc")
						cgitype = WEBIRC;

					if (cgitype == INVALID)
						cgitype = PASS;

					Hosts.push_back(CGIhost(hostmask,cgitype, password.length() ? password : "" ));
				ServerInstance->Log(DEFAULT, "m_cgiirc.so: Invalid <cgihost:mask> value in config: %s", hostmask.c_str());