Ejemplo n.º 1
* CTTSEngObj::Speak *
*   Description:
*       This is the primary method that SAPI calls to render text.
*   Input Parameters
*   pUser
*       Pointer to the current user profile object. This object contains
*       information like what languages are being used and this object
*       also gives access to resources like the SAPI master lexicon object.
*   dwSpeakFlags
*       This is a set of flags used to control the behavior of the
*       SAPI voice object and the associated engine.
*   VoiceFmtIndex
*       Zero based index specifying the output format that should
*       be used during rendering.
*   pTextFragList
*       A linked list of text fragments to be rendered. There is
*       one fragement per XML state change. If the input text does
*       not contain any XML markup, there will only be a single fragment.
*   pOutputSite
*       The interface back to SAPI where all output audio samples and events are written.
*   Return Values
*       S_OK - This should be returned after successful rendering or if
*              rendering was interrupted because *pfContinue changed to FALSE.
                                REFGUID rguidFormatId,
                                const WAVEFORMATEX * pWaveFormatEx,
                                const SPVTEXTFRAG* pTextFragList,
                                ISpTTSEngineSite* pOutputSite )
    SPDBG_FUNC( "CTTSEngObj::Speak" );
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    //--- Check args
    if( SP_IS_BAD_INTERFACE_PTR( pOutputSite ) ||
        SP_IS_BAD_READ_PTR( pTextFragList )  )
        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        //--- Init some vars
        m_pCurrFrag   = pTextFragList;
        m_pNextChar   = m_pCurrFrag->pTextStart;
        m_pEndChar    = m_pNextChar + m_pCurrFrag->ulTextLen;
        m_ullAudioOff = 0;

        //--- Parse
        //    We've supplied a simple word/sentence breaker just to show one
        //    way of walking the fragment list. It obviously doesn't deal with
        //    things like abreviations and expansion of numbers and dates.
        CItemList ItemList;

        while( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && !(pOutputSite->GetActions() & SPVES_ABORT) )
            //--- Do skip?
            if( pOutputSite->GetActions() & SPVES_SKIP )
                long lSkipCnt;
                SPVSKIPTYPE eType;
                hr = pOutputSite->GetSkipInfo( &eType, &lSkipCnt );
                if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
                    //--- Notify SAPI how many items we skipped. We're returning zero
                    //    because this feature isn't implemented.
                    hr = pOutputSite->CompleteSkip( 0 );

            //--- Build the text item list
            if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && (hr = GetNextSentence( ItemList )) != S_OK )

            //--- We aren't going to do any part of speech determination,
            //    prosody, or pronunciation determination. If you were, one thing
            //    you will need is access to the SAPI lexicon. You can get that with
            //    the following call.
            //    CComPtr<ISpLexicon> cpLexicon;
            //    hr = pUser->GetLexicon( &cpLexicon );

            if( !(pOutputSite->GetActions() & SPVES_ABORT) )
                //--- Fire begin sentence event
                CSentItem& FirstItem = ItemList.GetHead();
                CSentItem& LastItem  = ItemList.GetTail();
                CSpEvent Event;
                Event.eEventId             = SPEI_SENTENCE_BOUNDARY;
                Event.elParamType          = SPET_LPARAM_IS_UNDEFINED;
                Event.ullAudioStreamOffset = m_ullAudioOff;
                Event.lParam               = (LPARAM)FirstItem.ulItemSrcOffset;
                Event.wParam               = (WPARAM)LastItem.ulItemSrcOffset +
                                                     LastItem.ulItemSrcLen -
                hr = pOutputSite->AddEvents( &Event, 1 );

                //--- Output
                if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
                    hr = OutputSentence( ItemList, pOutputSite );

        //--- S_FALSE just says that we hit the end, return okay
        if( hr == S_FALSE )
            hr = S_OK;

    return hr;
} /* CTTSEngObj::Speak */