char* fetch_remote_data(char* url) { char* cookie = 0; char* retval = 0; CHttpClient* gHttpClient = NULL; cookie = get_db_session(load_source_url()); if (!cookie && !strstr(url, "clientcreate")) { return NULL; } gHttpClient = CHttpClient::NewL(); gHttpClient->SetCookie(cookie); if (cookie) free(cookie); gHttpClient->InvokeHttpMethodL(CHttpConstants::EGet, (const TUint8*) url, strlen(url), NULL, 0, NULL); retval = gHttpClient->GetResponse(); delete gHttpClient; return retval; }
CHttpClient* CHttpClient::NewLC() { CHttpClient* self = new (ELeave)CHttpClient(); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->ConstructL(); return self; }
int push_remote_data(char* url, char* data, size_t data_size,char* contentType) { int retval = SYNC_PUSH_CHANGES_ERROR; char* szData = 0; char* cookie = 0; CHttpClient* gHttpClient = NULL; cookie = get_db_session(load_source_url()); if (!cookie && !strstr(url, "clientcreate")) return SYNC_PUSH_CHANGES_ERROR; gHttpClient = CHttpClient::NewL(); gHttpClient->SetCookie(cookie); gHttpClient->InvokeHttpMethodL(CHttpConstants::EPost, (const TUint8*) url, strlen(url), (const TUint8*) data, data_size, contentType); szData = gHttpClient->GetResponse(); retval = szData ? SYNC_PUSH_CHANGES_OK : SYNC_PUSH_CHANGES_ERROR; if (szData) free(szData); delete gHttpClient; return retval; }
void* MyThread_run(void* thread_args) { struct MyThread_args *args; args = (struct MyThread_args *)thread_args; CHttpClient hc; string res; int ret; ret = hc.Get(""+args->sparql,res); int m = 0; for(int i = 0; i<args->sparql.length(); ++i) { if(args->sparql[i]=='?') ++m; if(args->sparql[i]=='{') break; } int n = 0; for(int i = 0; i<res.length(); ++i) { if(res[i]=='{') ++n; } int Num = (n-3)/(m+1); //if(Num<=10) //{ // ofstream f("result/"+int2string(args->num)+".txt"); // f<<res<<endl; // f.close(); //} if(args->rnum != Num) correctness = false; pthread_exit(NULL); }
void CClient::connect() { CHttpClient httpClient; string strUrl = m_strLoginDomain + "/msg_server"; string strResp; CURLcode nRet = httpClient.Get(strUrl, strResp); if(nRet != CURLE_OK) { printf("login falied. access url:%s error\n", strUrl.c_str()); g_configReturn = false; PROMPTION; return; } Json::Reader reader(Json::Features::strictMode()); Json::Value value; if(!reader.parse(strResp, value)) { printf("login falied. parse response error:%s\n", strResp.c_str()); g_configReturn = false; PROMPTION; return; } string strPriorIp, strBackupIp; uint16_t nPort; try { uint32_t nRet = value["code"].asUInt(); if(nRet != 0) { string strMsg = value["msg"].asString(); printf("login falied. errorMsg:%s\n", strMsg.c_str()); g_configReturn = false; PROMPTION; return; } strPriorIp = value["priorIP"].asString(); strBackupIp = value["backupIP"].asString(); nPort = string2int(value["port"].asString()); } catch (std::runtime_error msg) { printf("login falied. get json error:%s\n", strResp.c_str()); g_configReturn = false; PROMPTION; return; } g_pConn = new ClientConn(this); m_nHandle = g_pConn->connect(strBackupIp.c_str(), nPort, m_strName, m_strPass); if(m_nHandle != INVALID_SOCKET) { netlib_register_timer(CClient::TimerCallback, (void*)this, 1000); g_configReturn = true; } else { printf("invalid socket handle\n"); } }
void* ScutNetwork::CHttpClient::AsyncThreadProc( void * puCmd ) #endif { int nRet = -1; if (puCmd) { PAsyncInfo pAi = (PAsyncInfo)puCmd; if (!pAi->Sender) { return NULL; } CHttpClient* pSender = (CHttpClient*)pAi->Sender; if (!pSender) { return NULL; } pSender->m_bAsyncProcessing = true; pSender->m_bIsBusy = true; if (pAi->Mode == amGet) { nRet = pSender->HttpGet(pAi->Url, *(pAi->Response)); } else nRet = pSender->HttpPost(pAi->Url, pAi->PostData, pAi->PostDataSize, *(pAi->Response), pAi->FormFlag); switch ((CURLcode)nRet) { case CURLE_OK: pAi->Status = aisSucceed; break; case CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT: pAi->Status = aisTimeOut; break; default: pAi->Status = aisFailed; break; } pSender->m_bAsyncProcessing = false; pSender->m_bIsBusy = false; //通知 if (pSender->isLuaHandleExist()) { LuaHelper::Instance()->execFunc(pSender->m_strLuaHandle, (AsyncInfo*)pAi); } else { if (pSender->m_pNetNotify) { pSender->m_pNetNotify->OnNotify(pAi); } } } return NULL; }
void CTimerOp_UrlClientRetry::TimerOp(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { CHttpClient *pUrlClient = (CHttpClient*) wParam; if (NULL != pUrlClient && !IsBadWritePtr(pUrlClient, sizeof(CHttpClient)) ) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Retry to connect <%s>"), pUrlClient->GetUserName()); pUrlClient->TryToConnect(true); } }
/// 需要处理连接出错情况,对应的Peer可以隔一段时间再连接 void CHttpClientReqSocket::OnClose(int nErrorCode) { if (client == NULL) return; CHttpClient* pHttpClient = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CHttpClient, client); if (nErrorCode == 0) { pHttpClient->OnNoSizeFileComplete(); } CClientReqSocket::OnClose(nErrorCode); }
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); CHttpClient client = CHttpClient(); string strUrl = ""; //strUrl = ""; string strInfo = "u=18814842159&p=111111&sign=42557FBC90E10CAD27FAC0F9D8BA94E9"; string strResp; cout << "POST ret: " << client.Post(strUrl, strInfo, strResp) << endl; cout << strInfo << endl << strResp <<endl; curl_global_cleanup(); return 0; } /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
// *************************************************************************** void CHttpPostTask::run(void) { CHttpClient httpClient; std::string ret; if ( ! httpClient.connect(_Host)) { return; } if ( ! httpClient.sendPost(_Host + _Page, _Params)) { return; } httpClient.receive(ret); httpClient.disconnect(); }
void makeLoginRequest(char* url, char* data) { char* session = NULL; CHttpClient* gHttpClient = CHttpClient::NewL(); gHttpClient->InvokeHttpMethodL(CHttpConstants::EPost, (const TUint8*) url, strlen(url), (const TUint8*) data, strlen(data), NULL); session = gHttpClient->GetCookie(); if (session) set_db_session(load_source_url(), session); else delete_db_session(load_source_url()); delete gHttpClient; }
//============================================================================================ std::string sendMsg(const std::string &msg) { CHttpClient httpClient; std::string ret; if (!httpClient.connect("http://" + StartupHost)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Can't connect to http server"); } //std::string postString = "http://" + StartupHost + StartupPage + "?cmd=log&msg=" + msg; //nlwarning("POST STRING = %s", postString.c_str()); if (!httpClient.sendPost("http://" + StartupHost + StartupPage, "cmd=log&msg=" + msg)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Post failed"); } if (!httpClient.receive(ret)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Receive failed"); } httpClient.disconnect(); return ret; }
void SendFile(TCHAR *szFilePath,TCHAR *szFileName) { CHttpClient objHttpReq ; CHttpResponse * pobjHttpRes = NULL ; try { // Initialize the User Agent objHttpReq.SetInternet (_T ("YaSync CR")) ; // Add user's custom HTTP headers /*objHttpReq.AddHeader (_T ("Ryeol-Magic"), _T ("My Magic Header")) ; objHttpReq.AddHeader (_T ("User-Magic"), _T ("User's Magic Header")) ;*/ // Add user's parameters objHttpReq.AddParam (_T ("FileName"), szFileName) ; // Specifies a file to upload objHttpReq.AddParam (szFileName,szFilePath, CHttpClient::ParamFile); // Start a new request objHttpReq.BeginUpload (_T ("")) ; // Specifies the number of bytes to send when the Proceed method is called. const DWORD cbProceed = 1024 ; // 1K do { int i = 0; } while ( !(pobjHttpRes = objHttpReq.Proceed (cbProceed)) ) ; } catch (httpclientexception e) { } }
void SendSupportReq(TCHAR *szEmail,TCHAR *szProblem) { CHttpClient objHttpReq ; CHttpResponse * pobjHttpRes = NULL ; try { // Initialize the User Agent objHttpReq.SetInternet (_T ("YaSync CR")) ; // Add user's custom HTTP headers /*objHttpReq.AddHeader (_T ("Ryeol-Magic"), _T ("My Magic Header")) ; objHttpReq.AddHeader (_T ("User-Magic"), _T ("User's Magic Header")) ;*/ // Add user's parameters objHttpReq.AddParam (_T ("EMAIL"), szEmail); objHttpReq.AddParam (_T ("PROBLEM"), szProblem); // Start a new request objHttpReq.BeginPost (_T ("")) ; // Specifies the number of bytes to send when the Proceed method is called. const DWORD cbProceed = 1024 ; // 1K do { int i = 0; } while ( !(pobjHttpRes = objHttpReq.Proceed (cbProceed)) ) ; } catch (httpclientexception e) { } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send SMS alert ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CSNAPIClient::sms(CHARPTR host,USHORT port,CHARPTR sender,CHARPTR dialno,CHARPTR start) { CMemplate memplate; CHttpClient client; StringObject result; httpResponseCode ret; // Build URI CHAR uri[CBUFF_MEDIUM]; sprintf(uri,"http://%s:%u/smsalert",host,port); result.Create(); memplate.create(&babylon); memplate.createField(MTF_TEXT,"name","64,1,\""); memplate.createField(MTF_TEXT,"number","64,1,\""); SMetastruct *meta = memplate.metaAlloc("guests",10); int counter=2; // Sneak in extra params meta->set(0,0,sender); meta->set(0,1,dialno); meta->set(1,0,start); meta->set(1,1,""); // Build list onSMSRequest(*meta); // Post request client.registerComs(this); ret = client.httpPost(uri,*meta,result); delete meta; result.Destroy(); return ret == 200; }
void* notification_callback(void *parm) { notification_params_t* thread_params = (notification_params_t*) parm; if (thread_params) { // Create and install the active scheduler CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler; CleanupStack::PushL(activeScheduler); CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler); CHttpClient* gHttpClient = CHttpClient::NewL(); gHttpClient->InvokeHttpMethodL(CHttpConstants::EPost, (const TUint8*) thread_params->callback, strlen( thread_params->callback), (const TUint8*) thread_params->params, strlen( thread_params->params), NULL); delete gHttpClient; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(activeScheduler); } //clear parameters if (thread_params) { if (thread_params->callback) free( thread_params->callback ); if (thread_params->params) free( thread_params->params ); free(thread_params); } pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL; }
// before you run this example, make sure that you have started up ghttp service (using bin/ghttp db_name port) int main() { CHttpClient hc; string res; int ret; //ret = hc.Get("", res); //cout<<res<<endl; //ret = hc.Get("", res); //cout<<res<<endl; int result[6] = {10, 14, 14, 199424, 33910, 1039}; string* sparql = new string[6]; sparql[0] = "select ?v0 where\ {\ ?v0 <> <> .\ ?v0 <> <> .\ ?v0 <> <> .\ }"; sparql[1] = "select ?v0 where\ {\ ?v0 <> <> .\ }"; sparql[2] = "select ?v2 where\ {\ <!!Destroy-Oh-Boy!!> <> ?v2 .\ }"; sparql[3] = "select ?v0 ?v2 where\ {\ ?v0 <> ?v2 .\ }"; sparql[4] = "select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where\ {\ ?v0 <> ?v2 .\ ?v1 <> ?v2 .\ }"; sparql[5] = "select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 where\ {\ ?v0 <> ?v1 .\ ?v0 <> ?v2 .\ ?v0 <> ?v3 .\ }"; int tnum = 6; tnum = 3000; bool correctness = true; for(int i = 0; i < tnum; ++i) { ret = hc.Get(""+sparql[i%6],res); cout<< i <<endl; int m = 0; for(int ii = 0; ii<sparql[i%6].length(); ++ii) { if(sparql[i%6][ii] == '?') ++m; if(sparql[i%6][ii] == '{') break; } int n = 0; for(int ii = 0; ii<res.length(); ++ii) { if(res[ii] == '{') ++n; } int Num = (n-3)/(m+1); if(Num!=result[i%6]) correctness =false; } if (correctness == true) cout<< "The answers are correct!" <<endl; else cout<< "The answers exist errors!" <<endl; //ret = hc.Get("", res); //cout<<res<<endl; //ret = hc.Get("", res); //cout<<res<<endl; //ret = hc.Get("", res); //cout<<res<<endl; return 0; }
bool CController::InitLogin(tstring& strPhone, tstring& strPwd) { static int init_times(0); init_times++; //注册 todo if (NULL != m_pLogin) { delete m_pLogin; m_pLogin = NULL; } //verify ostringstream osPost; osPost<<"cell_phone=" <<strPhone.c_str() <<"&" <<"passwd=" <<strPwd.c_str(); tstring strUrl(WEB_SERVER_SITE_URL); strUrl += "verify"; tstring strPost = osPost.str().c_str(); tstring strResponse; CHttpClient reqClient; int nSucc = reqClient.Post(strUrl, strPost, strResponse); if (strResponse.empty()) { //只有在第一次连接的时候才会弹出对话框,以后为自动重连,不能弹出对话框 if (init_times <= 1) { CMsgBox* pMsgBox = new CMsgBox("错误",_T("连接服务器超时!"),MSGBOX_ICON_ERROR, MSGBOX_IDOK); pMsgBox->ShowModal(NULL); } return false; } //if (nSucc == 1) tstring strFind("access_token"); int index = strResponse.find(strFind); if (index == -1) { //解析错误码:"code":"1001"=密码错误,"code":"1003"="用户不存在" tstring strErrorPwd("\"code\":\"1001\""); tstring strErrorNotExist("\"code\":\"1003\""); int nIndex1 = strResponse.find(strErrorPwd); int nIndex2 = strResponse.find(strErrorNotExist); if (nIndex1 != -1) { CMsgBox* pMsgBox = new CMsgBox("错误",_T("密码错误!"),MSGBOX_ICON_ERROR, MSGBOX_IDOK); pMsgBox->ShowModal(NULL); } else if (nIndex2 != -1) { CMsgBox* pMsgBox = new CMsgBox("错误",_T("账户不存在!"),MSGBOX_ICON_ERROR, MSGBOX_IDOK); pMsgBox->ShowModal(NULL); } else { CMsgBox* pMsgBox = new CMsgBox("错误",_T("用户验证失败!"),MSGBOX_ICON_ERROR, MSGBOX_IDOK); pMsgBox->ShowModal(NULL); } return false; } index += strFind.length()+3; if (!strResponse.empty()) { tstring strToken = strResponse.substr(index, 32/*strResponse.length()-index-2*/); //计算token长度 if (!strToken.empty()) { m_strToken = strToken; m_pLogin = new CLogin(strPhone, strPwd); if (NULL != m_pLogin) { return m_pLogin->LoginToServer(); } } } return false; }
/**** *@author liangyong *@param hWnd 父窗口线程 *@param msgName 消息名 *@param msgValue 消息值 *@param isDownload 上传/下载标识,TRUE为下载,FALSE为上传 ******/ void StartSpeed(HWND hWnd,UINT msgName,int msgValue,bool isDownload) { AllocConsole(); CIniManager iniManager; CSocketMgr sock; CHttpClient httpClient; ///获取账号信息以及测试服务器IP列表 //ADSL_12.0_0.5_gzDSL38056189_26_广州市_218.19.41.92_183.63.146.250,,, CString result_temp = httpClient.doGet(gl_ipQueue); CString result = _T(""); //result.Format(_T("%s"),ipTmp); result = iniManager.GetAllTestIp(result_temp); CT2A http_result_temp(result); std::string str(http_result_temp); std::string temp_str = ""; temp_str = iniManager.getIpQueues(str); //测试服务器IP列表 //,,, ipQueue = iniManager.split(temp_str);///测速IP列表 //_cprintf("startSpeed::msgName = %d,startSpeed::msgValue = %d\r\n",msgName,msgValue); socks.clear(); if(isDownload)//下载测速 { for(int i=0;i<ipQueue.size();i++) { if(i<ipQueue.size()) { const char* ip_temp; char* ip; ip_temp = ipQueue[i].c_str(); ip = new char[strlen(ip_temp)+1]; strcpy(ip,ip_temp); _cprintf("ip = %s\r\n",ip); sock.StartDownloadSpeedTest(hWnd,msgName,msgValue,ip); //_cprintf("msgName = %d,msgValue = %d\r\n",msgName,msgValue); } else { const char* ip_temp; char* ip; ip_temp = ipQueue[0].c_str(); ip = new char[strlen(ip_temp)+1]; strcpy(ip,ip_temp); _cprintf("ip = %s\r\n",ip); sock.StartDownloadSpeedTest(hWnd,msgName,msgValue,ip); //_cprintf("msgName = %d,msgValue = %d\r\n",msgName,msgValue); } } _cprintf("size is %d\r\n",handles.size()); } else//上传测速 { for(int i=0;i<ipQueue.size();i++) { if(i<ipQueue.size()) { const char* ip_temp; char* ip; ip_temp = ipQueue[i].c_str(); ip = new char[strlen(ip_temp)+1]; strcpy(ip,ip_temp); sock.StartUploadSpeedTest(hWnd,msgName,msgValue,""); } else { const char* ip_temp; char* ip; ip_temp = ipQueue[0].c_str(); ip = new char[strlen(ip_temp)+1]; strcpy(ip,ip_temp); sock.StartUploadSpeedTest(hWnd,msgName,msgValue,""); } } } }
void *CHttpClient::DoRequestThread(void* arg) { CHttpClient *phClient = (CHttpClient*) arg; HTTP_HDR_REQ *hdr_req = NULL; HTTP_HDR_RES *hdr_res = NULL; HTTP_RES *http_res = NULL; ACL_VSTRING *buf = acl_vstring_alloc(256); ACL_VSTREAM *server = NULL; const char *pHost = NULL; ACL_VSTREAM *fp = NULL; int ret; UINT nForward = 0; time_t begin = 0; struct timeval begin_tv, end_tv; double time_cost = 0; #undef RETURN #define RETURN(_x_) do \ { \ if (hdr_req) \ http_hdr_req_free(hdr_req); \ if (buf) \ acl_vstring_free(buf); \ if (hdr_res) \ http_hdr_res_free(hdr_res); \ if (http_res) { \ http_res->hdr_res = NULL; \ http_res_free(http_res); \ } \ if (server) \ acl_vstream_close(server); \ if (fp) \ acl_vstream_close(fp); \ gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL); \ time_cost = stamp_sub(&end_tv, &begin_tv); \ if (time_cost >= 0) \ phClient->ReportTime(time_cost); \ phClient->ReportComplete(); \ return (_x_); \ } while(0) const char *pUrl = phClient->m_sReqUrl.GetString(); hdr_req = http_hdr_req_create(pUrl, phClient->m_bPostMethod ? "POST" : "GET", phClient->m_bHttp11 ? "HTTP/1.1" : "HTTP/1.0"); ASSERT(hdr_req); if (phClient->m_bZip) http_hdr_put_str(&hdr_req->hdr, "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); if (phClient->m_bKeepAlive) http_hdr_entry_replace(&hdr_req->hdr, "Connection", "Keep-Alive", 1); if (phClient->m_bPostMethod) http_hdr_put_int(&hdr_req->hdr, "Content-Length", (int) phClient->m_sHttpBody.GetLength()); if (!phClient->m_sAccept.IsEmpty()) http_hdr_put_str(&hdr_req->hdr, "Accept", phClient->m_sAccept.GetString()); if (!phClient->m_sCtype.IsEmpty()) http_hdr_put_str(&hdr_req->hdr, "Content-Type", phClient->m_sCtype.GetString()); if (phClient->m_sHttpHdrAppend.GetLength() > 0) { ACL_ARGV *argv; HTTP_HDR_ENTRY *entry; int i; argv = acl_argv_split(phClient->m_sHttpHdrAppend.GetString(), "\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < argv->argc; i++) { entry = http_hdr_entry_new(argv->argv[i]); if (entry == NULL) continue; http_hdr_append_entry(&hdr_req->hdr, entry); } acl_argv_free(argv); } FORWARD: http_hdr_build_request(hdr_req, buf); pHost = http_hdr_req_host(hdr_req); ASSERT(pHost); phClient->ReportReqHdr(acl_vstring_str(buf), (int) ACL_VSTRING_LEN(buf)); CString serverAddr; if (phClient->m_bUseAddr) serverAddr.Format("%s", phClient->m_sServerAddr); if (serverAddr.GetLength() == 0) serverAddr.Format("%s", pHost); if (strchr(serverAddr.GetString(), ':') == NULL) serverAddr.AppendFormat(":80"); time(&begin); gettimeofday(&begin_tv, NULL); server = acl_vstream_connect(serverAddr.GetString(), ACL_BLOCKING, 10, 10, 4096); if (server == NULL) { CString msg; msg.Format("Connect server(%s) error", serverAddr.GetString()); phClient->ReportErrConnect(msg.GetString()); RETURN (NULL); } if (phClient->m_bLocalSave && fp == NULL) { fp = acl_vstream_fopen(phClient->m_sLocalFile.GetString(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600, 4096); if (fp == NULL) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): can't create file(%s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, phClient->m_sLocalFile.GetString()); RETURN (NULL); } } ret = acl_vstream_writen(server, acl_vstring_str(buf), ACL_VSTRING_LEN(buf)); if (ret == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): write error", __FILE__, __LINE__); RETURN (NULL); } if (phClient->m_bPostMethod && !phClient->m_sHttpBody.IsEmpty()) { if (acl_vstream_writen(server, phClient->m_sHttpBody.GetString(), phClient->m_sHttpBody.GetLength()) == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): write body error", __FILE__, __LINE__); RETURN (NULL); } } hdr_res = http_hdr_res_new(); if (http_hdr_res_get_sync(hdr_res, server, 10) < 0) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): get res hdr error", __FILE__, __FILE__, __LINE__); RETURN (NULL); } if (http_hdr_res_parse(hdr_res) < 0) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): parse hdr_res error", __FILE__, __LINE__); RETURN (NULL); } http_hdr_build(&hdr_res->hdr, buf); phClient->ReportResHdr(acl_vstring_str(buf), (int) ACL_VSTRING_LEN(buf)); phClient->ReportResContentLength((int) hdr_res->hdr.content_length); if (hdr_res->reply_status > 300 && hdr_res->reply_status < 400) { const char* pLocation; HTTP_HDR_REQ *hdr_req_tmp; if (!phClient->m_bForwardAuto) RETURN (NULL); if (nForward++ >= phClient->m_nMaxTry) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): too many redirect, nForward(%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, nForward); RETURN (NULL); } pLocation = http_hdr_entry_value(&hdr_res->hdr, "Location"); if (pLocation == NULL || *pLocation == 0) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): 302 reply with no Location", __FILE__, __LINE__); RETURN (NULL); } hdr_req_tmp = http_hdr_req_rewrite(hdr_req, pLocation); if (hdr_req_tmp == NULL) RETURN (NULL); http_hdr_req_free(hdr_req); http_hdr_res_free(hdr_res); hdr_req = hdr_req_tmp; goto FORWARD; } http_res = http_res_new(hdr_res); while (1) { char tmp_buf[4096]; ret = (int) http_res_body_get_sync2(http_res, server, tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf) - 1); if (ret <= 0) break; phClient->ReportResBody(tmp_buf, ret); phClient->ReportResDownLength((int)(time(NULL) - begin), ret); if (fp != NULL && acl_vstream_writen(fp, tmp_buf, ret) == ACL_VSTREAM_EOF) { acl_msg_error("%s(%d): write to file error", __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } } RETURN (NULL); }