Ejemplo n.º 1
CLuaArgument* CLuaArguments::PushUserData ( void* pUserData )
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = new CLuaArgument;
    pArgument->ReadUserData ( pUserData );
    m_Arguments.push_back ( pArgument );
    return pArgument;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CLuaArgument* CLuaArguments::PushTable ( CLuaArguments * table )
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = new CLuaArgument (  );
    m_Arguments.push_back ( pArgument );
    return pArgument;
Ejemplo n.º 3
CXMLNode * CCustomData::OutputToXML ( CXMLNode * pNode )
    std::map < std::string, SCustomData > :: const_iterator iter = m_Data.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Data.end (); iter++ )
        CLuaArgument* arg = (CLuaArgument *)&iter->second.Variable;
        switch ( arg->GetType() )
        case LUA_TSTRING:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( arg->GetString ().c_str () );
        case LUA_TNUMBER:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( (float)arg->GetNumber () );
        case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
                CXMLAttribute* attr = pNode->GetAttributes().Create( iter->first.c_str () );
                attr->SetValue ( arg->GetBoolean () );
    return pNode;   
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool CRegistry::Query ( std::string strQuery, CLuaArguments *pArgs, CRegistryResult* pResult )
    std::string strParsedQuery = "";

    if ( m_bOpened == false ) {
        m_strLastError = "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!";
        return false;

    // Walk through the query and replace the variable placeholders with the actual variables
    unsigned int uiLen = strQuery.length ();
    unsigned int a = 0, type = 0;
    const char *szContent = NULL;
    char szBuffer[32] = {0};
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiLen; i++ )
        if ( strQuery.at(i) == SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER ) {
            // If the placeholder is found, replace it with the variable
            CLuaArgument *pArgument = (*pArgs)[a++];

            // Check the type of the argument and convert it to a string we can process
            if ( pArgument ) {
                type = pArgument->GetType ();
                if ( type == LUA_TBOOLEAN ) {
                    szContent = ( pArgument->GetBoolean() ) ? "true" : "false";
                } else if ( type == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
                    _snprintf ( szBuffer, 31, "%f", pArgument->GetNumber () );
                    szContent = szBuffer;
                } else if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) {
                    szContent = pArgument->GetString ().c_str ();

                    // If we have a string, add a quote at the beginning too
                    strParsedQuery += '\'';

            // Copy the string into the query, and escape the single quotes as well
            if ( szContent ) {
                for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < strlen ( szContent ); k++ ) {
                    if ( szContent[k] == '\'' )
                        strParsedQuery += '\'';
                    strParsedQuery += szContent[k];
                // If we have a string, add a quote at the end too
                if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
            } else {
                // If we don't have any content, put just output 2 quotes to indicate an empty variable
                strParsedQuery += "\'\'";

        } else {
            // If we found a normal character, copy it into the destination buffer
            strParsedQuery += strQuery[i];

    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CClientEntity::GetCustomDataBool ( const char* szName, bool& bOut, bool bInheritData )
    // Grab the custom data variable
    CLuaArgument* pData = GetCustomData ( szName, bInheritData );
    if ( pData )
        // Write the content depending on what type it is
        int iType = pData->GetType ();
        if ( iType == LUA_TSTRING )
            const char* szString = pData->GetString ();
            if ( strcmp ( szString, "true" ) == 0 || strcmp ( szString, "1" ) == 0 )
                bOut = true;
            else if ( strcmp ( szString, "false" ) == 0 || strcmp ( szString, "0" ) == 0 )
                bOut = false;
                return false;
        else if ( iType == LUA_TNUMBER )
            int iNumber = static_cast < int > ( pData->GetNumber () );
            if ( iNumber == 1 )
                bOut = true;
            else if ( iNumber == 0 )
                bOut = false;
                return false;
        else if ( iType == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
            bOut = pData->GetBoolean ();
            return false;

        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CLuaArguments::ReadFromJSONString(const char* szJSON)
    // Fast isJSON check: Check first non-white space character is '[' or '{'
    for (const char* ptr = szJSON; true;)
        char c = *ptr++;
        if (c == '[' || c == '{')
        if (isspace((uchar)c))
        return false;

    json_object* object = json_tokener_parse(szJSON);
    if (!is_error(object))
        if (json_object_get_type(object) == json_type_array)
            bool bSuccess = true;

            std::vector<CLuaArguments*> knownTables;

            for (int i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(object); i++)
                json_object*  arrayObject = json_object_array_get_idx(object, i);
                CLuaArgument* pArgument = new CLuaArgument();
                bSuccess = pArgument->ReadFromJSONObject(arrayObject, &knownTables);
                m_Arguments.push_back(pArgument);            // then the value
                if (!bSuccess)
            json_object_put(object);            // dereference
            return bSuccess;
        else if (json_object_get_type(object) == json_type_object)
            std::vector<CLuaArguments*> knownTables;
            CLuaArgument*               pArgument = new CLuaArgument();
            bool                        bSuccess = pArgument->ReadFromJSONObject(object, &knownTables);
            m_Arguments.push_back(pArgument);            // value

            return bSuccess;
        json_object_put(object);            // dereference
    //    else
    //        g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( "Could not parse invalid JSON object.");
    //   else
    //        g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( "Could not parse HTTP POST request, ensure data uses JSON.");
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
const char* CClientTask::GetParameterString ( const char* szKey )
    // Grab the parameter and check its type
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TSTRING )
        // Return the string
        return pArgument->GetString ();

    // Non-existing
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool CClientTask::GetParameterBool ( const char* szKey, bool& Bool )
    // Grab the parameter and check its type
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
        // Return the bool
        Bool = pArgument->GetBoolean ();
        return true;

    // Non-existing
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool CClientTask::GetParameterNumber ( const char* szKey, float& Number )
    // Grab the parameter and check its type
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TNUMBER )
        // Return the number
        Number = static_cast < float > ( pArgument->GetNumber () );
        return true;

    // Non-existing
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
CPed* CClientTask::GetParameterPed ( const char* szKey )
    // Grab the parameter, is it userdata?
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab the player and verify it
        CClientPlayer* pPlayer = reinterpret_cast < CClientPlayer* > ( pArgument->GetLightUserData () );
        if ( VERIFY_PLAYER ( pPlayer ) )
            // Return his game player
            return pPlayer->GetGamePlayer ();

    // Non-existing
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
CVehicle* CClientTask::GetParameterVehicle ( const char* szKey )
    // Grab the parameter, is it userdata?
    CLuaArgument* pArgument = GetParameter ( szKey );
    if ( pArgument && pArgument->GetType () == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab the player and verify it
        CClientVehicle* pVehicle = reinterpret_cast < CClientVehicle* > ( pArgument->GetLightUserData () );
        if ( VERIFY_VEHICLE ( pVehicle ) )
            // Return the game vehicle
            return pVehicle->GetGameVehicle ();

    // Non-existing
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CElementRPCs::SetElementData ( CClientEntity* pSource, NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    unsigned short usNameLength;
    if ( bitStream.ReadCompressed ( usNameLength ) )
        // We should never receive an illegal name length from the server
        if ( usNameLength > MAX_CUSTOMDATA_NAME_LENGTH )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "RPC SetElementData name length > MAX_CUSTOMDATA_NAME_LENGTH" );
        SString strName;
        CLuaArgument Argument;
        if ( bitStream.ReadStringCharacters ( strName, usNameLength ) && Argument.ReadFromBitStream ( bitStream ) )
            pSource->SetCustomData ( strName, Argument, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 13
json_object * CLuaArguments::WriteToJSONArray ( bool bSerialize )
    json_object * my_array = json_object_new_array();
    vector < CLuaArgument* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Arguments.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Arguments.end () ; iter++ )
        CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
        json_object * object = pArgument->WriteToJSONObject ( bSerialize );
        if ( object )
            json_object_array_add(my_array, object);
	return my_array;
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool CLuaArguments::WriteToBitStream(NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream, CFastHashMap<CLuaArguments*, unsigned long>* pKnownTables) const
    bool bKnownTablesCreated = false;
    if (!pKnownTables)
        pKnownTables = new CFastHashMap<CLuaArguments*, unsigned long>();
        bKnownTablesCreated = true;

    bool bSuccess = true;
    pKnownTables->insert(make_pair((CLuaArguments*)this, pKnownTables->size()));

#if MTA_DM_VERSION >= 0x150
    bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_Arguments.size()));
    if (ExtractVersionStringBuildNumber(g_pGame->GetPlayerManager()->GetLowestConnectedPlayerVersion()) < ExtractVersionStringBuildNumber("1.4.0-9.06858") &&
        bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned short>(m_Arguments.size()));
        // Send 0xFFFF to indicate that we're using the new version | TODO: Remove this in 1.5
        bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned short>(0xFFFF));
        bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_Arguments.size()));

    vector<CLuaArgument*>::const_iterator iter = m_Arguments.begin();
    for (; iter != m_Arguments.end(); ++iter)
        CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
        if (!pArgument->WriteToBitStream(bitStream, pKnownTables))
            bSuccess = false;

    if (bKnownTablesCreated)
        delete pKnownTables;

    return bSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CElementRPCs::SetElementData ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    ElementID ID;
    unsigned short usNameLength;
    if ( bitStream.ReadCompressed ( ID ) && bitStream.ReadCompressed ( usNameLength ) )
        char* szName = new char [ usNameLength + 1 ];
        szName [ usNameLength ] = NULL;

        CLuaArgument Argument;
        if ( bitStream.Read ( szName, usNameLength ) && Argument.ReadFromBitStream ( bitStream ) )
            CClientEntity* pEntity = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
            if ( pEntity )
                pEntity->SetCustomData ( szName, Argument, NULL );
        delete [] szName;
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool CElement::GetCustomDataString ( const char* szName, char* pOut, size_t sizeBuffer, bool bInheritData )
    // Grab the custom data variable
    CLuaArgument* pData = GetCustomData ( szName, bInheritData );
    if ( pData )
        // Make sure it gets 0 terminated
        sizeBuffer -= 1;
        pOut [sizeBuffer] = 0;

        // Write the content depending on what type it is
        int iType = pData->GetType ();
        if ( iType == LUA_TSTRING )
            strncpy ( pOut, pData->GetString ().c_str (), sizeBuffer );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TNUMBER )
            snprintf ( pOut, sizeBuffer, "%f", pData->GetNumber () );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
            snprintf ( pOut, sizeBuffer, "%u", pData->GetBoolean () );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TNIL )
            pOut [0] = 0;
            return false;

        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
CLuaArgument* CAccountManager::GetAccountData( CAccount* pAccount, const char* szKey )
    //Get the user ID
    int iUserID = pAccount->GetID();
    //create a new registry result for the query return
    CRegistryResult result;

    //Select the value and type from the database where the user is our user and the key is the required key
    m_pDatabaseManager->QueryWithResultf ( m_hDbConnection, &result, "SELECT value,type from userdata where userid=? and key=? LIMIT 1", SQLITE_INTEGER, iUserID, SQLITE_TEXT, szKey );

    // Default result is nil
    CLuaArgument* pResult = new CLuaArgument ();

    //Do we have any results?
    if ( result->nRows > 0 )
        const CRegistryResultRow& row = result->Data.front();

        int iType = static_cast < int > ( row[1].nVal );
        //Account data is stored as text so we don't need to check what type it is just return it
        if ( iType == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
            SString strResult = (const char *)row[0].pVal;
            pResult->ReadBool ( strResult == "true" );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TNUMBER )
            pResult->ReadNumber ( strtod ( (const char *)row[0].pVal, NULL ) );
            pResult->ReadString ( (const char *)row[0].pVal );
        //No results
        pResult->ReadBool ( false );

    return pResult;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool CClientEntity::GetCustomDataInt ( const char* szName, int& iOut, bool bInheritData )
    // Grab the custom data variable
    CLuaArgument* pData = GetCustomData ( szName, bInheritData );
    if ( pData )
        // Write the content depending on what type it is
        int iType = pData->GetType ();
        if ( iType == LUA_TSTRING )
            iOut = atoi ( pData->GetString () );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TNUMBER )
            iOut = static_cast < int > ( pData->GetNumber () );
        else if ( iType == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
            if ( pData->GetBoolean () )
                iOut = 1;
                iOut = 0;
            return false;

        return true;

    return false;
// InsertQueryArgumentsSqlite
// Insert arguments and apply Sqlite escapement
SString InsertQueryArgumentsSqlite ( const SString& strQuery, CLuaArguments* pArgs )
    SString strParsedQuery;

    // Walk through the query and replace the variable placeholders with the actual variables
    unsigned int uiLen = strQuery.length ();
    unsigned int a = 0;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < uiLen ; i++ )
        if ( strQuery[i] != SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER )
            // If we found a normal character, copy it into the destination buffer
            strParsedQuery += strQuery[i];
            // Use ?? for unquoted strings
            bool bUnquotedStrings = strQuery[i+1] == SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER;
            if ( bUnquotedStrings )

            // If the placeholder is found, replace it with the variable
            CLuaArgument* pArgument = (*pArgs)[a++];

            // Check the type of the argument and convert it to a string we can process
            uint type = pArgument ? pArgument->GetType () : LUA_TNONE;
            if ( type == LUA_TBOOLEAN )
                strParsedQuery += ( pArgument->GetBoolean() ) ? "1" : "0";
            if ( type == LUA_TNUMBER )
                double dNumber = pArgument->GetNumber ();
                if ( dNumber == floor ( dNumber ) )
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%" PRId64, (long long)dNumber );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%f", dNumber );
            if ( type == LUA_TSTRING )
                // Copy the string into the query, and escape '
                if ( !bUnquotedStrings ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
                SqliteEscape ( strParsedQuery, pArgument->GetString ().c_str (), pArgument->GetString ().length () );
                if ( !bUnquotedStrings ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
                // If we don't have any content, put just output 2 quotes to indicate an empty variable
                strParsedQuery += "\'\'";

    return strParsedQuery;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool CLuaArguments::WriteToBitStream(NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream, CFastHashMap<CLuaArguments*, unsigned long>* pKnownTables) const
    bool bKnownTablesCreated = false;
    if (!pKnownTables)
        pKnownTables = new CFastHashMap<CLuaArguments*, unsigned long>();
        bKnownTablesCreated = true;

    bool bSuccess = true;
    pKnownTables->insert(make_pair((CLuaArguments*)this, pKnownTables->size()));

#if MTA_DM_VERSION >= 0x150
    bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_Arguments.size()));
    if (bitStream.Version() < 0x05B)
        bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned short>(m_Arguments.size()));
        bitStream.WriteCompressed(static_cast<unsigned int>(m_Arguments.size()));

    vector<CLuaArgument*>::const_iterator iter = m_Arguments.begin();
    for (; iter != m_Arguments.end(); iter++)
        CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
        if (!pArgument->WriteToBitStream(bitStream, pKnownTables))
            bSuccess = false;

    if (bKnownTablesCreated)
        delete pKnownTables;

    return bSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Load( lua_State* luaVM )
//  func,err load( callback callbackFunction[, string name] )
    CLuaFunctionRef iLuaFunction; SString strName;

    CScriptArgReader argStream( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadFunction( iLuaFunction );
    argStream.ReadString( strName, "=(load)" );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors() )
        // Call supplied function to get all the bits
        // Should apply some limit here?
        SString strInput;
        CLuaArguments callbackArguments;
        CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine( luaVM );
        while( pLuaMain )
            CLuaArguments returnValues;
            callbackArguments.Call( pLuaMain, iLuaFunction, &returnValues );
            if ( returnValues.Count() )
                CLuaArgument* returnedValue = *returnValues.IterBegin();
                if ( returnedValue->GetType() == LUA_TSTRING )
                    strInput += returnedValue->GetString();

        const char* szChunkname = *strName;
        const char* cpInBuffer = strInput;
        uint uiInSize = strInput.length();

        // Decrypt if required
        const char* cpBuffer;
        uint uiSize;
        if ( !g_pNet->DecryptScript( cpInBuffer, uiInSize, &cpBuffer, &uiSize, m_pResourceManager->GetResourceName( luaVM ) + "/load" ) )
            SString strMessage( "argument 2 is invalid. Please re-compile at http://luac.mtasa.com/", 0 ); 
            argStream.SetCustomError( strMessage );
            cpBuffer = NULL;
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print( argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );
            g_pClientGame->TellServerSomethingImportant( 1005, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage(), true );

        if ( !argStream.HasErrors() )
            CLuaShared::CheckUTF8BOMAndUpdate ( &cpBuffer, &uiSize );
            if ( !CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer( luaVM, cpBuffer, uiSize, szChunkname ) )
                // Ok
                return 1;
                lua_pushnil( luaVM );
                lua_insert( luaVM, -2 );  /* put before error message */
                return 2;  /* return nil plus error message */
    if ( argStream.HasErrors() )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Call ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CResource * pResource = NULL;
    SString strFunctionName = "";
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pResource );
    argStream.ReadString ( strFunctionName );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
        // Grab our VM
        CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
        if ( pLuaMain )
            // Grab this resource
            CResource* pThisResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
            if ( pThisResource )
                if ( pResource )
                    //Get the target Lua VM
                    lua_State* targetLuaVM = pResource->GetVM()->GetVM();

                    // Read out the vargs
                    CLuaArguments args;
                    args.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 3 );
                    CLuaArguments returns;

                    LUA_CHECKSTACK ( targetLuaVM, 1 );   // Ensure some room

                    //Lets grab the original hidden variables so we can restore them later
                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( luaVM, -1 );
                    lua_pop( targetLuaVM, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( luaVM, -1 );
                    lua_pop( targetLuaVM, 1 );

                    //Set the new values for the current sourceResource, and sourceResourceRoot
                    lua_pushresource ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                    lua_pushelement ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource->GetResourceEntity() );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    // Call the exported function with the given name and the args
                    if ( pResource->CallExportedFunction ( strFunctionName, args, returns, *pThisResource ) )
                        // Push return arguments
                        returns.PushArguments ( luaVM );
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                        return returns.Count ();
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                        m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "call: failed to call '%s:%s'", pResource->GetName (), *strFunctionName );
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
json_object * CLuaArguments::WriteTableToJSONObject ( bool bSerialize, std::map < CLuaArguments*, unsigned long > * pKnownTables )
    bool bKnownTablesCreated = false;
    if ( !pKnownTables )
        pKnownTables = new std::map < CLuaArguments*, unsigned long > ();
        bKnownTablesCreated = true;

    pKnownTables->insert ( std::make_pair ( this, pKnownTables->size () ) );

    bool bIsArray = true;
    unsigned int iArrayPos = 1; // lua arrays are 1 based
    vector < CLuaArgument* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Arguments.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Arguments.end () ; iter+=2 )
        CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
        if ( pArgument->GetType() == LUA_TNUMBER )
            double num = pArgument->GetNumber();
            unsigned int iNum = static_cast < unsigned int > ( num );
            if ( num == iNum )
                if ( iArrayPos != iNum ) // check if the value matches its index in the table
                    bIsArray = false;
                bIsArray = false;
            bIsArray = false;
    if ( bIsArray )
        json_object * my_array = json_object_new_array();
        vector < CLuaArgument* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Arguments.begin ();
        for ( ; iter != m_Arguments.end () ; iter++ ) 
            iter++; // skip the key values
            CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
            json_object * object = pArgument->WriteToJSONObject ( bSerialize, pKnownTables );
            if ( object )
                json_object_array_add(my_array, object);
        if ( bKnownTablesCreated )
            delete pKnownTables;
        return my_array;
        json_object * my_object = json_object_new_object();
        iter = m_Arguments.begin ();
        for ( ; iter != m_Arguments.end () ; iter++ )
            char szKey[255];
            szKey[0] = '\0';
            CLuaArgument* pArgument = *iter;
            if ( !pArgument->WriteToString(szKey, 255) ) // index
            pArgument = *iter;
            json_object * object = pArgument->WriteToJSONObject ( bSerialize, pKnownTables ); // value

            if ( object )
                json_object_object_add(my_object, szKey, object);
        if ( bKnownTablesCreated )
            delete pKnownTables;
        return my_object;
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool CMapEventManager::Call ( const char* szName, const CLuaArguments& Arguments, class CClientEntity* pSource, class CClientEntity* pThis )
    // Call all the events with matching names
    bool bCalled = false;
    CMapEvent* pMapEvent;
    bool bIsAlreadyIterating = m_bIteratingList;
    m_bIteratingList = true;
    list < CMapEvent* > ::const_iterator iter = m_Events.begin ();
    for ( ; iter != m_Events.end (); iter++ )
        pMapEvent = *iter;

        // If it's not being destroyed
        if ( !pMapEvent->IsBeingDestroyed () )
            // Compare the names
            if ( strcmp ( pMapEvent->GetName (), szName ) == 0 )
                // Call if propagated?
                if ( pSource == pThis || pMapEvent->IsPropagated () )
                    // Grab the current VM
                    lua_State* pState = pMapEvent->GetVM ()->GetVM ();
                    #if MTA_DEBUG
                        int luaStackPointer = lua_gettop ( pState );

                    // Store the current values of the globals
                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "source" );
                    CLuaArgument OldSource ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "this" );
                    CLuaArgument OldThis ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "eventName" );
                    CLuaArgument OldEventName ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    // Set the "source", "this", "sourceResource" and the "sourceResourceRoot" globals on that VM
                    lua_pushelement ( pState, pSource );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "source" );

                    lua_pushelement ( pState, pThis );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "this" );

                    lua_pushresource ( pState, pMapEvent->GetVM()->GetResource() );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );

                    lua_pushelement ( pState, pMapEvent->GetVM()->GetResource()->GetResourceDynamicEntity() );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    lua_pushstring ( pState, szName );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "eventName" );
                    // Call it
                    pMapEvent->Call ( Arguments );
                    bCalled = true;

                    // Reset the globals on that VM
                    OldSource.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "source" );

                    OldThis.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "this" );                

                    OldResource.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );

                    OldResourceRoot.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    OldEventName.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "eventName" );

                    #if MTA_DEBUG
                        assert ( lua_gettop ( pState ) == luaStackPointer );

    // Clean out the trash if we're no longer calling events.
    if ( !bIsAlreadyIterating )\
        TakeOutTheTrash ();

        // We're no longer iterating the list
        m_bIteratingList = false;

    // Return whether we called atleast one func or not
    return bCalled;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::SetBrowserAjaxHandler ( lua_State* luaVM )
    //  bool setBrowserAjaxHandler ( browser browser, string URL[, function callback] )
    CClientWebBrowser* pWebBrowser; SString strURL; CLuaFunctionRef callbackFunction;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pWebBrowser );
    argStream.ReadString ( strURL );

    if ( argStream.NextIsNil () || argStream.NextIsNone () )
        if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, pWebBrowser->RemoveAjaxHandler ( strURL ) );
            return 1;
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );
        argStream.ReadFunction ( callbackFunction );
        argStream.ReadFunctionComplete ();
        if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
            CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
            if ( pLuaMain && VERIFY_FUNCTION ( callbackFunction ) )
                CResource* pResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
                CResourceManager * pResourceManager = m_pResourceManager;
                auto netId = pResource->GetNetID ();

                bool bResult = pWebBrowser->AddAjaxHandler ( strURL, 
                [=] ( std::vector<SString>& vecGet, std::vector<SString>& vecPost ) -> const SString
                    // Make sure the resource is still running
                    if ( !pResourceManager->Exists ( pResource ) || pResource->GetNetID() != netId )
                        return "";

                    // Make sure the function is valid
                    if ( VERIFY_FUNCTION ( callbackFunction ) )
                        CLuaArguments arguments;
                        CLuaArguments getArguments;
                        CLuaArguments postArguments;

                        for ( auto&& param : vecGet )
                            getArguments.PushString ( param );

                        for ( auto&& param : vecPost )
                            postArguments.PushString ( param );

                        arguments.PushTable ( &getArguments );
                        arguments.PushTable ( &postArguments );

                        CLuaArguments result;
                        arguments.Call ( pLuaMain, callbackFunction, &result );

                        if ( result.Count () == 0 )
                            return "";

                        CLuaArgument* returnedValue = *result.IterBegin ();
                        if ( returnedValue->GetType () == LUA_TSTRING )                       
                            return returnedValue->GetString ();
                            return "";
                        return "";

                } );

                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, bResult );
                return 1;
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool CMapEventManager::Call ( const char* szName, const CLuaArguments& Arguments, class CClientEntity* pSource, class CClientEntity* pThis )
    // Check if no events
    if ( !m_bHasEvents )
        return false;

    // Check if no events with a name match
    EventsIterPair itPair = m_EventsMap.equal_range ( szName );
    if ( itPair.first == itPair.second )
        return false;

    TIMEUS startTimeCall = GetTimeUs ();
    SString strStatus;

    // Check for multi-threading slipups
    assert ( IsMainThread () );

    // Call all the events with matching names
    bool bCalled = false;
    bool bIsAlreadyIterating = m_bIteratingList;
    m_bIteratingList = true;

    // Copy the results into a array in case m_EventsMap is modified during the call
    std::vector< CMapEvent* > matchingEvents;
    for ( EventsIter iter = itPair.first ; iter != itPair.second ; ++iter )

    for ( std::vector< CMapEvent* >::iterator iter = matchingEvents.begin() ; iter != matchingEvents.end() ; ++iter )
        CMapEvent* pMapEvent = *iter;

        // If it's not being destroyed
        if ( !pMapEvent->IsBeingDestroyed () )
            // Compare the names
            dassert ( strcmp ( pMapEvent->GetName (), szName ) == 0 );
                // Call if propagated?
                if ( pSource == pThis || pMapEvent->IsPropagated () )
                    // Grab the current VM
                    lua_State* pState = pMapEvent->GetVM ()->GetVM ();

                    LUA_CHECKSTACK ( pState, 1 );   // Ensure some room

                    #if MTA_DEBUG
                        int luaStackPointer = lua_gettop ( pState );

                    TIMEUS startTime = GetTimeUs();

                    // Aspect ratio adjustment bodges
                    if ( pMapEvent->ShouldAllowAspectRatioAdjustment() )
                        g_bAllowAspectRatioAdjustment = true;
                        if ( pMapEvent->ShouldForceAspectRatioAdjustment() )
                            g_pCore->GetGraphics()->SetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled( true );

                    // Record event for the crash dump writer
                    static bool bEnabled = ( g_pCore->GetDiagnosticDebug () == EDiagnosticDebug::LUA_TRACE_0000 );
                    if ( bEnabled )
                        g_pCore->LogEvent ( 0, "Lua Event", pMapEvent->GetVM ()->GetScriptName (), szName );

                    // Store the current values of the globals
                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "source" );
                    CLuaArgument OldSource ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "this" );
                    CLuaArgument OldThis ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( pState, "eventName" );
                    CLuaArgument OldEventName ( pState, -1 );
                    lua_pop( pState, 1 );

                    // Set the "source", "this", "sourceResource" and the "sourceResourceRoot" globals on that VM
                    lua_pushelement ( pState, pSource );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "source" );

                    lua_pushelement ( pState, pThis );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "this" );

                    CLuaMain* pLuaMain = g_pClientGame->GetScriptDebugging()->GetTopLuaMain();
                    CResource* pSourceResource = pLuaMain ? pLuaMain->GetResource() : NULL;
                    if ( pSourceResource )
                        lua_pushresource ( pState, pSourceResource );
                        lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );

                        lua_pushelement ( pState, pSourceResource->GetResourceDynamicEntity() );
                        lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                        lua_pushnil ( pState );
                        lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );

                        lua_pushnil ( pState );
                        lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    lua_pushstring ( pState, szName );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "eventName" );
                    // Call it
                    pMapEvent->Call ( Arguments );
                    bCalled = true;

                    // Reset the globals on that VM
                    OldSource.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "source" );

                    OldThis.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "this" );                

                    OldResource.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResource" );

                    OldResourceRoot.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    OldEventName.Push ( pState );
                    lua_setglobal ( pState, "eventName" );

                    #if MTA_DEBUG
                        assert ( lua_gettop ( pState ) == luaStackPointer );

                    // Aspect ratio adjustment bodges
                    if ( pMapEvent->ShouldAllowAspectRatioAdjustment() )
                        g_pCore->GetGraphics()->SetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled( false );
                        g_bAllowAspectRatioAdjustment = false;

                    TIMEUS deltaTimeUs = GetTimeUs() - startTime;

                    if ( deltaTimeUs > 3000 ) 
                        if ( IS_TIMING_CHECKPOINTS() )
                            strStatus += SString ( " (%s %d ms)", pMapEvent->GetVM ()->GetScriptName (), deltaTimeUs / 1000 );

                    CClientPerfStatLuaTiming::GetSingleton ()->UpdateLuaTiming ( pMapEvent->GetVM (), szName, deltaTimeUs );

    // Clean out the trash if we're no longer calling events.
    if ( !bIsAlreadyIterating )
        TakeOutTheTrash ();

        // We're no longer iterating the list
        m_bIteratingList = false;

        TIMEUS deltaTimeUs = GetTimeUs() - startTimeCall;
        if ( deltaTimeUs > 5000 )
            TIMING_DETAIL( SString ( "CMapEventManager::Call ( %s, ... ) took %d ms ( %s )", szName, deltaTimeUs / 1000, *strStatus ) );

    // Return whether we called atleast one func or not
    return bCalled;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Call ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Grab our VM
    CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLuaMain )
        // Grab this resource
        CResource* pThisResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
        if ( pThisResource )
            // Typechecking
            if ( lua_istype ( luaVM, 1, LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA ) &&
                lua_istype ( luaVM, 2, LUA_TSTRING ) )
                // Grab the resource
                CResource* pResource = lua_toresource ( luaVM, 1 );
                if ( pResource )
                    //Get the target Lua VM
                    lua_State* targetLuaVM = pResource->GetVM()->GetVM();

                    // The function name
                    const char* szFunctionName = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

                    // Read out the vargs
                    CLuaArguments args;
                    args.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 3 );
                    CLuaArguments returns;

                    //Lets grab the original hidden variables so we can restore them later
                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( luaVM, -1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( luaVM, -1 );

                    //Set the new values for the current sourceResource, and sourceResourceRoot
                    lua_pushresource ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                    lua_pushelement ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource->GetResourceEntity() );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    // Call the exported function with the given name and the args
                    if ( pResource->CallExportedFunction ( szFunctionName, args, returns, *pThisResource ) )
                        // Push return arguments
                        returns.PushArguments ( luaVM );
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                        return returns.Count ();
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                        m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "call: failed to call '%s:%s'", pResource->GetName (), szFunctionName );
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadPointer ( luaVM, "call", "resource", 1 );
                m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "call" );

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
bool CRegistry::Query ( const std::string& strQuery, CLuaArguments *pArgs, CRegistryResult* pResult )
    std::string strParsedQuery = "";

    if ( m_bOpened == false )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!", strQuery );
        return false;

    // Walk through the query and replace the variable placeholders with the actual variables
    unsigned int uiLen = strQuery.length ();
    unsigned int a = 0, type = 0;
    const char *szContent = NULL;
    char szBuffer[32] = {0};
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uiLen; i++ )
        if ( strQuery.at(i) == SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER ) {
            // If the placeholder is found, replace it with the variable
            CLuaArgument *pArgument = (*pArgs)[a++];

            // Check the type of the argument and convert it to a string we can process
            if ( pArgument ) {
                type = pArgument->GetType ();
                if ( type == LUA_TBOOLEAN ) {
                    szContent = ( pArgument->GetBoolean() ) ? "true" : "false";
                } else if ( type == LUA_TNUMBER ) {
                    snprintf ( szBuffer, 31, "%f", pArgument->GetNumber () );
                    szContent = szBuffer;
                } else if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) {
                    szContent = pArgument->GetString ().c_str ();

                    // If we have a string, add a quote at the beginning too
                    strParsedQuery += '\'';

            // Copy the string into the query, and escape the single quotes as well
            if ( szContent ) {
                for ( unsigned int k = 0; szContent[k] != '\0'; k++ ) {
                    if ( szContent[k] == '\'' )
                        strParsedQuery += '\'';
                    strParsedQuery += szContent[k];
                // If we have a string, add a quote at the end too
                if ( type == LUA_TSTRING ) strParsedQuery += '\'';
            } else {
                // If we don't have any content, put just output 2 quotes to indicate an empty variable
                strParsedQuery += "\'\'";

        } else {
            // If we found a normal character, copy it into the destination buffer
            strParsedQuery += strQuery[i];

    // Catch BEGIN/END/COMMIT TRANSACTION and ignore
    SString strTest = SString ( strParsedQuery ).ToUpper ();
    if ( strTest.find ( "TRANSACTION" ) != std::string::npos )
        strTest = strTest.Replace ( "\t", " " ).Replace ( "  ", " ", true ).TrimStart ( " " ).TrimEnd ( " " );
        if ( strTest.find ( "BEGIN" ) == 0 || strTest.find ( "END" ) == 0 || strTest.find ( "COMMIT" ) == 0 )
            return true;

    BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool CClientTask::ReadParameters ( lua_State* luaVM, int iTableIndex, bool bClear )
    // Clear the old parameters first
    if ( bClear )
        m_Keys.clear ();
        m_Values.clear ();

    // Grab the stack position for the table after we've pushed data to it.
    // This is table index - 1 if the index is negative, otherwize it stays
    // the same.
    int iNewTableIndex;
    if ( iTableIndex < 0 )
        iNewTableIndex = iTableIndex - 1;
        iNewTableIndex = iTableIndex;

    // Not a table? Bad
    if ( !lua_istable ( luaVM, iTableIndex ) )
        return false;

    // Loop through our table, beginning at the first key
    lua_pushnil ( luaVM );
    while ( lua_next ( luaVM, iNewTableIndex ) != 0 )
        // Get the key and value
        const char* szKey = lua_tostring ( luaVM, -2 );
        CLuaArgument Value;
        Value.Read ( luaVM, -1 );

        // Got both a key and a value?
        if ( szKey )
            // If we cleared, just add them
            if ( bClear )
                // Store it
                m_Keys.push_back ( szKey );
                m_Values.push_back ( Value );
                // Otherwize merge it in
                SetParameter ( szKey, Value );

            // Remove the value and keep the key for the next iteration
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );
            // Remove the value and keep the key for the next iteration
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );
            return false;

    // Success
    return true;