Ejemplo n.º 1
void CSector::r_Write()
	if ( m_fSaveParity == g_World.m_fSaveParity )
		return; // already saved.
	CPointMap pt = GetBasePoint();

	m_fSaveParity = g_World.m_fSaveParity;
	bool bHeaderCreated = false;

	if ( m_dwFlags > 0)
		g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteSection("SECTOR %d,%d,0,%d", pt.m_x, pt.m_y, pt.m_map );
		g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteKeyHex("FLAGS", m_dwFlags);
		bHeaderCreated = true;

	if (g_Cfg.m_bAllowLightOverride && IsLightOverriden())
		if ( bHeaderCreated == false )
			g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteSection("SECTOR %d,%d,0,%d", pt.m_x, pt.m_y, pt.m_map);
			bHeaderCreated = true;

		g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteKeyVal("LIGHT", GetLight());

	if (!g_Cfg.m_fNoWeather && (IsRainOverriden() || IsColdOverriden()))
		if ( bHeaderCreated == false )
			g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteSection("SECTOR %d,%d,0,%d", pt.m_x, pt.m_y, pt.m_map);
			bHeaderCreated = true;

		if ( IsRainOverriden() )
			g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteKeyVal("RAINCHANCE", GetRainChance());

		if ( IsColdOverriden() )
			g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteKeyVal("COLDCHANCE", GetColdChance());

	if (GetSeason() != SEASON_Summer)
		if ( bHeaderCreated == false )
			g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteSection("SECTOR %d,%d,0,%d", pt.m_x, pt.m_y, pt.m_map);

		g_World.m_FileWorld.WriteKeyVal("SEASON", GetSeason());

	// Chars in the sector.
	CChar *pCharNext = NULL;
	for ( CChar *pChar = static_cast<CChar*>(m_Chars_Active.GetHead()); pChar != NULL; pChar = pCharNext )
		pCharNext = pChar->GetNext();
		pChar->r_WriteParity(pChar->m_pPlayer ? g_World.m_FilePlayers : g_World.m_FileWorld);

	// Inactive Client Chars, ridden horses and dead NPCs (NOTE: Push inactive player chars out to the account files here?)
	for ( CChar *pChar = static_cast<CChar*>(m_Chars_Disconnect.GetHead()); pChar != NULL; pChar = pCharNext )
		pCharNext = pChar->GetNext();
		pChar->r_WriteParity(pChar->m_pPlayer ? g_World.m_FilePlayers : g_World.m_FileWorld);

	// Items on the ground.
	CItem *pItemNext = NULL;
	for ( CItem *pItem = static_cast<CItem*>(m_Items_Inert.GetHead()); pItem != NULL; pItem = pItemNext )
		pItemNext = pItem->GetNext();
		if ( pItem->IsType(IT_MULTI_CUSTOM) )
		else if ( !pItem->IsAttr(ATTR_STATIC) )

	for ( CItem *pItem = static_cast<CItem*>(m_Items_Timer.GetHead()); pItem != NULL; pItem = pItemNext )
		pItemNext = pItem->GetNext();
		if ( pItem->IsType(IT_MULTI_CUSTOM) )
		else if ( !pItem->IsAttr(ATTR_STATIC) )
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CItem::Spawn_GenerateItem( CResourceDef * pDef )
	// Count how many items are here already.
	// This could be in a container.

	RESOURCE_ID_BASE rid = pDef->GetResourceID();
	ITEMID_TYPE id = (ITEMID_TYPE) rid.GetResIndex();
	int iDistMax = m_itSpawnItem.m_DistMax;
	int iAmountPile = m_itSpawnItem.m_pile;

	int iCount = 0;
	CItemContainer * pCont = dynamic_cast <CItemContainer *>( GetParent());
	if ( pCont != NULL )
		iCount = pCont->ContentCount( rid );
		// If is equipped this will produce the item where you are standing.
		CPointMap pt = GetTopLevelObj()->GetTopPoint();
		CWorldSearch AreaItems( pt, iDistMax );
		while (true)
			CItem * pItem = AreaItems.GetItem();
			if ( pItem == NULL )
			if ( pItem->IsType(IT_SPAWN_ITEM))
			if ( pItem->IsAttr( ATTR_INVIS ))
			if ( pItem->GetID() != id )
			// if ( pItem->m_uidLink != GetUID()) continue;
			iCount += pItem->GetAmount();
	if ( iCount >= GetAmount())

	CItem * pItem = CreateTemplate( id );
	if ( pItem == NULL )

	pItem->SetAttr( m_Attr & ( ATTR_OWNED | ATTR_MOVE_ALWAYS ));

	if ( iAmountPile > 1 )
		CItemBase * pItemDef = pItem->Item_GetDef();
		if ( pItemDef->IsStackableType())
			if ( iAmountPile == 0 || iAmountPile > GetAmount())
				iAmountPile = GetAmount();
			pItem->SetAmount( Calc_GetRandVal(iAmountPile) + 1 );

	// pItem->m_uidLink = GetUID();	// This might be dangerous ?
	pItem->SetDecayTime( g_Cfg.m_iDecay_Item );	// It will decay eventually to be replaced later.
	pItem->MoveNearObj( this, iDistMax );