Ejemplo n.º 1
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Form MI partial response by appending more MI value type objects to the 
//			tuple type object past in.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vPc				- (R) Address number.
//			vFnName			- (R) Function name.
//			vFileName		- (R) File name text.
//			vPath			- (R) Full file name and path text.
//			vnLine			- (R) File line number.
//			vwrMIValueTuple	- (W) MI value tuple object.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseFormBrkPtFrameInfo( const lldb::addr_t vPc, const CMIUtilString & vFnName, const CMIUtilString & vFileName, const CMIUtilString & vPath, const MIuint vnLine, CMICmnMIValueTuple & vwrMiValueTuple )
	const CMIUtilString strAddr( CMIUtilString::Format( "0x%08llx", vPc ) );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2( strAddr );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2( "addr", miValueConst2 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult2 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3( vFnName );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult3( "func", miValueConst3 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult3 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst5( vFileName );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult5( "file", miValueConst5 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult5 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMIUtilString strN5 = CMIUtilString::Format( "%s/%s", vPath.c_str(), vFileName.c_str() );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst6( strN5 );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult6( "fullname", miValueConst6 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult6 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;
	const CMIUtilString strLine( CMIUtilString::Format( "%d", vnLine ) );
	const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst7( strLine );
	const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult7( "line", miValueConst7 );
	if( !vwrMiValueTuple.Add( miValueResult7 ) )
		return MIstatus::failure;

	return MIstatus::success;
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Retrieve from the LLDB SB Value object the value of the variable described in
//          text. If the value is invalid (or the SBValue object invalid) then "??" is
//          returned.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    None.
// Return:  CMIUtilString   - Text description of the variable's value or "??".
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBUtilSBValue::GetValue(const bool vbExpandAggregates /* = false */) const
    if (!m_bValidSBValue)
        return m_pUnkwn;

    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &rSessionInfo(CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::Instance());
    bool bPrintExpandAggregates = false;
    bPrintExpandAggregates = rSessionInfo.SharedDataRetrieve<bool>(rSessionInfo.m_constStrPrintExpandAggregates,
                                                                   bPrintExpandAggregates) && bPrintExpandAggregates;

    const bool bHandleArrayTypeAsSimple = m_bHandleArrayType && !vbExpandAggregates && !bPrintExpandAggregates;
    CMIUtilString value;
    const bool bIsSimpleValue = GetSimpleValue(bHandleArrayTypeAsSimple, value);
    if (bIsSimpleValue)
        return value;

    if (!vbExpandAggregates && !bPrintExpandAggregates)
        return m_pComposite;

    bool bPrintAggregateFieldNames = false;
    bPrintAggregateFieldNames = !rSessionInfo.SharedDataRetrieve<bool>(rSessionInfo.m_constStrPrintAggregateFieldNames,
                                                                       bPrintAggregateFieldNames) || bPrintAggregateFieldNames;

    CMICmnMIValueTuple miValueTuple;
    const bool bOk = GetCompositeValue(bPrintAggregateFieldNames, miValueTuple);
    if (!bOk)
        return m_pUnkwn;

    value = miValueTuple.GetString();
    return value;
CMICmnLLDBUtilSBValue::GetCompositeValue(const bool vbPrintFieldNames, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple,
                                         const MIuint vnDepth /* = 1 */) const
    const MIuint nMaxDepth = 10;
    const MIuint nChildren = m_rValue.GetNumChildren();
    for (MIuint i = 0; i < nChildren; ++i)
        const lldb::SBValue member = m_rValue.GetChildAtIndex(i);
        const CMICmnLLDBUtilSBValue utilMember(member, m_bHandleCharType, m_bHandleArrayType);
        const bool bHandleArrayTypeAsSimple = false;
        CMIUtilString value;
        const bool bIsSimpleValue = utilMember.GetSimpleValue(bHandleArrayTypeAsSimple, value);
        if (bIsSimpleValue)
            // OK. Value is simple (not composite) and was successfully got
        else if (vnDepth < nMaxDepth)
            // Need to get value from composite type
            CMICmnMIValueTuple miValueTuple;
            const bool bOk = utilMember.GetCompositeValue(vbPrintFieldNames, miValueTuple, vnDepth + 1);
            if (!bOk)
                // Can't obtain composite type
                value = m_pUnkwn;
                // OK. Value is composite and was successfully got
                value = miValueTuple.GetString();
            // Need to get value from composite type, but vnMaxDepth is reached
            value = m_pComposite;
        const bool bNoQuotes = true;
        const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst(value, bNoQuotes);
        if (vbPrintFieldNames)
            const bool bUseSpacing = true;
            const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult(utilMember.GetName(), miValueConst, bUseSpacing);
            const bool bOk = vwrMiValueTuple.Add(miValueResult, bUseSpacing);
            if (!bOk)
                return MIstatus::failure;
            const bool bUseSpacing = false;
            const bool bOk = vwrMiValueTuple.Add(miValueConst, bUseSpacing);
            if (!bOk)
                return MIstatus::failure;

    return MIstatus::success;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details:	Retrieve the specified thread's frame information.
// Type:	Method.
// Args:	vCmdData		- (R) A command's information.
//			vThreadIdx		- (R) Thread index.
//			vwrThreadFrames	- (W) Frame data.
// Return:	MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//			MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:	None.
bool CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::GetThreadFrames( const SMICmdData & vCmdData, const MIuint vThreadIdx, CMICmnMIValueTuple & vwrThreadFrames ) 
	lldb::SBThread thread = m_lldbProcess.GetThreadByIndexID( vThreadIdx );
	const uint32_t nFrames = thread.GetNumFrames();
	if( nFrames == 0 )
		vwrThreadFrames = CMICmnMIValueTuple();
		return MIstatus::success;

	CMICmnMIValueTuple miValueTupleAll;
	for( MIuint nLevel = 0; nLevel < nFrames; nLevel++ )
		lldb::SBFrame frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex( nLevel );
		lldb::addr_t pc = 0;
		CMIUtilString fnName;
		CMIUtilString fileName;
		CMIUtilString path; 
		MIuint nLine = 0;
		if( !GetFrameInfo( frame, pc, fnName, fileName, path, nLine ) )
			return MIstatus::failure;

		// Function args
		CMICmnMIValueList miValueList( true );
		const MIuint vMaskVarTypes = 0x1000;
		if( !MIResponseFormVariableInfo( frame, vMaskVarTypes, miValueList ) )
			return MIstatus::failure;

		const MIchar * pUnknown = "??";
		if( fnName != pUnknown )
			std::replace( fnName.begin(), fnName.end(), ')', ' ' );
			std::replace( fnName.begin(), fnName.end(), '(', ' ' );
			std::replace( fnName.begin(), fnName.end(), '\'', ' ' );

		const CMIUtilString strLevel( CMIUtilString::Format( "%d", nLevel ) );
		const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst( strLevel );
		const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult( "level", miValueConst );
		miValueTupleAll.Add( miValueResult );
		CMICmnMIValueTuple miValueTuple( miValueResult );
		if( !MIResponseFormFrameInfo( pc, fnName, miValueList.GetString(), fileName, path, nLine, miValueTuple ) )
			return MIstatus::failure;

	vwrThreadFrames = miValueTupleAll;

	return MIstatus::success;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Form MI partial response by appending more MI value type objects to the
//          tuple type object past in.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vCmdData        - (R) A command's information.
//          vrThread        - (R) LLDB thread object.
//          vwrMIValueTuple - (W) MI value tuple object.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseFormThreadInfo(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const lldb::SBThread &vrThread,
                                                     const ThreadInfoFormat_e veThreadInfoFormat, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMIValueTuple)
    lldb::SBThread &rThread = const_cast<lldb::SBThread &>(vrThread);

    const bool bSuspended = rThread.IsSuspended();
    const lldb::StopReason eReason = rThread.GetStopReason();
    const bool bValidReason = !((eReason == lldb::eStopReasonNone) || (eReason == lldb::eStopReasonInvalid));
    const CMIUtilString strState((bSuspended || bValidReason) ? "stopped" : "running");

    // Add "id"
    const CMIUtilString strId(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", rThread.GetIndexID()));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst1(strId);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult1("id", miValueConst1);

    // Add "target-id"
    const char *pThreadName = rThread.GetName();
    const MIuint len = (pThreadName != nullptr) ? CMIUtilString(pThreadName).length() : 0;
    const bool bHaveName = ((pThreadName != nullptr) && (len > 0) && (len < 32) &&
                            CMIUtilString::IsAllValidAlphaAndNumeric(pThreadName)); // 32 is arbitrary number
    const char *pThrdFmt = bHaveName ? "%s" : "Thread %d";
    CMIUtilString strThread;
    if (bHaveName)
        strThread = CMIUtilString::Format(pThrdFmt, pThreadName);
        strThread = CMIUtilString::Format(pThrdFmt, rThread.GetIndexID());
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2(strThread);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2("target-id", miValueConst2);

    // Add "frame"
    if (veThreadInfoFormat != eThreadInfoFormat_NoFrames)
        CMIUtilString strFrames;
        if (!GetThreadFrames(vCmdData, rThread.GetIndexID(), eFrameInfoFormat_AllArgumentsInSimpleForm, strFrames))
            return MIstatus::failure;

        const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3(strFrames, true);
        vwrMIValueTuple.Add(miValueConst3, false);

    // Add "state"
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst4(strState);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult4("state", miValueConst4);

    return MIstatus::success;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Form MI partial response by appending more MI value type objects to the
//          tuple type object past in.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrThread        - (R) LLDB thread object.
//          vwrMIValueTuple - (W) MI value tuple object.
//          vArgInfo        - (R) Args information in MI response form.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseFormFrameInfo(const lldb::SBThread &vrThread, const MIuint vnLevel,
                                                    const FrameInfoFormat_e veFrameInfoFormat, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple)
    lldb::SBThread &rThread = const_cast<lldb::SBThread &>(vrThread);

    lldb::SBFrame frame = rThread.GetFrameAtIndex(vnLevel);
    lldb::addr_t pc = 0;
    CMIUtilString fnName;
    CMIUtilString fileName;
    CMIUtilString path;
    MIuint nLine = 0;
    if (!GetFrameInfo(frame, pc, fnName, fileName, path, nLine))
        return MIstatus::failure;

    // MI print "{level=\"0\",addr=\"0x%016" PRIx64 "\",func=\"%s\",file=\"%s\",fullname=\"%s\",line=\"%d\"}"
    const CMIUtilString strLevel(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", vnLevel));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst(strLevel);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult("level", miValueConst);
    const CMIUtilString strAddr(CMIUtilString::Format("0x%016" PRIx64, pc));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2(strAddr);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2("addr", miValueConst2);
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3(fnName);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult3("func", miValueConst3);
    if (veFrameInfoFormat != eFrameInfoFormat_NoArguments)
        CMICmnMIValueList miValueList(true);
        const MIuint maskVarTypes = eVariableType_Arguments;
        if (veFrameInfoFormat == eFrameInfoFormat_AllArgumentsInSimpleForm)
            if (!MIResponseFormVariableInfo(frame, maskVarTypes, eVariableInfoFormat_AllValues, miValueList, 0))
                return MIstatus::failure;
            if (!MIResponseFormVariableInfo(frame, maskVarTypes, eVariableInfoFormat_AllValues, miValueList))
                return MIstatus::failure;

        const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult4("args", miValueList);
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst5(fileName);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult5("file", miValueConst5);
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst6(path);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult6("fullname", miValueConst6);
    const CMIUtilString strLine(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", nLine));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst7(strLine);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult7("line", miValueConst7);

    return MIstatus::success;
Ejemplo n.º 7
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Form MI partial response by appending more MI value type objects to the
//          tuple type object past in.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    vrBrkPtInfo     - (R) Break point information object.
//          vwrMIValueTuple - (W) MI value tuple object.
// Return:  None.
// Throws:  None.
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseFormBrkPtFrameInfo(const SBrkPtInfo &vrBrkPtInfo, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple)
    const CMIUtilString strAddr(CMIUtilString::Format("0x%016" PRIx64, vrBrkPtInfo.m_pc));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2(strAddr);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2("addr", miValueConst2);
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3(vrBrkPtInfo.m_fnName);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult3("func", miValueConst3);
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst5(vrBrkPtInfo.m_fileName);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult5("file", miValueConst5);
    const CMIUtilString strN5 = CMIUtilString::Format("%s/%s", vrBrkPtInfo.m_path.c_str(), vrBrkPtInfo.m_fileName.c_str());
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst6(strN5);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult6("fullname", miValueConst6);
    const CMIUtilString strLine(CMIUtilString::Format("%d", vrBrkPtInfo.m_nLine));
    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst7(strLine);
    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult7("line", miValueConst7);
Ejemplo n.º 8
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::MIResponseForVariableInfoInternal(const VariableInfoFormat_e veVarInfoFormat,
                                                              CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList,
                                                              const lldb::SBValueList &vwrSBValueList,
                                                              const MIuint vnMaxDepth,
                                                              const bool vbIsArgs,
                                                              const bool vbMarkArgs)
    const MIuint nArgs = vwrSBValueList.GetSize();
    for (MIuint i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
        CMICmnMIValueTuple miValueTuple;
        lldb::SBValue value = vwrSBValueList.GetValueAtIndex(i);
        const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst(value.GetName());
        const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResultName("name", miValueConst);
        if (vbMarkArgs && vbIsArgs)
            const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConstArg("1");
            const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResultArg("arg", miValueConstArg);
        if (veVarInfoFormat != eVariableInfoFormat_NoValues)
            miValueTuple.Add(miValueResultName); // name
            if (veVarInfoFormat == eVariableInfoFormat_SimpleValues)
                const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst3(value.GetTypeName());
                const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult3("type", miValueConst3);
            const MIuint nChildren = value.GetNumChildren();
            const bool bIsPointerType = value.GetType().IsPointerType();
            if (nChildren == 0 || // no children
                    (bIsPointerType && nChildren == 1) || // pointers
                     veVarInfoFormat == eVariableInfoFormat_AllValues) // show all values
                CMIUtilString strValue;
                if (GetVariableInfo(value, vnMaxDepth == 0, strValue))
                    const CMICmnMIValueConst miValueConst2(strValue.Escape().AddSlashes());
                    const CMICmnMIValueResult miValueResult2("value", miValueConst2);
        if (vbMarkArgs)
            // If we are printing names only with vbMarkArgs, we still need to add the name to the value tuple
            miValueTuple.Add(miValueResultName); // name
            // If we are printing name only then no need to put it in the tuple.
    return MIstatus::success;